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发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2021-04-29

万双网讯  新高考后升学如何选择?国际留学何去何从?学生如何做好生涯规划? 4 月 24 日,第六届中国(深圳)生涯教育高峰论坛暨龙华区教育示范先行创新成果展在龙华高级中学教育集团高中部隆重举行。来自全国各地的专家学者约500人参加了本次论坛。在创新成果展会上,万科双语学校创新课程系列荣获二等奖,人生规划课程荣获三等奖。


VBS News Net: On April 24th, the 6th China (Shenzhen) Career Education Summit Forum and the Longhua District Education Demonstration and Innovation Achievement Exhibition were held in Shenzhen Longhua High School. About 500 experts and scholars from all over the country participated in this forum. At the Innovation Achievement Exhibition,

VBS's innovation course won the second prize, and the life planning course won the third prize.




This forum was hosted by Shenzhen Longhua District Education Bureau, Shenzhen Charity Federation, and Shenzhen Career Planning and Development Association.  Dr. Liu Zhiqiang, President of Shenzhen Career Planning and Development Association, hosted the forum. Fang Tao, Vice President and Secretary-General of Shenzhen Charity Federation, Zhu Hong, Doctoral Supervisor and Associate Professor of Peking University Education School, Xi Chunling, Shenzhen Longhua District Educational Science Research Institute Researcher and Dean Assistant, Lin Danming, Vice President and Management Professor of GTIIT, Ph.D. in Management, University of Hong Kong attended the forum and delivered speeches.




The conference set up 6 sub-forums. Experts and scholars shared the challenges of studying abroad, introducing key universities, family career planning education, foreign innovation, and entrepreneurship education. They emphasized the importance and the urgency of introducing Career planning education.





Teachers from VBS participated in this forum. In the Longhua District Education Demonstration and Innovation Achievement Exhibition, the teachers introduced the school curriculum, characteristics, and achievements to experts and scholars in detail. They were praised by the experts and finally won the second and third prizes.








Editor: Linda

Translated by Reny


发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2021-04-29

万双网讯  新高考后升学如何选择?国际留学何去何从?学生如何做好生涯规划? 4 月 24 日,第六届中国(深圳)生涯教育高峰论坛暨龙华区教育示范先行创新成果展在龙华高级中学教育集团高中部隆重举行。来自全国各地的专家学者约500人参加了本次论坛。在创新成果展会上,万科双语学校创新课程系列荣获二等奖,人生规划课程荣获三等奖。


VBS News Net: On April 24th, the 6th China (Shenzhen) Career Education Summit Forum and the Longhua District Education Demonstration and Innovation Achievement Exhibition were held in Shenzhen Longhua High School. About 500 experts and scholars from all over the country participated in this forum. At the Innovation Achievement Exhibition,

VBS's innovation course won the second prize, and the life planning course won the third prize.




This forum was hosted by Shenzhen Longhua District Education Bureau, Shenzhen Charity Federation, and Shenzhen Career Planning and Development Association.  Dr. Liu Zhiqiang, President of Shenzhen Career Planning and Development Association, hosted the forum. Fang Tao, Vice President and Secretary-General of Shenzhen Charity Federation, Zhu Hong, Doctoral Supervisor and Associate Professor of Peking University Education School, Xi Chunling, Shenzhen Longhua District Educational Science Research Institute Researcher and Dean Assistant, Lin Danming, Vice President and Management Professor of GTIIT, Ph.D. in Management, University of Hong Kong attended the forum and delivered speeches.




The conference set up 6 sub-forums. Experts and scholars shared the challenges of studying abroad, introducing key universities, family career planning education, foreign innovation, and entrepreneurship education. They emphasized the importance and the urgency of introducing Career planning education.





Teachers from VBS participated in this forum. In the Longhua District Education Demonstration and Innovation Achievement Exhibition, the teachers introduced the school curriculum, characteristics, and achievements to experts and scholars in detail. They were praised by the experts and finally won the second and third prizes.








Editor: Linda

Translated by Reny



培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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