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发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2020-06-12

万双网讯   为凝心聚力,构建教师、学校命运共同体,打造一支专家型团队,开学以来,万科双语学校举行了多场教师专业培训活动,全方位提升教师专业素养,明确携手前行的目标与着力点,共同为实现学校培养目标赋能。

VBS News Net: VBS organised multiple training sessions for teachers to improve teachers' calibre and specified the targets that school aimed to achieve as the semester began.

A 顶层设计 Top level design


5月5日,在全体教职工正式上班前,全体中层干部在学校会议室召开题为“落实  落实  再落实——万科双语学校2019-2020中期工作推进会”。经过头脑风暴,大家重温万双核心价值观和办学特色,全方位分析学校优势、劣势、机会、威胁,明确本学期组织架构、工作目标、中心职责。

Before all staff returned to work, all middle ranking officers called for a meeting to on 5th May. After a brainstorming session, everyone reviewed VBS core values and school characteristics to perform SWOT analysis and specify the roles and targets of each department at this semester.


B 理念先行 Philosophy comes first



Principal Yang gave a special training for all new teachers and residential teachers at the multi-purpose room on 8th May to explain school philosophies, cultivating goals and curriculum design which would be crucial for them to blend in.



In order for all international teachers to have a comprehensive understanding on  the school’s Chinese-Western Integrated Curriculum and blend in, Principal Yang explained school philosophies to all international teachers at multi-purpose classroom on 12th June.

C 课题引领 Research leads the way



Organised by Head of Development Centre Ms. Zheng and Ms. Wu Ping, VBS established 'Shenzhen Major Research Group‘. The name of the research was the implementation path for basic education as a pilot demonstration. The research group reviewed the school's development to realise its high end development in future under the professional research studies.

D 制度管理 Management in mechanism



The school held meetings for primary schools teachers and secondary schools teachers respectively. Leaders implemented measures on teaching and research, students' development, teachers evaluation, teaching management and set a high standard for teaching.


E 经验分享 Experience sharing



Residential teachers department organised a session on 26th May for teachers to share their experience for teachers to develop good habits on students.

F 精准施策 Accurate implementation



VBS junior secondary department held an analysis meeting on the first monthly test on 28th May. Lesson planning heads spoke individually on the test papers and analysed the overall performance and mark ranges to give tutoring strategies in future. Extra remedial was given to those who were weak in their basics. Extra psychological care would be given to ensure every student to excel in all subjects. Principal Yang asked teachers to adopt effective strategies to boost students' confidence and team up to improve students' performance.



G 定向培训 Training


VBS held training workshop for VBS Cloud lesson, PBL, primary school English Language teachers, international teachers, teaching assistants and teaching research group of all subjects on 1st June. Ms. Jiao Yang explained PBL design.

张兰老师依据“全方位教学设计UDL ”、“Bloom Taxonomy布鲁姆分类法”更新版,做了一次“Lesson Planning and Boardwork Designing”的培训,层层递进地指导中外教师提高教学设计的实效、提高课堂教学活力,通过优秀白板设计强调了教师随堂的书写与教学目标的重要联系。各学科老师们细致研讨,进一步强化教学基本功。

Ms. Zhang Lan did a training on Lesson Planning and Boardwork Designing using UDL, Bloom Taxonomy to connect teaching quality and boardwork. Teachers worked closely together to reinforce their eseential teaching skills.


H热爱+勤奋 Avidness and hardwork


6月1日上午9时,万科双语学校在学校剧场召开教职工大会。会上,杨帆校长高屋建瓴,详细分析国际形势、国家政策、深圳形势,解读龙华教育、梅沙教育愿景,进行了万双内外部SWOT解析。【S (strengths)是优势、W (weaknesses)是劣势,O (opportunities)是机会、T (threats)是威胁。】同时,再次引领全校员工重温万双核心价值观和办学特色。

VBS held staff meeting on 1st June. Principal Yang analysed the state policies, and the SWOT analysis on VBS. Staff reviewed VBS core values and school characteristics again.


Principal Yang pointed out that the destiny of the school and the country is deeply connected to individuals and expected staff to work hard and improve themselves while focusing on the trends and development of education and making informed planning. The school vision would be a school that bettered the society and realised teachers' aspirations and development to gain happiness.



VBS cultivating goals:Cultivate Chinese citizens who possess sound personality, academic excellence international horizons, patriotism and the courage to create a better future.


VBS class names origins:

基于多元世界(Diversity),基于对未来的预测(Future),万双学生展现独特的气质:他们具有创造力和批判性思维,愿意并能良好地与他人交流与合作(Critical Thinking、Creativity、Communication、Collaboration—4C),具有好奇心(Eagerness),表现出乐观(Optimism)、包容(Inclusiveness)、坚毅(Grit),他们因始终充满好奇,不断探索,不断积极发展自己的身心而总是充满活力(Vitality)

VBS students demonstrate their unique qualities based on the future and diverse world - they have creativity, critical thinking and are willing to collaborate and communicate with others, have eagerness and show optimism, inclusiveness, grit as they have full of vitality to explore and develop themselves.


文/图 :燕子



Translated by DC Lai


发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2020-06-12

万双网讯   为凝心聚力,构建教师、学校命运共同体,打造一支专家型团队,开学以来,万科双语学校举行了多场教师专业培训活动,全方位提升教师专业素养,明确携手前行的目标与着力点,共同为实现学校培养目标赋能。

VBS News Net: VBS organised multiple training sessions for teachers to improve teachers' calibre and specified the targets that school aimed to achieve as the semester began.

A 顶层设计 Top level design


5月5日,在全体教职工正式上班前,全体中层干部在学校会议室召开题为“落实  落实  再落实——万科双语学校2019-2020中期工作推进会”。经过头脑风暴,大家重温万双核心价值观和办学特色,全方位分析学校优势、劣势、机会、威胁,明确本学期组织架构、工作目标、中心职责。

Before all staff returned to work, all middle ranking officers called for a meeting to on 5th May. After a brainstorming session, everyone reviewed VBS core values and school characteristics to perform SWOT analysis and specify the roles and targets of each department at this semester.


B 理念先行 Philosophy comes first



Principal Yang gave a special training for all new teachers and residential teachers at the multi-purpose room on 8th May to explain school philosophies, cultivating goals and curriculum design which would be crucial for them to blend in.



In order for all international teachers to have a comprehensive understanding on  the school’s Chinese-Western Integrated Curriculum and blend in, Principal Yang explained school philosophies to all international teachers at multi-purpose classroom on 12th June.

C 课题引领 Research leads the way



Organised by Head of Development Centre Ms. Zheng and Ms. Wu Ping, VBS established 'Shenzhen Major Research Group‘. The name of the research was the implementation path for basic education as a pilot demonstration. The research group reviewed the school's development to realise its high end development in future under the professional research studies.

D 制度管理 Management in mechanism



The school held meetings for primary schools teachers and secondary schools teachers respectively. Leaders implemented measures on teaching and research, students' development, teachers evaluation, teaching management and set a high standard for teaching.


E 经验分享 Experience sharing



Residential teachers department organised a session on 26th May for teachers to share their experience for teachers to develop good habits on students.

F 精准施策 Accurate implementation



VBS junior secondary department held an analysis meeting on the first monthly test on 28th May. Lesson planning heads spoke individually on the test papers and analysed the overall performance and mark ranges to give tutoring strategies in future. Extra remedial was given to those who were weak in their basics. Extra psychological care would be given to ensure every student to excel in all subjects. Principal Yang asked teachers to adopt effective strategies to boost students' confidence and team up to improve students' performance.



G 定向培训 Training


VBS held training workshop for VBS Cloud lesson, PBL, primary school English Language teachers, international teachers, teaching assistants and teaching research group of all subjects on 1st June. Ms. Jiao Yang explained PBL design.

张兰老师依据“全方位教学设计UDL ”、“Bloom Taxonomy布鲁姆分类法”更新版,做了一次“Lesson Planning and Boardwork Designing”的培训,层层递进地指导中外教师提高教学设计的实效、提高课堂教学活力,通过优秀白板设计强调了教师随堂的书写与教学目标的重要联系。各学科老师们细致研讨,进一步强化教学基本功。

Ms. Zhang Lan did a training on Lesson Planning and Boardwork Designing using UDL, Bloom Taxonomy to connect teaching quality and boardwork. Teachers worked closely together to reinforce their eseential teaching skills.


H热爱+勤奋 Avidness and hardwork


6月1日上午9时,万科双语学校在学校剧场召开教职工大会。会上,杨帆校长高屋建瓴,详细分析国际形势、国家政策、深圳形势,解读龙华教育、梅沙教育愿景,进行了万双内外部SWOT解析。【S (strengths)是优势、W (weaknesses)是劣势,O (opportunities)是机会、T (threats)是威胁。】同时,再次引领全校员工重温万双核心价值观和办学特色。

VBS held staff meeting on 1st June. Principal Yang analysed the state policies, and the SWOT analysis on VBS. Staff reviewed VBS core values and school characteristics again.


Principal Yang pointed out that the destiny of the school and the country is deeply connected to individuals and expected staff to work hard and improve themselves while focusing on the trends and development of education and making informed planning. The school vision would be a school that bettered the society and realised teachers' aspirations and development to gain happiness.



VBS cultivating goals:Cultivate Chinese citizens who possess sound personality, academic excellence international horizons, patriotism and the courage to create a better future.


VBS class names origins:

基于多元世界(Diversity),基于对未来的预测(Future),万双学生展现独特的气质:他们具有创造力和批判性思维,愿意并能良好地与他人交流与合作(Critical Thinking、Creativity、Communication、Collaboration—4C),具有好奇心(Eagerness),表现出乐观(Optimism)、包容(Inclusiveness)、坚毅(Grit),他们因始终充满好奇,不断探索,不断积极发展自己的身心而总是充满活力(Vitality)

VBS students demonstrate their unique qualities based on the future and diverse world - they have creativity, critical thinking and are willing to collaborate and communicate with others, have eagerness and show optimism, inclusiveness, grit as they have full of vitality to explore and develop themselves.


文/图 :燕子



Translated by DC Lai



培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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