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发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2022-04-27


万双网讯  为迎接虎年的到来,增进未来少年的全局性理解,同时为未来少年提供全方位具有生活价值的研究式学习, 从上学期末至4月下旬,万科双语学校小学部开展了以“虎”为主题的多学科融合PBL学习系列活动,并于4月22日举行了精彩纷呈的展示活动。

VBS Net News  In order to welcome the year of the tiger, enhance the overall understanding for future teenagers, and provide all-round research-based learning with life value for future teenagers, Primary School Department of Vanke Bilingual School launched a series of multi-disciplinary integrated PBL learning activities with the theme of "tiger" from the end of last semester to late April, and held wonderful activities on April 22th.




This PBL study combines the year of the tiger, integrates the knowledge of various subjects, and trains students to look at things from a multi-dimensional perspective and dialectical thinking through the exploration of the cultural differences of the tiger between China and foreign countries, the cultural symbols of the tiger and the origin of the Chinese zodiac.



Grade 1 Four theme sections - science, culture, food and art


Science Tiger



In the Artificial Intelligence class, students programmed with the theme of "little tiger change". Students used special effects module and loop module to make the little tigers full of special effects such as color, vortex, virtual image and mosaic etc., and made works with distinctive characteristics.



Culture Tiger



The cultural theme integrates Chinese, History and English. In Chinese and History class, students independently explored idioms about tigers and the spirit of tigers. Students shared their understanding of the different characteristics of tiger intentions in different historical periods through independent data access, group discussion, class presentation and report. They learnt about the four historical stages of fearing tigers, worshiping tigers, beating tigers to protecting tigers and the reasons for the change of human intentions through understanding the historical materials such as Queen Mother of the West in the book “The Classic of Mountains and Rivers”, bronze of tiger shape, “The Picture of Hong Li Stabbing Tigers”. At the same time, they learnt about the symbolic meaning of the tiger and the evolution of the word "tiger". Finally, through the game of "You Play and I Guess", students reviewed the idioms about tigers and had a good time.

在英语课上,老师带领孩子们了解了生肖虎的来历、不同动物属相的英语表述、科普了虎的四大亚种、并结合所学内容讲解老虎的身体部位以及“What can tigers do?”。之后孩子们发挥想象力,创作了一幅属于自己的special tiger。在展示环节,我们看到了孩子们创作的在山上的老虎、在树下的老虎、吃着肉的老虎、身着披风的老虎、戴着王冠的老虎……

In English class, teachers guided students to learn about the origin of the Zodiac Tiger, the English expressions of different animal zodiac signs, the four subspecies of tigers, the body parts of tigers and what tigers can do. Later, students tried to be creative and draw background for tigers to make their own special tigers.In the presentation part, we can see a tiger in the mountain, a tiger under the tree,a tiger eating meat, a tiger in cloak, a tiger with crown…


Art Tiger



Through independent exploration, students learned about the structure of tigers. Students designed and made various tiger headwear with colored paper in Labor Education class. Besides, students designed small tiger paper bags or paintings with personality in Art class.






Math Tiger



Through reading the picture book "The Story of the Twelve Chinese Zodiac Signs", students can correctly sort the twelve zodiac signs and flexibly use the knowledge of "cardinal number" and "ordinal number", which helps them realize the connection between Mathematics and life. In the game of "little tiger painting", students calculated firstly, then painted according to the information. Finally they got a complete little tiger, which integrates Mathematics and Art.



The front and back covers of the file are tigers which were designed and painted by students themselves. After the primary election of teachers and the voting of students, the top seven works were finally selected as the cover of the thematic research of “tiger”.




Grade 2 Integrated into the Chinese New Year culture artfully



In Chinese lesson, students learned about the common types of tigers, explored the evolution process of the word "tiger" from hieroglyphs to the current handwriting, and felt the charm of Chinese characters, and jointly created small couplets.



In Math lesson, students used the characteristics of axisymmetric graphics "fold in the middle and overlap on both sides completely " to make a tiger head, then used the addition and subtraction method within 100 and the multiplication and division method in the table to make a tiger body through Matching Question, and finally made a lovely and cute tiger through pasting and coloring.


英语学科中,学生学习了有趣的绘本故事《The Tiger Who Came to Tea》,并完成相关的练习,最后制作了属于自己的“小人书”

In English lesson, students learned the interesting picture book story "The Tiger Who Came to Tea", completed relevant exercises, and finally made their own "comic book".



The History teacher took students to understand the heroic and tenacious deeds of the "bold heroes", which deeply shocked the students.




The handicrafts and paintings of Architectural Education and Hands-on Learning Lesson are a feast for eyes. In Artificial Intelligence class, the little tiger video made by students themselves is lifelike.







On the presentation day , students’ works were posted on the class culture wall and the outer wall of the classroom, and each class was visited alternately. At the same time, students took their own or group works to other classes to give speeches and shared with the students.






Every research-based learning is a progress on the way of students' growth. In the process of exploration, students gained knowledge, broaden your horizons, improved their literacy, and enjoyed themselves by using their brain, hands and mouth.


 三年级: 让虎的形象丰富和立体起来

Grade 3 Let the image of the tiger be vivid and three-dimensional


The Chinese course took tiger related objects and auspicious words about "tiger" as the exploration content, so that students can understand the spiritual and cultural connotation behind tiger head shoes, tiger head hat and tiger head belly pocket through independent exploration and group cooperation, and understand the meaning of words and expand their knowledge by collecting auspicious words about "tiger". It not only cultivated students' autonomous learning ability, but also raised students' cultural awareness. Through this activity, students can understand the rich and colourful traditional culture and cultivate the feelings of home and country.



In Mathematics class, students studied from the perspective of statistics. They independently found the body length and weight of different kinds of male and female tigers. Through comparison, they found that the body size of similar male tigers is relatively large, and the body length and weight are higher than those of female tigers, which is similar to the gender difference of human beings. Through reading the statistical chart of the change of tiger number from 1950s to 1990s and analyzing the reasons for the sharp decline of tiger numbers in combination with Geography and History, students can think more rationally and comprehensively based on data analysis.




In English class, students started with the tiger zodiac and further learned the English expression of the twelve Chinese Zodiac animals. At the same time, they combined the Chinese traditional culture "Chinese Zodiac" with English by investigating the birthdays, years and zodiac of students and teachers.




In History class, students independently did researches, discussed and exchanged ideas within the group, and reported their understanding of the changes of tigers. By interpreting historical materials such as “The Tiger Born Universe” , the queen mother of the west in the book “The Classic of Mountains and Rivers” , bronze of tiger shape, and “The Picture of Hong Li Stabbing Tigers” , students understood the four historical stages from fearing tigers, worshiping tigers, beating tigers to protecting tigers and the reasons behind.


The Science class used the world map and relevant videos to let students get the knowledge of species, distribution and characteristics of tiger. Students understood tigers from a global perspective, analyzed and summarized the reasons why some species of tigers are endangered, and discussed the significance of protecting tigers and how to take protective actions.




In Morality and Rule of Law class, students had a deeper understanding of the moral spirit contained in the tiger and the "tiger" elements around them. Through the wildlife protection law, they knew why they should learn to protect wildlife. Students worked in groups to explore, write, report and evaluate wildlife protection conventions.



The content of art class was the creation of tiger element artistic characters. Students created through collage and font design, boldly adapted on the basis of modeling and added personal ideas. These cultivated students’ artistic literacy and creativity.



In Artificial Intelligence class, students programmed with the theme of "Good Luck in the Year of the Tiger", reviewed the role, background and methods of music uploading, grasped the method to make effect of setting off fireworks by the little tiger with the size change, cloning and playing sound module, displayed the effect of Spring Festival couplets with the waiting and display hidden module, and made very festive tiger themed works.



In Labor Education class, students pasted tigers in various morphological features with the leaves they picked up. They developed their observation, imagination and creativity as well as the ability to discover the artistic beauty in life through their practical action.


Grade 4 and Grade 5 Had an innovative debate


Students explored heroes in the "History Tiger", and understood the combination of courage and wisdom can make them succeed. They enjoyed the beauty of catamount in the "Science Tiger", worked in groups to complete the distribution map of different kinds of tigers, and called on everyone to protect tigers in a scientific way. It was very interesting for them to write the program of Wu Song Fighting Tiger in "Artificial Intelligence Tiger". “Labor Tiger” was about the cross stitch of tiger pattern. The magical tiger images were vivid under the children's needle and thread, which not only exercised the flexibility and coordination of students' hands, but also cultivated the excellent quality of students' patience, meticulous and perseverance. Students drew the initiative badge of protecting wild animals in the " Morality and Rule of Law Tiger". They spoke with data in the " Mathematics Tiger". The most wonderful thing was what happened in the "Chinese Tiger". In addition to collecting and sharing idioms, poems, blessings and couplets about "tiger", students also held a creative debate on "whether animal performance is prohibited" between classes. The speeches of the debaters on both sides were justified, the scene was fierce and happy, and applause came and went, drawing a complete end to the PBL activity with the theme of tiger.








This study was project-oriented and student-centered. Through the heuristic education method of multi-disciplinary integration, the knowledge and life experience learned by students in various disciplines are combined with pictures and texts, hands-on practical operation, display and exchange, so as to help students obtain unforgettable and special experience, increase students' fun for learning, make them fully feel the charm,the breadth and depth of Chinese culture, and cultivate students' feelings of home and country.




撰稿/孙亚芳 黎梦芳 邓安妮 刘玲玲 黄雅娟


编辑/图片 燕子


发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2022-04-27


万双网讯  为迎接虎年的到来,增进未来少年的全局性理解,同时为未来少年提供全方位具有生活价值的研究式学习, 从上学期末至4月下旬,万科双语学校小学部开展了以“虎”为主题的多学科融合PBL学习系列活动,并于4月22日举行了精彩纷呈的展示活动。

VBS Net News  In order to welcome the year of the tiger, enhance the overall understanding for future teenagers, and provide all-round research-based learning with life value for future teenagers, Primary School Department of Vanke Bilingual School launched a series of multi-disciplinary integrated PBL learning activities with the theme of "tiger" from the end of last semester to late April, and held wonderful activities on April 22th.




This PBL study combines the year of the tiger, integrates the knowledge of various subjects, and trains students to look at things from a multi-dimensional perspective and dialectical thinking through the exploration of the cultural differences of the tiger between China and foreign countries, the cultural symbols of the tiger and the origin of the Chinese zodiac.



Grade 1 Four theme sections - science, culture, food and art


Science Tiger



In the Artificial Intelligence class, students programmed with the theme of "little tiger change". Students used special effects module and loop module to make the little tigers full of special effects such as color, vortex, virtual image and mosaic etc., and made works with distinctive characteristics.



Culture Tiger



The cultural theme integrates Chinese, History and English. In Chinese and History class, students independently explored idioms about tigers and the spirit of tigers. Students shared their understanding of the different characteristics of tiger intentions in different historical periods through independent data access, group discussion, class presentation and report. They learnt about the four historical stages of fearing tigers, worshiping tigers, beating tigers to protecting tigers and the reasons for the change of human intentions through understanding the historical materials such as Queen Mother of the West in the book “The Classic of Mountains and Rivers”, bronze of tiger shape, “The Picture of Hong Li Stabbing Tigers”. At the same time, they learnt about the symbolic meaning of the tiger and the evolution of the word "tiger". Finally, through the game of "You Play and I Guess", students reviewed the idioms about tigers and had a good time.

在英语课上,老师带领孩子们了解了生肖虎的来历、不同动物属相的英语表述、科普了虎的四大亚种、并结合所学内容讲解老虎的身体部位以及“What can tigers do?”。之后孩子们发挥想象力,创作了一幅属于自己的special tiger。在展示环节,我们看到了孩子们创作的在山上的老虎、在树下的老虎、吃着肉的老虎、身着披风的老虎、戴着王冠的老虎……

In English class, teachers guided students to learn about the origin of the Zodiac Tiger, the English expressions of different animal zodiac signs, the four subspecies of tigers, the body parts of tigers and what tigers can do. Later, students tried to be creative and draw background for tigers to make their own special tigers.In the presentation part, we can see a tiger in the mountain, a tiger under the tree,a tiger eating meat, a tiger in cloak, a tiger with crown…


Art Tiger



Through independent exploration, students learned about the structure of tigers. Students designed and made various tiger headwear with colored paper in Labor Education class. Besides, students designed small tiger paper bags or paintings with personality in Art class.






Math Tiger



Through reading the picture book "The Story of the Twelve Chinese Zodiac Signs", students can correctly sort the twelve zodiac signs and flexibly use the knowledge of "cardinal number" and "ordinal number", which helps them realize the connection between Mathematics and life. In the game of "little tiger painting", students calculated firstly, then painted according to the information. Finally they got a complete little tiger, which integrates Mathematics and Art.



The front and back covers of the file are tigers which were designed and painted by students themselves. After the primary election of teachers and the voting of students, the top seven works were finally selected as the cover of the thematic research of “tiger”.




Grade 2 Integrated into the Chinese New Year culture artfully



In Chinese lesson, students learned about the common types of tigers, explored the evolution process of the word "tiger" from hieroglyphs to the current handwriting, and felt the charm of Chinese characters, and jointly created small couplets.



In Math lesson, students used the characteristics of axisymmetric graphics "fold in the middle and overlap on both sides completely " to make a tiger head, then used the addition and subtraction method within 100 and the multiplication and division method in the table to make a tiger body through Matching Question, and finally made a lovely and cute tiger through pasting and coloring.


英语学科中,学生学习了有趣的绘本故事《The Tiger Who Came to Tea》,并完成相关的练习,最后制作了属于自己的“小人书”

In English lesson, students learned the interesting picture book story "The Tiger Who Came to Tea", completed relevant exercises, and finally made their own "comic book".



The History teacher took students to understand the heroic and tenacious deeds of the "bold heroes", which deeply shocked the students.




The handicrafts and paintings of Architectural Education and Hands-on Learning Lesson are a feast for eyes. In Artificial Intelligence class, the little tiger video made by students themselves is lifelike.







On the presentation day , students’ works were posted on the class culture wall and the outer wall of the classroom, and each class was visited alternately. At the same time, students took their own or group works to other classes to give speeches and shared with the students.






Every research-based learning is a progress on the way of students' growth. In the process of exploration, students gained knowledge, broaden your horizons, improved their literacy, and enjoyed themselves by using their brain, hands and mouth.


 三年级: 让虎的形象丰富和立体起来

Grade 3 Let the image of the tiger be vivid and three-dimensional


The Chinese course took tiger related objects and auspicious words about "tiger" as the exploration content, so that students can understand the spiritual and cultural connotation behind tiger head shoes, tiger head hat and tiger head belly pocket through independent exploration and group cooperation, and understand the meaning of words and expand their knowledge by collecting auspicious words about "tiger". It not only cultivated students' autonomous learning ability, but also raised students' cultural awareness. Through this activity, students can understand the rich and colourful traditional culture and cultivate the feelings of home and country.



In Mathematics class, students studied from the perspective of statistics. They independently found the body length and weight of different kinds of male and female tigers. Through comparison, they found that the body size of similar male tigers is relatively large, and the body length and weight are higher than those of female tigers, which is similar to the gender difference of human beings. Through reading the statistical chart of the change of tiger number from 1950s to 1990s and analyzing the reasons for the sharp decline of tiger numbers in combination with Geography and History, students can think more rationally and comprehensively based on data analysis.




In English class, students started with the tiger zodiac and further learned the English expression of the twelve Chinese Zodiac animals. At the same time, they combined the Chinese traditional culture "Chinese Zodiac" with English by investigating the birthdays, years and zodiac of students and teachers.




In History class, students independently did researches, discussed and exchanged ideas within the group, and reported their understanding of the changes of tigers. By interpreting historical materials such as “The Tiger Born Universe” , the queen mother of the west in the book “The Classic of Mountains and Rivers” , bronze of tiger shape, and “The Picture of Hong Li Stabbing Tigers” , students understood the four historical stages from fearing tigers, worshiping tigers, beating tigers to protecting tigers and the reasons behind.


The Science class used the world map and relevant videos to let students get the knowledge of species, distribution and characteristics of tiger. Students understood tigers from a global perspective, analyzed and summarized the reasons why some species of tigers are endangered, and discussed the significance of protecting tigers and how to take protective actions.




In Morality and Rule of Law class, students had a deeper understanding of the moral spirit contained in the tiger and the "tiger" elements around them. Through the wildlife protection law, they knew why they should learn to protect wildlife. Students worked in groups to explore, write, report and evaluate wildlife protection conventions.



The content of art class was the creation of tiger element artistic characters. Students created through collage and font design, boldly adapted on the basis of modeling and added personal ideas. These cultivated students’ artistic literacy and creativity.



In Artificial Intelligence class, students programmed with the theme of "Good Luck in the Year of the Tiger", reviewed the role, background and methods of music uploading, grasped the method to make effect of setting off fireworks by the little tiger with the size change, cloning and playing sound module, displayed the effect of Spring Festival couplets with the waiting and display hidden module, and made very festive tiger themed works.



In Labor Education class, students pasted tigers in various morphological features with the leaves they picked up. They developed their observation, imagination and creativity as well as the ability to discover the artistic beauty in life through their practical action.


Grade 4 and Grade 5 Had an innovative debate


Students explored heroes in the "History Tiger", and understood the combination of courage and wisdom can make them succeed. They enjoyed the beauty of catamount in the "Science Tiger", worked in groups to complete the distribution map of different kinds of tigers, and called on everyone to protect tigers in a scientific way. It was very interesting for them to write the program of Wu Song Fighting Tiger in "Artificial Intelligence Tiger". “Labor Tiger” was about the cross stitch of tiger pattern. The magical tiger images were vivid under the children's needle and thread, which not only exercised the flexibility and coordination of students' hands, but also cultivated the excellent quality of students' patience, meticulous and perseverance. Students drew the initiative badge of protecting wild animals in the " Morality and Rule of Law Tiger". They spoke with data in the " Mathematics Tiger". The most wonderful thing was what happened in the "Chinese Tiger". In addition to collecting and sharing idioms, poems, blessings and couplets about "tiger", students also held a creative debate on "whether animal performance is prohibited" between classes. The speeches of the debaters on both sides were justified, the scene was fierce and happy, and applause came and went, drawing a complete end to the PBL activity with the theme of tiger.








This study was project-oriented and student-centered. Through the heuristic education method of multi-disciplinary integration, the knowledge and life experience learned by students in various disciplines are combined with pictures and texts, hands-on practical operation, display and exchange, so as to help students obtain unforgettable and special experience, increase students' fun for learning, make them fully feel the charm,the breadth and depth of Chinese culture, and cultivate students' feelings of home and country.




撰稿/孙亚芳 黎梦芳 邓安妮 刘玲玲 黄雅娟


编辑/图片 燕子



培养目标:培养身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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