万双网讯 “爸爸,加油!” “老师,加油”……伴随着啦啦队的呐喊声,11月13日晚,在VBS体育节即将到来之际,VBS教职工足球队与家长足球队首场足球友谊赛欢喜进行。在VBS,家长与老师一同努力建设团结和谐的育人环境,让VBS成长学生、家长、教职工热爱的地方。
VBS News Net: As the VBS sports festival was just around the corner, VBS held a friendly between staff and students' parents on 13th November. With the cheers from spectators, the match kicked off at night.
本场足球友谊赛不计分,不排名,友谊第一,欢乐第一。比赛邀请发出后,得到了家长、教师们热烈的响应,踊跃报名,迅速组建了教职工和家长足球队。虽然是友谊赛,但双方队员秉承追求卓越的体育精神奋力拼搏,为观众奉献了一场精彩的比赛,在愉悦身心的运动中收获了健康,收获了情谊。部分热爱体育的老师、家长、学生在现场为队员们加油助威,孩子们“爸爸,加油!” “老师,加油”的呐喊声响彻校园。
This football friendly did not take down scores. After the game, staff and parents signed up and formed their respective teams quickly. Despite playing just a friendly, players from both teams displayed sportsmanship in this fascinating friendly as they also improved their fitness and closer relationship. Some parents, students and teachers who were also sports lovers cheered for both teams. Students were shouting 'Come on teachers!' and 'Come on daddy!' across the football pitch.
This friendly would be held at 6.30pm every Wednesday. Football had brought parents and school closer when improving everyone's fitness, which was another measure implemented by VBS to facilitate growth for parents, teachers and students.
Editor: Linda
Formatting: Judy
Translated by DC Lai
万双网讯 “爸爸,加油!” “老师,加油”……伴随着啦啦队的呐喊声,11月13日晚,在VBS体育节即将到来之际,VBS教职工足球队与家长足球队首场足球友谊赛欢喜进行。在VBS,家长与老师一同努力建设团结和谐的育人环境,让VBS成长学生、家长、教职工热爱的地方。
VBS News Net: As the VBS sports festival was just around the corner, VBS held a friendly between staff and students' parents on 13th November. With the cheers from spectators, the match kicked off at night.
本场足球友谊赛不计分,不排名,友谊第一,欢乐第一。比赛邀请发出后,得到了家长、教师们热烈的响应,踊跃报名,迅速组建了教职工和家长足球队。虽然是友谊赛,但双方队员秉承追求卓越的体育精神奋力拼搏,为观众奉献了一场精彩的比赛,在愉悦身心的运动中收获了健康,收获了情谊。部分热爱体育的老师、家长、学生在现场为队员们加油助威,孩子们“爸爸,加油!” “老师,加油”的呐喊声响彻校园。
This football friendly did not take down scores. After the game, staff and parents signed up and formed their respective teams quickly. Despite playing just a friendly, players from both teams displayed sportsmanship in this fascinating friendly as they also improved their fitness and closer relationship. Some parents, students and teachers who were also sports lovers cheered for both teams. Students were shouting 'Come on teachers!' and 'Come on daddy!' across the football pitch.
This friendly would be held at 6.30pm every Wednesday. Football had brought parents and school closer when improving everyone's fitness, which was another measure implemented by VBS to facilitate growth for parents, teachers and students.
Editor: Linda
Formatting: Judy
Translated by DC Lai
培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。
Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen
Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.
Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.
Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen
Contact: 0755-66866333
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