【教师培训】赢在责任心 胜在执行力——VBS生活部演讲比赛凸显理性思考_校园新闻_万科双语学校
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【教师培训】赢在责任心 胜在执行力——VBS生活部演讲比赛凸显理性思考

发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2019-11-01

万双网讯  VBS生活部是一个和谐温暖的团队,为了提高团队的职业素养,树立牢固的责任意识,提升老师们的执行力,生活部于10月29日举办了“赢在责任心,胜在执行力”的演讲比赛。张艳艳老师担任主持,参赛选手来自小学部和初中部的八位生活老师。


VBS News Net: Life Teacher Department in VBS has been a united and caring team. The department hosted a speech contest on 29th October to strengthen teachers' their sense of responsibility, execution and professionalism. Ms Zhang Yanyan hosted the contest and eight life teachers for both Primary and Junior Secondary Departments.




Eight teachers made their touching speeches on their stories and experience from their job which every teacher had great empathy with them.




Ms Wang Yuanxiang described her consistency, execution and responsibility to provide excellent services to students and parents. She received their enormous trust, respect and gratitude. Her speech was inspiring.




Ms Cui Donghua impressed everyone by her execution and sense of responsibility. She was good at thinking while carrying out her work and focused on one regular task every week before setting targets which were easy to accomplish with students. She would compliment them once they had achieved their targets to catch up with others. She believed that responsibility came from doing every single trivial task well.




Ms Zhao Aili shared a story on with students who had just entered puberty. Bearing her responsibility in mind, she focused on students' mood swings and offered counselling to those who had offended their teachers due to some personal upsets. As a trustworthy and magnanimous guardian who solved students issues in school life, she was able to form strong bonds with all students. Every teacher was moved by her bittersweet job experience.




Managing 24 new Primary One pupils with different characters could be challenging for someone who had her first job right after graduation, Ms Li Mingyi had paid attention to every detail in her job scope and quickly developed her skills.




After the speeches, Ms Huang commended speakers' performance and gave them suggestions for their rooms of improvement. She sincerely hoped every teacher would reflect on their work and think on where the responsibility of life teachers should be reflected by.




Ms Wu Yahui gave a clear answer that went straight to the point - life teachers ought to follow the rules and do their best in every task. Ms Lyu Jing added on - dedication, teamwork, mutual assistance and joint completion of work.




Ms Huang posed a similar question on execution - in what way would execution be reflected upon at both personal and group level?


李岳林老师认为:对于个人而言,执行力就是办事能力;对于团队而言,执行力就是战斗力和凝聚力。 作为一名生活老师,执行力体现在:完成每一项工作时,必须摒弃惰性,不拖延,不敷衍,自觉贯彻执行。更重要的是,加强过程控制,必须落实、跟进、记录和反复强调。不但要抓重点,更要抓细节,要用心、尽力将细节落实到位。


Ms Li Yuelin believed that execution was about getting tasks done on both personal and group level, with an additional team bonding. As a life teacher, execution would be reflected upon finishing each task without procrastination. More importantly, teachers had to focus on the process, follow-ups and reiterations. Details also mattered even more besides getting the key component of the task.




Finally, Ms Huang encouraged fellow teachers to do their best and make breakthrough in both of their work and life so that they could be a better self.



This speech contest provided an opportunity for teachers in Life Teacher Department to demonstrate their work ethics, forge stronger bonds so that the whole department could be a more united and effective team.








Author: Li Jingping

Photographer: Linda

Formatting: Judy

Translated by DC Lai

【教师培训】赢在责任心 胜在执行力——VBS生活部演讲比赛凸显理性思考

发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2019-11-01

万双网讯  VBS生活部是一个和谐温暖的团队,为了提高团队的职业素养,树立牢固的责任意识,提升老师们的执行力,生活部于10月29日举办了“赢在责任心,胜在执行力”的演讲比赛。张艳艳老师担任主持,参赛选手来自小学部和初中部的八位生活老师。


VBS News Net: Life Teacher Department in VBS has been a united and caring team. The department hosted a speech contest on 29th October to strengthen teachers' their sense of responsibility, execution and professionalism. Ms Zhang Yanyan hosted the contest and eight life teachers for both Primary and Junior Secondary Departments.




Eight teachers made their touching speeches on their stories and experience from their job which every teacher had great empathy with them.




Ms Wang Yuanxiang described her consistency, execution and responsibility to provide excellent services to students and parents. She received their enormous trust, respect and gratitude. Her speech was inspiring.




Ms Cui Donghua impressed everyone by her execution and sense of responsibility. She was good at thinking while carrying out her work and focused on one regular task every week before setting targets which were easy to accomplish with students. She would compliment them once they had achieved their targets to catch up with others. She believed that responsibility came from doing every single trivial task well.




Ms Zhao Aili shared a story on with students who had just entered puberty. Bearing her responsibility in mind, she focused on students' mood swings and offered counselling to those who had offended their teachers due to some personal upsets. As a trustworthy and magnanimous guardian who solved students issues in school life, she was able to form strong bonds with all students. Every teacher was moved by her bittersweet job experience.




Managing 24 new Primary One pupils with different characters could be challenging for someone who had her first job right after graduation, Ms Li Mingyi had paid attention to every detail in her job scope and quickly developed her skills.




After the speeches, Ms Huang commended speakers' performance and gave them suggestions for their rooms of improvement. She sincerely hoped every teacher would reflect on their work and think on where the responsibility of life teachers should be reflected by.




Ms Wu Yahui gave a clear answer that went straight to the point - life teachers ought to follow the rules and do their best in every task. Ms Lyu Jing added on - dedication, teamwork, mutual assistance and joint completion of work.




Ms Huang posed a similar question on execution - in what way would execution be reflected upon at both personal and group level?


李岳林老师认为:对于个人而言,执行力就是办事能力;对于团队而言,执行力就是战斗力和凝聚力。 作为一名生活老师,执行力体现在:完成每一项工作时,必须摒弃惰性,不拖延,不敷衍,自觉贯彻执行。更重要的是,加强过程控制,必须落实、跟进、记录和反复强调。不但要抓重点,更要抓细节,要用心、尽力将细节落实到位。


Ms Li Yuelin believed that execution was about getting tasks done on both personal and group level, with an additional team bonding. As a life teacher, execution would be reflected upon finishing each task without procrastination. More importantly, teachers had to focus on the process, follow-ups and reiterations. Details also mattered even more besides getting the key component of the task.




Finally, Ms Huang encouraged fellow teachers to do their best and make breakthrough in both of their work and life so that they could be a better self.



This speech contest provided an opportunity for teachers in Life Teacher Department to demonstrate their work ethics, forge stronger bonds so that the whole department could be a more united and effective team.








Author: Li Jingping

Photographer: Linda

Formatting: Judy

Translated by DC Lai



培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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