万双网讯 在 2024 年的教育画卷即将落下帷幕之际,万科双语学校以一场别开生面的宪法宣传周活动,绘制出浓墨重彩的法治教育篇章。当宪法的光辉洒落在校园的每一个角落,一场由六年级学生主导的法治之旅悄然启航,他们如同闪耀的法治小使者,在校园内掀起了一股尊崇宪法、践行法治的教育热潮。
As the educational year of 2024 draws to a close, Vanke Bilingual School has created a final vivid and impactful chapter in legal education through a unique Constitutional Promotion Week activity. A journey of legal awareness, led by Grade Six students, has begun. Like shining little ambassadors for the rule of law, they ignited a wave of insight that reveres the Constitution and practices the rule of law throughout the school.
六年级学生在道德与法治学科项目式学习落实的过程中,围绕“宪法为什么被称为根本法?”这一核心问题展开了多维度的合作探究。他们通过课堂学习、课外资料查阅等方式进行知识储备,并深入开展调查研究,为后续的方案设计奠定坚实基础。他们通过课堂学习、课外资料查阅等方式进行知识储备,并深入开展调查研究,为后续的方案设计奠定坚实基础。而精心设计的 12 月 4 日宪法日活动方案,成为了整个项目成果的重要展示。在这一过程中,学生们展现了卓越的自主能力和内驱力,全程自主与杨帆校长汇报方案、与学校相关部门老师沟通活动需要支持的内容以及与律师沟通法律专业问题。这种跨角色的沟通和协作,不仅锻炼了学生们的沟通能力,也增强了他们解决问题的能力。
This is a highly meaningful project-based learning activity, involving Grade Six students doing an in-depth exploration and collaboration with the Morality and Law subject. Centered around the core question of “Why is the Constitution called the fundamental law?”, the students not only gained foundational knowledge in the classroom but also deepened their understanding through research and investigations, showcasing their proactive learning attitude.Through their self-designed Constitution Day event plan on December 4, the students put their learned knowledge into practice. By communicating with Principal Yang Fan, various school departments, and lawyers, they demonstrated their interdisciplinary skills and teamwork spirit. This not only enhanced the students’ profound understanding of the importance of the Constitution but also honed their ability to apply knowledge in real-world contexts. In this activity, students were able to communicate and collaborate effectively across various roles, demonstrating their leadership, organizational, and problem-solving skills.
Constitution Awareness Poster Exhibition: A Vivid and Intuitive Promotion of Constitutional Knowledge
The Constitution Awareness Poster Exhibition was the first to be displayed on the mezzanine, which was adorned by a series of beautiful posters. These posters were created by the students themselves, featuring lively and engaging designs that combined rich visuals and texts of information with real-life examples. They presented on the fundamental knowledge and key principles of the Constitution in an accessible and entertaining way. Whether showcasing the historical origins of the Constitution or its role in safeguarding citizens’ rights by regulating the operations of state power in modern society. The exhibition displayed all of these concepts in a clear and easy-to-understand manner. As teachers and students strolled through the exhibit, they were introduced to a learning journey of constitutional knowledge.
Constitution Announcers Visit Classrooms: Layered and Targeted Constitutional Education
In order to spread constitutional awareness to every classroom and student, enthusiastic Grade Six volunteers formed a team of announcers and conducted a Constitution Awareness Session during the lunch break on December 4.
The announcers thoughtfully considered the cognitive characteristics of students at different grade levels and designed the presentation content in a clear, structured manner. For students in Grade 1-3, the session was a fun and engaging introduction to the Constitution. Using simple language and charming animated videos, they learned about the importance of the Constitution and were introduced to its concepts. They realized that the Constitution is a powerful tool for protecting their rights. For students in Grades 4-6, the session went deeper into the role of the Constitution as a guardian of daily life. They gained a clearer understanding of their basic rights and duties as citizens, grasping the interconnected relationship between rights and responsibilities, and learning how to practice the spirit of the Constitution in everyday life. For students in Grades 7-9, the focus was on the high status and profound significance of the Constitution at the national level. Through in-depth analysis of real-life cases, they explored how to use legal means within the framework of the Constitution to protect their own rights, and how to strive to become law-abiding, knowledgeable, and responsible citizens of the new era.
The Constitution Announcers’ classroom visits were not just a transmission of knowledge but also a heartfelt experience. This initiative deeply embedded constitutional knowledge in the hearts of students, allowing the spirit of the rule of law to take root and grow within the school community.
Legal Awareness Lecture: A Professional Interpretation Combined with Peer Sharing
The Legal Awareness Lecture took the atmosphere of the event to new heights. This knowledge-packed session for students from Grades 1-6 flowed smoothly and was highly effective. Grade 6 student Ke Yaxin took to the stage first, sharing her insights on the Constitution from a peer’s perspective and providing real-life examples of how it applies to her daily life. Her relatable approach instantly bridged the gap between the speaker and the audience, making the Constitution's knowledge feel both accessible and engaging.
Next, Lawyer Zhang Yan from China Commercial Law Firm took over the presentation, offering a profound and professional interpretation of the Constitution’s importance and its widespread application in real life. With his deep expertise, Lawyer Zhang analyzed vibrant, real-world cases, transforming abstract constitutional articles into vivid everyday scenarios. This approach helped the children realize that the Constitution is not just a vague set of texts, but a set of guiding principles closely tied to everyone's life. In the final interactive Q&A session, the children eagerly asked questions, and Lawyer Zhang patiently provided answers. The sparks of thought ignited with each question and answer, further deepening the understanding of constitutional knowledge for all teachers and students.
After the project activity, the student planning team did not stop their efforts; they then conducted a thorough review. They carefully summarized their experiences, reflected on areas for improvement, and presented a detailed report to Principal Yang Fan and Safety Supervisor Teacher Zhang Kun. During the review, the students specifically discussed issues such as low participation and tardiness in some classes, and they also explored a series of solutions. After listening to the students’ report, Principal Yang Fan highly praised their sense of responsibility and proactive spirit. The continuous improvement and pursuit of excellence displayed by the students truly embody the educational philosophy advocated by Vanke Bilingual School. Principal Yang suggested that in future activities, students could further refine their plans and implement more specific measures to enhance class mobilization. Under the guidance of Project Supervisor Teacher Wang Lele, the students also organized the content of this event into a template and resource pack to support future events. This Constitution Awareness Week was undoubtedly an innovative and educationally valuable effort. Through diverse promotional and educational methods, it not only promoted constitutional knowledge throughout the campus but also planted the seeds of the rule of law in students' hearts. It helped cultivate their legal awareness and sense of responsibility, laying a solid foundation for the development of a law-abiding campus and nurturing the future pillars of a rule-of-law society.
Diverse Practices and Ongoing Exploration of an Ideological and Political Education
In the carefully crafted three-year educational plan at Vanke Bilingual School, the development of the Great Ideological and Political Education has become a core and far-reaching task. The school is committed to bridging the relationship between the courses of Moral Education, Life Planning, and Labor Education with class management and student growth. By integrating subjects such as History, Economics, and Philosophical Enlightenment, the school explores and implements a comprehensive ideological and political education system. This approach aims to create specific implementation plans for courses and activities in moral and legal education, effectively promoting ideological and political education as well as the cultivation of practical life skills for students.
In the ongoing process of regularizing the implementation of moral and legal education, Vanke Bilingual School actively explores diverse paths for interdisciplinary integration, class development, and individual student growth during the teaching and preparation stages. Teachers rely on their subject groups as a strong foundation for collaboration within grade-level teams, carefully mapping out learning objectives and the complex interconnections between disciplines. They also invite guest experts from other subject areas to participate, successfully forming interdisciplinary teaching research teams. These teams not only achieve the goal of knowledge transfer but also effectively and efficiently address the practical challenges that students face in both their academic and daily lives.
This semester, the Moral Education courses of Grade 5 has demonstrated the richness and practicality of interdisciplinary integration. In the third lesson of the first unit, "Actively Rejecting Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs," students not only gained a deep understanding of the related knowledge but also integrated these concepts in the fifth lesson of the second unit, "Negotiating Class Affairs." Through a democratic process, they collectively developed a publicity plan for "Actively Rejecting Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs."
During this process, students approached the issue of drug abuse from multiple disciplinary perspectives. In their Moral and Legal Education classes, they integrated knowledge from history, science, art, and other subjects. They delved into the history of drug development, the definition of drugs, and the harm they cause to the human body. They also explored the addiction mechanisms of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs, and analyzed the evolution of China's drug control laws. This interdisciplinary approach not only broadened the students' perspectives but also deepened their understanding of the drug problem. The collaboration between the subject groups and the community's anti-drug advocacy team further strengthened the students' awareness of the dangers of drugs. Through participating in themed lectures, the students gained a systematic understanding of the severe impact of drugs on individuals, families, society, and the country, which enhanced their sense of social responsibility.
Under the guidance of their Art teacher, students studied various exhibition formats, including calligraphy, posters, installation art, and video production. They explored how composition and color choices influence the visual impact of their work and applied their creativity to produce highly expressive pieces. In November, the school hosted an exhibition titled "Actively Rejecting Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs," showcasing the students' knowledge and artistic talents. Through this series of learning and practical activities, the Grade 5 students not only strengthened their awareness of the harm caused by drugs but also honed their skills in artistic creation and interdisciplinary learning, enhancing their overall competence.
四年级在道德与法治课程的学习旅程中,呈现出极具特色且紧密贴合学生日常生活实际的学习模式与丰富成果。在本学期道法课的第一单元“与班级共成长”部分,道法老师与班主任建立了紧密的协作关系,共同引导学生进行班级建设和自我成长的深入探索。在这一过程中,首要任务是识别班级中普遍存在的问题。学生们积极运用观察力和思考力,参与讨论,从学习氛围、课间秩序到同学间的相处等多个维度,全面挖掘班级需要解决和改进的问题。在明确了班级的共同问题后,学生们依据在道德与法治课程中学到的规则制定原则和方法,提出了许多建设性和可行性的建议。最终,通过民主的举手表决方式,确定了既具有班级特色又切实可行的"班级公约"。这份公约不仅是一纸规定,更是全班同学共同意愿和价值追求的体现,为班级的有序运行和和谐发展提供了明确的方向。为了进一步凝聚班级力量,增强班级的集体荣誉感与归属感,在道法课上,同学们还巧妙借助学校的AI工具“强脑”平台,精心打造了代表班级奋斗目标与独特精神风貌的象征 —— 班徽。通过这一系列紧密围绕班级生活实际开展的道德与法治课程学习活动,四年级的同学们不仅在规则意识、团队协作等方面取得了显著的成长与进步,更在跨学科知识运用与实践能力培养方面收获了丰硕的成果。
In their journey through the Moral and Legal Education course, the Grade 4 students experienced a highly distinctive learning model that is closely aligned with their everyday life and practical experiences. In the first unit of this semester, "Growing Together with the Class," the Moral and Legal Education teacher and the homeroom teacher established a close collaborative relationship, jointly guiding students through in-depth explorations of class building and personal growth. The primary task in this process was to identify common issues within the class. Students actively applied their observation and critical thinking skills to participate in discussions, exploring various aspects of class life, from the learning environment and recess order to interactions among classmates. They identified the problems that needed to be addressed and improved on them. After pinpointing these shared issues, the students used the rules and methods learned in their Moral and Legal Education course to propose numerous constructive and feasible suggestions. Ultimately, through a democratic vote, they established a "Class Agreement" that not only reflected the unique character of the class but also had practical and achievable uses. This agreement was not just a set of rules, but a manifestation of the collective will and values of the class, providing a clear direction for the class's orderly operation and harmonious development. To further strengthen class cohesion and foster a sense of collective honor and belonging, students also creatively utilized the school’s AI tool "Qiangnao" platform to design a class emblem that symbolizes their class’s goals and unique spirit. Through these Moral and Legal Education activities closely tied to their class life, the Grade 4 students have made significant progress in areas such as rules awareness and teamwork, and have achieved notable results in applying interdisciplinary knowledge and developing practical skills.
Through events such as the Constitution Awareness Week, the "Actively Rejecting Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs" Exhibition, and the design of the Class Agreement & Emblem, Vanke Bilingual School has deepened the practice of its Ideological and Political Education system, nurturing students' moral character and legal awareness. The school will continue to enhance students’ legal literacy and life skills through interdisciplinary integration and interactive teaching, laying a solid foundation for them as they step confidently into the future.
资料提供/ 吴琼
翻译/ 焦阳
排版/ 马葳
万双网讯 在 2024 年的教育画卷即将落下帷幕之际,万科双语学校以一场别开生面的宪法宣传周活动,绘制出浓墨重彩的法治教育篇章。当宪法的光辉洒落在校园的每一个角落,一场由六年级学生主导的法治之旅悄然启航,他们如同闪耀的法治小使者,在校园内掀起了一股尊崇宪法、践行法治的教育热潮。
As the educational year of 2024 draws to a close, Vanke Bilingual School has created a final vivid and impactful chapter in legal education through a unique Constitutional Promotion Week activity. A journey of legal awareness, led by Grade Six students, has begun. Like shining little ambassadors for the rule of law, they ignited a wave of insight that reveres the Constitution and practices the rule of law throughout the school.
六年级学生在道德与法治学科项目式学习落实的过程中,围绕“宪法为什么被称为根本法?”这一核心问题展开了多维度的合作探究。他们通过课堂学习、课外资料查阅等方式进行知识储备,并深入开展调查研究,为后续的方案设计奠定坚实基础。他们通过课堂学习、课外资料查阅等方式进行知识储备,并深入开展调查研究,为后续的方案设计奠定坚实基础。而精心设计的 12 月 4 日宪法日活动方案,成为了整个项目成果的重要展示。在这一过程中,学生们展现了卓越的自主能力和内驱力,全程自主与杨帆校长汇报方案、与学校相关部门老师沟通活动需要支持的内容以及与律师沟通法律专业问题。这种跨角色的沟通和协作,不仅锻炼了学生们的沟通能力,也增强了他们解决问题的能力。
This is a highly meaningful project-based learning activity, involving Grade Six students doing an in-depth exploration and collaboration with the Morality and Law subject. Centered around the core question of “Why is the Constitution called the fundamental law?”, the students not only gained foundational knowledge in the classroom but also deepened their understanding through research and investigations, showcasing their proactive learning attitude.Through their self-designed Constitution Day event plan on December 4, the students put their learned knowledge into practice. By communicating with Principal Yang Fan, various school departments, and lawyers, they demonstrated their interdisciplinary skills and teamwork spirit. This not only enhanced the students’ profound understanding of the importance of the Constitution but also honed their ability to apply knowledge in real-world contexts. In this activity, students were able to communicate and collaborate effectively across various roles, demonstrating their leadership, organizational, and problem-solving skills.
Constitution Awareness Poster Exhibition: A Vivid and Intuitive Promotion of Constitutional Knowledge
The Constitution Awareness Poster Exhibition was the first to be displayed on the mezzanine, which was adorned by a series of beautiful posters. These posters were created by the students themselves, featuring lively and engaging designs that combined rich visuals and texts of information with real-life examples. They presented on the fundamental knowledge and key principles of the Constitution in an accessible and entertaining way. Whether showcasing the historical origins of the Constitution or its role in safeguarding citizens’ rights by regulating the operations of state power in modern society. The exhibition displayed all of these concepts in a clear and easy-to-understand manner. As teachers and students strolled through the exhibit, they were introduced to a learning journey of constitutional knowledge.
Constitution Announcers Visit Classrooms: Layered and Targeted Constitutional Education
In order to spread constitutional awareness to every classroom and student, enthusiastic Grade Six volunteers formed a team of announcers and conducted a Constitution Awareness Session during the lunch break on December 4.
The announcers thoughtfully considered the cognitive characteristics of students at different grade levels and designed the presentation content in a clear, structured manner. For students in Grade 1-3, the session was a fun and engaging introduction to the Constitution. Using simple language and charming animated videos, they learned about the importance of the Constitution and were introduced to its concepts. They realized that the Constitution is a powerful tool for protecting their rights. For students in Grades 4-6, the session went deeper into the role of the Constitution as a guardian of daily life. They gained a clearer understanding of their basic rights and duties as citizens, grasping the interconnected relationship between rights and responsibilities, and learning how to practice the spirit of the Constitution in everyday life. For students in Grades 7-9, the focus was on the high status and profound significance of the Constitution at the national level. Through in-depth analysis of real-life cases, they explored how to use legal means within the framework of the Constitution to protect their own rights, and how to strive to become law-abiding, knowledgeable, and responsible citizens of the new era.
The Constitution Announcers’ classroom visits were not just a transmission of knowledge but also a heartfelt experience. This initiative deeply embedded constitutional knowledge in the hearts of students, allowing the spirit of the rule of law to take root and grow within the school community.
Legal Awareness Lecture: A Professional Interpretation Combined with Peer Sharing
The Legal Awareness Lecture took the atmosphere of the event to new heights. This knowledge-packed session for students from Grades 1-6 flowed smoothly and was highly effective. Grade 6 student Ke Yaxin took to the stage first, sharing her insights on the Constitution from a peer’s perspective and providing real-life examples of how it applies to her daily life. Her relatable approach instantly bridged the gap between the speaker and the audience, making the Constitution's knowledge feel both accessible and engaging.
Next, Lawyer Zhang Yan from China Commercial Law Firm took over the presentation, offering a profound and professional interpretation of the Constitution’s importance and its widespread application in real life. With his deep expertise, Lawyer Zhang analyzed vibrant, real-world cases, transforming abstract constitutional articles into vivid everyday scenarios. This approach helped the children realize that the Constitution is not just a vague set of texts, but a set of guiding principles closely tied to everyone's life. In the final interactive Q&A session, the children eagerly asked questions, and Lawyer Zhang patiently provided answers. The sparks of thought ignited with each question and answer, further deepening the understanding of constitutional knowledge for all teachers and students.
After the project activity, the student planning team did not stop their efforts; they then conducted a thorough review. They carefully summarized their experiences, reflected on areas for improvement, and presented a detailed report to Principal Yang Fan and Safety Supervisor Teacher Zhang Kun. During the review, the students specifically discussed issues such as low participation and tardiness in some classes, and they also explored a series of solutions. After listening to the students’ report, Principal Yang Fan highly praised their sense of responsibility and proactive spirit. The continuous improvement and pursuit of excellence displayed by the students truly embody the educational philosophy advocated by Vanke Bilingual School. Principal Yang suggested that in future activities, students could further refine their plans and implement more specific measures to enhance class mobilization. Under the guidance of Project Supervisor Teacher Wang Lele, the students also organized the content of this event into a template and resource pack to support future events. This Constitution Awareness Week was undoubtedly an innovative and educationally valuable effort. Through diverse promotional and educational methods, it not only promoted constitutional knowledge throughout the campus but also planted the seeds of the rule of law in students' hearts. It helped cultivate their legal awareness and sense of responsibility, laying a solid foundation for the development of a law-abiding campus and nurturing the future pillars of a rule-of-law society.
Diverse Practices and Ongoing Exploration of an Ideological and Political Education
In the carefully crafted three-year educational plan at Vanke Bilingual School, the development of the Great Ideological and Political Education has become a core and far-reaching task. The school is committed to bridging the relationship between the courses of Moral Education, Life Planning, and Labor Education with class management and student growth. By integrating subjects such as History, Economics, and Philosophical Enlightenment, the school explores and implements a comprehensive ideological and political education system. This approach aims to create specific implementation plans for courses and activities in moral and legal education, effectively promoting ideological and political education as well as the cultivation of practical life skills for students.
In the ongoing process of regularizing the implementation of moral and legal education, Vanke Bilingual School actively explores diverse paths for interdisciplinary integration, class development, and individual student growth during the teaching and preparation stages. Teachers rely on their subject groups as a strong foundation for collaboration within grade-level teams, carefully mapping out learning objectives and the complex interconnections between disciplines. They also invite guest experts from other subject areas to participate, successfully forming interdisciplinary teaching research teams. These teams not only achieve the goal of knowledge transfer but also effectively and efficiently address the practical challenges that students face in both their academic and daily lives.
This semester, the Moral Education courses of Grade 5 has demonstrated the richness and practicality of interdisciplinary integration. In the third lesson of the first unit, "Actively Rejecting Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs," students not only gained a deep understanding of the related knowledge but also integrated these concepts in the fifth lesson of the second unit, "Negotiating Class Affairs." Through a democratic process, they collectively developed a publicity plan for "Actively Rejecting Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs."
During this process, students approached the issue of drug abuse from multiple disciplinary perspectives. In their Moral and Legal Education classes, they integrated knowledge from history, science, art, and other subjects. They delved into the history of drug development, the definition of drugs, and the harm they cause to the human body. They also explored the addiction mechanisms of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs, and analyzed the evolution of China's drug control laws. This interdisciplinary approach not only broadened the students' perspectives but also deepened their understanding of the drug problem. The collaboration between the subject groups and the community's anti-drug advocacy team further strengthened the students' awareness of the dangers of drugs. Through participating in themed lectures, the students gained a systematic understanding of the severe impact of drugs on individuals, families, society, and the country, which enhanced their sense of social responsibility.
Under the guidance of their Art teacher, students studied various exhibition formats, including calligraphy, posters, installation art, and video production. They explored how composition and color choices influence the visual impact of their work and applied their creativity to produce highly expressive pieces. In November, the school hosted an exhibition titled "Actively Rejecting Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs," showcasing the students' knowledge and artistic talents. Through this series of learning and practical activities, the Grade 5 students not only strengthened their awareness of the harm caused by drugs but also honed their skills in artistic creation and interdisciplinary learning, enhancing their overall competence.
四年级在道德与法治课程的学习旅程中,呈现出极具特色且紧密贴合学生日常生活实际的学习模式与丰富成果。在本学期道法课的第一单元“与班级共成长”部分,道法老师与班主任建立了紧密的协作关系,共同引导学生进行班级建设和自我成长的深入探索。在这一过程中,首要任务是识别班级中普遍存在的问题。学生们积极运用观察力和思考力,参与讨论,从学习氛围、课间秩序到同学间的相处等多个维度,全面挖掘班级需要解决和改进的问题。在明确了班级的共同问题后,学生们依据在道德与法治课程中学到的规则制定原则和方法,提出了许多建设性和可行性的建议。最终,通过民主的举手表决方式,确定了既具有班级特色又切实可行的"班级公约"。这份公约不仅是一纸规定,更是全班同学共同意愿和价值追求的体现,为班级的有序运行和和谐发展提供了明确的方向。为了进一步凝聚班级力量,增强班级的集体荣誉感与归属感,在道法课上,同学们还巧妙借助学校的AI工具“强脑”平台,精心打造了代表班级奋斗目标与独特精神风貌的象征 —— 班徽。通过这一系列紧密围绕班级生活实际开展的道德与法治课程学习活动,四年级的同学们不仅在规则意识、团队协作等方面取得了显著的成长与进步,更在跨学科知识运用与实践能力培养方面收获了丰硕的成果。
In their journey through the Moral and Legal Education course, the Grade 4 students experienced a highly distinctive learning model that is closely aligned with their everyday life and practical experiences. In the first unit of this semester, "Growing Together with the Class," the Moral and Legal Education teacher and the homeroom teacher established a close collaborative relationship, jointly guiding students through in-depth explorations of class building and personal growth. The primary task in this process was to identify common issues within the class. Students actively applied their observation and critical thinking skills to participate in discussions, exploring various aspects of class life, from the learning environment and recess order to interactions among classmates. They identified the problems that needed to be addressed and improved on them. After pinpointing these shared issues, the students used the rules and methods learned in their Moral and Legal Education course to propose numerous constructive and feasible suggestions. Ultimately, through a democratic vote, they established a "Class Agreement" that not only reflected the unique character of the class but also had practical and achievable uses. This agreement was not just a set of rules, but a manifestation of the collective will and values of the class, providing a clear direction for the class's orderly operation and harmonious development. To further strengthen class cohesion and foster a sense of collective honor and belonging, students also creatively utilized the school’s AI tool "Qiangnao" platform to design a class emblem that symbolizes their class’s goals and unique spirit. Through these Moral and Legal Education activities closely tied to their class life, the Grade 4 students have made significant progress in areas such as rules awareness and teamwork, and have achieved notable results in applying interdisciplinary knowledge and developing practical skills.
Through events such as the Constitution Awareness Week, the "Actively Rejecting Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs" Exhibition, and the design of the Class Agreement & Emblem, Vanke Bilingual School has deepened the practice of its Ideological and Political Education system, nurturing students' moral character and legal awareness. The school will continue to enhance students’ legal literacy and life skills through interdisciplinary integration and interactive teaching, laying a solid foundation for them as they step confidently into the future.
资料提供/ 吴琼
翻译/ 焦阳
排版/ 马葳
培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。
Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen
Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.
Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.
Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen
Contact: 0755-66866333
QR code of school website
QR code of school official account