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发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2019-10-17

万双网讯  10月11日,龙华区教育局安全科领导来到万科双语学校视察,对学校午餐午休管理给予了高度赞扬,并要求学校进行宣传与经验推广。


VBS News Net: Security department leaders from Education Bureau in Longhua District visited VBS on 11th October and commended highly on student management during lunch break, and asked the school to share its management experience with other schools.




Ms Huang Yajuan, Supervisor from Life Teacher Department said that the staff made the arrangements to ensure the school environment was conducive for learning and living, so that students could form good habits. For example, a six-step to take lunch was made:









Step 1: When the bell rings, tidy up the table quickly and line up outside the class to wash hands;

Step 2: Take out the mat and put it on the table;

Step 3: Take the lunchbox gently and return to seats;

Step 4: Sit properly;

Step 5: Put one hand on the lunch box and take the spoon with the other; chew slowly and keep quiet;

Step 6: Put back the lunch box, wipe your mouth and tidy up the mat.




These six simple steps regulate the student behaviour when taking lunch but also reflect the care by life teachers. Each class has an ambassador who wears red ribbons to supervise these steps. They are here to help out teachers on relaying six steps above to their peers. They also assist teachers to distribute food, help peers to tidy up tables and ask everyone not to waste food. With the effort made by these ambassadors, all students follow the steps to maintain the dining manners.




Life Teachers Department also runs campaign on dining manners and wasting no food which the student cohort actively participates in. Students also have their own consensus to regulate behaviour, The monthly model class rating compliment the class which does well and encourages everyone to be well-mannered upon dining.




The scene which students use the rooms with cosy sleepers and are taken care of by life teachers is lovely during every lunch break.




Ensuring students to have a good nap so as to be ready for afternoon classes, life teachers decorate the room with cartoons, origamis and stars to make students feel home.


在孩子进入午休室前,老师会提前拉好窗帘,把空调温度调至到适合孩子睡眠的温度。进入午休室时,老师会引导孩子们把鞋子整齐摆放在室外,然后孩子们在自己专用的睡垫上、睡袋旁轻轻的躺下,接着老师会播放一些适合睡眠的舒缓音乐,陪伴着孩子慢慢地入睡。有些入睡慢的孩子,老师会在陪伴其他孩子完全入睡后,来到他的身边, “一对一” 的轻轻的拍打着孩子背,孩子在妈妈般的抚摸下渐渐闭上眼睛,进入了梦乡。好多孩子在起床以后第一句话就说,我睡的实在是太香了!好多家长在了解到孩子在学校午休的熟睡情况后,连连惊叹,直呼“我家孩子从小到大就没有午休的记录,万双在改写我家孩子的不午休历史呀!”



Teachers will close the curtains and adjust the temperature cozy for naps before students enter the rooms. Students are also asked to take off their shoes and put them in an orderly manner. Next, sleep induction music is played and teachers babysit those students who need extra care getting into sleep. Many students wake up and express their joy in feeling vital again. Parents are also surprised as their children have never taken naps before.

Teachers take down records in front of each room and award stickers to students who maintain silence throughout the break. Students behave better with the incentives of having more stickers.






With the care and love given by life teachers every day, students are gradually forming good habits which will  restore robustness and benefit themselves in future.







发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2019-10-17

万双网讯  10月11日,龙华区教育局安全科领导来到万科双语学校视察,对学校午餐午休管理给予了高度赞扬,并要求学校进行宣传与经验推广。


VBS News Net: Security department leaders from Education Bureau in Longhua District visited VBS on 11th October and commended highly on student management during lunch break, and asked the school to share its management experience with other schools.




Ms Huang Yajuan, Supervisor from Life Teacher Department said that the staff made the arrangements to ensure the school environment was conducive for learning and living, so that students could form good habits. For example, a six-step to take lunch was made:









Step 1: When the bell rings, tidy up the table quickly and line up outside the class to wash hands;

Step 2: Take out the mat and put it on the table;

Step 3: Take the lunchbox gently and return to seats;

Step 4: Sit properly;

Step 5: Put one hand on the lunch box and take the spoon with the other; chew slowly and keep quiet;

Step 6: Put back the lunch box, wipe your mouth and tidy up the mat.




These six simple steps regulate the student behaviour when taking lunch but also reflect the care by life teachers. Each class has an ambassador who wears red ribbons to supervise these steps. They are here to help out teachers on relaying six steps above to their peers. They also assist teachers to distribute food, help peers to tidy up tables and ask everyone not to waste food. With the effort made by these ambassadors, all students follow the steps to maintain the dining manners.




Life Teachers Department also runs campaign on dining manners and wasting no food which the student cohort actively participates in. Students also have their own consensus to regulate behaviour, The monthly model class rating compliment the class which does well and encourages everyone to be well-mannered upon dining.




The scene which students use the rooms with cosy sleepers and are taken care of by life teachers is lovely during every lunch break.




Ensuring students to have a good nap so as to be ready for afternoon classes, life teachers decorate the room with cartoons, origamis and stars to make students feel home.


在孩子进入午休室前,老师会提前拉好窗帘,把空调温度调至到适合孩子睡眠的温度。进入午休室时,老师会引导孩子们把鞋子整齐摆放在室外,然后孩子们在自己专用的睡垫上、睡袋旁轻轻的躺下,接着老师会播放一些适合睡眠的舒缓音乐,陪伴着孩子慢慢地入睡。有些入睡慢的孩子,老师会在陪伴其他孩子完全入睡后,来到他的身边, “一对一” 的轻轻的拍打着孩子背,孩子在妈妈般的抚摸下渐渐闭上眼睛,进入了梦乡。好多孩子在起床以后第一句话就说,我睡的实在是太香了!好多家长在了解到孩子在学校午休的熟睡情况后,连连惊叹,直呼“我家孩子从小到大就没有午休的记录,万双在改写我家孩子的不午休历史呀!”



Teachers will close the curtains and adjust the temperature cozy for naps before students enter the rooms. Students are also asked to take off their shoes and put them in an orderly manner. Next, sleep induction music is played and teachers babysit those students who need extra care getting into sleep. Many students wake up and express their joy in feeling vital again. Parents are also surprised as their children have never taken naps before.

Teachers take down records in front of each room and award stickers to students who maintain silence throughout the break. Students behave better with the incentives of having more stickers.






With the care and love given by life teachers every day, students are gradually forming good habits which will  restore robustness and benefit themselves in future.








培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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