万双网讯 为增强学生对口腔疾病、牙齿护理及相关口腔健康等方面知识的了解,提高口腔保健知识水平和技能,引导孩子们从小养成良好的口腔卫生习惯,预防口腔疾病的发生,深圳市龙华区万科双语学校特邀请深圳市龙华区慢性病防治中心健康宣讲团走进校园,开展主题为“口腔健康科普入校园”讲座。同时,为了进一步推动深圳市针对二年级小学生六龄牙免费窝沟封闭项目,讲座特别邀请了二年级师生参与,以确保项目的顺利进行和普及。
To enhance students’ understanding of oral diseases, dental care, and oral health, and to cultivate good oral hygiene habits from an early age, Shenzhen Longhua Vanke Bilingual School invited the Health Promotion Team from Longhua District’s Chronic Disease Prevention and Control Center to deliver a lecture titled “Dental Health Awareness in Schools.” The lecture also aimed to further promote the free Cavity Sealant Program for the First Teeth of Grade 2 students in Shenzhen, with a special invitation extended to Grade 2 teachers and students to participate, to ensure the smooth implementation and widespread adoption of this program.
At the lecture, Ms. Huang Yuyao captivated the audience with engaging and informative content about oral health. She began with “Understanding the Mouth,” explaining its vital functions as an essential organ, including its connections to the esophagus and respiratory tract, and the critical roles of teeth and saliva for food intake and digestion. She also outlined the sequences of a new, erupting tooth.
Next, in “Oral Disease Prevention”, Ms. Huang detailed preventive measures for cavities and oral ulcers, as well as first aid for dental injuries. During the “Scientific Tooth Care” session, she provided a step-by-step demonstration of the Bass brushing technique and emphasized the importance of dental sealants in preventing cavities. These comprehensive and practical lessons equipped students with valuable knowledge and skills, laying a solid foundation for maintaining oral health.
在讲座中,孩子们对口腔卫生保健知识有了更深刻的理解,学会了如何更好地保护自己的牙齿。 一口好牙不仅能增添独特的魅力,还能大幅提升生活质量,让笑容更加迷人。希望每个人都能认识到口腔保健的重要性,拥有健康的牙齿,绽放灿烂笑容。
The lecture gave students a deeper understanding of oral hygiene and taught them how to better protect their teeth. A healthy set of teeth not only adds personal charm but also significantly improves your quality of life, making your smile more radiant. They hope that everyone will recognize the importance of oral health, maintain strong and healthy teeth, and share bright, confident smiles with the world.
资料提供/ 吴琼
翻译/ 焦阳
排版/ 马葳
万双网讯 为增强学生对口腔疾病、牙齿护理及相关口腔健康等方面知识的了解,提高口腔保健知识水平和技能,引导孩子们从小养成良好的口腔卫生习惯,预防口腔疾病的发生,深圳市龙华区万科双语学校特邀请深圳市龙华区慢性病防治中心健康宣讲团走进校园,开展主题为“口腔健康科普入校园”讲座。同时,为了进一步推动深圳市针对二年级小学生六龄牙免费窝沟封闭项目,讲座特别邀请了二年级师生参与,以确保项目的顺利进行和普及。
To enhance students’ understanding of oral diseases, dental care, and oral health, and to cultivate good oral hygiene habits from an early age, Shenzhen Longhua Vanke Bilingual School invited the Health Promotion Team from Longhua District’s Chronic Disease Prevention and Control Center to deliver a lecture titled “Dental Health Awareness in Schools.” The lecture also aimed to further promote the free Cavity Sealant Program for the First Teeth of Grade 2 students in Shenzhen, with a special invitation extended to Grade 2 teachers and students to participate, to ensure the smooth implementation and widespread adoption of this program.
At the lecture, Ms. Huang Yuyao captivated the audience with engaging and informative content about oral health. She began with “Understanding the Mouth,” explaining its vital functions as an essential organ, including its connections to the esophagus and respiratory tract, and the critical roles of teeth and saliva for food intake and digestion. She also outlined the sequences of a new, erupting tooth.
Next, in “Oral Disease Prevention”, Ms. Huang detailed preventive measures for cavities and oral ulcers, as well as first aid for dental injuries. During the “Scientific Tooth Care” session, she provided a step-by-step demonstration of the Bass brushing technique and emphasized the importance of dental sealants in preventing cavities. These comprehensive and practical lessons equipped students with valuable knowledge and skills, laying a solid foundation for maintaining oral health.
在讲座中,孩子们对口腔卫生保健知识有了更深刻的理解,学会了如何更好地保护自己的牙齿。 一口好牙不仅能增添独特的魅力,还能大幅提升生活质量,让笑容更加迷人。希望每个人都能认识到口腔保健的重要性,拥有健康的牙齿,绽放灿烂笑容。
The lecture gave students a deeper understanding of oral hygiene and taught them how to better protect their teeth. A healthy set of teeth not only adds personal charm but also significantly improves your quality of life, making your smile more radiant. They hope that everyone will recognize the importance of oral health, maintain strong and healthy teeth, and share bright, confident smiles with the world.
资料提供/ 吴琼
翻译/ 焦阳
排版/ 马葳
培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。
Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen
Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.
Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.
Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen
Contact: 0755-66866333
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