【喜报】在包容和可持续的粮食系统中增强青少年权能 ——万双学子在大湾区青少年模拟联合国2024未来领袖峰会获佳绩_校园新闻_万科双语学校
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【喜报】在包容和可持续的粮食系统中增强青少年权能 ——万双学子在大湾区青少年模拟联合国2024未来领袖峰会获佳绩

发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2024-12-04


万双网讯  2024年11月10日,由广东教育学会国际教育专业委员会主办的大湾区青少年模拟联合国2024未来领袖峰会圆满落幕。本次峰会以“在包容和可持续的粮食系统中增强青少年权能”为核心议题,万科双语学校的学生代表与其他十七支队伍的学生代表一道,通过充满激情的磋商和辩论,成功达成了推动青少年参与包容和可持续粮食系统建设的国际合作方案。


On November 10, 2024, the 2024 Future Leaders Summit of the Youth Model United Nations in the Greater Bay Area was hosted by the International Education Professional Committee of the Guangdong Education Society. The core theme was “Empowering Youth about Inclusive and Sustainable Food Systems”, and student representatives from Vanke Bilingual School seventeen other schools engaged in passionate negotiations and debates. This successfully resulted in the creation of an international cooperation plan to promote youth participation in the construction of inclusive and sustainable food systems.





Since September 2024, Vanke Bilingual School has formed five outstanding Model United Nations (MUN) teams from Grade 5, 6, 7 and 8, naming them Dolphin Star Team, Endeavor Team, Sunshine Team, Future Team, and Excellence Team respectively. During the National Day holiday, while taking a break from school life, the children were still eagerly prepared for the competition with their teammates. After going through rounds of selection in MUN general bilateral negotiation meetings and MUN high-level trilateral negotiation meetings, the Sunshine Team emerged victorious and qualified for the finals.





In the finals, the Sunshine Team from Vanke Bilingual School represented France and demonstrated their excellent English proficiency and profound knowledge on the summit’s theme. Through negotiations, debates, and collaboration, they actively sought international cooperation solutions to promote youth participation in the construction of inclusive and sustainable food systems. During the session, the students discussed global issues in English, speaking like experts from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). They not only sought to maximize national interests but also promote cooperation, raise important questions, explore relevant solutions, and negotiate each delegations’ division of labor and cooperation. Their speeches were clear and concise, showcasing the unique viewpoints of teenagers while also expressing themselves as eloquently as experienced diplomats.





Within the limited speaking time, students from the Sunshine Team conveyed the most amount of information with refined and concise language, condensing complex views into brief and powerful sentences. They also cited numerous data sets and examples to support their viewpoints, ensuring that their arguments were well-founded and practical. Through such actions, they not only showcased their debating skills but also demonstrated a deep understanding of the issues of global food security and sustainable development. The students’ brilliant speeches, rigorous thinking, and poised demeanor displayed the excellent demeanor of students from the Greater Bay Area, earning rounds of applause from the judges and audience.


历时半天的展示活动,在一片掌声中落下了圆满的帷幕。活动最后,评委们从发言内容、语言能力、演讲技巧、磋商质量、游说风采和团队合作等多个维度进行了综合评估。中学组的“阳光”队(8F王仁熙、8C吴芊芊、 8E濮阳毅、8C刘思淇、8C李雨霏)荣获团体一等奖,而小学(6G邓楷杨、6C严熹、6G陈星宇、6I陈珞洛、5O 管礼娴)和初中英语组(8C姚罗衾、8F黄彦然、8E黄子原、8D李晨畅、8C陈思翰、8C周诗琦、8C梁融馨、8E 张峻嘉8C刘逸洲、 8F李诺维、 8C刘梓琪、 8C廖子汉、 8C张熙唯,8E汪颢渊、8F王湘剀)的团队也表现出色,获得了团体二等奖。这一成就不仅展示了学生们的卓越才能,也是对指导老师们辛勤工作的肯定。在指导教师方面,张紫恒和颜江红老师荣获“优秀指导教师”称号,而刘文伶、黄芳、李映瑶、魏友姑老师因其杰出的贡献获得了“新秀指导教师”称号。同时,万科双语学校因其在培养学生全球胜任力方面的卓越表现,荣获“优秀指导单位”荣誉


After half a day of presentations, the event drew to a successful conclusion amid rounds of applause. At the end of the event, the judges conducted a comprehensive evaluation on multiple aspects, including speech content, language ability, speaking skills, negotiation quality, lobbying demeanor, and teamwork. The Sunshine Team from the middle school, consisting of Wang Renxi from 8F, Wu Qianqian from 8C, Pu Yangyi from 8E, Liu Siqi from 8C, and Li Yufei from 8C, won the first prize in their group. The team from the elementary school, consisting of Deng Kaiyang from 6G, Yan Xi from 6C, Chen Xingyu from 6G , Chen Luoluo from 6I, and Guan Lixian from 5O, and the team from the junior high school, consisting of Yao Luoqin from 8C, Huang Yanran from 8F , Huang Ziyuan from 8E, Li Chenchang from 8D, Chen Sihan from 8C, Zhou Shiqi from 8C, Liang Rongxin from 8C, Zhang Junjia from 8E, Liu Yizhou from 8C, Li Nuowei from 8F, Liu Ziqi from 8C, Liao Zihan from 8C, Zhang Xiwei from 8C, Wang Haoyuan from 8E, and Wang Xiangkai from 8F, also performed well and won the second prize for their group. This achievement not only demonstrated the students' outstanding talent but also recognized the hard work of their teachers. In terms of teachers’ guidance, Zhang Ziheng and Yan Jianghong were honored with the title of "Excellent Instructor," while Liu Wenling, Huang Fang, Li Yingyao, and Wei Yougu received the title of "Emerging Instructor" for their outstanding contributions. Additionally, Vanke Bilingual School, for its exceptional performance in cultivating students' global competence, received the honor of "Excellent Guiding Organization".










At the 2024 Future Leaders Summit of the Youth Model United Nations in the Greater Bay Area, the students from Vanke Bilingual School not only demonstrated outstanding leadership, keen thinking abilities, and excellent language skills but also showed that they possess the qualities and abilities to participate in international governance. These achievements were not built overnight, but were gradually gained through continuous academic studies and fruitful practical activities.






Vanke Bilingual School adheres to an open and progressive educational attitude, providing students with diversified courses such as economics, philosophy, and life planning. By participating in simulated international organization activities and cross-cultural exchange programs such as the Model United Nations, students continuously broaden their international horizons. The students are working steadfastly and steadily going forward, striving to become youth of the new era who can showcase China’s strengths, contribute with Chinese wisdom, and exert a positive influence on the international stage.



资料提供/ 吴琼 

译/ 陈珣珣

排版/ 马葳

【喜报】在包容和可持续的粮食系统中增强青少年权能 ——万双学子在大湾区青少年模拟联合国2024未来领袖峰会获佳绩

发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2024-12-04


万双网讯  2024年11月10日,由广东教育学会国际教育专业委员会主办的大湾区青少年模拟联合国2024未来领袖峰会圆满落幕。本次峰会以“在包容和可持续的粮食系统中增强青少年权能”为核心议题,万科双语学校的学生代表与其他十七支队伍的学生代表一道,通过充满激情的磋商和辩论,成功达成了推动青少年参与包容和可持续粮食系统建设的国际合作方案。


On November 10, 2024, the 2024 Future Leaders Summit of the Youth Model United Nations in the Greater Bay Area was hosted by the International Education Professional Committee of the Guangdong Education Society. The core theme was “Empowering Youth about Inclusive and Sustainable Food Systems”, and student representatives from Vanke Bilingual School seventeen other schools engaged in passionate negotiations and debates. This successfully resulted in the creation of an international cooperation plan to promote youth participation in the construction of inclusive and sustainable food systems.





Since September 2024, Vanke Bilingual School has formed five outstanding Model United Nations (MUN) teams from Grade 5, 6, 7 and 8, naming them Dolphin Star Team, Endeavor Team, Sunshine Team, Future Team, and Excellence Team respectively. During the National Day holiday, while taking a break from school life, the children were still eagerly prepared for the competition with their teammates. After going through rounds of selection in MUN general bilateral negotiation meetings and MUN high-level trilateral negotiation meetings, the Sunshine Team emerged victorious and qualified for the finals.





In the finals, the Sunshine Team from Vanke Bilingual School represented France and demonstrated their excellent English proficiency and profound knowledge on the summit’s theme. Through negotiations, debates, and collaboration, they actively sought international cooperation solutions to promote youth participation in the construction of inclusive and sustainable food systems. During the session, the students discussed global issues in English, speaking like experts from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). They not only sought to maximize national interests but also promote cooperation, raise important questions, explore relevant solutions, and negotiate each delegations’ division of labor and cooperation. Their speeches were clear and concise, showcasing the unique viewpoints of teenagers while also expressing themselves as eloquently as experienced diplomats.





Within the limited speaking time, students from the Sunshine Team conveyed the most amount of information with refined and concise language, condensing complex views into brief and powerful sentences. They also cited numerous data sets and examples to support their viewpoints, ensuring that their arguments were well-founded and practical. Through such actions, they not only showcased their debating skills but also demonstrated a deep understanding of the issues of global food security and sustainable development. The students’ brilliant speeches, rigorous thinking, and poised demeanor displayed the excellent demeanor of students from the Greater Bay Area, earning rounds of applause from the judges and audience.


历时半天的展示活动,在一片掌声中落下了圆满的帷幕。活动最后,评委们从发言内容、语言能力、演讲技巧、磋商质量、游说风采和团队合作等多个维度进行了综合评估。中学组的“阳光”队(8F王仁熙、8C吴芊芊、 8E濮阳毅、8C刘思淇、8C李雨霏)荣获团体一等奖,而小学(6G邓楷杨、6C严熹、6G陈星宇、6I陈珞洛、5O 管礼娴)和初中英语组(8C姚罗衾、8F黄彦然、8E黄子原、8D李晨畅、8C陈思翰、8C周诗琦、8C梁融馨、8E 张峻嘉8C刘逸洲、 8F李诺维、 8C刘梓琪、 8C廖子汉、 8C张熙唯,8E汪颢渊、8F王湘剀)的团队也表现出色,获得了团体二等奖。这一成就不仅展示了学生们的卓越才能,也是对指导老师们辛勤工作的肯定。在指导教师方面,张紫恒和颜江红老师荣获“优秀指导教师”称号,而刘文伶、黄芳、李映瑶、魏友姑老师因其杰出的贡献获得了“新秀指导教师”称号。同时,万科双语学校因其在培养学生全球胜任力方面的卓越表现,荣获“优秀指导单位”荣誉


After half a day of presentations, the event drew to a successful conclusion amid rounds of applause. At the end of the event, the judges conducted a comprehensive evaluation on multiple aspects, including speech content, language ability, speaking skills, negotiation quality, lobbying demeanor, and teamwork. The Sunshine Team from the middle school, consisting of Wang Renxi from 8F, Wu Qianqian from 8C, Pu Yangyi from 8E, Liu Siqi from 8C, and Li Yufei from 8C, won the first prize in their group. The team from the elementary school, consisting of Deng Kaiyang from 6G, Yan Xi from 6C, Chen Xingyu from 6G , Chen Luoluo from 6I, and Guan Lixian from 5O, and the team from the junior high school, consisting of Yao Luoqin from 8C, Huang Yanran from 8F , Huang Ziyuan from 8E, Li Chenchang from 8D, Chen Sihan from 8C, Zhou Shiqi from 8C, Liang Rongxin from 8C, Zhang Junjia from 8E, Liu Yizhou from 8C, Li Nuowei from 8F, Liu Ziqi from 8C, Liao Zihan from 8C, Zhang Xiwei from 8C, Wang Haoyuan from 8E, and Wang Xiangkai from 8F, also performed well and won the second prize for their group. This achievement not only demonstrated the students' outstanding talent but also recognized the hard work of their teachers. In terms of teachers’ guidance, Zhang Ziheng and Yan Jianghong were honored with the title of "Excellent Instructor," while Liu Wenling, Huang Fang, Li Yingyao, and Wei Yougu received the title of "Emerging Instructor" for their outstanding contributions. Additionally, Vanke Bilingual School, for its exceptional performance in cultivating students' global competence, received the honor of "Excellent Guiding Organization".










At the 2024 Future Leaders Summit of the Youth Model United Nations in the Greater Bay Area, the students from Vanke Bilingual School not only demonstrated outstanding leadership, keen thinking abilities, and excellent language skills but also showed that they possess the qualities and abilities to participate in international governance. These achievements were not built overnight, but were gradually gained through continuous academic studies and fruitful practical activities.






Vanke Bilingual School adheres to an open and progressive educational attitude, providing students with diversified courses such as economics, philosophy, and life planning. By participating in simulated international organization activities and cross-cultural exchange programs such as the Model United Nations, students continuously broaden their international horizons. The students are working steadfastly and steadily going forward, striving to become youth of the new era who can showcase China’s strengths, contribute with Chinese wisdom, and exert a positive influence on the international stage.



资料提供/ 吴琼 

译/ 陈珣珣

排版/ 马葳



培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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