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发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2024-12-02


万双网讯  在万科双语学校,艺术教育被赋予了更深远的意义——它是一种精神的涵养、一种智慧的启迪。11 月 25 日,万双美术馆艺术画廊迎来了 “丹青遗梦” 书画联展的盛大开幕,这一艺术与教育的盛会展示了来自6年级的肖书禾5年级的孙思慕两位学子的中国画作品,犹如一颗璀璨的明珠,吸引着全校师生以及众多校外艺术爱好者的目光。当日,艺术画廊内人头攒动,却又静谧而有序,每个人都怀揣着对艺术的敬畏与期待,步入这个充满艺术气息的空间。

At Vanke Bilingual School, art education is given a deeper meaning — it serves as the culmination of spirit and wisdom. On November 25, the Vanke Art Gallery held the grand opening of the “Dreams of Ink and Color” joint exhibition. This event, which bridges art and education, showcased the Chinese paintings of two students, Xiao Shuhe from the sixth grade and Sun Simu from the fifth grade. These pieces shone like dazzling pearls, attracting the attention of all students, teachers, and numerous art enthusiasts from outside the school. On that day, the art gallery was bustling yet everyone remained tranquil and orderly. Everyone entered this artistic space with a sense of reverence and anticipation for the art on display.



Xiao Shuhe and Sun Simu shared their experiences of growth. Xiao Shuhe views painting as a way to explore the world; from simple shapes to the profoundness of traditional Chinese painting techniques, meaning every step is a pursuit of beauty and an expression of her inner self. She finds tranquility in the strokes of her brush, with each brushstroke revealing her emotions and each blending of colors representing a dialogue with nature. Calligraphy has become a medium for her to communicate with traditional culture, allowing her to feel its power through every horizontal, vertical, and diagonal stroke.





Sun Simu finds joy and a means of self-expression through her painting. From simple fruits to complex organisms, her brush gradually reveals a colorful world. She expresses her gratitude for support from the school and teachers, which has allowed the seeds of art to thrive in an inclusive and encouraging environment. She also thanks her family for their companionship and encouragement, which has strengthened her resolve on her artistic journey. The sharing by both artists not only reveals their personal artistic journeys but also provides a profound interpretation of the significance of art education, showcasing how art can shape individuality, ignite potential, and lead children towards a broader future.




Sun Simu’s mother expressed her support and encouragement for her daughter’s artistic journey during her sharing. She emphasized the importance of helping children discover their personal interests, consistently providing Simu with positive feedback and praise, focusing on her efforts and creativity rather than just the results. This form of encouragement gave Simu a sense of accomplishment and ignited her passion for creating. She also shared how visiting museums, art exhibitions, and taking walks in the park help guide Simu to observe the beauty in life, inspiring her creative ideas. Lastly, Simu’s mother expressed gratitude for the school’s educational philosophy and environment, which have offered her daughter opportunities to showcase her talents and build confidence, while encouraging her to maintain her love for painting and to boldly express herself through her art.



In her speech, Principal Yang Fan emphasized that artistic creation is not just a display of technique; it is also an expression of emotion and soul. She mentioned that while AI technology has achieved significant success in rules-based fields such as industrial production, in the realm of artistic creation, especially in fields like Chinese painting, human artists, with their unique perceptions and profound thoughts, still produce works that possess irreplaceable value. The pieces crafted by these two young artists undoubtedly exude a distinctive artistic charm, carrying their souls and emotions.



Principal Yang encouraged students to not only look at art with their eyes but also to feel them with their hearts. She hopes that students can go beyond seeing the surface and delve into the creative backgrounds, emotional expressions, and artistic concepts of the two young artists, allowing them to gain their own deeper artistic experiences and insight. Moreover, through dialogue with the young artists, students can more intuitively understand the thoughts and emotions behind each piece. This interaction not only enhances art appreciation but also cultivates critical thinking and creativity.



At the end of her speech, Principal Yang presented certificates from the Vanke Art Museum to the two young artists, Xiao Shuhe and Sun Simu, in recognition of their outstanding achievements in artistic creation and to affirm the artistic value of their works. This honor is not only a recognition of the talents of the two young artists but also an encouragement and expectation for their future artistic journeys.




As a private school offering a nine-year compulsory education program, Wanshuang adheres to national curriculum standards while integrating cutting-edge concepts from international education, focusing on innovation and exploration in teaching. We strive to create art courses that blend Eastern and Western cultures, as well as architecture courses that incorporate knowledge from various disciplines such as architecture, design, engineering, and mathematics. At the same time, we focus on cultivating students’ artistic literacy through practical activities, encouraging them to actively participate in art exhibitions, theater performances, music concerts, and other artistic events. These activities not only give students the opportunity to engage with diverse forms of art but also deepen their perception and understanding of art with aesthetic experiences.


The “Dreams of Ink and Color” exhibition is a splendid representation of the curriculum philosophy of Vanke Bilingual School. All art teachers here carry the important responsibility of professional evaluation and artistic guidance, dedicating significant effort and energy to this exhibition as if they were meticulously crafting a work of art themselves. The teachers provided high praise for these two student artists from a professional perspective, and this evaluation carries deep value in terms of cultural heritage and aesthetics. It also serves as a testament to the growth and potential of the two young artists on their artistic journey.






Teacher Sun Xiaomeng stated, “The works of Shuhe and Simu do not confine themselves to mere similarities in the appearance of objects; instead, they emphasize expressing their subjective interests. I believe that ‘vitality and grace’ is the best description for these works, as they embody the principle of ‘expressing the spirit through form’ in Chinese painting, while also striving for that delicate balance of ‘between likeness and unlikeness.’ In comparison, Shuhe’s brushwork is free and effortless, capturing the light, volume, and spatial sense of objects through variations in ink color, enriching the layers and charm of the overall picture. On the other hand, Simu’s works exhibited fine, smooth lines and utilized bright colors and delicate strokes to present a vivid portrayal of flowers and birds, making the artwork full of life and energy.”


Teacher Wang Dong said, “Shuhe’s brushwork is both delicate and bold, and her color combinations are harmonious yet rich in layers. From Shuhe’s paintings, one can feel a love for nature and a respect for traditional culture. Each stroke reveals focus and dedication, as if immersing the viewer in the artwork. Simu not only captures the forms of butterflies and birds but also their essences. Such works not only showcase the children’s artistic talent but also reveals their limitless potential for the future.”


Teacher Xiang Bingnan said, “Shuhe and Simu’s works are truly eye-catching, resembling a visual feast of flowers and birds. The two young artists showcased the myriad of charms in traditional Chinese painting on rice paper with completely different styles. Shuhe’s brushwork is bold and unrestrained; such free strokes do not make the composition seem chaotic but instead create a sense of vibrant life. Simu’s meticulous work is elegant and intricate, like a cup of fragrant green tea—slowly savored, it reveals the poetry and tenderness within, perfectly expressing the delicate beauty of flowers and birds. We are grateful to these two young artists for bringing us artworks from different perspectives, interpreting the charm of flowers and birds in Chinese painting.”


Teacher Huang Shiyun said, “In the works of Shuhe and Simu, Shuhe’s brushwork is free and expressive, with rich variations in ink color, creating a clear layering that is full of charm; Simu, on the other hand, showcases the fun and vibrancy of flower and bird paintings with her delicate lines and vivid colors. Both works embody the essence of Chinese painting’s principle of ‘expressing the spirit through form.’ Shuhe uses expressive techniques, while Simu employs meticulous methods—together, these two students demonstrate their diverse styles and showcase the various aesthetic orientations of Chinese art.”

外教老师Kayleigh Paige Gemmell说:“在本次画展中,书禾和思慕展出了一系列令人惊叹的花鸟画,作品巧妙地捕捉了自然的生机与生活的乐趣。她们运用中国水墨画的传统技法来表达花鸟题材,在承载深厚的象征意义的同时,表达了对文化遗产的尊重。每一幅作品都能够使观众与自然之美产生共鸣,并思考中国艺术中蕴含的永恒智慧。这次展览是一次令人印象深刻的首秀,展示了两位小艺术家的才华以及她们对国画技法的熟练运用。

Teacher Kayleigh Paige Gemmell said, “The Dream of Ink and Colour,” a joint art exhibition by Angel and Simu, presents a stunning collection of flower-and-bird paintings that beautifully capture the vibrancy of nature and the joy of life. Drawing from the rich tradition of Chinese ink painting, where flowers and birds hold deep symbolic meaning, the girls honor their cultural heritage through their work. Each piece invites viewers to connect with nature’s beauty and reflect on the timeless wisdom embedded in Chinese art. The exhibition is a truly impressive debut, showcasing the girls’ talent and their skillful use of traditional techniques.

外教老师 Nazanin Nafisi说:“学生们展示了一系列生动的水墨画,描绘了处于不同生长阶段花朵盛开的景象。柔和的笔触和粗犷的线条形成鲜明对比,展示出他们对静态和动态的出色理解。她们的作品抓住了春天的精髓,唤起了清新和新生的感觉。她们以蝴蝶为主题,表现的栩栩如生。翅膀上的细致纹理与丰富色彩相结合,展示了卓越的造型能力和创造能力。蝴蝶与花卉在动态的构图中形成互动关系,讲述着独特的故事。此次展览是对学生们的努力和艺术探索的肯定,以水墨作为媒介创作的作品收获了参观者们的一致好评。水墨晕染之间,作品呈现出一种别样的优雅气质,仿佛蕴藏着无尽的情感深度。观赏者们沉浸与两位同学对大自然的深刻理解,不由得对其连连称赞。

Teacher Nazanin Nafisi said, “Students presented a collection of vibrant ink paintings featuring blooming flowers in various stages of growth. The use of soft brushstrokes and contrasting bold lines demonstrated a remarkable understanding of balance and movement. Their work captured the essence of spring, evoking feelings of freshness and renewal. Focusing on butterflies and creating intricate designs that seemed to flutter off the paper. The fine details in the wings, paired with colorful ink washes, showcased exceptional precision and creativity. Each piece told a unique story, with butterflies interacting with flowers in dynamic compositions. The exhibition was a beautiful celebration of the students’ hard work and artistic exploration. Visitors praised the use of ink as a medium, noting its elegance and the emotional depth it brought to the artwork. Both students demonstrated a deep appreciation for nature, leaving the audience inspired and amazed.”

外教老师Elena Bezu说:“这场名为《丹青遗梦》的艺术展览,带我们开启了一场引人入胜的中国传统水墨画世界之旅,深刻体会了书禾和思慕令人惊叹的天赋以及他们对传统技艺的精湛掌握。她们通过笔墨的运用将简单的传统主题转变为既永恒又现代的艺术作品,艺术视角在每一幅作品中熠熠生辉,赋予经典主题以生命和个性,为我们带来了一场难忘的视觉体验。《丹青遗梦》展览是对中国传统艺术之美和孩子们无尽创造力的见证。”

Teacher Elena Bezu said, “That was a captivating journey into the world of traditional Chinese watercolor painting as the art exhibition, “Dreams of Ink and Color,”. Created by artists Angel and Simu, this unique exhibition showcases the students’ breathtaking talent and mastery of traditional techniques. Using vibrant inks and a masterful command of brushstrokes, Angel and Simu have transformed simple, traditional subjects into works of art that are both timeless and strikingly modern. Their artistic vision shines through each piece, breathing life and personality into classic themes. The vividness of the ink and the unique perspective of the young artists create an unforgettable visual experience. The exhibition, “Dreams of Ink and Color,” is a testament to the enduring beauty of traditional Chinese art and the boundless creativity of young artists.”



In today’s rapidly developing era of AI, the world seems to have undergone a stark transformation, as previous barriers have been erased by invisible forces. Art education is no exception; students can now easily access a rich variety of art courses. At Vanke Bilingual School, we are committed to being guides for students’ journeys into artistic exploration, leading them to a positive and healthy aesthetic practice space. Here, students will learn to genuinely appreciate the allure of art, deeply experience its essence, and understand its profound meaning, gradually enhancing their abilities to perceive, appreciate, express, and create beauty, and allowing the beauty of art to flourish in their hearts. At the same time, we hope that through art education, students will gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of traditional Chinese culture, strengthen their cultural confidence, and contribute to the heritage and development of Chinese culture.






5《花与鸟》 420*297mm.jpg



收藏 孙思慕《乡下雪景》508*300mm.jpg


资料提供/ 向炳南 吴琼


排版/ 马葳


发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2024-12-02


万双网讯  在万科双语学校,艺术教育被赋予了更深远的意义——它是一种精神的涵养、一种智慧的启迪。11 月 25 日,万双美术馆艺术画廊迎来了 “丹青遗梦” 书画联展的盛大开幕,这一艺术与教育的盛会展示了来自6年级的肖书禾5年级的孙思慕两位学子的中国画作品,犹如一颗璀璨的明珠,吸引着全校师生以及众多校外艺术爱好者的目光。当日,艺术画廊内人头攒动,却又静谧而有序,每个人都怀揣着对艺术的敬畏与期待,步入这个充满艺术气息的空间。

At Vanke Bilingual School, art education is given a deeper meaning — it serves as the culmination of spirit and wisdom. On November 25, the Vanke Art Gallery held the grand opening of the “Dreams of Ink and Color” joint exhibition. This event, which bridges art and education, showcased the Chinese paintings of two students, Xiao Shuhe from the sixth grade and Sun Simu from the fifth grade. These pieces shone like dazzling pearls, attracting the attention of all students, teachers, and numerous art enthusiasts from outside the school. On that day, the art gallery was bustling yet everyone remained tranquil and orderly. Everyone entered this artistic space with a sense of reverence and anticipation for the art on display.



Xiao Shuhe and Sun Simu shared their experiences of growth. Xiao Shuhe views painting as a way to explore the world; from simple shapes to the profoundness of traditional Chinese painting techniques, meaning every step is a pursuit of beauty and an expression of her inner self. She finds tranquility in the strokes of her brush, with each brushstroke revealing her emotions and each blending of colors representing a dialogue with nature. Calligraphy has become a medium for her to communicate with traditional culture, allowing her to feel its power through every horizontal, vertical, and diagonal stroke.





Sun Simu finds joy and a means of self-expression through her painting. From simple fruits to complex organisms, her brush gradually reveals a colorful world. She expresses her gratitude for support from the school and teachers, which has allowed the seeds of art to thrive in an inclusive and encouraging environment. She also thanks her family for their companionship and encouragement, which has strengthened her resolve on her artistic journey. The sharing by both artists not only reveals their personal artistic journeys but also provides a profound interpretation of the significance of art education, showcasing how art can shape individuality, ignite potential, and lead children towards a broader future.




Sun Simu’s mother expressed her support and encouragement for her daughter’s artistic journey during her sharing. She emphasized the importance of helping children discover their personal interests, consistently providing Simu with positive feedback and praise, focusing on her efforts and creativity rather than just the results. This form of encouragement gave Simu a sense of accomplishment and ignited her passion for creating. She also shared how visiting museums, art exhibitions, and taking walks in the park help guide Simu to observe the beauty in life, inspiring her creative ideas. Lastly, Simu’s mother expressed gratitude for the school’s educational philosophy and environment, which have offered her daughter opportunities to showcase her talents and build confidence, while encouraging her to maintain her love for painting and to boldly express herself through her art.



In her speech, Principal Yang Fan emphasized that artistic creation is not just a display of technique; it is also an expression of emotion and soul. She mentioned that while AI technology has achieved significant success in rules-based fields such as industrial production, in the realm of artistic creation, especially in fields like Chinese painting, human artists, with their unique perceptions and profound thoughts, still produce works that possess irreplaceable value. The pieces crafted by these two young artists undoubtedly exude a distinctive artistic charm, carrying their souls and emotions.



Principal Yang encouraged students to not only look at art with their eyes but also to feel them with their hearts. She hopes that students can go beyond seeing the surface and delve into the creative backgrounds, emotional expressions, and artistic concepts of the two young artists, allowing them to gain their own deeper artistic experiences and insight. Moreover, through dialogue with the young artists, students can more intuitively understand the thoughts and emotions behind each piece. This interaction not only enhances art appreciation but also cultivates critical thinking and creativity.



At the end of her speech, Principal Yang presented certificates from the Vanke Art Museum to the two young artists, Xiao Shuhe and Sun Simu, in recognition of their outstanding achievements in artistic creation and to affirm the artistic value of their works. This honor is not only a recognition of the talents of the two young artists but also an encouragement and expectation for their future artistic journeys.




As a private school offering a nine-year compulsory education program, Wanshuang adheres to national curriculum standards while integrating cutting-edge concepts from international education, focusing on innovation and exploration in teaching. We strive to create art courses that blend Eastern and Western cultures, as well as architecture courses that incorporate knowledge from various disciplines such as architecture, design, engineering, and mathematics. At the same time, we focus on cultivating students’ artistic literacy through practical activities, encouraging them to actively participate in art exhibitions, theater performances, music concerts, and other artistic events. These activities not only give students the opportunity to engage with diverse forms of art but also deepen their perception and understanding of art with aesthetic experiences.


The “Dreams of Ink and Color” exhibition is a splendid representation of the curriculum philosophy of Vanke Bilingual School. All art teachers here carry the important responsibility of professional evaluation and artistic guidance, dedicating significant effort and energy to this exhibition as if they were meticulously crafting a work of art themselves. The teachers provided high praise for these two student artists from a professional perspective, and this evaluation carries deep value in terms of cultural heritage and aesthetics. It also serves as a testament to the growth and potential of the two young artists on their artistic journey.






Teacher Sun Xiaomeng stated, “The works of Shuhe and Simu do not confine themselves to mere similarities in the appearance of objects; instead, they emphasize expressing their subjective interests. I believe that ‘vitality and grace’ is the best description for these works, as they embody the principle of ‘expressing the spirit through form’ in Chinese painting, while also striving for that delicate balance of ‘between likeness and unlikeness.’ In comparison, Shuhe’s brushwork is free and effortless, capturing the light, volume, and spatial sense of objects through variations in ink color, enriching the layers and charm of the overall picture. On the other hand, Simu’s works exhibited fine, smooth lines and utilized bright colors and delicate strokes to present a vivid portrayal of flowers and birds, making the artwork full of life and energy.”


Teacher Wang Dong said, “Shuhe’s brushwork is both delicate and bold, and her color combinations are harmonious yet rich in layers. From Shuhe’s paintings, one can feel a love for nature and a respect for traditional culture. Each stroke reveals focus and dedication, as if immersing the viewer in the artwork. Simu not only captures the forms of butterflies and birds but also their essences. Such works not only showcase the children’s artistic talent but also reveals their limitless potential for the future.”


Teacher Xiang Bingnan said, “Shuhe and Simu’s works are truly eye-catching, resembling a visual feast of flowers and birds. The two young artists showcased the myriad of charms in traditional Chinese painting on rice paper with completely different styles. Shuhe’s brushwork is bold and unrestrained; such free strokes do not make the composition seem chaotic but instead create a sense of vibrant life. Simu’s meticulous work is elegant and intricate, like a cup of fragrant green tea—slowly savored, it reveals the poetry and tenderness within, perfectly expressing the delicate beauty of flowers and birds. We are grateful to these two young artists for bringing us artworks from different perspectives, interpreting the charm of flowers and birds in Chinese painting.”


Teacher Huang Shiyun said, “In the works of Shuhe and Simu, Shuhe’s brushwork is free and expressive, with rich variations in ink color, creating a clear layering that is full of charm; Simu, on the other hand, showcases the fun and vibrancy of flower and bird paintings with her delicate lines and vivid colors. Both works embody the essence of Chinese painting’s principle of ‘expressing the spirit through form.’ Shuhe uses expressive techniques, while Simu employs meticulous methods—together, these two students demonstrate their diverse styles and showcase the various aesthetic orientations of Chinese art.”

外教老师Kayleigh Paige Gemmell说:“在本次画展中,书禾和思慕展出了一系列令人惊叹的花鸟画,作品巧妙地捕捉了自然的生机与生活的乐趣。她们运用中国水墨画的传统技法来表达花鸟题材,在承载深厚的象征意义的同时,表达了对文化遗产的尊重。每一幅作品都能够使观众与自然之美产生共鸣,并思考中国艺术中蕴含的永恒智慧。这次展览是一次令人印象深刻的首秀,展示了两位小艺术家的才华以及她们对国画技法的熟练运用。

Teacher Kayleigh Paige Gemmell said, “The Dream of Ink and Colour,” a joint art exhibition by Angel and Simu, presents a stunning collection of flower-and-bird paintings that beautifully capture the vibrancy of nature and the joy of life. Drawing from the rich tradition of Chinese ink painting, where flowers and birds hold deep symbolic meaning, the girls honor their cultural heritage through their work. Each piece invites viewers to connect with nature’s beauty and reflect on the timeless wisdom embedded in Chinese art. The exhibition is a truly impressive debut, showcasing the girls’ talent and their skillful use of traditional techniques.

外教老师 Nazanin Nafisi说:“学生们展示了一系列生动的水墨画,描绘了处于不同生长阶段花朵盛开的景象。柔和的笔触和粗犷的线条形成鲜明对比,展示出他们对静态和动态的出色理解。她们的作品抓住了春天的精髓,唤起了清新和新生的感觉。她们以蝴蝶为主题,表现的栩栩如生。翅膀上的细致纹理与丰富色彩相结合,展示了卓越的造型能力和创造能力。蝴蝶与花卉在动态的构图中形成互动关系,讲述着独特的故事。此次展览是对学生们的努力和艺术探索的肯定,以水墨作为媒介创作的作品收获了参观者们的一致好评。水墨晕染之间,作品呈现出一种别样的优雅气质,仿佛蕴藏着无尽的情感深度。观赏者们沉浸与两位同学对大自然的深刻理解,不由得对其连连称赞。

Teacher Nazanin Nafisi said, “Students presented a collection of vibrant ink paintings featuring blooming flowers in various stages of growth. The use of soft brushstrokes and contrasting bold lines demonstrated a remarkable understanding of balance and movement. Their work captured the essence of spring, evoking feelings of freshness and renewal. Focusing on butterflies and creating intricate designs that seemed to flutter off the paper. The fine details in the wings, paired with colorful ink washes, showcased exceptional precision and creativity. Each piece told a unique story, with butterflies interacting with flowers in dynamic compositions. The exhibition was a beautiful celebration of the students’ hard work and artistic exploration. Visitors praised the use of ink as a medium, noting its elegance and the emotional depth it brought to the artwork. Both students demonstrated a deep appreciation for nature, leaving the audience inspired and amazed.”

外教老师Elena Bezu说:“这场名为《丹青遗梦》的艺术展览,带我们开启了一场引人入胜的中国传统水墨画世界之旅,深刻体会了书禾和思慕令人惊叹的天赋以及他们对传统技艺的精湛掌握。她们通过笔墨的运用将简单的传统主题转变为既永恒又现代的艺术作品,艺术视角在每一幅作品中熠熠生辉,赋予经典主题以生命和个性,为我们带来了一场难忘的视觉体验。《丹青遗梦》展览是对中国传统艺术之美和孩子们无尽创造力的见证。”

Teacher Elena Bezu said, “That was a captivating journey into the world of traditional Chinese watercolor painting as the art exhibition, “Dreams of Ink and Color,”. Created by artists Angel and Simu, this unique exhibition showcases the students’ breathtaking talent and mastery of traditional techniques. Using vibrant inks and a masterful command of brushstrokes, Angel and Simu have transformed simple, traditional subjects into works of art that are both timeless and strikingly modern. Their artistic vision shines through each piece, breathing life and personality into classic themes. The vividness of the ink and the unique perspective of the young artists create an unforgettable visual experience. The exhibition, “Dreams of Ink and Color,” is a testament to the enduring beauty of traditional Chinese art and the boundless creativity of young artists.”



In today’s rapidly developing era of AI, the world seems to have undergone a stark transformation, as previous barriers have been erased by invisible forces. Art education is no exception; students can now easily access a rich variety of art courses. At Vanke Bilingual School, we are committed to being guides for students’ journeys into artistic exploration, leading them to a positive and healthy aesthetic practice space. Here, students will learn to genuinely appreciate the allure of art, deeply experience its essence, and understand its profound meaning, gradually enhancing their abilities to perceive, appreciate, express, and create beauty, and allowing the beauty of art to flourish in their hearts. At the same time, we hope that through art education, students will gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of traditional Chinese culture, strengthen their cultural confidence, and contribute to the heritage and development of Chinese culture.






5《花与鸟》 420*297mm.jpg



收藏 孙思慕《乡下雪景》508*300mm.jpg


资料提供/ 向炳南 吴琼


排版/ 马葳



培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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版权所有©深圳市龙华区万科双语学校 -粤ICP备20070888号