万双网讯 “以史为镜,可以知兴替”,重视历史、研究历史、借鉴历史是中华民族5000多年文明史的优良传统。历史,镌刻着中华民族的精神追求、精神特质和精神脉络,蕴含着生生不息的思想力量和文化基因。5月31日,万科双语学校1-5学段历史知识竞赛和党支部党史知识竞赛在学校剧场举行。杨帆校长、郑世英校长助理现场观赛,同时面向全体小学生直播本场赛事。
VBS News Net: It is a tradition of the Chinese nation to attach importance to history, study history, and learn from history. VBS history quiz for Years 1 to 5 and Party History Quiz was held in the school theater on May 31. Principal Yang and Assistant principal Ms. Zheng attended the event.
History Quiz for students
VBS decided to stimulate students' interest in learning history through a history quiz to let them master basic historical knowledge. This history quiz was for students from Yeas 3 to 5. After the preliminary contest and semi-final, 12 contestants finally entered the finals.
Students reviewed the knowledge they have learned in a series of interesting and knowledgeable quizzes. Because of the epidemic, other students reviewed the history knowledge with the contestants through live broadcasts in the classrooms.
After two rounds of competition, Liu Yincheng, Wu Xuanyi, and Lei Nuolin won the first prize. Hu Xinyue, Luo Yuecheng, and Luo Junxi won the second prize. Wang Xuanzhe, Zeng Tingxuan, Wang Pengxu, Wang Yuxiao, Wang Jingxin, and Zhang Shanqian won the third prize. Principal Yang presented the certificates to the winners.
This year is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC. Students of Years 1 to 5 all have to learn party history in history classes this semester.
Party History Quiz for teachers
The VBS Party branch uses the 6th period every Friday to hold a forum on party history. Each party member takes turns to share the story of party history. The teachers of the Party branch were randomly divided into two groups in the quiz. There were multiple-choice questions, true or false questions, and completion in the quiz. Party members answered all the questions correctly. Principal Yang presented certificates to the teachers of the winning group.
This history quiz showed the knowledge and the spirit of competition of VBS students and teachers and cultivated the team spirit and cooperation between teachers and students. VBS offers history lessons from primary school so that students can master basic historical knowledge. Year 1 students start learning history from the big bang and the origin of human beings. Learning history helps promote students' all-round development, letting them become Chinese citizens who possess sound personality, academic excellence, international horizons, patriotism, and the courage to create a better future.
资料提供/申京璇 郑佳佳
小记者/牛佳依 王雨茜
The documents provided by Ms. Shen Jingxuan, Ms. Zheng Jiajia
Editor: Linda
Translated by Reny
Video Edited by Leon
Reporter: Niu Jiayi, Wang Yuxi
万双网讯 “以史为镜,可以知兴替”,重视历史、研究历史、借鉴历史是中华民族5000多年文明史的优良传统。历史,镌刻着中华民族的精神追求、精神特质和精神脉络,蕴含着生生不息的思想力量和文化基因。5月31日,万科双语学校1-5学段历史知识竞赛和党支部党史知识竞赛在学校剧场举行。杨帆校长、郑世英校长助理现场观赛,同时面向全体小学生直播本场赛事。
VBS News Net: It is a tradition of the Chinese nation to attach importance to history, study history, and learn from history. VBS history quiz for Years 1 to 5 and Party History Quiz was held in the school theater on May 31. Principal Yang and Assistant principal Ms. Zheng attended the event.
History Quiz for students
VBS decided to stimulate students' interest in learning history through a history quiz to let them master basic historical knowledge. This history quiz was for students from Yeas 3 to 5. After the preliminary contest and semi-final, 12 contestants finally entered the finals.
Students reviewed the knowledge they have learned in a series of interesting and knowledgeable quizzes. Because of the epidemic, other students reviewed the history knowledge with the contestants through live broadcasts in the classrooms.
After two rounds of competition, Liu Yincheng, Wu Xuanyi, and Lei Nuolin won the first prize. Hu Xinyue, Luo Yuecheng, and Luo Junxi won the second prize. Wang Xuanzhe, Zeng Tingxuan, Wang Pengxu, Wang Yuxiao, Wang Jingxin, and Zhang Shanqian won the third prize. Principal Yang presented the certificates to the winners.
This year is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC. Students of Years 1 to 5 all have to learn party history in history classes this semester.
Party History Quiz for teachers
The VBS Party branch uses the 6th period every Friday to hold a forum on party history. Each party member takes turns to share the story of party history. The teachers of the Party branch were randomly divided into two groups in the quiz. There were multiple-choice questions, true or false questions, and completion in the quiz. Party members answered all the questions correctly. Principal Yang presented certificates to the teachers of the winning group.
This history quiz showed the knowledge and the spirit of competition of VBS students and teachers and cultivated the team spirit and cooperation between teachers and students. VBS offers history lessons from primary school so that students can master basic historical knowledge. Year 1 students start learning history from the big bang and the origin of human beings. Learning history helps promote students' all-round development, letting them become Chinese citizens who possess sound personality, academic excellence, international horizons, patriotism, and the courage to create a better future.
资料提供/申京璇 郑佳佳
小记者/牛佳依 王雨茜
The documents provided by Ms. Shen Jingxuan, Ms. Zheng Jiajia
Editor: Linda
Translated by Reny
Video Edited by Leon
Reporter: Niu Jiayi, Wang Yuxi
培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。
Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen
Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.
Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.
Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen
Contact: 0755-66866333
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