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发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2022-04-29


万双网讯   孩子说: “我可以不要玩具,不出去旅游,不买衣服,把钱省下来交学费,我一定要在这个学校上课……”万科双语学校究竟有什么魔力,让孩子们如此热爱?4月23日,万科双语学校举办了“让孩子站在未来中央”线上教育分享会,杨帆校长分享了几个孩子与万双的故事,从办学理念、课程设置、办学方式、培养目标、万双文化等解读了万双魔力所在,数百名学生家长在线聆听了讲座。

VBS Net News

A student said, "I don't want toys. I don’t want to travel or to buy clothes, but I want to save money to pay tuition, because I am eager to study in this school." What magic power does Vanke Bilingual School have to make children love it so much? On April 23th, Vanke Bilingual School held an online education sharing meeting of "Let Students Stand in the Center of the Future". Principal Yang Fan shared some stories between students and VBS, interpreted the magic of VBS from the concept of school mission, curriculum setting, school running method, education objectives and VBS culture. Hundreds of parents listened to the sharing meeting online.



Magic 1: Right here, every child's voice can be heard




School song was created by students





"VBS, I love you, and I can grow up happily in VBS. I love you, I love you, I will never forget the good memories in VBS..." This simple school song was created by Jian Yi when he was still a Grade 1 student. The reason for the creation of this song is like this: one day Jian Yi simply asked Principal Yang, "Other schools have school songs. Why don't we have one in our school?" Principal Yang gently told him, "You can write a school song." Jian Yi was very serious about it. The moment he returned to classroom, he began to write. He found that he couldn't write some characters, so he asked his grandmother for help when he went home. He soon handed in the manuscript. Principal Yang attached great importance to it, specially framed the school song and asked the foreign teacher Ross to compose the music. On May 20th, 2021, VBS held a grand school song press conference and officially released the school song "VBS, I Love You". Although the lyrics are simple, they are profound and meaningful, which moved all the teachers and students present.




Advertisement was written by students



2022年4月,一篇学生仿写的“早恋文案”成功逆袭,被杨校长直接采用为学校招生硬广。故事是这样的:一天傍晚,7E班王赫宣偶然看到网上的一篇“早恋文案”,于是灵机一动,拿起纸笔为他心爱的学校仿写出了一篇“硬广”。 “硬广”在同学间流传,有小伙伴觉得写得很有意思于是转发给了班主任。班主任看后读出了孩子心中深藏的满满的爱,立即将这篇“早恋硬广”分享给了校长……

In April 2022, a copy of " Puppy Love Copywriting " written by a student was successfully counter attacked and directly adopted by Principal Yang as a strong way for school enrollment. The story is like this: one evening, Wang Hexuan from Class 7E accidentally read an article online "Puppy Love Copywriting", so he had an idea and picked up a piece of paper and a pen to write a "Strong Advertisement" for his beloved school. As " Strong Advertisement " was widely spread among students, some of them thought it was very interesting, so they forwarded it to the head teacher. The head teacher understood the deep love of that student, and he immediately shared it with Principal Yang.



In the story, he created such a plot: after being a boy's girlfriend for many years, she accidentally asked, " Where did you transfer to that year and did so well in the exam?" The boy said, "Vanke Bilingual School. The study style there is positive and progressive, and the students there are not only warm and friendly, but also have excellent academic performance. Excellent teachers ensure the learning quality. Students have strong artistic practice ability and humanistic feelings, leadership temperament and the awareness of the integration of loyalty, forgiveness, diligence and thrift. They are all good assistants of teachers and good partners of students. Choosing VBS means choosing a better future!"



In a later interview, Wang Hexuan said, "I’ve been in VBS for one semester. I found that I love VBS more and more. What I love is not only the rich courses and teachers' attentive teaching here, but also the environment and atmosphere. Our classmates get along very well. When we encounter things related to collective honor, we can always unite and strive for the top. The classes are very interesting. I always feel that 40-minute class is too short, but fortunately, we can meet teachers at any time after class. They are very warm and concerned about every student. "




Class bell was altered according to student's proposal


2019年的一天,一位学生跟校长说,学校的上课铃和下课铃都一样,我分不清。杨校长立即决定更改。外教ROSS老师主动申请创作,结合中西多种乐器,如吉他、古筝、二胡、竖琴、大提琴、小提琴等 ,用电脑软件合成创作了独特的预备铃、上课铃、下课铃

One day in 2019, a student told Principal that the bell for attending class was the same as the bell for finishing class, so I couldn't tell the difference. Principal Yang immediately decided to change it. Mr. Ross, a foreign teacher, volunteered to write a new one. Combined with a variety of Chinese and Western musical instruments, such as guitar, zither, erhu, harp, cello, violin, etc., he created the unique preparation bell, the bell for attending class and the bell for finishing class with computer software.



Mascot was created by students



In April 2019, VBS mascot, Little Dolphin, was born. It was designed by Lin Mulei from Grade 7 and voted by the whole school. Lin Mulei said, "Dolphin is a symbol of freedom. I think education method in VBS is special and excellent. I believe that the students taught here will be like dolphins, smart, excellent, free and live their own life."




Style: unique VBS hairstyle



Right here, students love VBS in their unique way, and even designed their hairstyles into VBS and Wan Xiaoshuang.




Magic 2: provide students with nutrients created by life with rich courses


万科双语学校独创中西融合的VBS多元课程体系,在“源动力课程、加力课程、推力课程”三个维度中促进学生多元发展。其中国际优质课程多元融合,加力学生英语能力提升,开阔学生国际视野。课程包括 ESL、 Math、Science、Drama、Art、Music、 PE,由全外籍教师团队授课,倾力打造“基于内容的学习”系列双语融合课程、跨学科融合课程。沉浸式的双语教学,让学生充分形成中英文运用思维,为学生更好地融入世界奠基。

Vanke Bilingual School has created a VBS multi curriculum system integrating Chinese and Western curriculum, which promotes the diversified development of students in the three dimensions of "source power curriculum, afterburner curriculum and thrust curriculum". Among them, international high-quality courses are diversified and integrated to enhance students' English ability and broaden students' international vision. The courses include ESL, Math, Science, Drama, Art, Music and PE, which are taught by a team of foreign teachers and strive to create a series of bilingual integrated courses and interdisciplinary integrated courses of "content-based learning". Immersive bilingual teaching enables students to fully form their thinking in both Chinese and English, and lays the foundation for students to better integrate into the world.



The growth support course provides support at different stages for students' growth and lays the foundation for students' lifelong growth. VBS special curriculum life-planning course integrates career education and mental health education, which aims to promote the sound development of students' personalities, guide students to understand themselves more comprehensively, explore the external world and lay a solid foundation for life planning. Artificial Intelligence course cultivates children's awareness of Artificial Intelligence, technological innovation thinking and application practice ability through Scratch and LOGO languages, Python plain text programming, OpenAI main control board and 3D printing courses designed for different grades. The compulsory course of Architectural Education guides students to experience the cleverness of spatial composition, and allows them to practice, communicate and cooperate in rich and interesting experiences. History course pays attention to Chinese and foreign history and cultivates students' feelings of home and country. The above characteristic courses are offered from Grade 1, and systematically bring the unique learning experiences to students.



In addition, the first-class underground basketball hall, constant temperature swimming pool and rock-climbing wall etc. have become students’ favorite sports places. There are more than 100 clubs, more than 40 elective courses, campus Thanksgiving Day, Scientist Day, art salon, sports meeting, football game, basketball game, debate game, speech games, and other colorful activities, which lay the foundation for students' healthy growth and personalized development.




VBS adopts the international cutting-edge PBL project-based learning to provide a practical platform for students to adapt to the necessary character and key abilities required by lifelong development and social development, so that students can comprehensively use their knowledge to solve practical problems.



Magic 3: teachers are full of love and diligence



Principal Yang pointed out that school should become a place for students, teachers and parents to grow together. In VBS, teachers and parents carry out a series of learning and training activities through Teachers' Professional Development College and Parents' Growth College. To improve teachers' professional level,VBS has invited experts to give lectures in campus or online many times. Every VBSer should establish growth thinking, develop a habit of lifelong learning and grow continuously. Teachers have won the acceptance of parents, students and society through love and diligence, professionalism and dedication.





Magic 4: always look forward



Principal Yang Fan pointed out that the healthy and personalized growth of students will always be the brightest light of hope in the world. Education should return to human nature and the truth, making students stand in the center of the future.


万双学生核心素养:基于多元世界(Diversity),基于对未来的预测(Future),万双学生展现独特的气质:他们具有创造力和批判性思维(Creativity,Critical Thinking),愿意并能良好地与他人交流与合作(Communication,Collaboration—4C),具有好奇心(Eagerness),表现出乐观(Optimism)、包容(Inclusiveness)、坚毅(Grit) ,他们因始终充满好奇,不断探索,不断积极发展自己的身心而总是充满活力(Vitality)。X、Y代表着一切皆有可能。

Core qualities of VBS students are based on Diversity and Future prediction. VBS students show their unique temperament. They are full of Creativity and Critical Thinking, willing and able to have good Communication and Collaboration with others. With Eagerness, Optimism, Inclusiveness and Grit, they are always full of Vitality because they are always curious, constantly explore and actively develop themselves. X and Y mean everything is possible.




Facing the future swept by the waves of Artificial Intelligence, Vanke Bilingual School will create an education which is more suitable for the future. VBS strives to create differentiated and responsive lessons with teaching students according to their aptitude. We strive to mobilize children's internal drive for learning, stimulate children's active learning, and make them grow into Chinese citizens with good health, sound personality, excellent academic ability, international vision, national feelings, and dare to create a better future.



School foresees a bright future for children with creativity!






When students are asked whether they want to start school or not, all of them say "yes". Some of them say they miss their teachers, some miss their classmates, and some miss their own clubs and school meals. Students mention that they are being loved by school, by Principal Yang and by teachers, so they love school more. A school with temperature is a place where there is full of love and warmness. Spring is infinitely warm. How nice it is!


翻译/陈李 周金凤

编辑/图片 燕子


发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2022-04-29


万双网讯   孩子说: “我可以不要玩具,不出去旅游,不买衣服,把钱省下来交学费,我一定要在这个学校上课……”万科双语学校究竟有什么魔力,让孩子们如此热爱?4月23日,万科双语学校举办了“让孩子站在未来中央”线上教育分享会,杨帆校长分享了几个孩子与万双的故事,从办学理念、课程设置、办学方式、培养目标、万双文化等解读了万双魔力所在,数百名学生家长在线聆听了讲座。

VBS Net News

A student said, "I don't want toys. I don’t want to travel or to buy clothes, but I want to save money to pay tuition, because I am eager to study in this school." What magic power does Vanke Bilingual School have to make children love it so much? On April 23th, Vanke Bilingual School held an online education sharing meeting of "Let Students Stand in the Center of the Future". Principal Yang Fan shared some stories between students and VBS, interpreted the magic of VBS from the concept of school mission, curriculum setting, school running method, education objectives and VBS culture. Hundreds of parents listened to the sharing meeting online.



Magic 1: Right here, every child's voice can be heard




School song was created by students





"VBS, I love you, and I can grow up happily in VBS. I love you, I love you, I will never forget the good memories in VBS..." This simple school song was created by Jian Yi when he was still a Grade 1 student. The reason for the creation of this song is like this: one day Jian Yi simply asked Principal Yang, "Other schools have school songs. Why don't we have one in our school?" Principal Yang gently told him, "You can write a school song." Jian Yi was very serious about it. The moment he returned to classroom, he began to write. He found that he couldn't write some characters, so he asked his grandmother for help when he went home. He soon handed in the manuscript. Principal Yang attached great importance to it, specially framed the school song and asked the foreign teacher Ross to compose the music. On May 20th, 2021, VBS held a grand school song press conference and officially released the school song "VBS, I Love You". Although the lyrics are simple, they are profound and meaningful, which moved all the teachers and students present.




Advertisement was written by students



2022年4月,一篇学生仿写的“早恋文案”成功逆袭,被杨校长直接采用为学校招生硬广。故事是这样的:一天傍晚,7E班王赫宣偶然看到网上的一篇“早恋文案”,于是灵机一动,拿起纸笔为他心爱的学校仿写出了一篇“硬广”。 “硬广”在同学间流传,有小伙伴觉得写得很有意思于是转发给了班主任。班主任看后读出了孩子心中深藏的满满的爱,立即将这篇“早恋硬广”分享给了校长……

In April 2022, a copy of " Puppy Love Copywriting " written by a student was successfully counter attacked and directly adopted by Principal Yang as a strong way for school enrollment. The story is like this: one evening, Wang Hexuan from Class 7E accidentally read an article online "Puppy Love Copywriting", so he had an idea and picked up a piece of paper and a pen to write a "Strong Advertisement" for his beloved school. As " Strong Advertisement " was widely spread among students, some of them thought it was very interesting, so they forwarded it to the head teacher. The head teacher understood the deep love of that student, and he immediately shared it with Principal Yang.



In the story, he created such a plot: after being a boy's girlfriend for many years, she accidentally asked, " Where did you transfer to that year and did so well in the exam?" The boy said, "Vanke Bilingual School. The study style there is positive and progressive, and the students there are not only warm and friendly, but also have excellent academic performance. Excellent teachers ensure the learning quality. Students have strong artistic practice ability and humanistic feelings, leadership temperament and the awareness of the integration of loyalty, forgiveness, diligence and thrift. They are all good assistants of teachers and good partners of students. Choosing VBS means choosing a better future!"



In a later interview, Wang Hexuan said, "I’ve been in VBS for one semester. I found that I love VBS more and more. What I love is not only the rich courses and teachers' attentive teaching here, but also the environment and atmosphere. Our classmates get along very well. When we encounter things related to collective honor, we can always unite and strive for the top. The classes are very interesting. I always feel that 40-minute class is too short, but fortunately, we can meet teachers at any time after class. They are very warm and concerned about every student. "




Class bell was altered according to student's proposal


2019年的一天,一位学生跟校长说,学校的上课铃和下课铃都一样,我分不清。杨校长立即决定更改。外教ROSS老师主动申请创作,结合中西多种乐器,如吉他、古筝、二胡、竖琴、大提琴、小提琴等 ,用电脑软件合成创作了独特的预备铃、上课铃、下课铃

One day in 2019, a student told Principal that the bell for attending class was the same as the bell for finishing class, so I couldn't tell the difference. Principal Yang immediately decided to change it. Mr. Ross, a foreign teacher, volunteered to write a new one. Combined with a variety of Chinese and Western musical instruments, such as guitar, zither, erhu, harp, cello, violin, etc., he created the unique preparation bell, the bell for attending class and the bell for finishing class with computer software.



Mascot was created by students



In April 2019, VBS mascot, Little Dolphin, was born. It was designed by Lin Mulei from Grade 7 and voted by the whole school. Lin Mulei said, "Dolphin is a symbol of freedom. I think education method in VBS is special and excellent. I believe that the students taught here will be like dolphins, smart, excellent, free and live their own life."




Style: unique VBS hairstyle



Right here, students love VBS in their unique way, and even designed their hairstyles into VBS and Wan Xiaoshuang.




Magic 2: provide students with nutrients created by life with rich courses


万科双语学校独创中西融合的VBS多元课程体系,在“源动力课程、加力课程、推力课程”三个维度中促进学生多元发展。其中国际优质课程多元融合,加力学生英语能力提升,开阔学生国际视野。课程包括 ESL、 Math、Science、Drama、Art、Music、 PE,由全外籍教师团队授课,倾力打造“基于内容的学习”系列双语融合课程、跨学科融合课程。沉浸式的双语教学,让学生充分形成中英文运用思维,为学生更好地融入世界奠基。

Vanke Bilingual School has created a VBS multi curriculum system integrating Chinese and Western curriculum, which promotes the diversified development of students in the three dimensions of "source power curriculum, afterburner curriculum and thrust curriculum". Among them, international high-quality courses are diversified and integrated to enhance students' English ability and broaden students' international vision. The courses include ESL, Math, Science, Drama, Art, Music and PE, which are taught by a team of foreign teachers and strive to create a series of bilingual integrated courses and interdisciplinary integrated courses of "content-based learning". Immersive bilingual teaching enables students to fully form their thinking in both Chinese and English, and lays the foundation for students to better integrate into the world.



The growth support course provides support at different stages for students' growth and lays the foundation for students' lifelong growth. VBS special curriculum life-planning course integrates career education and mental health education, which aims to promote the sound development of students' personalities, guide students to understand themselves more comprehensively, explore the external world and lay a solid foundation for life planning. Artificial Intelligence course cultivates children's awareness of Artificial Intelligence, technological innovation thinking and application practice ability through Scratch and LOGO languages, Python plain text programming, OpenAI main control board and 3D printing courses designed for different grades. The compulsory course of Architectural Education guides students to experience the cleverness of spatial composition, and allows them to practice, communicate and cooperate in rich and interesting experiences. History course pays attention to Chinese and foreign history and cultivates students' feelings of home and country. The above characteristic courses are offered from Grade 1, and systematically bring the unique learning experiences to students.



In addition, the first-class underground basketball hall, constant temperature swimming pool and rock-climbing wall etc. have become students’ favorite sports places. There are more than 100 clubs, more than 40 elective courses, campus Thanksgiving Day, Scientist Day, art salon, sports meeting, football game, basketball game, debate game, speech games, and other colorful activities, which lay the foundation for students' healthy growth and personalized development.




VBS adopts the international cutting-edge PBL project-based learning to provide a practical platform for students to adapt to the necessary character and key abilities required by lifelong development and social development, so that students can comprehensively use their knowledge to solve practical problems.



Magic 3: teachers are full of love and diligence



Principal Yang pointed out that school should become a place for students, teachers and parents to grow together. In VBS, teachers and parents carry out a series of learning and training activities through Teachers' Professional Development College and Parents' Growth College. To improve teachers' professional level,VBS has invited experts to give lectures in campus or online many times. Every VBSer should establish growth thinking, develop a habit of lifelong learning and grow continuously. Teachers have won the acceptance of parents, students and society through love and diligence, professionalism and dedication.





Magic 4: always look forward



Principal Yang Fan pointed out that the healthy and personalized growth of students will always be the brightest light of hope in the world. Education should return to human nature and the truth, making students stand in the center of the future.


万双学生核心素养:基于多元世界(Diversity),基于对未来的预测(Future),万双学生展现独特的气质:他们具有创造力和批判性思维(Creativity,Critical Thinking),愿意并能良好地与他人交流与合作(Communication,Collaboration—4C),具有好奇心(Eagerness),表现出乐观(Optimism)、包容(Inclusiveness)、坚毅(Grit) ,他们因始终充满好奇,不断探索,不断积极发展自己的身心而总是充满活力(Vitality)。X、Y代表着一切皆有可能。

Core qualities of VBS students are based on Diversity and Future prediction. VBS students show their unique temperament. They are full of Creativity and Critical Thinking, willing and able to have good Communication and Collaboration with others. With Eagerness, Optimism, Inclusiveness and Grit, they are always full of Vitality because they are always curious, constantly explore and actively develop themselves. X and Y mean everything is possible.




Facing the future swept by the waves of Artificial Intelligence, Vanke Bilingual School will create an education which is more suitable for the future. VBS strives to create differentiated and responsive lessons with teaching students according to their aptitude. We strive to mobilize children's internal drive for learning, stimulate children's active learning, and make them grow into Chinese citizens with good health, sound personality, excellent academic ability, international vision, national feelings, and dare to create a better future.



School foresees a bright future for children with creativity!






When students are asked whether they want to start school or not, all of them say "yes". Some of them say they miss their teachers, some miss their classmates, and some miss their own clubs and school meals. Students mention that they are being loved by school, by Principal Yang and by teachers, so they love school more. A school with temperature is a place where there is full of love and warmness. Spring is infinitely warm. How nice it is!


翻译/陈李 周金凤

编辑/图片 燕子



培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


QR code of school website

QR code of school official account

版权所有©深圳市龙华区万科双语学校 -粤ICP备20070888号