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发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2021-01-25

万双网讯  时间,总是被奋斗定义。1月23日下午,万科双语学校期末教职员工大会在学校剧场举行。杨帆校长做了2020—2021第一学期期末工作总结,全体教职员工齐聚一堂,回顾成绩,反思不足,展望未来。

VBS News Net: time was defined by hard work. VBS Staff end of semester conference was held on 23rd January. Principal Yang made the conclusive remark for the past semester. All staff gathered at the theatre to review the results, reflect on their shortcoming and expect the future. 



Principal Yang played the school song at first. Written by Jian Yi a year ago, the school song was composed by Mr. Ross and demonstrated by Ms. Pan. The song inspired everyone. 



All staff members worked closely together this semester as students improved their results and general literacy. Students performed well in many subjects in the standard tests within Longhua District. Principal Yang praised teachers who made this possible and acknowledged admin staff who gave consistent support to the school. 



She pointed out that the school motivated students to study by their inner strength while offering compulsory education curriculum, providing quality teaching and family-school communication channel to ensure students to have excellent results and various activities. Mentor scheme was implemented in junior secondary school department and teachers improved their skills in Academy for Teachers' professional development. Students received 162 awards and teachers received 70 awards. The school also achieved many results in science, technology, AI, history, STEAM, Chess, PBL, student societies, electives, cloud classes, football and basketball. 


Principal Yang also showed three-year plan to reiterate the school's mission, vision, objectives and curriculum setting. She emphasised the ability and habit of lifelong learning as the key for future success and the school's pursuit. She hopes teachers could learn as experts, utilise resources to motivate students to study and improve teaching quality. Everyone had to have the growth mindset to deliver responsive and differentiated classes while completing collaboration course and student support system. Teachers had to teach for the unknown and study for the future with their passion to allow students to experience the future under the core structure of lifelong learning. 

最后,杨校长将“时间,总是被奋斗定义” 这句话送给每一位员工,希望大家在人生的旅途上都有奋斗的底色,不辜负时代,不辜负生命。

Principal Yang closed her remark by 'time is defined by hard work' to motivate everyone. 


文/图 燕子


Author/photographer: Linda

Translated by DC Lai


发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2021-01-25

万双网讯  时间,总是被奋斗定义。1月23日下午,万科双语学校期末教职员工大会在学校剧场举行。杨帆校长做了2020—2021第一学期期末工作总结,全体教职员工齐聚一堂,回顾成绩,反思不足,展望未来。

VBS News Net: time was defined by hard work. VBS Staff end of semester conference was held on 23rd January. Principal Yang made the conclusive remark for the past semester. All staff gathered at the theatre to review the results, reflect on their shortcoming and expect the future. 



Principal Yang played the school song at first. Written by Jian Yi a year ago, the school song was composed by Mr. Ross and demonstrated by Ms. Pan. The song inspired everyone. 



All staff members worked closely together this semester as students improved their results and general literacy. Students performed well in many subjects in the standard tests within Longhua District. Principal Yang praised teachers who made this possible and acknowledged admin staff who gave consistent support to the school. 



She pointed out that the school motivated students to study by their inner strength while offering compulsory education curriculum, providing quality teaching and family-school communication channel to ensure students to have excellent results and various activities. Mentor scheme was implemented in junior secondary school department and teachers improved their skills in Academy for Teachers' professional development. Students received 162 awards and teachers received 70 awards. The school also achieved many results in science, technology, AI, history, STEAM, Chess, PBL, student societies, electives, cloud classes, football and basketball. 


Principal Yang also showed three-year plan to reiterate the school's mission, vision, objectives and curriculum setting. She emphasised the ability and habit of lifelong learning as the key for future success and the school's pursuit. She hopes teachers could learn as experts, utilise resources to motivate students to study and improve teaching quality. Everyone had to have the growth mindset to deliver responsive and differentiated classes while completing collaboration course and student support system. Teachers had to teach for the unknown and study for the future with their passion to allow students to experience the future under the core structure of lifelong learning. 

最后,杨校长将“时间,总是被奋斗定义” 这句话送给每一位员工,希望大家在人生的旅途上都有奋斗的底色,不辜负时代,不辜负生命。

Principal Yang closed her remark by 'time is defined by hard work' to motivate everyone. 


文/图 燕子


Author/photographer: Linda

Translated by DC Lai



培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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