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发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2020-12-28

万双网讯   为进一步规范义务教育阶段学校办学行为,确保党建工作顺利开展,12月24日下午,龙华区责任督学曾见阳、责任督学助理翁新星到万科双语学校进行专项督导。万科双语学校杨帆校长、吴珂主任等热情接待了来访领导。

VBS News Net: Mr. Zeng Jianyang, in-charge for school supervision in Longhua District and Ms. Weng Xinxing, in-charge assistant conducted a regular supervision at VBS on 24th December to regulate school operations behaviour and to ensure the development of party branch. Principal Yang and Mr. Wu Ke cordially welcomed the guests.



本次检查采取学校自查、督学实地督导等形式进行,重点检查义务教育优质均衡发展情况、党建工作、2020年学生体质测试优良率、合格率等。万科双语学校准备了详细的自查材料, 曾见阳督学与杨帆校长进行了深入交流,了解学校课程开展、教师招聘、人员流动等情况,对学校宣传工作、特色课程、小班化教学等给予了高度评价。

This inspection was conducted by self-inspection by school itself and the onsite inspection by person in-charge on development of party branch, balanced development of compulsory education and 2020 student fitness pass rate and distinction rate. VBS has prepared detailed documents and Mr. Zeng had an in-depth conversation with Principal Yang to understand school curriculum, teachers' recruitment and flow of staff before speaking highly of the school's publicity, specialised curriculum and small-sized class teaching.

文/图 燕子

翻译/ 赖丁慈

Author/Photographer: Linda

Translated by DC Lai


发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2020-12-28

万双网讯   为进一步规范义务教育阶段学校办学行为,确保党建工作顺利开展,12月24日下午,龙华区责任督学曾见阳、责任督学助理翁新星到万科双语学校进行专项督导。万科双语学校杨帆校长、吴珂主任等热情接待了来访领导。

VBS News Net: Mr. Zeng Jianyang, in-charge for school supervision in Longhua District and Ms. Weng Xinxing, in-charge assistant conducted a regular supervision at VBS on 24th December to regulate school operations behaviour and to ensure the development of party branch. Principal Yang and Mr. Wu Ke cordially welcomed the guests.



本次检查采取学校自查、督学实地督导等形式进行,重点检查义务教育优质均衡发展情况、党建工作、2020年学生体质测试优良率、合格率等。万科双语学校准备了详细的自查材料, 曾见阳督学与杨帆校长进行了深入交流,了解学校课程开展、教师招聘、人员流动等情况,对学校宣传工作、特色课程、小班化教学等给予了高度评价。

This inspection was conducted by self-inspection by school itself and the onsite inspection by person in-charge on development of party branch, balanced development of compulsory education and 2020 student fitness pass rate and distinction rate. VBS has prepared detailed documents and Mr. Zeng had an in-depth conversation with Principal Yang to understand school curriculum, teachers' recruitment and flow of staff before speaking highly of the school's publicity, specialised curriculum and small-sized class teaching.

文/图 燕子

翻译/ 赖丁慈

Author/Photographer: Linda

Translated by DC Lai



培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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