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发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2020-11-24

万双网讯  11月11日和11月16日,万科双语学校STEAM教室里亮起了一道道七彩的灯光!人工智能学科与科学学科的老师历经一个多月的精心筹划,分别在五年级的两个班级开展了《发电机之能量守恒》跨学科融合实践课程。

VBS News Net: There were colorful lights seen in VBS STEAM classroom on 11th November and 16th November. After a month's planning by AI and Science teachers, inter-disciplinary course 'Generators - Principle of Energy Conservation' was delivered to Primary 5 classes.




The objective of this class was to allow students to understand principle of energy conservation, differentiate between generators and motors, DIY generator device and use programming to make it work to provide energy for light bulbs. This class was divided into two parts - theory and practice. The theory was taught by Mr. Zhao Rui who explained the working principles of generators via principle of energy conservation to understand the abstract process of energy conversion. He then conducted comparative research between motors and generators to find out that they had the same structure but different functions. The practice part was taught by Mr. Peng Ping who explained the methods from the perspective of working principles of generators to build generator devices via graphics programming to achieve generation of electricity so that light bulbs would receive electricity. He guided students on the practical operation. 




During the practical experience process, students utilised their imagination and creativity to finish their production by trials. This course motivated students to study as they conducted independent research to perform programming which exceeded the curricular objectives. Students outperformed their tasks by adding colors and musical effects in their programming section. During the final presentation, they presented their work and explained their originality by colorful lights in the classroom to share their happiness and wisdom.


VBS has been exploring advanced teaching methodologies and concepts as PBL and STEAM are two core teaching methods that have been used to teach STEAM projects for Primary 4, 5 and Junior Secondary 1, 2 classes. This inter-disciplinary teaching allows students to achieve all-rounded development by experiencing a variety of practical activities and making items in class based on the objective of higher order cognition strategy and core concepts from various subjects.






Author: Peng Ping

Reviewed by Ms. Pamela Wu

Photographer: Linda

Translated by DC Lai


发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2020-11-24

万双网讯  11月11日和11月16日,万科双语学校STEAM教室里亮起了一道道七彩的灯光!人工智能学科与科学学科的老师历经一个多月的精心筹划,分别在五年级的两个班级开展了《发电机之能量守恒》跨学科融合实践课程。

VBS News Net: There were colorful lights seen in VBS STEAM classroom on 11th November and 16th November. After a month's planning by AI and Science teachers, inter-disciplinary course 'Generators - Principle of Energy Conservation' was delivered to Primary 5 classes.




The objective of this class was to allow students to understand principle of energy conservation, differentiate between generators and motors, DIY generator device and use programming to make it work to provide energy for light bulbs. This class was divided into two parts - theory and practice. The theory was taught by Mr. Zhao Rui who explained the working principles of generators via principle of energy conservation to understand the abstract process of energy conversion. He then conducted comparative research between motors and generators to find out that they had the same structure but different functions. The practice part was taught by Mr. Peng Ping who explained the methods from the perspective of working principles of generators to build generator devices via graphics programming to achieve generation of electricity so that light bulbs would receive electricity. He guided students on the practical operation. 




During the practical experience process, students utilised their imagination and creativity to finish their production by trials. This course motivated students to study as they conducted independent research to perform programming which exceeded the curricular objectives. Students outperformed their tasks by adding colors and musical effects in their programming section. During the final presentation, they presented their work and explained their originality by colorful lights in the classroom to share their happiness and wisdom.


VBS has been exploring advanced teaching methodologies and concepts as PBL and STEAM are two core teaching methods that have been used to teach STEAM projects for Primary 4, 5 and Junior Secondary 1, 2 classes. This inter-disciplinary teaching allows students to achieve all-rounded development by experiencing a variety of practical activities and making items in class based on the objective of higher order cognition strategy and core concepts from various subjects.






Author: Peng Ping

Reviewed by Ms. Pamela Wu

Photographer: Linda

Translated by DC Lai



培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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