万双网讯 在这个瞬息万变、高速发展的时代,教育承载了空前的期望。它如同指引航程的灯塔,不仅是知识传承的港湾,也是引领学子们探索未来道路的指南针。万科双语学校深刻洞悉这一使命,匠心打造的人生规划课,宛如一把开启未来的钥匙,引领学生们踏上了一段探索自我和广阔世界的奇妙旅程。
In this rapidly changing and fast-developing era, education carries unprecedented expectations. It serves as a lighthouse guiding each student, it serves not only as a harbor for knowledge transfer but also as a compass, leading students to explore untreaded paths. Vanke Bilingual School understands this mission and has meticulously crafted a life planning course, akin to a key opening a closed door, to guide students on a wonderful journey of self-exploration of the vast world.
课题结题:坚实一步 助力成长
Project Conclusion: A Solid Step to Facilitate Growth
For the life planning subject at VBS, December 31st reached an indelible milestone on its road towards development. The conclusion of the evaluation by the district-level project “Practical Research on the System Construction of Life Planning Curriculum in a Nine-Year Consistent System School under a Growth Mindset” was completed.
Project leader Principal Yang Fan, along with the life planning teachers’ team, participated in an evaluation meeting. At the meeting, Teacher Zheng Jiajia, as the representative of the project team, delivered a detailed concluding report. She elaborated on their background research, research thinking, implementation process, research conclusions, innovations, existing shortcomings, and future development directions, presenting a comprehensive overview of the project to the attendees.
The evaluation meeting had numerous other experts, including Gao Zhi, a psychological and career education researcher from the Shenzhen Education Science Research Institute; Dr. Xi Chunling, head of the International Education Center in Longhua District; and Duan Xinhuan, a psychological and special education researcher in Longhua District. They listened attentively to the report and carefully reviewed the related materials, afterwards praising the project's outcomes and determining that they met the conclusion’s standards. The experts’ questions struck at the essence of the project and provided insightful suggestions, broadening the scope for future improvements of the project. Whether in theoretical deepening or practical optimization, we all gained new insights.
课程剖析:精心雕琢 赋能成长
Course Analysis: Carefully Crafted to Empower Growth
At VBS, education is by no means a simple process of knowledge transfer; rather, it is about nurturing the soul and igniting dreams. The life planning course is a signature curriculum of Vanke, incorporating elements of mental health education, life education, social-emotional development, career planning, and real-life practice. It aims to promote the comprehensive development of students’ personalities, guiding them to better understand themselves and explore the world, laying a solid foundation for their lives.
人生规划课程紧扣学生成长轨迹,依据学生需要精准发力,课程深度考量不同学段学生的特质差异,精心规划 288 课时,广泛涵盖7个主题。课程内容从引导学生开启自我探索征程为开端,从整理书包这类细微日常切入,逐步培育学生良好习惯;聚焦情绪认识与管理,助力学生提升心理韧性,铸就强大内心;点燃学习兴趣之火,照亮学生学习前行之路,为其终身学习能力添能蓄势;巧妙推开职业探索之门,引领学生树立规划人生的前瞻意识。全方位引领学生在成长途中,搭建起与自我、他人、世界的紧密且良性互动的桥梁,悉心塑造健全人格,让梦想的种子于心底生根、发芽、茁壮成长。
The life planning course closely aligns with students’ growth trajectories, precisely targeting their needs. The course considers the characteristic differences among students at various academic stages, carefully planning 288 class hours of teaching, broadly covering seven different themes. Guiding students to embark on a journey of self-exploration, it begins with everyday tasks, such as organizing a backpack, and gradually fostering other good habits. It focuses on emotional recognition and management, helping students enhance their psychological resilience and build a stronger inner self. It ignites the flames of interest in learning, and enriching their lifelong learning capabilities. Finally, it skillfully opens the door to career exploration, leading students to establish a forward-looking awareness regarding their lives. This course helps students in a comprehensive way, constructing a solid and positive bridge between themselves and the world, meticulously shaping healthy personalities and allowing the seeds of their dreams to take root, sprout, and thrive.
One prominent highlight of the life planning course is its diverse and dynamic teaching model. The school understands that education cannot remain stagnant, and passionately invites parents and industry experts to participate in the teaching process. Parents share their life experiences and expectations for children in the classroom, and industry experts use their professional knowledge and cutting-edge insights to open doors to diverse careers, allowing students to witness society up close and grasp industry dynamics, striving to break down barriers between school and work, and comprehensively enhance educational quality, thus injecting vibrant energy into students’ growth.
职业体验周:知行合一 担当启新
Career Experience Week: Unity of Knowledge and Action, New Responsibilities
To ensure that children can truly feel the significance of future careers, the school organized a series of 2024 Career Experience Day activities, including two exciting segments: PBL projects and career experiences.
1 - 6年级的“我的职业宝盒”pbl项目活动开启后,孩子们就像一群充满活力的小探险家,迅速分组行动起来。他们根据自己心仪的职业,积极搜集各种各样的素材,图片、道具等纷纷被收入囊中,最后装满鞋盒,制作成一个个充满创意的“职业宝箱”,并且附上记录自己成长感悟的“职业日记”。在成果展示环节,各小组的小成员们自信满满地走上讲台分享自己的成果。在这个过程中,老师巧妙地引导孩子们思考职业对社会服务的价值以及自己能够为改变社会所做的贡献,就像在他们幼小的心灵中种下一颗社会责任感的种子,让它慢慢生根发芽。
In the “My Career Treasure Box” PBL project for Grades 1-6, students acted like a group of energetic little explorers while quickly forming teams. They actively collected various materials—pictures, props, and more—based on their desired careers, ultimately filling shoeboxes to design creative “career treasure boxes,” accompanied by “career diaries” to record their personal growth reflections. During the presentation segment, the young team members confidently presented their achievements at the lectern. Throughout this process, teachers guided students to think about the value of careers in serving society and what contributions they can make, effectively planting a seed of social responsibility in their young hearts and allowing it to take root and grow.
7 - 9年级的“消失和兴起的职业”pbl项目,教师借助精彩的视频带领学生们回溯职业变迁的历史长河,深入探讨背后隐藏的社会发展因素。抛出一个个富有启发性的问题,瞬间点燃了学生们的讨论热情。学生们积极组队,制定团队公约,然后认真收集和整理资料,精心制作海报,展示出无限的创造力和出色的团队协作精神。老师在这个过程中鼓励学生深入探讨新兴职业对社会进步的推动作用以及个人在其中应承担的责任,进一步深化学生的责任意识。
In the PBL project “Disappearing and Emerging Professions” for Grades 7-9, teachers used engaging videos to take students back through the historical river of occupational changes and explore the underlying factors of social development. By posing thought-provoking questions, teachers ignited students' enthusiasm for discussion. Students actively formed teams, established agreements, diligently collected and organized information, and thoughtfully created posters, showcasing their endless creativity and outstanding teamwork spirit. During this process, teachers encouraged students to explore the driving role of emerging professions in social progress and the responsibilities individuals should take on for further deepening their sense of responsibility.
The Career Experience Day activities culminated in a peak activity during the experience week. On December 22nd, students from Grades 6 to 9, organized by Jasper and Ruby’s mom, participated in a voluntary blood donation event, where professionals explained blood knowledge and other important blood donation considerations. This provided them with a more scientific and comprehensive understanding of blood donation. Following that, students visited a blood donation vehicle, witnessing the entire process of blood donation, which alleviated their doubts and fears and sparked their enthusiasm to participate. Most meaningfully, students actively took on the role of goodwill ambassadors, handing out promotional materials and inviting passersby to join the blood donation effort with enthusiastic and sincere smiles. This not only honed their communication skills but also allowed them to demonstrate generosity and responsibility. The participation of parents also set a great example for the children, as their actions made children aware of the importance of helping others. The quiz competition segment not only reinforced students’ knowledge but also allowed them to win prizes in a lighthearted and enjoyable atmosphere, adding to the event's allure. Through such career experiences, students gained knowledge and learned how to turn action into love, which is of significant importance for their growth.
On the afternoon of December 26, children visited a cross-border e-commerce company and experienced the vibrancy and challenges of the industry firsthand. At Amy’s father’s company, children not only listened to each staff members’ detailed introductions of their job roles, but also heard from Amy’s father about his entrepreneurial intentions—to “bring the beauty of China to the world.” Such words planted a seed of national pride in children's hearts, making them realize that every time they promote Chinese products and culture worldwide, they positively contribute to its national image. At Una’s father’s company, children went on a series of tours and activities. They visited the office, listened to industry experts discuss the secrets of the cross-border e-commerce industry, and personally handled the products. Teachers guided children to consider the value of business innovation and ethical practices for society, as well as the importance of global exchange. Through these activities, children began to understand that business is not only about transactions but can also carry social responsibility, with each business decision and action impacting society. This career experience not only gave children an intuitive understanding of cross-border e-commerce but also deepened their comprehension of business acumen.
On December 29, with support from William’s mother, some students had the opportunity to enter a live broadcast studio and closely observe the broadcasting equipment while listening to real-life stories from knowledge-sharing host Qian Yongjing. Teacher Qian Yongjing shared her experience as a host and how she uses live broadcasting to spread positive energy and guide young people to establish correct values. Her narrative deepened children’s understanding of the broadcasting profession. Teachers seized this opportunity to inspire children to think about the social responsibility hosts have in spreading positive energy and guiding young people, making them realize that being a host is not just about entertainment, but also about being a bridge that spreads warmth and knowledge for everyone. This experience not only broadened children’s horizons but also gave them deeper insight into the social value of live broadcasting as a profession.
The life planning subject and career experience week activities at VBS genuinely embody the educational philosophy of ‘unity of knowledge and action’, allowing students to clearly see themselves and define their future career directions through the integration of theory and practice, thus laying a solid foundation for their professional development. Here, every child is like a seed full of hope, nurtured in the carefully cultivated educational soil of the school, moving towards the future, enriched by the school’s diverse subjects and practical activities.
资料提供/ 吴琼
翻译/ 刘文伶
排版/ 马葳
万双网讯 在这个瞬息万变、高速发展的时代,教育承载了空前的期望。它如同指引航程的灯塔,不仅是知识传承的港湾,也是引领学子们探索未来道路的指南针。万科双语学校深刻洞悉这一使命,匠心打造的人生规划课,宛如一把开启未来的钥匙,引领学生们踏上了一段探索自我和广阔世界的奇妙旅程。
In this rapidly changing and fast-developing era, education carries unprecedented expectations. It serves as a lighthouse guiding each student, it serves not only as a harbor for knowledge transfer but also as a compass, leading students to explore untreaded paths. Vanke Bilingual School understands this mission and has meticulously crafted a life planning course, akin to a key opening a closed door, to guide students on a wonderful journey of self-exploration of the vast world.
课题结题:坚实一步 助力成长
Project Conclusion: A Solid Step to Facilitate Growth
For the life planning subject at VBS, December 31st reached an indelible milestone on its road towards development. The conclusion of the evaluation by the district-level project “Practical Research on the System Construction of Life Planning Curriculum in a Nine-Year Consistent System School under a Growth Mindset” was completed.
Project leader Principal Yang Fan, along with the life planning teachers’ team, participated in an evaluation meeting. At the meeting, Teacher Zheng Jiajia, as the representative of the project team, delivered a detailed concluding report. She elaborated on their background research, research thinking, implementation process, research conclusions, innovations, existing shortcomings, and future development directions, presenting a comprehensive overview of the project to the attendees.
The evaluation meeting had numerous other experts, including Gao Zhi, a psychological and career education researcher from the Shenzhen Education Science Research Institute; Dr. Xi Chunling, head of the International Education Center in Longhua District; and Duan Xinhuan, a psychological and special education researcher in Longhua District. They listened attentively to the report and carefully reviewed the related materials, afterwards praising the project's outcomes and determining that they met the conclusion’s standards. The experts’ questions struck at the essence of the project and provided insightful suggestions, broadening the scope for future improvements of the project. Whether in theoretical deepening or practical optimization, we all gained new insights.
课程剖析:精心雕琢 赋能成长
Course Analysis: Carefully Crafted to Empower Growth
At VBS, education is by no means a simple process of knowledge transfer; rather, it is about nurturing the soul and igniting dreams. The life planning course is a signature curriculum of Vanke, incorporating elements of mental health education, life education, social-emotional development, career planning, and real-life practice. It aims to promote the comprehensive development of students’ personalities, guiding them to better understand themselves and explore the world, laying a solid foundation for their lives.
人生规划课程紧扣学生成长轨迹,依据学生需要精准发力,课程深度考量不同学段学生的特质差异,精心规划 288 课时,广泛涵盖7个主题。课程内容从引导学生开启自我探索征程为开端,从整理书包这类细微日常切入,逐步培育学生良好习惯;聚焦情绪认识与管理,助力学生提升心理韧性,铸就强大内心;点燃学习兴趣之火,照亮学生学习前行之路,为其终身学习能力添能蓄势;巧妙推开职业探索之门,引领学生树立规划人生的前瞻意识。全方位引领学生在成长途中,搭建起与自我、他人、世界的紧密且良性互动的桥梁,悉心塑造健全人格,让梦想的种子于心底生根、发芽、茁壮成长。
The life planning course closely aligns with students’ growth trajectories, precisely targeting their needs. The course considers the characteristic differences among students at various academic stages, carefully planning 288 class hours of teaching, broadly covering seven different themes. Guiding students to embark on a journey of self-exploration, it begins with everyday tasks, such as organizing a backpack, and gradually fostering other good habits. It focuses on emotional recognition and management, helping students enhance their psychological resilience and build a stronger inner self. It ignites the flames of interest in learning, and enriching their lifelong learning capabilities. Finally, it skillfully opens the door to career exploration, leading students to establish a forward-looking awareness regarding their lives. This course helps students in a comprehensive way, constructing a solid and positive bridge between themselves and the world, meticulously shaping healthy personalities and allowing the seeds of their dreams to take root, sprout, and thrive.
One prominent highlight of the life planning course is its diverse and dynamic teaching model. The school understands that education cannot remain stagnant, and passionately invites parents and industry experts to participate in the teaching process. Parents share their life experiences and expectations for children in the classroom, and industry experts use their professional knowledge and cutting-edge insights to open doors to diverse careers, allowing students to witness society up close and grasp industry dynamics, striving to break down barriers between school and work, and comprehensively enhance educational quality, thus injecting vibrant energy into students’ growth.
职业体验周:知行合一 担当启新
Career Experience Week: Unity of Knowledge and Action, New Responsibilities
To ensure that children can truly feel the significance of future careers, the school organized a series of 2024 Career Experience Day activities, including two exciting segments: PBL projects and career experiences.
1 - 6年级的“我的职业宝盒”pbl项目活动开启后,孩子们就像一群充满活力的小探险家,迅速分组行动起来。他们根据自己心仪的职业,积极搜集各种各样的素材,图片、道具等纷纷被收入囊中,最后装满鞋盒,制作成一个个充满创意的“职业宝箱”,并且附上记录自己成长感悟的“职业日记”。在成果展示环节,各小组的小成员们自信满满地走上讲台分享自己的成果。在这个过程中,老师巧妙地引导孩子们思考职业对社会服务的价值以及自己能够为改变社会所做的贡献,就像在他们幼小的心灵中种下一颗社会责任感的种子,让它慢慢生根发芽。
In the “My Career Treasure Box” PBL project for Grades 1-6, students acted like a group of energetic little explorers while quickly forming teams. They actively collected various materials—pictures, props, and more—based on their desired careers, ultimately filling shoeboxes to design creative “career treasure boxes,” accompanied by “career diaries” to record their personal growth reflections. During the presentation segment, the young team members confidently presented their achievements at the lectern. Throughout this process, teachers guided students to think about the value of careers in serving society and what contributions they can make, effectively planting a seed of social responsibility in their young hearts and allowing it to take root and grow.
7 - 9年级的“消失和兴起的职业”pbl项目,教师借助精彩的视频带领学生们回溯职业变迁的历史长河,深入探讨背后隐藏的社会发展因素。抛出一个个富有启发性的问题,瞬间点燃了学生们的讨论热情。学生们积极组队,制定团队公约,然后认真收集和整理资料,精心制作海报,展示出无限的创造力和出色的团队协作精神。老师在这个过程中鼓励学生深入探讨新兴职业对社会进步的推动作用以及个人在其中应承担的责任,进一步深化学生的责任意识。
In the PBL project “Disappearing and Emerging Professions” for Grades 7-9, teachers used engaging videos to take students back through the historical river of occupational changes and explore the underlying factors of social development. By posing thought-provoking questions, teachers ignited students' enthusiasm for discussion. Students actively formed teams, established agreements, diligently collected and organized information, and thoughtfully created posters, showcasing their endless creativity and outstanding teamwork spirit. During this process, teachers encouraged students to explore the driving role of emerging professions in social progress and the responsibilities individuals should take on for further deepening their sense of responsibility.
The Career Experience Day activities culminated in a peak activity during the experience week. On December 22nd, students from Grades 6 to 9, organized by Jasper and Ruby’s mom, participated in a voluntary blood donation event, where professionals explained blood knowledge and other important blood donation considerations. This provided them with a more scientific and comprehensive understanding of blood donation. Following that, students visited a blood donation vehicle, witnessing the entire process of blood donation, which alleviated their doubts and fears and sparked their enthusiasm to participate. Most meaningfully, students actively took on the role of goodwill ambassadors, handing out promotional materials and inviting passersby to join the blood donation effort with enthusiastic and sincere smiles. This not only honed their communication skills but also allowed them to demonstrate generosity and responsibility. The participation of parents also set a great example for the children, as their actions made children aware of the importance of helping others. The quiz competition segment not only reinforced students’ knowledge but also allowed them to win prizes in a lighthearted and enjoyable atmosphere, adding to the event's allure. Through such career experiences, students gained knowledge and learned how to turn action into love, which is of significant importance for their growth.
On the afternoon of December 26, children visited a cross-border e-commerce company and experienced the vibrancy and challenges of the industry firsthand. At Amy’s father’s company, children not only listened to each staff members’ detailed introductions of their job roles, but also heard from Amy’s father about his entrepreneurial intentions—to “bring the beauty of China to the world.” Such words planted a seed of national pride in children's hearts, making them realize that every time they promote Chinese products and culture worldwide, they positively contribute to its national image. At Una’s father’s company, children went on a series of tours and activities. They visited the office, listened to industry experts discuss the secrets of the cross-border e-commerce industry, and personally handled the products. Teachers guided children to consider the value of business innovation and ethical practices for society, as well as the importance of global exchange. Through these activities, children began to understand that business is not only about transactions but can also carry social responsibility, with each business decision and action impacting society. This career experience not only gave children an intuitive understanding of cross-border e-commerce but also deepened their comprehension of business acumen.
On December 29, with support from William’s mother, some students had the opportunity to enter a live broadcast studio and closely observe the broadcasting equipment while listening to real-life stories from knowledge-sharing host Qian Yongjing. Teacher Qian Yongjing shared her experience as a host and how she uses live broadcasting to spread positive energy and guide young people to establish correct values. Her narrative deepened children’s understanding of the broadcasting profession. Teachers seized this opportunity to inspire children to think about the social responsibility hosts have in spreading positive energy and guiding young people, making them realize that being a host is not just about entertainment, but also about being a bridge that spreads warmth and knowledge for everyone. This experience not only broadened children’s horizons but also gave them deeper insight into the social value of live broadcasting as a profession.
The life planning subject and career experience week activities at VBS genuinely embody the educational philosophy of ‘unity of knowledge and action’, allowing students to clearly see themselves and define their future career directions through the integration of theory and practice, thus laying a solid foundation for their professional development. Here, every child is like a seed full of hope, nurtured in the carefully cultivated educational soil of the school, moving towards the future, enriched by the school’s diverse subjects and practical activities.
资料提供/ 吴琼
翻译/ 刘文伶
排版/ 马葳
培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。
Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen
Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.
Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.
Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen
Contact: 0755-66866333
QR code of school website
QR code of school official account