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发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2021-05-25

万双网讯  为提高孩子们的创新能力和“全学科”理解力,5月7日至19日,生动有趣的STEAM课“古代灌溉工具”在五年级开展,该课程由历史、科学、人工智能三个学科的老师共同交流、探讨,分为多个课时合作完成。


VBS News Net: The STEAM class ' ancient irrigation tools' was delivered to Year 5 classes from May 7 to 19 to improve children's innovation ability. This STEAM class was prepared by teachers from AI, History, and Science after discussions and collaborations.




After a month's preparation, the class was divided into 3 periods. The history teacher took charge of the first period. In history class, Mr. Chai showed students the ancient irrigation tools and their development with pictures. Students learned ancient irrigation tools such as the bucket, windlass, and shaduf and discussed their classification,  pros, and cons.




In the second period, History teacher Mr. Chai Wenjun, Science teacher Ms. Li Yin, and AI teacher Mr. Peng Ping delivered the class. Firstly, Mr. Chai led the children to review the development of the water wheel. Then the children watched the video and summarized the structural characteristics of the water wheel so that they could understand the working principle of it. Mr. Peng taught the children how to design a 3D scoop waterwheel. The children learned that they needed to consider the water pipe's size, angle, and rotation speed if they want to pour more water. Then Mr. Peng gave the children a simple demonstration and let them design suitable water pipes with the best angle.




In the third period, the students completed the design of the scoop waterwheel in the AI class. Each group selected their best design, printed it on a 3D printer, completed the assembly, and successfully made their water wheel model.



This interdisciplinary study has allowed students to learn basic knowledge of Science, History, AI, nurtured their ability to see the bigger picture, and inspired their interest in learning, letting our children experience the future.







The documents provided by Ms. Wu Ping

Photographer: Linda

Translated by Reny 


发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2021-05-25

万双网讯  为提高孩子们的创新能力和“全学科”理解力,5月7日至19日,生动有趣的STEAM课“古代灌溉工具”在五年级开展,该课程由历史、科学、人工智能三个学科的老师共同交流、探讨,分为多个课时合作完成。


VBS News Net: The STEAM class ' ancient irrigation tools' was delivered to Year 5 classes from May 7 to 19 to improve children's innovation ability. This STEAM class was prepared by teachers from AI, History, and Science after discussions and collaborations.




After a month's preparation, the class was divided into 3 periods. The history teacher took charge of the first period. In history class, Mr. Chai showed students the ancient irrigation tools and their development with pictures. Students learned ancient irrigation tools such as the bucket, windlass, and shaduf and discussed their classification,  pros, and cons.




In the second period, History teacher Mr. Chai Wenjun, Science teacher Ms. Li Yin, and AI teacher Mr. Peng Ping delivered the class. Firstly, Mr. Chai led the children to review the development of the water wheel. Then the children watched the video and summarized the structural characteristics of the water wheel so that they could understand the working principle of it. Mr. Peng taught the children how to design a 3D scoop waterwheel. The children learned that they needed to consider the water pipe's size, angle, and rotation speed if they want to pour more water. Then Mr. Peng gave the children a simple demonstration and let them design suitable water pipes with the best angle.




In the third period, the students completed the design of the scoop waterwheel in the AI class. Each group selected their best design, printed it on a 3D printer, completed the assembly, and successfully made their water wheel model.



This interdisciplinary study has allowed students to learn basic knowledge of Science, History, AI, nurtured their ability to see the bigger picture, and inspired their interest in learning, letting our children experience the future.







The documents provided by Ms. Wu Ping

Photographer: Linda

Translated by Reny 



培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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