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发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2022-04-13

万双网讯  4月12日,深圳市龙华区人民政府党组成员、赵妍妍副区长率队,区教育局党组成员、主任督学、区政府教育督导室李亚莉主任,民管科肖国俊科长及民治街道教育联络办、市监局、卫监局等相关部门领导一行,来到深圳市龙华区万科双语学校调研开学复课及疫情防控工作。万科双语学校党支部书记、校长杨帆及第一书记梁小文、校长助理郑世英、林红英及全体中层领导接待了来访领导。

On April 12th, Zhao Yanyan,a member of the Communist Party of Longhua District of Shenzhen and Deputy District Mayor, led a team together with Li Yali, a member of the Communist Party of the District Education Bureau and the director of Education Supervision Office of the district government,Xiao Guojun, the chief of Civil Administration Department,and the other leaders of Education Liaison Office of Minzhi street, Municipal Supervision Bureau, Health Supervision Bureau and other relevant departments to Shenzhen Longhua Vanke Bilingual School to investigate the resumption of classes and the prevention and control of the epidemic situation. Yang Fan, Secretary of the Party Branch and Principal of Vanke Bilingual School,the First Secretary Liang Xiaowen,  Assistant Principals Zheng Shiying and Lin Hongying, and all middle-level leaders received the visitors.



Zhao Yanyan, Deputy District Mayor, and other leaders inspected campus, classrooms, offices, school clinics, laboratories, psychological classrooms, canteens and other places. They inspected the epidemic prevention and control of students' enrollment flow line along the whole line, focusing on the nucleic acid testing, vaccination and nucleic acid testing of students and people who live together with them before school. Principal Yang Fan reported the school's prevention and control measures, students' psychological counseling and school preparation to the district leaders in detail.







Zhao Yanyan, Deputy District Mayor, made important instructions. School should formulate a more detailed emergency plan for epidemic prevention process into detail and assign specific personnel to be responsible for it, so as to separate human and material management. School should divide all personnel into "small grids" and implement accurate management. She affirmed the Life-planning curriculum of Vanke Bilingual School, and hoped to actively publicize and promote the Life-planning curriculum of Vanke Bilingual School, so that more schools can learn from it.







After Miss Zhao and other leaders left, Principal Yang Fan immediately convened a meeting with school leaders to implement the requirements of district leaders.


编辑/图片 燕子

翻译/陈李 周金凤


发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2022-04-13

万双网讯  4月12日,深圳市龙华区人民政府党组成员、赵妍妍副区长率队,区教育局党组成员、主任督学、区政府教育督导室李亚莉主任,民管科肖国俊科长及民治街道教育联络办、市监局、卫监局等相关部门领导一行,来到深圳市龙华区万科双语学校调研开学复课及疫情防控工作。万科双语学校党支部书记、校长杨帆及第一书记梁小文、校长助理郑世英、林红英及全体中层领导接待了来访领导。

On April 12th, Zhao Yanyan,a member of the Communist Party of Longhua District of Shenzhen and Deputy District Mayor, led a team together with Li Yali, a member of the Communist Party of the District Education Bureau and the director of Education Supervision Office of the district government,Xiao Guojun, the chief of Civil Administration Department,and the other leaders of Education Liaison Office of Minzhi street, Municipal Supervision Bureau, Health Supervision Bureau and other relevant departments to Shenzhen Longhua Vanke Bilingual School to investigate the resumption of classes and the prevention and control of the epidemic situation. Yang Fan, Secretary of the Party Branch and Principal of Vanke Bilingual School,the First Secretary Liang Xiaowen,  Assistant Principals Zheng Shiying and Lin Hongying, and all middle-level leaders received the visitors.



Zhao Yanyan, Deputy District Mayor, and other leaders inspected campus, classrooms, offices, school clinics, laboratories, psychological classrooms, canteens and other places. They inspected the epidemic prevention and control of students' enrollment flow line along the whole line, focusing on the nucleic acid testing, vaccination and nucleic acid testing of students and people who live together with them before school. Principal Yang Fan reported the school's prevention and control measures, students' psychological counseling and school preparation to the district leaders in detail.







Zhao Yanyan, Deputy District Mayor, made important instructions. School should formulate a more detailed emergency plan for epidemic prevention process into detail and assign specific personnel to be responsible for it, so as to separate human and material management. School should divide all personnel into "small grids" and implement accurate management. She affirmed the Life-planning curriculum of Vanke Bilingual School, and hoped to actively publicize and promote the Life-planning curriculum of Vanke Bilingual School, so that more schools can learn from it.







After Miss Zhao and other leaders left, Principal Yang Fan immediately convened a meeting with school leaders to implement the requirements of district leaders.


编辑/图片 燕子

翻译/陈李 周金凤



培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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