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发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2020-10-26

万双网讯  10月23日,由深圳市龙华区教科院组织的 2020 年龙华区中小学教师微课大赛结果出炉,万科双语学校初中部多名教师获奖。其中魏素敏老师荣获英语学科一等奖,并被推荐参加市级比赛;邵静老师荣获语文学科二等奖何丹宁老师荣获数学学科三等奖刘静老师荣获道德与法治学科三等奖

VBS News Net: Teachers from VBS Junior Secondary Department won awards in 2020 micro-lesson contest in Longhua District organised by Education Science Institute of Longhua District, Shenzhen on 23rd October. Mr. Wei Sumin won First Prize in English category and his production would be selected to compete in the civic level. Ms. Shao Jing won Second Prize in Chinese, Mr. He Danning won Third Prize in Mathematics and Ms. Liu Jing won Third Prize for Ethics and Rule of Law.


魏素敏老师在微课中对《Unit6 Travelling around Asia》听力部分教学方法进行了完整展现。他采用三步法处理听力文本:先讨论、泛听、听细节,完成表格。听力内容是对北京、东京和曼谷三座城市的介绍。最后要求学生讨论设计出旅行出游计划。微课步骤清晰,重点突出,讲练结合,着力培养学生从听力文本中获取关键信息,并加以利用,提高学生在实践中使用英语的能力


Mr. Wei Sumin presented teaching methodology in listening for Unit 6 - Travelling around Asia. He adopted three steps in listening context - discuss, general listening, specific listening and completion of forms. It was about introduction of Beijing, Tokyo and Bangkok. Students were asked to design the travel plan. The lesson had clear steps and key points to include teaching and practice when developing students' ability to retrieve, analyse and apply information so that their English ability could be improved overall.



邵静老师的微课《感受诗歌的意象》通过诗人选择的意象对比,使同学们理解并掌握意象含义,进而在接下来的古诗学习中自主使用帮助理解古诗。她选取了课文《天净沙 秋思》,这首曲利用意象叠加的方法来营造萧瑟凄凉的氛围,传递游子羁旅思乡之愁。本节微课聚焦意象里主观修饰词和客观意象的拆解,从而帮助同学们掌握意象的赏析方法

Ms. Shao Jing's lesson 'Appreciate the image in poetry' allowed students to understand and mater the definition of image in poetry by comparing the images selected by poets so that they could understand the poems indepedently in their studies. She chose the example 'Tianjingsha Qiusi' to demonstrate the studies of image. This lesson focused on subjective modifier and objective dissection to illustrate the analysis and appreciation.




Mr. He Danning used AR and 3D technology from GeoGebra to demonstrate the abstract process of expanding the cube. He used magnetic tiles and applied mathematical thinking to classify 11 patterns of cube expansion. His lesson clarified students' doubt and developed their spatial concepts further to increase understanding and visual experience.




In her lesson 'Root of Chinese culture', Ms. Liu Jing began with the 600th anniversary of Forbidden Palace to connect traditional culture to modern society by items produced by Palace of Museum for students to understand. Students were able to appreciate Chinese culture with the proper attitude and have the cultural confidence by understanding the culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics.




This session has demonstrated the solid foundation of VBS teachers.






Author: Teachers from Junior Secondary Department

Editor: Linda

Translated by DC Lai


发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2020-10-26

万双网讯  10月23日,由深圳市龙华区教科院组织的 2020 年龙华区中小学教师微课大赛结果出炉,万科双语学校初中部多名教师获奖。其中魏素敏老师荣获英语学科一等奖,并被推荐参加市级比赛;邵静老师荣获语文学科二等奖何丹宁老师荣获数学学科三等奖刘静老师荣获道德与法治学科三等奖

VBS News Net: Teachers from VBS Junior Secondary Department won awards in 2020 micro-lesson contest in Longhua District organised by Education Science Institute of Longhua District, Shenzhen on 23rd October. Mr. Wei Sumin won First Prize in English category and his production would be selected to compete in the civic level. Ms. Shao Jing won Second Prize in Chinese, Mr. He Danning won Third Prize in Mathematics and Ms. Liu Jing won Third Prize for Ethics and Rule of Law.


魏素敏老师在微课中对《Unit6 Travelling around Asia》听力部分教学方法进行了完整展现。他采用三步法处理听力文本:先讨论、泛听、听细节,完成表格。听力内容是对北京、东京和曼谷三座城市的介绍。最后要求学生讨论设计出旅行出游计划。微课步骤清晰,重点突出,讲练结合,着力培养学生从听力文本中获取关键信息,并加以利用,提高学生在实践中使用英语的能力


Mr. Wei Sumin presented teaching methodology in listening for Unit 6 - Travelling around Asia. He adopted three steps in listening context - discuss, general listening, specific listening and completion of forms. It was about introduction of Beijing, Tokyo and Bangkok. Students were asked to design the travel plan. The lesson had clear steps and key points to include teaching and practice when developing students' ability to retrieve, analyse and apply information so that their English ability could be improved overall.



邵静老师的微课《感受诗歌的意象》通过诗人选择的意象对比,使同学们理解并掌握意象含义,进而在接下来的古诗学习中自主使用帮助理解古诗。她选取了课文《天净沙 秋思》,这首曲利用意象叠加的方法来营造萧瑟凄凉的氛围,传递游子羁旅思乡之愁。本节微课聚焦意象里主观修饰词和客观意象的拆解,从而帮助同学们掌握意象的赏析方法

Ms. Shao Jing's lesson 'Appreciate the image in poetry' allowed students to understand and mater the definition of image in poetry by comparing the images selected by poets so that they could understand the poems indepedently in their studies. She chose the example 'Tianjingsha Qiusi' to demonstrate the studies of image. This lesson focused on subjective modifier and objective dissection to illustrate the analysis and appreciation.




Mr. He Danning used AR and 3D technology from GeoGebra to demonstrate the abstract process of expanding the cube. He used magnetic tiles and applied mathematical thinking to classify 11 patterns of cube expansion. His lesson clarified students' doubt and developed their spatial concepts further to increase understanding and visual experience.




In her lesson 'Root of Chinese culture', Ms. Liu Jing began with the 600th anniversary of Forbidden Palace to connect traditional culture to modern society by items produced by Palace of Museum for students to understand. Students were able to appreciate Chinese culture with the proper attitude and have the cultural confidence by understanding the culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics.




This session has demonstrated the solid foundation of VBS teachers.






Author: Teachers from Junior Secondary Department

Editor: Linda

Translated by DC Lai



培养目标:培养身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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