万双网讯 “我们在一起,众志成城,共克时艰;我们在一起,用心呵护,静待花开。”因为一场突如其来的疫情,让学校教育教学方式发生了巨大的变化。 为了让孩子们停课不停学,给予孩子们最美好的教育陪伴,2月16日,万科双语学校召开全体教职工在线会议,全校教职员工聆听了杨帆校长的主题讲座——《我们一起努力》。2月17日,全校师生在线举行开学典礼,网上升旗仪式、聆听校长讲话、班主任工作指导及各学科在线课堂体验等有序进行,掀开了新学期学习的新篇章,并将成为VBS学子终身难忘的学习体验。
VBS News Net: ‘Let us stay together to overcome difficulties and care for our students,’ the sudden outbreak of COVID-19 has drastically changed the daily operation of VBS. VBS called for an online staff meeting themed ‘We put our hands together’ on 16th February to enable students to continue their studies during the suspension of school periods and offer them the best learning opportunities possible. All staff and students gathered online for the morning assembly, listened to Principal Yang’s speech and class teacher working guide. Students began their semester with the E-learning trial class for all subjects which would be a memorable experience.
History shall reveal the unique VBS mentality to the future - Staff Meeting
Principal Yang sent regards to teachers and security guards who stayed at the school throughout the entire period during the outbreak. She also acknowledged the tremendous support given by Meisha Education. She would like teachers to consider the issues behind the outbreak from the perspectives of history, nature, world and student development, to reflect on how humans can co-exist with nature and keep a positive view towards the incident. She also would like teachers to put students on their priority and clarify doubts from parents and students promptly when guiding them to study properly.
Principal Yang urged everyone on keeping themselves and families safe, following arrangements, continuing their studies and waiting for the formal order to reopen the school. Finally she sent her regards to the country to triumph over the disease.
VBS Cloud Lessons system allowed students to experience studies without any boundaries - E-learning
VBS held the opening ceremony of the second semester of academic year 2019/20 online at 8.30 am, 17th February. Over 600 students put on their uniforms and red scarves at home to sing the national anthem and salute to the national flag. Students listened to Principal’s address and their class teachers on E-learning matters.
Primary 1 students learned to view the real world from the historical perspective. In principal’s address, Principal Yang encouraged students to view this incident from a broader perspective - by considering how viruses devastated humans so we could co-exist with the nature as community of a shared future. She asked everyone to independent thinkers and discuss with parents regarding the flow of information online. Principal Yang introduced the idea of lifelong learning to students and asked them to adopt such learning methods to conduct independent studies and aim to achieve academic excellence so that VBS is a school where students love to learn and know how to learn. Finally she sent regards to all students and to the country to triumph over the disease.
万科双语学校严格遵循龙华区教育局要求,本着 “探索教学方式转变,培养学生自主学习能力,激发学生学习兴趣”的原则,通过在线教学引导学生预学,培养自主学习能力。新学期第一天网上学习开始了,老师们精心准备,开始网上授课;家长们变身摄影摄像师,随时记录孩子们学习的过程。在家长发来的小视频中,形式多样:有趣的科学实验课、适合家里进行的体育运动课、眼保健操、学生自主学习的演讲……丰富的课程体验让老师和孩子们对网上学习充满了期待,也让孩子们真正实践万双云课,感受“终身学习、个性化学习”和无边界学习的理念。
VBS aims to develop students’ ability to conduct independent studies using E-learning portals based on the principles of exploring new forms of teaching and motivating students to learn as well as the requirements from Education Bureau, Longhua District. The first day of E-learning was well delivered by VBS teachers whom prepared the materials in advance. Students were accompanied by parents whom recorded down the learning process by photos and videos. VBS received many forms of report - science lab session at home, indoor PE lesson and impromptu speech. Student expected to learn many more from learning at VBS Cloud Class that the school offered and were able to experience life-long, personalised learning as well as the idea of boundless learning.
编辑/版式 燕子
万双网讯 “我们在一起,众志成城,共克时艰;我们在一起,用心呵护,静待花开。”因为一场突如其来的疫情,让学校教育教学方式发生了巨大的变化。 为了让孩子们停课不停学,给予孩子们最美好的教育陪伴,2月16日,万科双语学校召开全体教职工在线会议,全校教职员工聆听了杨帆校长的主题讲座——《我们一起努力》。2月17日,全校师生在线举行开学典礼,网上升旗仪式、聆听校长讲话、班主任工作指导及各学科在线课堂体验等有序进行,掀开了新学期学习的新篇章,并将成为VBS学子终身难忘的学习体验。
VBS News Net: ‘Let us stay together to overcome difficulties and care for our students,’ the sudden outbreak of COVID-19 has drastically changed the daily operation of VBS. VBS called for an online staff meeting themed ‘We put our hands together’ on 16th February to enable students to continue their studies during the suspension of school periods and offer them the best learning opportunities possible. All staff and students gathered online for the morning assembly, listened to Principal Yang’s speech and class teacher working guide. Students began their semester with the E-learning trial class for all subjects which would be a memorable experience.
History shall reveal the unique VBS mentality to the future - Staff Meeting
Principal Yang sent regards to teachers and security guards who stayed at the school throughout the entire period during the outbreak. She also acknowledged the tremendous support given by Meisha Education. She would like teachers to consider the issues behind the outbreak from the perspectives of history, nature, world and student development, to reflect on how humans can co-exist with nature and keep a positive view towards the incident. She also would like teachers to put students on their priority and clarify doubts from parents and students promptly when guiding them to study properly.
Principal Yang urged everyone on keeping themselves and families safe, following arrangements, continuing their studies and waiting for the formal order to reopen the school. Finally she sent her regards to the country to triumph over the disease.
VBS Cloud Lessons system allowed students to experience studies without any boundaries - E-learning
VBS held the opening ceremony of the second semester of academic year 2019/20 online at 8.30 am, 17th February. Over 600 students put on their uniforms and red scarves at home to sing the national anthem and salute to the national flag. Students listened to Principal’s address and their class teachers on E-learning matters.
Primary 1 students learned to view the real world from the historical perspective. In principal’s address, Principal Yang encouraged students to view this incident from a broader perspective - by considering how viruses devastated humans so we could co-exist with the nature as community of a shared future. She asked everyone to independent thinkers and discuss with parents regarding the flow of information online. Principal Yang introduced the idea of lifelong learning to students and asked them to adopt such learning methods to conduct independent studies and aim to achieve academic excellence so that VBS is a school where students love to learn and know how to learn. Finally she sent regards to all students and to the country to triumph over the disease.
万科双语学校严格遵循龙华区教育局要求,本着 “探索教学方式转变,培养学生自主学习能力,激发学生学习兴趣”的原则,通过在线教学引导学生预学,培养自主学习能力。新学期第一天网上学习开始了,老师们精心准备,开始网上授课;家长们变身摄影摄像师,随时记录孩子们学习的过程。在家长发来的小视频中,形式多样:有趣的科学实验课、适合家里进行的体育运动课、眼保健操、学生自主学习的演讲……丰富的课程体验让老师和孩子们对网上学习充满了期待,也让孩子们真正实践万双云课,感受“终身学习、个性化学习”和无边界学习的理念。
VBS aims to develop students’ ability to conduct independent studies using E-learning portals based on the principles of exploring new forms of teaching and motivating students to learn as well as the requirements from Education Bureau, Longhua District. The first day of E-learning was well delivered by VBS teachers whom prepared the materials in advance. Students were accompanied by parents whom recorded down the learning process by photos and videos. VBS received many forms of report - science lab session at home, indoor PE lesson and impromptu speech. Student expected to learn many more from learning at VBS Cloud Class that the school offered and were able to experience life-long, personalised learning as well as the idea of boundless learning.
编辑/版式 燕子
培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。
Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen
Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.
Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.
Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen
Contact: 0755-66866333
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