万双网讯 为培养学生卓越的批判性思维及论辩能力,让学生自愿践行“万科双语学校学生使用电子产品公约”,5月20日晚6点,万科双语学校第三届家校联合辩论赛——小学部专场在剧场举行。小学部高年级的学生辩手与家长辩手就“学生使用智能电子产品辅助学习是“利大于弊”还是“弊大于利”展开了一场“唇枪舌战”。杨帆校长、四五年级全体师生及部分家长代表出席了本次活动,同时进行了网络直播。
VBS News Net: VBS held the 3rd debate between students and parents in the theater on May 20 to cultivate students' critical thinking ability and let them implement the regulations of using electronic gadgets for VBS students. Do the cons outweigh the pros in using electronic products to complement studies? Year 4 and Year 5 students debated with their parents. Principal Yang, all the teachers, students of Year 4 and Year 5, and some parents' representatives attended the activity.
At the beginning of April, debaters were recruited from each class. It was different from the previous debate that students and their parents were no longer opposed to each other, but both chose the pros and cons. After a month of preparation and training, the debate finally began.
On May 20, the debate began with the opening by Yu Shuhan. Zhang Junjia, the first speaker of the positive side, said, 'It's a trend for people to use electronic devices in their daily life. As a representative of electronic devices, IPad is an important key for children to lead to the digital age.'
The first speaker of the negative side, Qi Runge, believed that we should face the fact that teenagers may lack self-discipline. They have no judgment when they are facing temptation. What guardians really should do is to set good examples for them.
自由辩环节吴萱怡同学气势惊人,她一针见血:“让我们回归到辩题本身,请大家看向大屏幕,一起读一遍辩题:使用电子产品辅助学习到底是利大于弊还是弊大于利?那么我们就来讨论下什么叫利大于弊。我们都知道凡事都有两面性,而弊大于利的东西是会被逐渐约束与淘汰的,而利大于弊的东西则会被广泛普及。且不说对方辩友提出的近视数据的准确性,有一点不可否认的是——在座的所有人,都拥有电子产品,甚至每个家庭都有iPad ,学校在推广ipad全景课堂辅助教学,VBS更是设立了万双云课还有人工智能这两门受到广大学生推崇的课程。这说明什么?说明以ipad为代表的电子产品利大于弊,才会得到如此广泛的普及!”其逻辑的缜密,思维的敏捷赢得了相当多的掌声和点赞。
Wu Xuanyi stated her opinion in the free debate session, 'Let's go back to the topic. Do the cons outweigh the pros in using electronic products to complement studies? We all know that every coin has two sides, and what does more harm will be gradually eliminated, while what does more good will be widely popularized. It is undeniable that all of you have electronic products, and even every family has an iPad. The school promotes iPad-assisted teaching and has set up VBS Cloud Lessons and AI Lessons. What does that mean? It means that the advantages of electronic products outweigh the disadvantages so that they can be so widely used.' Her logic and thinking have won a lot of applause and praise.
Chen Lvyi's father explained with his own experience, 'There are many causes of myopia. I didn't use electronic products when I was a child, but I'm still short-sighted.' Hu tongen's father stated that people were more likely to write wrong words. We should follow the basic rules of learning and admit that learning is a painful process. This view also had the same resonance for teachers and parents.
In the last part of the debate, the students asked questions to the debaters on the stage. The students raised their hands and participated actively.
After concluding the debate, Ms. Li Shiqi, chairman of the debate, said, 'I never thought that the debate between adults and primary school students would be so wonderful!'
After the debate, Principal Yang concluded, 'We do not hold this debate to have winners today! I hope that students can understand how to treat electronic products in our study and life. Thanks to all parents for your support and tolerance. I believe our children will be more rational to use electronic products to complement studies.'
最后,杨校长为本场表现杰出的辩手们颁发纪念奖章。含金量最高的“优秀辩手”奖由正方三辩吴萱怡同学与反方一辩祁润格同学获得。海茉尔同学荣获 “风度翩翩奖”,陈履一同学、蒋尚熹同学荣获“优秀应变奖”,正方二辩曾廷轩获“风度翩翩奖”,正方陈履一爸爸和反方朱慕晗爸爸荣获 “最具潜力辩手”,正方刘子毅爸爸、反方王润田妈妈荣获“优秀大众辩手”。
Finally, Principal Yang presented commemorative medals to the outstanding debaters. Wu Xuanyi and Wang Runtian won the Excellent Debater Award. Hai Moer won the Optimum Mien Award. Chen Lvyi and Jiang Shangxi won the Contingency Award. Chen Lvyi's father and Zhu Muhan's father won the Most Potential Debater Award. Liu Ziyi's father and Wang Runtian's mother won the Excellent Public Debater Award.
Principal Yang communicated with parents who offered suggestions for the development of the school after the debate.
VBS strives to let children experience the future, making the school a place where parents, students, and teachers grow together. The debate has enhanced the communication between home and school and improved students' critical thinking, speech, and cooperation ability.
编辑/图片 燕子
摄像/剪辑 侯亮
The Documents provided by Ms. Li Shiqi
Editor & Photographer: Linda
Filmed and edited by Leon
Translated by Reny
万双网讯 为培养学生卓越的批判性思维及论辩能力,让学生自愿践行“万科双语学校学生使用电子产品公约”,5月20日晚6点,万科双语学校第三届家校联合辩论赛——小学部专场在剧场举行。小学部高年级的学生辩手与家长辩手就“学生使用智能电子产品辅助学习是“利大于弊”还是“弊大于利”展开了一场“唇枪舌战”。杨帆校长、四五年级全体师生及部分家长代表出席了本次活动,同时进行了网络直播。
VBS News Net: VBS held the 3rd debate between students and parents in the theater on May 20 to cultivate students' critical thinking ability and let them implement the regulations of using electronic gadgets for VBS students. Do the cons outweigh the pros in using electronic products to complement studies? Year 4 and Year 5 students debated with their parents. Principal Yang, all the teachers, students of Year 4 and Year 5, and some parents' representatives attended the activity.
At the beginning of April, debaters were recruited from each class. It was different from the previous debate that students and their parents were no longer opposed to each other, but both chose the pros and cons. After a month of preparation and training, the debate finally began.
On May 20, the debate began with the opening by Yu Shuhan. Zhang Junjia, the first speaker of the positive side, said, 'It's a trend for people to use electronic devices in their daily life. As a representative of electronic devices, IPad is an important key for children to lead to the digital age.'
The first speaker of the negative side, Qi Runge, believed that we should face the fact that teenagers may lack self-discipline. They have no judgment when they are facing temptation. What guardians really should do is to set good examples for them.
自由辩环节吴萱怡同学气势惊人,她一针见血:“让我们回归到辩题本身,请大家看向大屏幕,一起读一遍辩题:使用电子产品辅助学习到底是利大于弊还是弊大于利?那么我们就来讨论下什么叫利大于弊。我们都知道凡事都有两面性,而弊大于利的东西是会被逐渐约束与淘汰的,而利大于弊的东西则会被广泛普及。且不说对方辩友提出的近视数据的准确性,有一点不可否认的是——在座的所有人,都拥有电子产品,甚至每个家庭都有iPad ,学校在推广ipad全景课堂辅助教学,VBS更是设立了万双云课还有人工智能这两门受到广大学生推崇的课程。这说明什么?说明以ipad为代表的电子产品利大于弊,才会得到如此广泛的普及!”其逻辑的缜密,思维的敏捷赢得了相当多的掌声和点赞。
Wu Xuanyi stated her opinion in the free debate session, 'Let's go back to the topic. Do the cons outweigh the pros in using electronic products to complement studies? We all know that every coin has two sides, and what does more harm will be gradually eliminated, while what does more good will be widely popularized. It is undeniable that all of you have electronic products, and even every family has an iPad. The school promotes iPad-assisted teaching and has set up VBS Cloud Lessons and AI Lessons. What does that mean? It means that the advantages of electronic products outweigh the disadvantages so that they can be so widely used.' Her logic and thinking have won a lot of applause and praise.
Chen Lvyi's father explained with his own experience, 'There are many causes of myopia. I didn't use electronic products when I was a child, but I'm still short-sighted.' Hu tongen's father stated that people were more likely to write wrong words. We should follow the basic rules of learning and admit that learning is a painful process. This view also had the same resonance for teachers and parents.
In the last part of the debate, the students asked questions to the debaters on the stage. The students raised their hands and participated actively.
After concluding the debate, Ms. Li Shiqi, chairman of the debate, said, 'I never thought that the debate between adults and primary school students would be so wonderful!'
After the debate, Principal Yang concluded, 'We do not hold this debate to have winners today! I hope that students can understand how to treat electronic products in our study and life. Thanks to all parents for your support and tolerance. I believe our children will be more rational to use electronic products to complement studies.'
最后,杨校长为本场表现杰出的辩手们颁发纪念奖章。含金量最高的“优秀辩手”奖由正方三辩吴萱怡同学与反方一辩祁润格同学获得。海茉尔同学荣获 “风度翩翩奖”,陈履一同学、蒋尚熹同学荣获“优秀应变奖”,正方二辩曾廷轩获“风度翩翩奖”,正方陈履一爸爸和反方朱慕晗爸爸荣获 “最具潜力辩手”,正方刘子毅爸爸、反方王润田妈妈荣获“优秀大众辩手”。
Finally, Principal Yang presented commemorative medals to the outstanding debaters. Wu Xuanyi and Wang Runtian won the Excellent Debater Award. Hai Moer won the Optimum Mien Award. Chen Lvyi and Jiang Shangxi won the Contingency Award. Chen Lvyi's father and Zhu Muhan's father won the Most Potential Debater Award. Liu Ziyi's father and Wang Runtian's mother won the Excellent Public Debater Award.
Principal Yang communicated with parents who offered suggestions for the development of the school after the debate.
VBS strives to let children experience the future, making the school a place where parents, students, and teachers grow together. The debate has enhanced the communication between home and school and improved students' critical thinking, speech, and cooperation ability.
编辑/图片 燕子
摄像/剪辑 侯亮
The Documents provided by Ms. Li Shiqi
Editor & Photographer: Linda
Filmed and edited by Leon
Translated by Reny
培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。
Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen
Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.
Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.
Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen
Contact: 0755-66866333
QR code of school website
QR code of school official account