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发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2020-08-30

万双网讯  教师是学校发展的灵魂。为让教师迅速成长,转变观念,跟上时代步伐,为未知而教,为未来而学,8月25日至26日,万科双语学校特邀知名专家、教授、讲师及学校领导为老师们进行全方位培训,从教师礼仪到正面管教,从成长型思维到为师之道……让老师们如醍醐灌顶,受益匪浅。


VBS News Net: Teachers are the key of school development. VBS invited education experts, lecturers and leaders to conduct extensive training - etiquette, positive discipline, mindset of growth and principles of teachers from 25th August to 26th August. This was for teachers to transform themselves to keep up with future, teach for the unknown and study for the future. Teachers got enlightened and benefited from this lecture series. 




Training on teachers' etiquette, Ms. Feng Ju, IPA lecturer 

中华民族自古以来就非常崇尚礼仪,号称“礼仪之邦” 。孔夫子曾说过: “不学礼,无以立。 ”为让万双教师树立良好的形象,身正为范,当好学生榜样,8月25日上午,在学校剧场,IPA国际注册金牌礼仪讲师冯菊为万双全体教职员工带来了“礼润师德,仪显师风”教师礼仪培训。


China has been a well-mannered state and imbued with mannerism which reflects the socialist core values. Confucius once said, 'A man without manners won't have his placei n society,' Ms. Feng Ju offered a lecture on mannerism on 25th August. As a mother of a VBS student, Ms. Feng explained the terminologies, images, disposition and mannerism in occasions to illustrate taboos, selection of clothes, stances, meet and greet rules with lots of pictures. She offered constructive suggestions to teachers' manners in their daily teaching. 




Traning on ethics, Mr. Ye Wenzi, 

Dean of Shenzhen Education Science and Research Institute 



Mr. Ye Wenzi, Dean of Shenzhen Education Science and Research Institute gave a special lecture on ‘Teachers with conscientiousness'. He began with the profile of future society and pointed out that teaching should transform from strengthening the nation to civilising the nation. Teachers had to focus on new characteristics of future society as Internet, Big Data, Cloud computing, VR and AI were revolutionising the traditional education and other sectors. Nerds were no longer needed, education in future should change from success education to happiness education. Students ought to be nurtured to love, create and enjoy life with innovation and happiness. Talents in the future ought to be far-sighted, patriotic, and innovative. Hence schools had to transform their school missions, textbooks, learning methods, evaluations to promote project learning to guide students to live in an innovative life.


叶院长强调新教育呼唤新教师。教师在教育教学中投入的不只是知识与能力,而是自己的整个生命;教师影响学生的也不只是知识与能力,而是学生的生命成长。 “觉者之师”的核心品质是:爱心、激情、创新,成为“觉者为师”的基本路径是重构教师的生活方式、交往方式、思想方式。他以“百岁先生”为例,将其身上具有的家国情怀、理想与坚守、创新与奉献、仁德与笃行的力量一一展示,希望老师们像先生一样,爱每一个学生,关心学生的一生,有自己心中的榜样,热爱读书,以知识成就孩子美好人生,以爱和善良为城市、为国家、为世界文明作出贡献。

Mr. Ye also emphasised on new teachers under new education. Teachers were not just influencing students by nor putting in their knowledge or abilities but their whole lives to realise students' growth. ‘Teachers with conscientiousness' had to be passionate, innovative and caring and it had to undergo restructuring teachers' styles of life, thinking and socialising. He brought out his tutor as an example to illustrate patriotism, resolution, contribution, innovation and morality and hoped teachers to learn from his tutor - love every student and their whole life, read voraciously and contribute with love and kindness. 



Training on ideologies by Principal Yang


8月25日下午,杨帆校长在学校剧场为全体教职员工做了“让孩子站在未来中央——为未知而教 为未来而学”主题培训。

Principal Yang gave a training on 'Let students experience the future - teach for the unknown, study for the future' at the theatre on 25th August. 



She began by macro-thinking on education under the technology background to point out that education in future ought to focus on the people. The overall trend would be motivating student interests, nurturing the mindset of innovation, the ability to do manual work, the spirit of teamwork and the ability to relate and solve real world problems.



In light of new technology and education landscape, VBS conducted an innovative exploration. The school demanded teachers to view education from a new perspective - focusing on both the unknown and the known matters so that they could assist students to master knowledge for their future. The cultivating goals and the school mission would be nurturing global citizens who possess sound personality, academic excellence, international horizons, patriotism and the courage to create a better future. Hence the school set up a future-oriented curriculum.


Using neuroscience and speech videos by experts, Principal Yang explained the mindset of growth which believed that individuals IQ would develop by consistent studies and hard work. Its core ideology was about everyone could succeed by putting consistent effort. 



The mindset of growth began in class. Principal Yang emphasised on distinct and responsive class and taught students by their aptitude. Ms. Xie Dongmei, an experienced teacher presented her teaching methods and implementation steps to guide teachers for reference. 


VBS hoped every staff to believe in the mindset of growth and raise students who will succeed in future as the school would be a place where students, parents and teachers all got to thrive. 





Training on educational methodologies by Ms. Wang Xiaofei, PDTC




Ms Wang Xiaofei, founder of New Hope International Positive Discipline Academy and PDTC came to VBS on 26th August to give a lecture on positive discipline - 'How to encourage students' based on the mindset of growth.




Ms. Wang differentiated encouragement and praise via interactive experience and role-play games when suggesting everyone to raise the passion of every student by encouragement. She gave details in the words used and methods to encourage students. Teachers could understand the students better by playing role-play games in real examples and learn to remain cool to respect students. They also learned how to encourage students and treat students to educate every single one of them who were on their way to excellence.



PBL Training by Ms. Wu Ping, Deputy Head of Development Centre



Ms. Wu Ping, Deputy Head of Development Centre conducted PBL training for all teachers on 27th August. She introduced definition of PBL, implementation of PBL at VBS and the methods to design PBL. She emphasised on the explanation of PBL for this semester - Project 'Life with zero waste'. She pointed out that six dimensions of PBL design - specifying the core knowledge, motivations for students to take initatives to research, trigger of high-order recognition process, evaluation of learning process and outcomes, expected outcomes on students and expectations on students' learnings. She also gave suggestions on implementing Project 'Life with zero waste' to teachers who would be clear on guidance and teaching objectives. 



Since its establishment, VBS Teachers' Academy for Professional Development have offered opportunities for every staff to learn from educational ideologies, teaching methodologies, ethics and manners so that everyone has a consensus on objectives and rules of being a teacher. It also provides solid foundation on making a group of effective and passionate teachers, realising school vision, running a new model of the first class future-oriented international school, setting a pilot school for educational innovation at VBS. 

文/图  燕子

翻译/  赖丁慈


Translated by DC Lai


发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2020-08-30

万双网讯  教师是学校发展的灵魂。为让教师迅速成长,转变观念,跟上时代步伐,为未知而教,为未来而学,8月25日至26日,万科双语学校特邀知名专家、教授、讲师及学校领导为老师们进行全方位培训,从教师礼仪到正面管教,从成长型思维到为师之道……让老师们如醍醐灌顶,受益匪浅。


VBS News Net: Teachers are the key of school development. VBS invited education experts, lecturers and leaders to conduct extensive training - etiquette, positive discipline, mindset of growth and principles of teachers from 25th August to 26th August. This was for teachers to transform themselves to keep up with future, teach for the unknown and study for the future. Teachers got enlightened and benefited from this lecture series. 




Training on teachers' etiquette, Ms. Feng Ju, IPA lecturer 

中华民族自古以来就非常崇尚礼仪,号称“礼仪之邦” 。孔夫子曾说过: “不学礼,无以立。 ”为让万双教师树立良好的形象,身正为范,当好学生榜样,8月25日上午,在学校剧场,IPA国际注册金牌礼仪讲师冯菊为万双全体教职员工带来了“礼润师德,仪显师风”教师礼仪培训。


China has been a well-mannered state and imbued with mannerism which reflects the socialist core values. Confucius once said, 'A man without manners won't have his placei n society,' Ms. Feng Ju offered a lecture on mannerism on 25th August. As a mother of a VBS student, Ms. Feng explained the terminologies, images, disposition and mannerism in occasions to illustrate taboos, selection of clothes, stances, meet and greet rules with lots of pictures. She offered constructive suggestions to teachers' manners in their daily teaching. 




Traning on ethics, Mr. Ye Wenzi, 

Dean of Shenzhen Education Science and Research Institute 



Mr. Ye Wenzi, Dean of Shenzhen Education Science and Research Institute gave a special lecture on ‘Teachers with conscientiousness'. He began with the profile of future society and pointed out that teaching should transform from strengthening the nation to civilising the nation. Teachers had to focus on new characteristics of future society as Internet, Big Data, Cloud computing, VR and AI were revolutionising the traditional education and other sectors. Nerds were no longer needed, education in future should change from success education to happiness education. Students ought to be nurtured to love, create and enjoy life with innovation and happiness. Talents in the future ought to be far-sighted, patriotic, and innovative. Hence schools had to transform their school missions, textbooks, learning methods, evaluations to promote project learning to guide students to live in an innovative life.


叶院长强调新教育呼唤新教师。教师在教育教学中投入的不只是知识与能力,而是自己的整个生命;教师影响学生的也不只是知识与能力,而是学生的生命成长。 “觉者之师”的核心品质是:爱心、激情、创新,成为“觉者为师”的基本路径是重构教师的生活方式、交往方式、思想方式。他以“百岁先生”为例,将其身上具有的家国情怀、理想与坚守、创新与奉献、仁德与笃行的力量一一展示,希望老师们像先生一样,爱每一个学生,关心学生的一生,有自己心中的榜样,热爱读书,以知识成就孩子美好人生,以爱和善良为城市、为国家、为世界文明作出贡献。

Mr. Ye also emphasised on new teachers under new education. Teachers were not just influencing students by nor putting in their knowledge or abilities but their whole lives to realise students' growth. ‘Teachers with conscientiousness' had to be passionate, innovative and caring and it had to undergo restructuring teachers' styles of life, thinking and socialising. He brought out his tutor as an example to illustrate patriotism, resolution, contribution, innovation and morality and hoped teachers to learn from his tutor - love every student and their whole life, read voraciously and contribute with love and kindness. 



Training on ideologies by Principal Yang


8月25日下午,杨帆校长在学校剧场为全体教职员工做了“让孩子站在未来中央——为未知而教 为未来而学”主题培训。

Principal Yang gave a training on 'Let students experience the future - teach for the unknown, study for the future' at the theatre on 25th August. 



She began by macro-thinking on education under the technology background to point out that education in future ought to focus on the people. The overall trend would be motivating student interests, nurturing the mindset of innovation, the ability to do manual work, the spirit of teamwork and the ability to relate and solve real world problems.



In light of new technology and education landscape, VBS conducted an innovative exploration. The school demanded teachers to view education from a new perspective - focusing on both the unknown and the known matters so that they could assist students to master knowledge for their future. The cultivating goals and the school mission would be nurturing global citizens who possess sound personality, academic excellence, international horizons, patriotism and the courage to create a better future. Hence the school set up a future-oriented curriculum.


Using neuroscience and speech videos by experts, Principal Yang explained the mindset of growth which believed that individuals IQ would develop by consistent studies and hard work. Its core ideology was about everyone could succeed by putting consistent effort. 



The mindset of growth began in class. Principal Yang emphasised on distinct and responsive class and taught students by their aptitude. Ms. Xie Dongmei, an experienced teacher presented her teaching methods and implementation steps to guide teachers for reference. 


VBS hoped every staff to believe in the mindset of growth and raise students who will succeed in future as the school would be a place where students, parents and teachers all got to thrive. 





Training on educational methodologies by Ms. Wang Xiaofei, PDTC




Ms Wang Xiaofei, founder of New Hope International Positive Discipline Academy and PDTC came to VBS on 26th August to give a lecture on positive discipline - 'How to encourage students' based on the mindset of growth.




Ms. Wang differentiated encouragement and praise via interactive experience and role-play games when suggesting everyone to raise the passion of every student by encouragement. She gave details in the words used and methods to encourage students. Teachers could understand the students better by playing role-play games in real examples and learn to remain cool to respect students. They also learned how to encourage students and treat students to educate every single one of them who were on their way to excellence.



PBL Training by Ms. Wu Ping, Deputy Head of Development Centre



Ms. Wu Ping, Deputy Head of Development Centre conducted PBL training for all teachers on 27th August. She introduced definition of PBL, implementation of PBL at VBS and the methods to design PBL. She emphasised on the explanation of PBL for this semester - Project 'Life with zero waste'. She pointed out that six dimensions of PBL design - specifying the core knowledge, motivations for students to take initatives to research, trigger of high-order recognition process, evaluation of learning process and outcomes, expected outcomes on students and expectations on students' learnings. She also gave suggestions on implementing Project 'Life with zero waste' to teachers who would be clear on guidance and teaching objectives. 



Since its establishment, VBS Teachers' Academy for Professional Development have offered opportunities for every staff to learn from educational ideologies, teaching methodologies, ethics and manners so that everyone has a consensus on objectives and rules of being a teacher. It also provides solid foundation on making a group of effective and passionate teachers, realising school vision, running a new model of the first class future-oriented international school, setting a pilot school for educational innovation at VBS. 

文/图  燕子

翻译/  赖丁慈


Translated by DC Lai



培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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