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发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2019-12-25

万双网讯 为加强区域内公民办教研共同体建设,提高龙华区教师英语教学水平,提升教师专业素养,12月17日至18日,龙华区小初英语“2019冬日暖阳”公民办教研共同体教学展示活动在万科双语学校隆重举行。本次活动由龙华区教科院策划组织,来自龙华区教科院专家组成员、公民办兄弟学校骨干英语教师、万科双语学校全体英语教师百余人参加了本次活动。

VBS News Net: Longhua District Primary and Junior Secondary School English Presentation ‘2019 Rising Sun at Winter’ was held cordially at VBS. Organised by Longhua District Education Science Institute, members of experts from the institute, Head teachers from public and private schools. 



First Session: Seminar for Junior Secondary School English Teaching


Seminar for Junior Secondary School English Teaching was held on 17th December by three parts. Ms Annie Qin from VBS and Ms Wang from Qianlong School delivered the lesson followed by onsite evaluation. Ms Milky from VBS and Mr Wang from Qianlong School made the speeches. Finally Mr Xie from Qianlong School, also the member of Junior Secondary School English Teaching and Research Centre in Longhua District made the final conclusion for this session.




万科双语学校覃琰老师展示了7A《Unit 7 School Clubs 》阅读课。覃琰老师的展示课是在整合了牛津深圳版七年级上册Unit 7 More practice的小阅读和Teens相关话题阅读文本后所设计的一节泛读课,旨在通过任务型速读、个人泛读、组内讨论和组间分享互评的方式培养学生的速读获取所需信息的能力、欣赏英文表达之美的能力、复述文本的能力、小组合作能力以及批判性思维。整节课以学生为中心,以旅行杂志社举行旅游日志征文比赛为背景,以学生组队参加比赛为主线,在教师的引导和示范下,学生自学和互学三篇不同的文章,最终以海报的形式形成自己的语言输出并小组展示。学生在掌握写旅游日志所需的四个Wh和一个H(When, Where, Who, What, How)以及时态的同时,也体会到了中华历史文化和中西方文化的差异。

Ms Annie Qin from VBS presented reading class for Unit 7 School Clubs. Her class aimed to train students' various English skills, teamwork and critical thinking by combining the Unit 7 More practice with related topics reading from the Teens. The student-centric class focused on students forming groups for contest on travel journals. Guided by teachers, students did independent studies and interactive studies on three articles to produce their own posters for group presentation. Students mastered the 4W1H and tenses for a traval journal when appreciating the cultural differences and Chinese history.  

潜龙学校的王小利老师展示了8A《English Week》阅读课。本节课主要围绕英语节的话题展开,是一节以阅读为主,听说为辅的阅读课型。通过视频导入、速读、细节查读、看采访视频、听录音、思维导图、拓展阅读、小组合作展示等环节,进一步提升学生读取信息的能力以及口语交际能力。本节课有以下特点:第一,老师善于整合资源,通过自己制作或录制的视频,在Teens网站的下载的阅读材料,丰富了语言的输入;第二,在语言输入和输出环节,都利用了思维导图,让学生的思路更清晰。第三,有意构建有效信息差,引导学生用英语去沟通交流,获取信息。王老师赞扬万科双语学校的孩子们综合能力非常优秀,表现得非常出彩!

Wang Xiaoli from Qianlong School presented 8A reading class 'English Week'. This focused on the reading of English week topics coupled with listening and speaking. Using video clips, speed reading, listening to recordings, mindmaps, extensive reading and groupwork, students could improve their ability to extract information and speaking. This class had several features - teacher was good at gathering resources to offer more materials to students using self-made videos and Teens. Secondly, mindmaps were available for students to visualise better. Finally, information gap was created on purpose to motivate students to communicate with one another to acquire information. Students were commended by the teacher for their extraordinary performance.







Wang Dewen from Qianlong School made the speech on 'Forming teaching and research groups in Longhua District' and introduced the International English week activity. Since its establishment in 2008, Qianlong School held annual International English week on songs, posters, writings, vocabulary contest, dubbing contest for Junior Secondary students, Talent show for Primary school students and exotic music exhibitions. There was also a presentation after weekly flag-raising assembly every Monday which would be challenging for students. Each class took turns to present. The school also made sister schools with two other school in Hong Kong and actively conducted visits.



Ms Milky Niu from VBS made the speech themed 'Let students experience the future' on curriculum planning.



She pointed out that Junior Secondary School English at VBS was special in terms of curriculum, teaching, textbook, activities and culture, featuring multiple curricula, multiple teaching methods and multiple cultures to enhance learning outcomes, applications and understanding.

VBS创造性开设中西融合的、线上线下结合的多元一体的课程体系,满足学生个性化全面发展需求。除了开齐国家课程外,还同步开设了外教英文授课的Math、 ESL、 Science、Art、Music、 Drama、PE等加力课程,以及建筑教育,人工智能,人生规划,攀岩等特色推力校本课程。中方英语课着重强调通过不同资源的整合全方位提升学生英语语言能力,外教课程则多元融合,培养了学生学术英语能力。以ESL课程为例,老师通过“浸润式” + “母语式教学”, 通过探究性问题设置,在提升学生“语言能力”的同时,关注“人文素养”及文化内涵。Math、science课堂,中外教合作备课,跨学科融合,整合教学内容,全方位教学设计,提升学生学术能力。

VBS created a multi-facet curriculum system to meet the students' needs for development. Besides the national curriculum, a syncing Booster curriculum including Mathematics, ESL, Science, Art, Music, Drama and PE was taught by international teachers, together with school-based curriculum that included Architecture, AI, Life planning and Rock Climbing. English lessons taught by Chinese teachers aimed to utilise all resources to enhance the English skills when international lessons developed students' academic English skills. For example, immersive ESL classes designed research questions to improve students' linguistic abilities, culture and humanities. Mathematics, Science classes were jointly prepared by Chinese and international teachers to improve students' academic skills.


Ms Milky Niu also introduced the VBS reading AGSDA teaching pattern. The class is designed based on Answer, Guess, Say, Discuss and Appreciate to motivate students' learning.






Teachers had a joint discussion on teaching evaluation, teaching using newspapers, school-based curriculum planning, revision and development plan for teaching groups. Supervisor from Qianlong School Xie Yanli, also the member of Longhua District teaching and research group in English teaching concluded this session. Supervisor Xie commended the overall performance of VBS students and two teachers giving presentations before giving further advice on integrating curriculum resources. The materials lack effectiveness and truthfulness in terms of context could not be deemed as the only source of learning materials. Teachers ought to utilise all resources which optimise students' learning when reading were to be considered as a teaching function. 




Second Session: Seminar for Primary School English Teaching

12月18日上午,龙华区小学英语(第 5 教研组)“我们的成长”系列主题研讨活动在万科双语学校举行。来自三所不同学校的一年级老师,通过单元整体教学的整合,分别带来了同一个单元的不同课时的教学展示。

The Fifth Teaching and Research Group on 'Our growth' seminar series was held on 18th December at VBS. Primary 1 English teachers from three different schools delivered three sequential periods under the same uni.





首先由来自龙腾学校的邓炎老师带来的研讨课《Unit 9  May I have a pie?》(第一课时at the snack bar)。邓老师巧妙地为一年级学生创设了有趣真实的语言学习情境,在情景中引出本单元重点单词,从单词的理解、发音、拼读技巧等各方面切入教学。通过用手势学单词Hamburger,老师与学生握手,快速增进师生距离。通过让学生角色扮演去超市采购食物和水果,在情境中充分运用学习语言。

Deng Yan from Longteng School first presented a seminar on 1st period at the snack bar for 'Unit 9  May I have a pie?'. He designed a genuine learning environment to highlight the key words in the unit and delivered the content from pronunciation, understanding and spelling. He used signed language to teach the word hamburger to break the ice with students. Students were also given the opportunity to perform in the context of grocery shopping to learn English.

来自深圳外国语龙华学校的蒙田老师带来了展示课《Unit 9  May I have a pie?》(第二课时go on a picnic)。蒙田老师通过歌曲、视频、实物、图片等一系列教学辅助为一年级的学生们创建了生动有趣的情景,在欢快去野餐的语言情境中,展开了词汇与句型的运用。

Meng Tian from Shenzhen Foreign Language School Longhua Branch presented the 2nd period go on a picnic. Using songs, videos, items and pictures as tools, Primary 1 students learned to use vocabulary and sentence structures in the picnic context.

来自万科双语学校的胡宇闻老师带来了展示课《Unit 9 May I have a pie?》(第三课时A very hungry caterpillar)。胡老师通过一本改编的绘本故事展开,让学生在整体语篇中更加深刻地理解本单元重点单词与句型。生动形象的活动带着学生们加深对故事的理解,超高频率的师生互动、学生角色扮演等不同的活动,以学生为中心,让学生们在故事文本情景中充分运用所学单词与句型。

Ms Hu from VBS presented the final period 'A very hungry caterpillar'. She used a revised story book to help students understand the key words and sentence structure better. The student-centric lesson design reinforced students' understanding on the story with frequent interactions and cosplay so that students could apply the words they just learned.





Teachers shared their characteristics and reflections through teaching before all teachers formed groups to discuss the classes and chose one representative to speak for each group. Suggestions and compliments were laid out to provide feasible solutions for further improving teaching quality.





Ms Zhang Lihong, member of Teaching and Research Group in Longhua District made the conclusion speech. She said that this teaching seminar presented coherence, context, recurrence and sequence. Each period demonstrated the main focus and characteristics of unit teaching with adequate preparation.


This teaching and research seminar provided an opportunity for schools to exchange ideas and teaching resources such that all parties could effectively improve their teaching when demonstrating the excellent English skills and thinking that VBS students had.


文:李景萍 焦阳 覃琰 牛楚原




Authors: Catherine, Krystal, Annie, Milky

Photographer: Linda

Formatting: Judy

Translated by DC Lai


发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2019-12-25

万双网讯 为加强区域内公民办教研共同体建设,提高龙华区教师英语教学水平,提升教师专业素养,12月17日至18日,龙华区小初英语“2019冬日暖阳”公民办教研共同体教学展示活动在万科双语学校隆重举行。本次活动由龙华区教科院策划组织,来自龙华区教科院专家组成员、公民办兄弟学校骨干英语教师、万科双语学校全体英语教师百余人参加了本次活动。

VBS News Net: Longhua District Primary and Junior Secondary School English Presentation ‘2019 Rising Sun at Winter’ was held cordially at VBS. Organised by Longhua District Education Science Institute, members of experts from the institute, Head teachers from public and private schools. 



First Session: Seminar for Junior Secondary School English Teaching


Seminar for Junior Secondary School English Teaching was held on 17th December by three parts. Ms Annie Qin from VBS and Ms Wang from Qianlong School delivered the lesson followed by onsite evaluation. Ms Milky from VBS and Mr Wang from Qianlong School made the speeches. Finally Mr Xie from Qianlong School, also the member of Junior Secondary School English Teaching and Research Centre in Longhua District made the final conclusion for this session.




万科双语学校覃琰老师展示了7A《Unit 7 School Clubs 》阅读课。覃琰老师的展示课是在整合了牛津深圳版七年级上册Unit 7 More practice的小阅读和Teens相关话题阅读文本后所设计的一节泛读课,旨在通过任务型速读、个人泛读、组内讨论和组间分享互评的方式培养学生的速读获取所需信息的能力、欣赏英文表达之美的能力、复述文本的能力、小组合作能力以及批判性思维。整节课以学生为中心,以旅行杂志社举行旅游日志征文比赛为背景,以学生组队参加比赛为主线,在教师的引导和示范下,学生自学和互学三篇不同的文章,最终以海报的形式形成自己的语言输出并小组展示。学生在掌握写旅游日志所需的四个Wh和一个H(When, Where, Who, What, How)以及时态的同时,也体会到了中华历史文化和中西方文化的差异。

Ms Annie Qin from VBS presented reading class for Unit 7 School Clubs. Her class aimed to train students' various English skills, teamwork and critical thinking by combining the Unit 7 More practice with related topics reading from the Teens. The student-centric class focused on students forming groups for contest on travel journals. Guided by teachers, students did independent studies and interactive studies on three articles to produce their own posters for group presentation. Students mastered the 4W1H and tenses for a traval journal when appreciating the cultural differences and Chinese history.  

潜龙学校的王小利老师展示了8A《English Week》阅读课。本节课主要围绕英语节的话题展开,是一节以阅读为主,听说为辅的阅读课型。通过视频导入、速读、细节查读、看采访视频、听录音、思维导图、拓展阅读、小组合作展示等环节,进一步提升学生读取信息的能力以及口语交际能力。本节课有以下特点:第一,老师善于整合资源,通过自己制作或录制的视频,在Teens网站的下载的阅读材料,丰富了语言的输入;第二,在语言输入和输出环节,都利用了思维导图,让学生的思路更清晰。第三,有意构建有效信息差,引导学生用英语去沟通交流,获取信息。王老师赞扬万科双语学校的孩子们综合能力非常优秀,表现得非常出彩!

Wang Xiaoli from Qianlong School presented 8A reading class 'English Week'. This focused on the reading of English week topics coupled with listening and speaking. Using video clips, speed reading, listening to recordings, mindmaps, extensive reading and groupwork, students could improve their ability to extract information and speaking. This class had several features - teacher was good at gathering resources to offer more materials to students using self-made videos and Teens. Secondly, mindmaps were available for students to visualise better. Finally, information gap was created on purpose to motivate students to communicate with one another to acquire information. Students were commended by the teacher for their extraordinary performance.







Wang Dewen from Qianlong School made the speech on 'Forming teaching and research groups in Longhua District' and introduced the International English week activity. Since its establishment in 2008, Qianlong School held annual International English week on songs, posters, writings, vocabulary contest, dubbing contest for Junior Secondary students, Talent show for Primary school students and exotic music exhibitions. There was also a presentation after weekly flag-raising assembly every Monday which would be challenging for students. Each class took turns to present. The school also made sister schools with two other school in Hong Kong and actively conducted visits.



Ms Milky Niu from VBS made the speech themed 'Let students experience the future' on curriculum planning.



She pointed out that Junior Secondary School English at VBS was special in terms of curriculum, teaching, textbook, activities and culture, featuring multiple curricula, multiple teaching methods and multiple cultures to enhance learning outcomes, applications and understanding.

VBS创造性开设中西融合的、线上线下结合的多元一体的课程体系,满足学生个性化全面发展需求。除了开齐国家课程外,还同步开设了外教英文授课的Math、 ESL、 Science、Art、Music、 Drama、PE等加力课程,以及建筑教育,人工智能,人生规划,攀岩等特色推力校本课程。中方英语课着重强调通过不同资源的整合全方位提升学生英语语言能力,外教课程则多元融合,培养了学生学术英语能力。以ESL课程为例,老师通过“浸润式” + “母语式教学”, 通过探究性问题设置,在提升学生“语言能力”的同时,关注“人文素养”及文化内涵。Math、science课堂,中外教合作备课,跨学科融合,整合教学内容,全方位教学设计,提升学生学术能力。

VBS created a multi-facet curriculum system to meet the students' needs for development. Besides the national curriculum, a syncing Booster curriculum including Mathematics, ESL, Science, Art, Music, Drama and PE was taught by international teachers, together with school-based curriculum that included Architecture, AI, Life planning and Rock Climbing. English lessons taught by Chinese teachers aimed to utilise all resources to enhance the English skills when international lessons developed students' academic English skills. For example, immersive ESL classes designed research questions to improve students' linguistic abilities, culture and humanities. Mathematics, Science classes were jointly prepared by Chinese and international teachers to improve students' academic skills.


Ms Milky Niu also introduced the VBS reading AGSDA teaching pattern. The class is designed based on Answer, Guess, Say, Discuss and Appreciate to motivate students' learning.






Teachers had a joint discussion on teaching evaluation, teaching using newspapers, school-based curriculum planning, revision and development plan for teaching groups. Supervisor from Qianlong School Xie Yanli, also the member of Longhua District teaching and research group in English teaching concluded this session. Supervisor Xie commended the overall performance of VBS students and two teachers giving presentations before giving further advice on integrating curriculum resources. The materials lack effectiveness and truthfulness in terms of context could not be deemed as the only source of learning materials. Teachers ought to utilise all resources which optimise students' learning when reading were to be considered as a teaching function. 




Second Session: Seminar for Primary School English Teaching

12月18日上午,龙华区小学英语(第 5 教研组)“我们的成长”系列主题研讨活动在万科双语学校举行。来自三所不同学校的一年级老师,通过单元整体教学的整合,分别带来了同一个单元的不同课时的教学展示。

The Fifth Teaching and Research Group on 'Our growth' seminar series was held on 18th December at VBS. Primary 1 English teachers from three different schools delivered three sequential periods under the same uni.





首先由来自龙腾学校的邓炎老师带来的研讨课《Unit 9  May I have a pie?》(第一课时at the snack bar)。邓老师巧妙地为一年级学生创设了有趣真实的语言学习情境,在情景中引出本单元重点单词,从单词的理解、发音、拼读技巧等各方面切入教学。通过用手势学单词Hamburger,老师与学生握手,快速增进师生距离。通过让学生角色扮演去超市采购食物和水果,在情境中充分运用学习语言。

Deng Yan from Longteng School first presented a seminar on 1st period at the snack bar for 'Unit 9  May I have a pie?'. He designed a genuine learning environment to highlight the key words in the unit and delivered the content from pronunciation, understanding and spelling. He used signed language to teach the word hamburger to break the ice with students. Students were also given the opportunity to perform in the context of grocery shopping to learn English.

来自深圳外国语龙华学校的蒙田老师带来了展示课《Unit 9  May I have a pie?》(第二课时go on a picnic)。蒙田老师通过歌曲、视频、实物、图片等一系列教学辅助为一年级的学生们创建了生动有趣的情景,在欢快去野餐的语言情境中,展开了词汇与句型的运用。

Meng Tian from Shenzhen Foreign Language School Longhua Branch presented the 2nd period go on a picnic. Using songs, videos, items and pictures as tools, Primary 1 students learned to use vocabulary and sentence structures in the picnic context.

来自万科双语学校的胡宇闻老师带来了展示课《Unit 9 May I have a pie?》(第三课时A very hungry caterpillar)。胡老师通过一本改编的绘本故事展开,让学生在整体语篇中更加深刻地理解本单元重点单词与句型。生动形象的活动带着学生们加深对故事的理解,超高频率的师生互动、学生角色扮演等不同的活动,以学生为中心,让学生们在故事文本情景中充分运用所学单词与句型。

Ms Hu from VBS presented the final period 'A very hungry caterpillar'. She used a revised story book to help students understand the key words and sentence structure better. The student-centric lesson design reinforced students' understanding on the story with frequent interactions and cosplay so that students could apply the words they just learned.





Teachers shared their characteristics and reflections through teaching before all teachers formed groups to discuss the classes and chose one representative to speak for each group. Suggestions and compliments were laid out to provide feasible solutions for further improving teaching quality.





Ms Zhang Lihong, member of Teaching and Research Group in Longhua District made the conclusion speech. She said that this teaching seminar presented coherence, context, recurrence and sequence. Each period demonstrated the main focus and characteristics of unit teaching with adequate preparation.


This teaching and research seminar provided an opportunity for schools to exchange ideas and teaching resources such that all parties could effectively improve their teaching when demonstrating the excellent English skills and thinking that VBS students had.


文:李景萍 焦阳 覃琰 牛楚原




Authors: Catherine, Krystal, Annie, Milky

Photographer: Linda

Formatting: Judy

Translated by DC Lai



培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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