万双网讯 2024年10月25日深圳市龙华区万科双语学校四年级数学《一亿粒大米有多重?》PBL项目式学习展示活动在小剧场举行。
On October 25, 2024, the fourth-grade math PBL project exhibition titled “How Much Does 100 Million Grains of Rice Weigh?” was held in the theater of Shenzhen Longhua Vanke Bilingual School.
During the exhibition, the fourth-grade students eagerly shared their discoveries and insights gained from the project. Working in groups, they showcased the process in identifying the issue of leftover food in the classroom and using that to explore the global problem of food waste. The students displayed confidence throughout their presentations, articulating clearly how they applied mathematical reasoning to determine the weight of a grain of rice, demonstrating their thorough understanding of large numbers and quantities.
The fourth-grade math teachers seized this educational opportunity after noticing the prevalence of leftovers in the lunchboxes of students in many classes. They showed relevant videos about food waste to encourage students to engage in a deeper analysis of this issue. Then they introduced a scenario, “If approximately 100 million elementary students in China waste one grain of rice each, a total of 100 million grains will be wasted,” which sparked the students’ curiosity and desire to explore. This vivid example not only sparked the students’ awareness on the importance of food conservation but also formed the mathematics group’s PBL (Project-Based Learning) theme, effectively linking mathematical knowledge with real-world problems and guiding students to learn and grow through a practical experience.
在数学课上项目中,学生们开启了关于大数知识的学习与实践之旅。他们先是通过称量 100 粒大米的重量,进而运用数学推算之法得出 1 亿粒大米的重量。他们首先通过称量100粒大米的重量,再运用数学推算的方法得出1粒大米的重量。这个过程看似简单,却蕴含着深刻的数学原理和方法。学生们在实际操作中,不仅对大数有了更直观的认识,更在逐步推算一亿粒大米重量的过程中,不断强化数感和量感,同时也锻炼了估算和推算能力。这种从具体到抽象,再从抽象到具体的学习过程,让学生们深刻体会到数学在实际生活中的应用价值。
During the project, students embarked on a journey of learning and practical application regarding large numbers. They began by measuring the weight of 100 grains of rice, then using mathematical reasoning to calculate the weight of 100 million grains. This process, while seemingly simple, requires advanced mathematical principles and methods. Through hands-on experience, students not only gained a more intuitive understanding of large numbers, but also reinforced their measurement abilities by doing step-by-step calculation of the weight of the 100 million grains of rice. This learning process, moving from the practical to the abstract and then connecting it to real life, allowed students to deeply appreciate the practical value of mathematics.
为进一步丰富学习内容,数学老师们积极与 Art老师联动协作。在 Art 课上,学生们对全球粮食浪费的严峻现象进行了深入探究,深刻洞悉了粮食浪费给环境、经济和社会带来的深远影响。他们运用在数学课上收集到的资料,精心设计并制作了海报,以视觉吸引力强的方式呈现相关数据。这些海报不仅展示了数据,还包含了简短的信息或标语,以清晰解释数据背后的意义。
To further enrich learning content, the math teachers actively collaborated with the Art teachers. During Art class, students conducted an in-depth exploration of the severe issue of global food waste, gaining insight into its far-reaching impact on the environment, economy, and society. They used the data collected in math class to meticulously design and create posters, presenting the relevant information in a visually appealing way. These posters not only showcased the data but also included poignant messages or slogans to clearly articulate its significance.
在创作海报的过程中,学生们巧妙地运用了记号笔、彩色铅笔和纸张等工具,将节约粮食的信息转化为引人入胜的视觉艺术作品。他们细致入微,精心挑选字体和字号,确保海报上的文字清晰、易于阅读。同时,学生们还巧妙地使用了对比色和渐变色,为海报增添了生动和趣味。他们注重海报的整体平衡与对称,使得海报的视觉效果更加和谐统一。这一制作过程不仅让学生们从多角度深刻理解节约粮食的重要性,而且有效培养了他们的社会责任感和环保意识。 此次活动并不仅仅局限于数学学科。在art课上,学生们还了解到全球粮食浪费的现象,以及粮食浪费对环境、经济和社会所产生的巨大影响。这使得学生们从更广泛的视角认识到节约粮食的重要性,培养了他们的社会责任感和环保意识。
During the poster-making process, the students skillfully used markers, colored pencils, and paper to transform the message of saving food into captivating visual aids. They paid close attention to detail, carefully selecting fonts and sizes to ensure that the text on the posters was clear and easy to read. At the same time, the students creatively employed contrasting and gradient colors, adding vibrancy to the posters. They emphasized the overall balance and symmetry of the layouts of the posters, making the visual effects more uniform. This process not only allowed the students to further appreciate the importance of saving food but also heightened their sense of social responsibility and environmental awareness.
Through this PBL project, the students gained not only an improvement in their mathematical knowledge but also a new awareness and concern for food related issues. They transitioned from being passive recipients of information to actively seeking out and gathering relevant data, contributing to food conservation through tangible actions. This inquiry-based learning approach closely integrates mathematics with real-life situations, stimulating students’ interest in learning. It has cultivated their creative and innovative abilities, laying a solid foundation for their future development.
资料提供/ 吴琼
翻译/ 唐华琳
排版/ 马葳
万双网讯 2024年10月25日深圳市龙华区万科双语学校四年级数学《一亿粒大米有多重?》PBL项目式学习展示活动在小剧场举行。
On October 25, 2024, the fourth-grade math PBL project exhibition titled “How Much Does 100 Million Grains of Rice Weigh?” was held in the theater of Shenzhen Longhua Vanke Bilingual School.
During the exhibition, the fourth-grade students eagerly shared their discoveries and insights gained from the project. Working in groups, they showcased the process in identifying the issue of leftover food in the classroom and using that to explore the global problem of food waste. The students displayed confidence throughout their presentations, articulating clearly how they applied mathematical reasoning to determine the weight of a grain of rice, demonstrating their thorough understanding of large numbers and quantities.
The fourth-grade math teachers seized this educational opportunity after noticing the prevalence of leftovers in the lunchboxes of students in many classes. They showed relevant videos about food waste to encourage students to engage in a deeper analysis of this issue. Then they introduced a scenario, “If approximately 100 million elementary students in China waste one grain of rice each, a total of 100 million grains will be wasted,” which sparked the students’ curiosity and desire to explore. This vivid example not only sparked the students’ awareness on the importance of food conservation but also formed the mathematics group’s PBL (Project-Based Learning) theme, effectively linking mathematical knowledge with real-world problems and guiding students to learn and grow through a practical experience.
在数学课上项目中,学生们开启了关于大数知识的学习与实践之旅。他们先是通过称量 100 粒大米的重量,进而运用数学推算之法得出 1 亿粒大米的重量。他们首先通过称量100粒大米的重量,再运用数学推算的方法得出1粒大米的重量。这个过程看似简单,却蕴含着深刻的数学原理和方法。学生们在实际操作中,不仅对大数有了更直观的认识,更在逐步推算一亿粒大米重量的过程中,不断强化数感和量感,同时也锻炼了估算和推算能力。这种从具体到抽象,再从抽象到具体的学习过程,让学生们深刻体会到数学在实际生活中的应用价值。
During the project, students embarked on a journey of learning and practical application regarding large numbers. They began by measuring the weight of 100 grains of rice, then using mathematical reasoning to calculate the weight of 100 million grains. This process, while seemingly simple, requires advanced mathematical principles and methods. Through hands-on experience, students not only gained a more intuitive understanding of large numbers, but also reinforced their measurement abilities by doing step-by-step calculation of the weight of the 100 million grains of rice. This learning process, moving from the practical to the abstract and then connecting it to real life, allowed students to deeply appreciate the practical value of mathematics.
为进一步丰富学习内容,数学老师们积极与 Art老师联动协作。在 Art 课上,学生们对全球粮食浪费的严峻现象进行了深入探究,深刻洞悉了粮食浪费给环境、经济和社会带来的深远影响。他们运用在数学课上收集到的资料,精心设计并制作了海报,以视觉吸引力强的方式呈现相关数据。这些海报不仅展示了数据,还包含了简短的信息或标语,以清晰解释数据背后的意义。
To further enrich learning content, the math teachers actively collaborated with the Art teachers. During Art class, students conducted an in-depth exploration of the severe issue of global food waste, gaining insight into its far-reaching impact on the environment, economy, and society. They used the data collected in math class to meticulously design and create posters, presenting the relevant information in a visually appealing way. These posters not only showcased the data but also included poignant messages or slogans to clearly articulate its significance.
在创作海报的过程中,学生们巧妙地运用了记号笔、彩色铅笔和纸张等工具,将节约粮食的信息转化为引人入胜的视觉艺术作品。他们细致入微,精心挑选字体和字号,确保海报上的文字清晰、易于阅读。同时,学生们还巧妙地使用了对比色和渐变色,为海报增添了生动和趣味。他们注重海报的整体平衡与对称,使得海报的视觉效果更加和谐统一。这一制作过程不仅让学生们从多角度深刻理解节约粮食的重要性,而且有效培养了他们的社会责任感和环保意识。 此次活动并不仅仅局限于数学学科。在art课上,学生们还了解到全球粮食浪费的现象,以及粮食浪费对环境、经济和社会所产生的巨大影响。这使得学生们从更广泛的视角认识到节约粮食的重要性,培养了他们的社会责任感和环保意识。
During the poster-making process, the students skillfully used markers, colored pencils, and paper to transform the message of saving food into captivating visual aids. They paid close attention to detail, carefully selecting fonts and sizes to ensure that the text on the posters was clear and easy to read. At the same time, the students creatively employed contrasting and gradient colors, adding vibrancy to the posters. They emphasized the overall balance and symmetry of the layouts of the posters, making the visual effects more uniform. This process not only allowed the students to further appreciate the importance of saving food but also heightened their sense of social responsibility and environmental awareness.
Through this PBL project, the students gained not only an improvement in their mathematical knowledge but also a new awareness and concern for food related issues. They transitioned from being passive recipients of information to actively seeking out and gathering relevant data, contributing to food conservation through tangible actions. This inquiry-based learning approach closely integrates mathematics with real-life situations, stimulating students’ interest in learning. It has cultivated their creative and innovative abilities, laying a solid foundation for their future development.
资料提供/ 吴琼
翻译/ 唐华琳
排版/ 马葳
培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。
Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen
Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.
Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.
Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen
Contact: 0755-66866333
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