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发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2020-06-11

万双网讯  口腔健康是全身的基础,龋齿是危害儿童健康的常见病,使得牙齿结构破坏,影响孩子的咀嚼、消化等等,从而影响儿童正常的生长发育。为了保护学生口腔健,2020年6月2日下午,万科双语学校特邀深圳启飞口腔门诊部的医生来到学校为二年级学生做窝沟封闭筛查

VBS News Net: Dental health is a crucial part of body health as caries jeopardises children's teeth which breaks the strucuture and disrupts the growth of children by affecting normal digestion process. Dentists from Shenzhen Qifei Dental Clinic arrived at VBS to perform pit and fissure sealant checks for Primary 2 students on 2nd June.


With more than 50 years of history, pit and fissure sealant was a painless and non-invasive treatment to prevent teeth from having caries. The materials were non-toxic, nor they would hard the teeth or body even it dropped off and was swallowed. Our government listed tooth decay as a common disease for prevention and control. Since 2009, the government of Shenzhen Municipality conducted pit and fissure sealant treatment for children at zero cost.


此次窝沟封闭筛查学生人数为186人,检查不合格的学生需家长带上孩子以及通知单到深圳启飞口腔门诊部做窝沟封闭治疗。2F、2V、2I、2O班安排在6月6日9:00-20:30期间, 2G、2E、2D、2C班学生安排在6月7日9:00-20:30。因特殊原因无法按照规定时间治疗的学生家长则安排在6月13日和6月14日的9:00-20:30。窝沟封闭治疗三个月后,需要到医院复查,看是否有脱落现象。如果有脱落,还应在医生检查后确定是否需要补做。

186 students underwent the check this time, those who needed treatment had to visit the clinic. Treatments for 2F, 2V, 2I and 2O students were performed on 6th June, the time for 2G, 2E, 2D and 2C was on 7th June. Re-check was to be done three months after the treatment to confirm the sealant was working. Another treatment was needed if necessary.


VBS school doctor Dr. Li suggested that parents still had to control the consumption of sugar and brush teeth while having teeth checks regularly to prevent caries despite the sealant treatment was performed as the sealant only prevented the chewing surfaces.






Author: Dr. Li

Photographer: Linda

Formatting: Judy

Translated by DC Lai


发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2020-06-11

万双网讯  口腔健康是全身的基础,龋齿是危害儿童健康的常见病,使得牙齿结构破坏,影响孩子的咀嚼、消化等等,从而影响儿童正常的生长发育。为了保护学生口腔健,2020年6月2日下午,万科双语学校特邀深圳启飞口腔门诊部的医生来到学校为二年级学生做窝沟封闭筛查

VBS News Net: Dental health is a crucial part of body health as caries jeopardises children's teeth which breaks the strucuture and disrupts the growth of children by affecting normal digestion process. Dentists from Shenzhen Qifei Dental Clinic arrived at VBS to perform pit and fissure sealant checks for Primary 2 students on 2nd June.


With more than 50 years of history, pit and fissure sealant was a painless and non-invasive treatment to prevent teeth from having caries. The materials were non-toxic, nor they would hard the teeth or body even it dropped off and was swallowed. Our government listed tooth decay as a common disease for prevention and control. Since 2009, the government of Shenzhen Municipality conducted pit and fissure sealant treatment for children at zero cost.


此次窝沟封闭筛查学生人数为186人,检查不合格的学生需家长带上孩子以及通知单到深圳启飞口腔门诊部做窝沟封闭治疗。2F、2V、2I、2O班安排在6月6日9:00-20:30期间, 2G、2E、2D、2C班学生安排在6月7日9:00-20:30。因特殊原因无法按照规定时间治疗的学生家长则安排在6月13日和6月14日的9:00-20:30。窝沟封闭治疗三个月后,需要到医院复查,看是否有脱落现象。如果有脱落,还应在医生检查后确定是否需要补做。

186 students underwent the check this time, those who needed treatment had to visit the clinic. Treatments for 2F, 2V, 2I and 2O students were performed on 6th June, the time for 2G, 2E, 2D and 2C was on 7th June. Re-check was to be done three months after the treatment to confirm the sealant was working. Another treatment was needed if necessary.


VBS school doctor Dr. Li suggested that parents still had to control the consumption of sugar and brush teeth while having teeth checks regularly to prevent caries despite the sealant treatment was performed as the sealant only prevented the chewing surfaces.






Author: Dr. Li

Photographer: Linda

Formatting: Judy

Translated by DC Lai



培养目标:培养身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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