【教师发展】倾力打造以学生为中心的课堂新样态——VBS开展 "差异化、回应式的因材施教的课堂"教学研讨_校园新闻_万科双语学校
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【教师发展】倾力打造以学生为中心的课堂新样态——VBS开展 "差异化、回应式的因材施教的课堂"教学研讨

发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2021-12-08


万双网讯  为打造以学生为中心的课堂新样态,激发学生学习的内驱力,提升课堂质效,10月26日——12月3日,万科双语学校6-9学段开展了为期一个多月的"差异化、回应式的因材施教的课堂" 2.0版教学研讨活动。


VBS News Net: From October 26 to December 3, Grades 6 to 9 of VBS held a seminar on differentiated and responsive classes to stimulate students' internal drive for learning and improve the quality and efficiency of the classes.


本次活动由教师说课、 "差异化、回应式的因材施教的课堂"公开课、教师评课议课三个环节组成。在展示、点评中提升教师专业素养,打造高效课堂。


This seminar consists of three parts: teachers' lessons presentation, differentiated and responsive open class, and teachers' evaluation and discussion. The presentation and evaluation can help teachers improve their professional quality and the efficiency of the classes.




On behalf of the junior middle school Chinese group, Ms. Chen Lin presented the lesson and delivered an open class. According to the concepts in the Chinese curriculum standards for senior high schools, Ms. Chen's lesson presentation was divided into three dimensions: expected results, appropriate evaluation evidence, curriculum design. Ms. Chen interacted with students and delivered an efficient class with a unique class design.







On behalf of the junior middle school Math group, Ms. Liu Huan delivered a lesson, starting from the origin of the problem. Ms. Liu studied the standard-based curriculum outline and teaching plan and pre-evaluated the students' learning. She led students to find, analyze and solve problems, stimulated students' learning interest and taught according to their aptitude.






曹琛康老师上的 《质量》一课,首先通过情景引入"测量", 接着学生自主学习、小组合作,最后进行实验操作并且课堂检测。曹老师的教学设计贴近生活,课堂轻松愉悦。本节课采用PBL任务式学习,有利于培养学生的创新性思维。课堂上通过小组合作,充分回应学生的差异,体现了差异化、因材施教的教学特点。


In the lesson 'mass' taught by Mr. Cao Chenkang, he introduced measurement first. Students studied independently, cooperated in groups, and finally conducted experiments. Mr. Cao's class was closely related to life, relaxed and full of joy. This class adopted projected-based learning, cultivating students' innovative thinking. Mr. Cao taught students according to their aptitude by letting them study in groups.






王玉兰老师代表初中英语组进行了Unit 5 Reading —" An exchange visit is educational and interesting " 的说课和公开课展示。她根据义务教育《英语课程标准》对八年级学生英语阅读能力的要求,设计了本节课。其最大的亮点是最后的展示环节。基于本节课所学内容,学生能够以小组的形式,每位学生进行不同的角色扮演,展示了一个关于本话题的情景对话。


On behalf of the junior middle school English group, Ms. Wang Yulan presented the lesson and delivered an open class. She designed this class according to the requirements of English curriculum standards for compulsory education on the English reading ability of Grade 8 students. Based on the content learned in this lesson, students can play different roles in groups and present a situational dialogue in the final part of the lesson.







On behalf of the liberal arts group, Ms. Zhao Yong presented the lesson and delivered an open class on the birth of the CPC. The students demonstrated the conditions, process, and influence of the birth of the CPC in the form of group performance and sharing. Ms. Zhao analyzed what teenagers should do to serve the motherland, which greatly improved the students' patriotism.






On behalf of the middle school biology and geography group, Ms. Lei Shuilian presented the lesson and delivered an open class. During her lesson presentation, Ms. Lei focused on how to teach students according to their aptitude in each part of the class. Ms. Lei allowed students to think independently and discuss in groups. Within 40 minutes, Ms. Lei achieved the class goal, promoted the development of students' thinking, and created a practical geography class.







On behalf of the Grade 6 Math group, Ms. Wu Huan presented the lesson and delivered an open class. Ms. Wu carefully designed this class according to the ideas in Mindsets in the classrooms. A relaxed, harmonious, and democratic atmosphere has been created in the classroom, allowing students to explore independently and enjoy the process of solving problems. It was an efficient Math class.


截屏2021-12-08 下午5.23.21.jpg



On behalf of the Grade 6 English group, Ms. Lu Qiao presented the lesson and delivered an open class. According to the ideas in differentiated, responsive classroom and primary school English curriculum standards, the lesson presentation started from integrating teaching evaluation. She designed layered tasks in each part of the class. Students performed a new version of Snow White's story and enjoyed an efficient class integrating drama and English.






Ms. Wang Yue of the Grade 6 Chinese group designed the learning objectives for the students in the class, integrated the learning content of the two articles, made a reading list, and let the students carry out group cooperation and independent exploration, which could mobilize students' learning enthusiasm and implement the concept of teaching students according to their aptitude.




After more than a month of teaching seminars, the teachers of Grades 6 to 9 observed and commented on each other and continued to learn in the seminar. These are not only classes but also cultural precipitation. It has formed a VBS characteristic culture, created a good teaching and research atmosphere of mutual learning, which helped young teachers grow rapidly.


编辑/图片 燕子



Written by Ms. Wu Xiaoxia

Editor & Photographer: Linda

Translated by Reny

【教师发展】倾力打造以学生为中心的课堂新样态——VBS开展 "差异化、回应式的因材施教的课堂"教学研讨

发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2021-12-08


万双网讯  为打造以学生为中心的课堂新样态,激发学生学习的内驱力,提升课堂质效,10月26日——12月3日,万科双语学校6-9学段开展了为期一个多月的"差异化、回应式的因材施教的课堂" 2.0版教学研讨活动。


VBS News Net: From October 26 to December 3, Grades 6 to 9 of VBS held a seminar on differentiated and responsive classes to stimulate students' internal drive for learning and improve the quality and efficiency of the classes.


本次活动由教师说课、 "差异化、回应式的因材施教的课堂"公开课、教师评课议课三个环节组成。在展示、点评中提升教师专业素养,打造高效课堂。


This seminar consists of three parts: teachers' lessons presentation, differentiated and responsive open class, and teachers' evaluation and discussion. The presentation and evaluation can help teachers improve their professional quality and the efficiency of the classes.




On behalf of the junior middle school Chinese group, Ms. Chen Lin presented the lesson and delivered an open class. According to the concepts in the Chinese curriculum standards for senior high schools, Ms. Chen's lesson presentation was divided into three dimensions: expected results, appropriate evaluation evidence, curriculum design. Ms. Chen interacted with students and delivered an efficient class with a unique class design.







On behalf of the junior middle school Math group, Ms. Liu Huan delivered a lesson, starting from the origin of the problem. Ms. Liu studied the standard-based curriculum outline and teaching plan and pre-evaluated the students' learning. She led students to find, analyze and solve problems, stimulated students' learning interest and taught according to their aptitude.






曹琛康老师上的 《质量》一课,首先通过情景引入"测量", 接着学生自主学习、小组合作,最后进行实验操作并且课堂检测。曹老师的教学设计贴近生活,课堂轻松愉悦。本节课采用PBL任务式学习,有利于培养学生的创新性思维。课堂上通过小组合作,充分回应学生的差异,体现了差异化、因材施教的教学特点。


In the lesson 'mass' taught by Mr. Cao Chenkang, he introduced measurement first. Students studied independently, cooperated in groups, and finally conducted experiments. Mr. Cao's class was closely related to life, relaxed and full of joy. This class adopted projected-based learning, cultivating students' innovative thinking. Mr. Cao taught students according to their aptitude by letting them study in groups.






王玉兰老师代表初中英语组进行了Unit 5 Reading —" An exchange visit is educational and interesting " 的说课和公开课展示。她根据义务教育《英语课程标准》对八年级学生英语阅读能力的要求,设计了本节课。其最大的亮点是最后的展示环节。基于本节课所学内容,学生能够以小组的形式,每位学生进行不同的角色扮演,展示了一个关于本话题的情景对话。


On behalf of the junior middle school English group, Ms. Wang Yulan presented the lesson and delivered an open class. She designed this class according to the requirements of English curriculum standards for compulsory education on the English reading ability of Grade 8 students. Based on the content learned in this lesson, students can play different roles in groups and present a situational dialogue in the final part of the lesson.







On behalf of the liberal arts group, Ms. Zhao Yong presented the lesson and delivered an open class on the birth of the CPC. The students demonstrated the conditions, process, and influence of the birth of the CPC in the form of group performance and sharing. Ms. Zhao analyzed what teenagers should do to serve the motherland, which greatly improved the students' patriotism.






On behalf of the middle school biology and geography group, Ms. Lei Shuilian presented the lesson and delivered an open class. During her lesson presentation, Ms. Lei focused on how to teach students according to their aptitude in each part of the class. Ms. Lei allowed students to think independently and discuss in groups. Within 40 minutes, Ms. Lei achieved the class goal, promoted the development of students' thinking, and created a practical geography class.







On behalf of the Grade 6 Math group, Ms. Wu Huan presented the lesson and delivered an open class. Ms. Wu carefully designed this class according to the ideas in Mindsets in the classrooms. A relaxed, harmonious, and democratic atmosphere has been created in the classroom, allowing students to explore independently and enjoy the process of solving problems. It was an efficient Math class.


截屏2021-12-08 下午5.23.21.jpg



On behalf of the Grade 6 English group, Ms. Lu Qiao presented the lesson and delivered an open class. According to the ideas in differentiated, responsive classroom and primary school English curriculum standards, the lesson presentation started from integrating teaching evaluation. She designed layered tasks in each part of the class. Students performed a new version of Snow White's story and enjoyed an efficient class integrating drama and English.






Ms. Wang Yue of the Grade 6 Chinese group designed the learning objectives for the students in the class, integrated the learning content of the two articles, made a reading list, and let the students carry out group cooperation and independent exploration, which could mobilize students' learning enthusiasm and implement the concept of teaching students according to their aptitude.




After more than a month of teaching seminars, the teachers of Grades 6 to 9 observed and commented on each other and continued to learn in the seminar. These are not only classes but also cultural precipitation. It has formed a VBS characteristic culture, created a good teaching and research atmosphere of mutual learning, which helped young teachers grow rapidly.


编辑/图片 燕子



Written by Ms. Wu Xiaoxia

Editor & Photographer: Linda

Translated by Reny



培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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