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发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2025-01-15

万双网讯  为了进一步促进家校沟通与合作,共同为孩子们的健康成长搭建更加坚实的平台,万科双语学校二年级组于1月9日成功举办了以“暖爱相伴期末,共赴成长之约”为主题的家长会。此次活动不仅加深了家长与学校之间的理解和信任,更为孩子们营造了一个更加和谐、支持的学习环境。

In order to further promote communication and cooperation between parents and the school, and to build a more solid platform for children’s healthy growth, the second-grade team at Vanke Bilingual School successfully held a parent-teacher meeting on the theme of “Warm Love Accompanies the End of Term, Together Towards Growth” on January 9. This event not only deepened the understanding and trust between parents and the school but also created a more harmonious and supportive learning environment for the children.


At 3:10 PM, as parents entered the beautifully arranged exhibition hall, a unique “Toy Story” themed PBL gallery greeted them. During this event, each group carefully displayed their project outcomes in the forms of boards, posters, and other physical medium, creating a gallery filled with creativity and childlike fun. Parents felt as if they were in an art gallery, and paused to admire the achievements of each group. The children beamed with joy, excitedly holding their parents’ hands and showcased their carefully crafted works, enthusiastically sharing their research processes and creative insights in tender, passionate voices, speakaing on their explorations and growth through the project. The exhibition hall was filled with laughter and joy, overflowing with a warm and rich atmosphere of family interaction. Through this display and exchange, parents gained a full understanding of each group’s thought processes and final outcomes, which helped the children receive valuable feedback and sparked new ideas and reflections.









Subsequently, teachers reported on the children’s learning progress, behavioral habits, and individual development through vivid PowerPoint presentations and detailed data analysis. The teachers shared their teaching experiences and offered valuable suggestions on how to establish effective communication with the school, as well as how to collaboratively promote children’s overall development. The teachers encouraged parents to actively engage in their children’s educational processes, becoming companions and supporters on the children’s growth journey, and together laying a solid foundation for their child’s future development.





“家庭教育研讨”环节成为了本次家长会的亮点。在活动筹备阶段,老师们精心分析了102位家长通过调查问卷提出的疑问,从中筛选出六个最受关注的问题,如“如何管理孩子的电子产品使用”等,这些成为了本次PBL探究的核心议题。在研讨活动中,家长们采用了PBL项目研究的方法,深入探讨家庭教育中的各种问题。他们通过搜集信息、交流讨论,提炼出了普遍认同的教育策略,并受邀上台进行汇报。特别是D班第二小组的家长们,他们引用了美国心理学家R.S. Dewey于1918年提出的“内驱力”概念,探讨了青少年学习成长背后的动力源泉。这样的探讨方式,让家长们能够面对面地交流,针对孩子教育中的具体问题进行深入而细致的讨论。讨论的主题广泛,包括学习习惯的培养、心理健康的关注、课外兴趣的探索以及家校合作的新模式等多个领域。每一个话题都激发了家长们热烈的讨论和深切的共鸣。

The “Family Education Discussion” segment became the highlight of this parent-teacher meeting. During the event’s preparation phase, teachers meticulously analyzed the questions posed by 102 parents through a survey and selected six of the most concerning issues, such as “How to manage children’s use of electronic devices,” which became the core topics of this PBL inquiry. In the discussion, parents employed PBL project research methods to explore various issues in family education. By gathering information and engaging in discussions, they distilled widely accepted educational strategies and shared them on stage. Notably, the parents of Group Two from Class D referenced American psychologist R.S. Dewey’s concept of “intrinsic motivation” proposed in 1918, in exploring the sources of motivation behind adolescents’ learning and growth. This mode of exploration allowed parents to engage in face-to-face exchanges and conducted in-depth discussions on specific issues in their children’s education. The topics discussed were broad, including the cultivation of learning habits, attention to mental health, exploration of extracurricular interests, and new modes of educational collaboration, each sparking passionate discussions and profoundly resonating among parents.








Additionally, the meeting particularly arranged a warm “Parent-Child Activity” segment. In this session, parents heard the most genuine words from their children’s hearts. They went through a journey from nervousness to comfort and then deep emotion, culminating in heartfelt Chinese characters filled with love, which were placed in warm yellow envelopes. This form of communication built a vibrant bridge between souls, allowing love to flow freely along them, further deepening the emotional bond between parents and children, and creating a warmer and more harmonious family atmosphere for each children’s healthy growth.



The success of this parent-teacher meeting not only serves as a vivid practice of the concept of co-education between parents and the school but also marks a solid step for the school in constructing a harmonious educational ecosystem and promoting the all-round development of students. It showcases the school’s pursuit of educational quality and its attention to the comprehensive growth of students. Looking ahead, Vanke Bilingual School will continue to explore new paths for family cooperation, joining hands with every parent to create a bright future for children’s healthy growth.

资料提供/ 许莹

翻译/ 刘文伶 

排版/ 马葳


发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2025-01-15

万双网讯  为了进一步促进家校沟通与合作,共同为孩子们的健康成长搭建更加坚实的平台,万科双语学校二年级组于1月9日成功举办了以“暖爱相伴期末,共赴成长之约”为主题的家长会。此次活动不仅加深了家长与学校之间的理解和信任,更为孩子们营造了一个更加和谐、支持的学习环境。

In order to further promote communication and cooperation between parents and the school, and to build a more solid platform for children’s healthy growth, the second-grade team at Vanke Bilingual School successfully held a parent-teacher meeting on the theme of “Warm Love Accompanies the End of Term, Together Towards Growth” on January 9. This event not only deepened the understanding and trust between parents and the school but also created a more harmonious and supportive learning environment for the children.


At 3:10 PM, as parents entered the beautifully arranged exhibition hall, a unique “Toy Story” themed PBL gallery greeted them. During this event, each group carefully displayed their project outcomes in the forms of boards, posters, and other physical medium, creating a gallery filled with creativity and childlike fun. Parents felt as if they were in an art gallery, and paused to admire the achievements of each group. The children beamed with joy, excitedly holding their parents’ hands and showcased their carefully crafted works, enthusiastically sharing their research processes and creative insights in tender, passionate voices, speakaing on their explorations and growth through the project. The exhibition hall was filled with laughter and joy, overflowing with a warm and rich atmosphere of family interaction. Through this display and exchange, parents gained a full understanding of each group’s thought processes and final outcomes, which helped the children receive valuable feedback and sparked new ideas and reflections.









Subsequently, teachers reported on the children’s learning progress, behavioral habits, and individual development through vivid PowerPoint presentations and detailed data analysis. The teachers shared their teaching experiences and offered valuable suggestions on how to establish effective communication with the school, as well as how to collaboratively promote children’s overall development. The teachers encouraged parents to actively engage in their children’s educational processes, becoming companions and supporters on the children’s growth journey, and together laying a solid foundation for their child’s future development.





“家庭教育研讨”环节成为了本次家长会的亮点。在活动筹备阶段,老师们精心分析了102位家长通过调查问卷提出的疑问,从中筛选出六个最受关注的问题,如“如何管理孩子的电子产品使用”等,这些成为了本次PBL探究的核心议题。在研讨活动中,家长们采用了PBL项目研究的方法,深入探讨家庭教育中的各种问题。他们通过搜集信息、交流讨论,提炼出了普遍认同的教育策略,并受邀上台进行汇报。特别是D班第二小组的家长们,他们引用了美国心理学家R.S. Dewey于1918年提出的“内驱力”概念,探讨了青少年学习成长背后的动力源泉。这样的探讨方式,让家长们能够面对面地交流,针对孩子教育中的具体问题进行深入而细致的讨论。讨论的主题广泛,包括学习习惯的培养、心理健康的关注、课外兴趣的探索以及家校合作的新模式等多个领域。每一个话题都激发了家长们热烈的讨论和深切的共鸣。

The “Family Education Discussion” segment became the highlight of this parent-teacher meeting. During the event’s preparation phase, teachers meticulously analyzed the questions posed by 102 parents through a survey and selected six of the most concerning issues, such as “How to manage children’s use of electronic devices,” which became the core topics of this PBL inquiry. In the discussion, parents employed PBL project research methods to explore various issues in family education. By gathering information and engaging in discussions, they distilled widely accepted educational strategies and shared them on stage. Notably, the parents of Group Two from Class D referenced American psychologist R.S. Dewey’s concept of “intrinsic motivation” proposed in 1918, in exploring the sources of motivation behind adolescents’ learning and growth. This mode of exploration allowed parents to engage in face-to-face exchanges and conducted in-depth discussions on specific issues in their children’s education. The topics discussed were broad, including the cultivation of learning habits, attention to mental health, exploration of extracurricular interests, and new modes of educational collaboration, each sparking passionate discussions and profoundly resonating among parents.








Additionally, the meeting particularly arranged a warm “Parent-Child Activity” segment. In this session, parents heard the most genuine words from their children’s hearts. They went through a journey from nervousness to comfort and then deep emotion, culminating in heartfelt Chinese characters filled with love, which were placed in warm yellow envelopes. This form of communication built a vibrant bridge between souls, allowing love to flow freely along them, further deepening the emotional bond between parents and children, and creating a warmer and more harmonious family atmosphere for each children’s healthy growth.



The success of this parent-teacher meeting not only serves as a vivid practice of the concept of co-education between parents and the school but also marks a solid step for the school in constructing a harmonious educational ecosystem and promoting the all-round development of students. It showcases the school’s pursuit of educational quality and its attention to the comprehensive growth of students. Looking ahead, Vanke Bilingual School will continue to explore new paths for family cooperation, joining hands with every parent to create a bright future for children’s healthy growth.

资料提供/ 许莹

翻译/ 刘文伶 

排版/ 马葳



培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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