【国旗下的讲话】致敬“逆行”精神 缅怀革命先烈——VBS举办2021-2022第二学期第六周云升旗仪式_学生活动_万科双语学校
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【国旗下的讲话】致敬“逆行”精神 缅怀革命先烈——VBS举办2021-2022第二学期第六周云升旗仪式

发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2022-03-29

万双网讯  2022年3月28日,万科双语学校举办2021-2022第二学期第六周云升旗仪式。本周升旗仪式主持由6E班、6F班承担。6E班是一个活泼有爱、善思向上的集体;6F班是一个团结文明、勤奋高雅的集体。

VBS Net News  On March 28th, 2022, Vanke Bilingual School held the cloud flag raising ceremony in the sixth week of the second semester 2021-2022. The flag raising ceremony of this week was presided over by Class 6E and Class 6F. Class 6E is a lively, loving and thoughtful group. Class 6F is a united, civilized, diligent and elegant group.


升旗仪式由6F班的任洺熠和6E班的曾麟然主持。6E班穆睿和6F班刘奕灵进行了国旗下讲话。他们演讲的题目是《赤子春醒  缅怀先烈》。第一书记梁小文老师进行了时事热点分享。

The flag raising ceremony was presided over by Ren Mingyi from Class 6F and Zeng Linran from Class 6E. Mu Rui from class 6E and Liu Yiling from class 6F gave a speech under the national flag. The topic of their speech is "wake up in spring, cherish the memory of the martyrs". The first secretary Liang Xiaowen shared the hot spots of current affairs.







With the thick spring, we are about to enter April. Today, we are facing the rising sun, playing the vigorous and resounding "March of the Volunteers" and solemnly raising our sacred national flag. Look, the five-star red flag, the totem of our hearts, she is warm and bright, fluttering in the wind, fluttering in the hearts of every Chinese.




Tomb-sweeping Day will come, chizi spring wake up, how can we forget, this bright red was made by martyrs with life and blood dyed red. Whenever we stand under the bright five-star red flag, we will cherish a grateful heart, remembering and commemorating the revolutionary martyrs.




The long course of history has recorded the deeds of many heroes. Revolutionary martyrs turned their love for the toiling masses into the spiritual strength to fight the enemy in battle. When the Chinese nation faced great danger, the revolutionary martyrs built the Great Wall of steel with their own flesh and blood.




Now, the war years gradually fade away. We are the children born at the new age, living a very happy life, unable to understand the hardships and hardships of the war. When others try to get out of the infected area, they do it in reverse: no return date, no danger, no reward, no life or death!  On the road to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, this "retrograde" spirit will be passed on forever.




My dear classmates! We are all lucky, we grow up in the new era, which helps us to have a rich life. When the martyrs fought bloody battles of every inch of land, today it has flowers, green grass. When smoke filled the sky already blue sky, red flag is flying. Even in peacetime when the virus is raging, we have the most beautiful rebels to protect us. Although we do not need to sacrifice like the martyrs, shed blood, with the body to build the Great Wall of the Republic, but we carry the mission of revitalizing China.


梁启超曾说:“少年智则国智,少年强则国强。”同学们,就让我们以先烈为榜样,继往开来,用自己的热情、自己的血汗、自己的才智,把握住生命的每一个瞬间;不懈奋斗,立志成才,超越自我,报效祖国! 谢谢大家!

Liang Qichao once said, "The wisdom of the young is the wisdom of the country, and the strength of the young is the strength of the country." Students, let us take the martyrs as an example, carry on, with their own enthusiasm, their own sweat, their own wisdom, seize every moment of life; Unremitting struggle, determined to become, beyond the self, serve the motherland! Thank you!

























撰稿/ 伍晶晶 梁小文

翻译/陆巧 杨雁玲 陈李 周金凤

资料提供/许静 胡雅琼


【国旗下的讲话】致敬“逆行”精神 缅怀革命先烈——VBS举办2021-2022第二学期第六周云升旗仪式

发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2022-03-29

万双网讯  2022年3月28日,万科双语学校举办2021-2022第二学期第六周云升旗仪式。本周升旗仪式主持由6E班、6F班承担。6E班是一个活泼有爱、善思向上的集体;6F班是一个团结文明、勤奋高雅的集体。

VBS Net News  On March 28th, 2022, Vanke Bilingual School held the cloud flag raising ceremony in the sixth week of the second semester 2021-2022. The flag raising ceremony of this week was presided over by Class 6E and Class 6F. Class 6E is a lively, loving and thoughtful group. Class 6F is a united, civilized, diligent and elegant group.


升旗仪式由6F班的任洺熠和6E班的曾麟然主持。6E班穆睿和6F班刘奕灵进行了国旗下讲话。他们演讲的题目是《赤子春醒  缅怀先烈》。第一书记梁小文老师进行了时事热点分享。

The flag raising ceremony was presided over by Ren Mingyi from Class 6F and Zeng Linran from Class 6E. Mu Rui from class 6E and Liu Yiling from class 6F gave a speech under the national flag. The topic of their speech is "wake up in spring, cherish the memory of the martyrs". The first secretary Liang Xiaowen shared the hot spots of current affairs.







With the thick spring, we are about to enter April. Today, we are facing the rising sun, playing the vigorous and resounding "March of the Volunteers" and solemnly raising our sacred national flag. Look, the five-star red flag, the totem of our hearts, she is warm and bright, fluttering in the wind, fluttering in the hearts of every Chinese.




Tomb-sweeping Day will come, chizi spring wake up, how can we forget, this bright red was made by martyrs with life and blood dyed red. Whenever we stand under the bright five-star red flag, we will cherish a grateful heart, remembering and commemorating the revolutionary martyrs.




The long course of history has recorded the deeds of many heroes. Revolutionary martyrs turned their love for the toiling masses into the spiritual strength to fight the enemy in battle. When the Chinese nation faced great danger, the revolutionary martyrs built the Great Wall of steel with their own flesh and blood.




Now, the war years gradually fade away. We are the children born at the new age, living a very happy life, unable to understand the hardships and hardships of the war. When others try to get out of the infected area, they do it in reverse: no return date, no danger, no reward, no life or death!  On the road to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, this "retrograde" spirit will be passed on forever.




My dear classmates! We are all lucky, we grow up in the new era, which helps us to have a rich life. When the martyrs fought bloody battles of every inch of land, today it has flowers, green grass. When smoke filled the sky already blue sky, red flag is flying. Even in peacetime when the virus is raging, we have the most beautiful rebels to protect us. Although we do not need to sacrifice like the martyrs, shed blood, with the body to build the Great Wall of the Republic, but we carry the mission of revitalizing China.


梁启超曾说:“少年智则国智,少年强则国强。”同学们,就让我们以先烈为榜样,继往开来,用自己的热情、自己的血汗、自己的才智,把握住生命的每一个瞬间;不懈奋斗,立志成才,超越自我,报效祖国! 谢谢大家!

Liang Qichao once said, "The wisdom of the young is the wisdom of the country, and the strength of the young is the strength of the country." Students, let us take the martyrs as an example, carry on, with their own enthusiasm, their own sweat, their own wisdom, seize every moment of life; Unremitting struggle, determined to become, beyond the self, serve the motherland! Thank you!

























撰稿/ 伍晶晶 梁小文

翻译/陆巧 杨雁玲 陈李 周金凤

资料提供/许静 胡雅琼




培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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