【国旗下的讲话】争做睡眠管理的小主人 ——VBS举办2021-2022第二学期第五周云升旗仪式_学生活动_万科双语学校
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【国旗下的讲话】争做睡眠管理的小主人 ——VBS举办2021-2022第二学期第五周云升旗仪式

发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2022-03-22

万双网讯  2022年 3月21日,万科双语学校举办2021-2022第二学期第五周云升旗仪式。本周升旗仪式主持由4C和4D班共同承担。4C班是一个团结向上、勇于探索的集体;4D班是一个富有活力、积极进取的集体。

VBS Net News  On March 21th, 2022, Vanke Bilingual School held the cloud flag raising ceremony in the fifth week of the second semester 2021-2022. The flag raising ceremony this week was presided over by Classes 4C and Class 4D. Class 4C is a collective that is united,upward and brave in exploration. Class 4D is a dynamic and enterprising group.


升旗仪式由4C班的罗浚曦和4D班的闫语晨主持。4C班的张楚瑜和4D班的刘家仪进行了国旗下的讲话。他们演讲的题目是《良好睡眠  健康人生》。第一书记梁小文老师进行了时事热点分享。

The flag raising ceremony was presided over by Luo Junxi of Class 4C and Yan Yuchen of Class 4D. Zhang Chuyu of Class 4C and Liu Jiayi of Class 4D gave a speech under the national flag. The topic of their speech is "Good sleep, healthy life". The first secretary Liang Xiaowen shared the hot spots of current affairs.




敬爱的老师们、亲爱的同学们,大家早上好!我是4C班的张楚瑜。今天,我们国旗下演讲话的主题是 《良好睡眠  健康人生》 。


Dear teachers and students, good morning! I am Kelly from Class 4D. Today, the topic of our speech under the national flag is: "Good sleep, healthy life."


今天是3月21日,是“世界睡眠日”。 让我们一起来关注睡眠吧! 人的一生有三分之一的时间是在睡眠中度过的。睡眠作为生命所必需的过程,是机体复原、整合和巩固记忆的重要环节,是健康不可或缺的因素。


Today is the 21th of March, which is the World Sleep Day. Let's pay more attention to sleep! One-third of a person's life is spent in sleep. As an essential process of life, sleep is an important part of the body's recovery, integration and consolidation of memory, and is an indispensable factor for health.


莎士比亚说:“人生第一道美餐就是睡眠” 。良好的睡眠,会让我们第二天拥有充沛的精力,使我们的学习和工作更上一层楼。青少年拥有良好的睡眠习惯可以使身体发育好,学习更积极,思维更敏捷,精神更集中,免疫力增强,不易感冒。


Shakespeare said, "The first good meal in life is sleep." "A good night's sleep will give us plenty of energy the next day and take our studies and work to the next level." Having good sleep habits can make the body develop well, learn more actively, think more quickly, and concentrate more mentally. It can strengthen the immunity, so that we are less likely to catch a cold.




Adults have good sleep habits, which can make them refreshed, more motivated, flexible thinking, energetic, and healthier. When the elderly have good sleep habits, they can stay away from or reduce various diseases. The blood supply to vital organs can be more fluent. It helps to prolong life, improve health and elevate mood.




For our primary and secondary school students, we must ensure 9-10 hours of sleep every day. In the past, we were in school, we could have 1 hour of lunch break every day, plus the time to sleep at night, we could fully guarantee 10 hours of sleep.




On the days of online classes, how do we ensure our sleep time? Here are some suggestions for you: First, go to bed early and get up early, develop a regular sleep time, generally the ideal bedtime is 9:00-10:00 pm.




Second, do not eat too much before going to bed, do not play IPAD or mobile phone. We can read books, or listen to parents to tell a story, or quietly listen to soothing music. Relax ourselves, and to quickly fall asleep.




Third, the weather is getting hot. We can insist on a 1-hour nap at noon, to relieve fatigue from morning and start the afternoon learning activities with full of energy.




Fourth, insist on exercising every day to avoid stress. During the online class, teachers arrange the time and tasks for us to exercise, and everyone must insist on completing it!


综上所说,我们要保证良好的充足的睡眠,需要我们合理安排自己的时间,学习时就认认真真学,玩耍时就痛痛快快玩。这样,我们就能每天拥有一个舒舒服服的睡眠了。 从今天起,让我们一起争做睡眠管理的小主人吧!


In summary, we need to ensure good and adequate sleep. We need to be able to arrange our time reasonably. Study hard and play hard,so that we can have a comfortable sleep every day. From today on, let us all be the little master of sleep management!






















撰稿/刘玲玲 李智颖

翻译/焦阳 陈李 周金凤



【国旗下的讲话】争做睡眠管理的小主人 ——VBS举办2021-2022第二学期第五周云升旗仪式

发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2022-03-22

万双网讯  2022年 3月21日,万科双语学校举办2021-2022第二学期第五周云升旗仪式。本周升旗仪式主持由4C和4D班共同承担。4C班是一个团结向上、勇于探索的集体;4D班是一个富有活力、积极进取的集体。

VBS Net News  On March 21th, 2022, Vanke Bilingual School held the cloud flag raising ceremony in the fifth week of the second semester 2021-2022. The flag raising ceremony this week was presided over by Classes 4C and Class 4D. Class 4C is a collective that is united,upward and brave in exploration. Class 4D is a dynamic and enterprising group.


升旗仪式由4C班的罗浚曦和4D班的闫语晨主持。4C班的张楚瑜和4D班的刘家仪进行了国旗下的讲话。他们演讲的题目是《良好睡眠  健康人生》。第一书记梁小文老师进行了时事热点分享。

The flag raising ceremony was presided over by Luo Junxi of Class 4C and Yan Yuchen of Class 4D. Zhang Chuyu of Class 4C and Liu Jiayi of Class 4D gave a speech under the national flag. The topic of their speech is "Good sleep, healthy life". The first secretary Liang Xiaowen shared the hot spots of current affairs.




敬爱的老师们、亲爱的同学们,大家早上好!我是4C班的张楚瑜。今天,我们国旗下演讲话的主题是 《良好睡眠  健康人生》 。


Dear teachers and students, good morning! I am Kelly from Class 4D. Today, the topic of our speech under the national flag is: "Good sleep, healthy life."


今天是3月21日,是“世界睡眠日”。 让我们一起来关注睡眠吧! 人的一生有三分之一的时间是在睡眠中度过的。睡眠作为生命所必需的过程,是机体复原、整合和巩固记忆的重要环节,是健康不可或缺的因素。


Today is the 21th of March, which is the World Sleep Day. Let's pay more attention to sleep! One-third of a person's life is spent in sleep. As an essential process of life, sleep is an important part of the body's recovery, integration and consolidation of memory, and is an indispensable factor for health.


莎士比亚说:“人生第一道美餐就是睡眠” 。良好的睡眠,会让我们第二天拥有充沛的精力,使我们的学习和工作更上一层楼。青少年拥有良好的睡眠习惯可以使身体发育好,学习更积极,思维更敏捷,精神更集中,免疫力增强,不易感冒。


Shakespeare said, "The first good meal in life is sleep." "A good night's sleep will give us plenty of energy the next day and take our studies and work to the next level." Having good sleep habits can make the body develop well, learn more actively, think more quickly, and concentrate more mentally. It can strengthen the immunity, so that we are less likely to catch a cold.




Adults have good sleep habits, which can make them refreshed, more motivated, flexible thinking, energetic, and healthier. When the elderly have good sleep habits, they can stay away from or reduce various diseases. The blood supply to vital organs can be more fluent. It helps to prolong life, improve health and elevate mood.




For our primary and secondary school students, we must ensure 9-10 hours of sleep every day. In the past, we were in school, we could have 1 hour of lunch break every day, plus the time to sleep at night, we could fully guarantee 10 hours of sleep.




On the days of online classes, how do we ensure our sleep time? Here are some suggestions for you: First, go to bed early and get up early, develop a regular sleep time, generally the ideal bedtime is 9:00-10:00 pm.




Second, do not eat too much before going to bed, do not play IPAD or mobile phone. We can read books, or listen to parents to tell a story, or quietly listen to soothing music. Relax ourselves, and to quickly fall asleep.




Third, the weather is getting hot. We can insist on a 1-hour nap at noon, to relieve fatigue from morning and start the afternoon learning activities with full of energy.




Fourth, insist on exercising every day to avoid stress. During the online class, teachers arrange the time and tasks for us to exercise, and everyone must insist on completing it!


综上所说,我们要保证良好的充足的睡眠,需要我们合理安排自己的时间,学习时就认认真真学,玩耍时就痛痛快快玩。这样,我们就能每天拥有一个舒舒服服的睡眠了。 从今天起,让我们一起争做睡眠管理的小主人吧!


In summary, we need to ensure good and adequate sleep. We need to be able to arrange our time reasonably. Study hard and play hard,so that we can have a comfortable sleep every day. From today on, let us all be the little master of sleep management!






















撰稿/刘玲玲 李智颖

翻译/焦阳 陈李 周金凤





培养目标:培养身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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