万双网讯 炎炎夏日,不如来一场酣畅淋漓的嘉年华活动吧!5月26日下午,VBS未来少年们迎来了多姿多彩的“English Gala 2021”英语嘉年华活动。本次活动由小学英语组策划,全体小学生参与。各年级分别开展,形式多样。VBS学子在小组活动中勇敢闯关,组员之间团结友爱,互动协作,体会共赢和英语学习的乐趣。
VBS English Department held an English Gala for all the primary school students on May 26. VBS students worked in groups and had a lot of fun in the activities, which inspired their interest in English learning.
一年级以“乐享英语 活力缤Fun”为主题,以英语游园活动为载体,为全体学生提供展示自己的平台。内容包括“我是小小歌唱家”“我是拼词王”“我做你猜”“购物小能手”“计算小能手”“我是小小翻译家”等十多种英语游戏。其中有单人游戏,也有双人合作的游戏。在各种形式的游戏中,小朋友们自由组合,灵活应变,逐个通关,乐此不疲,简直玩high了。本次游园活动融合知识性、科学性、趣味性于一体,一年级小豆包们在闯关中锻炼了英语思维,在探究中创新了学习方法,在表演中提升了英语表达能力,在合作中领悟了互助的真谛,深切感受到了英语的别样魅力。
Year 1 students took part in various English games such as little singers, the king of spelling, little shopping expert, little calculation expert, and little translator. There were single-player games and two-player games. Students have practiced their English thinking in the games, improved their English speaking ability in the performance, and understood the true meaning of cooperation.
二年级英语嘉年华共设有八个主题活动,包括Riddles、Spell words with letters、Dennis says、Make sentences、 Tell the time、 Count numbers、Whisper game和Octopus game。这些活动不仅趣味性十足,而且与英语课程的内容紧密结合,全部以小组合作的形式进行,所有组员必须齐心协力,共同完成任务。值得一提的是,孩子们在每一项活动中可以得到一个或两个印章,但是很多小组不满足第一次挑战只得到一个印章,他们迎难而上,多次挑战,追求卓越,充分展示VBS未来少年们的勇气与智慧。活动中,孩子们不仅充分运用了英语课中学习的知识,锻炼了思维,提升了表达能力,还享受到了英语学习的乐趣。每个孩子都说,他们十分期待下一次的嘉年华。
There were eight theme activities in the Year 2 English Gala, including Riddles, Spell words with letters, Dennis says, Make sentences, Tell the time, Count numbers, Whisper game, and Octopus game. Students must work together to complete the tasks. They could get one or two seals in each activity, but many groups tried several times for more seals, which showed the courage and wisdom of VBS's future teenagers. In the activities, the children used the knowledge learned in English class, improved their English speaking ability, and enjoyed the fun of English learning. All of them were looking forward to the next English Gala.
以活动促学习,让孩子们爱学习、会学习、有创意,三年级采用跨学科学习法,融汇贯通,鼓励孩子们一起来挑战。Science课上科学的笔记内容可没有白记,因为其中一个任务“English quiz”中就会用到哦。学生们需要针对Science课里学到的知识点进行知识竞猜,又刺激又好玩;Music课上学的歌曲没白学,孩子们争先恐后挑战K歌之王;在Fun recording活动中,孩子们使用Drama课上学习到的发音、发声、配音、戏剧表演的技巧,变成了一个个可爱的小演员。此外,临近父亲节,送给爸爸的卡片怎么能少?在Card design workshop任务中,孩子们设计自己的儿童节、父亲节卡片,并写上英文祝福语,Art老师陪着VBS少年们天马行空尽情设计……如此种种涵盖英语学习方方面面的词汇分类、词汇挑战、故事编排活动,VBS少年们可谓是应接不暇。大家还一起欣赏了自己3年来的英文版成长小故事,孩子们自己制作成长档案,记录成长的美好瞬间,并与同学们分享快乐。这是他们送给自己最好的六一儿童节礼物!在各个游戏环节,中外教老师都积极参与,助力孩子英语学习进步。
Year 3 adopted the interdisciplinary learning method. The notes made in Science class could be used in the English quiz. The songs learned in the Music class were shown in the king of karaoke game. In the Fun recording part, children became little actors and used the skills they learned in Drama class. What's more, children designed their own children's day and father's Day cards in the Card design workshop. They also read their growth stories in English, made their growth files, and shared happiness with their classmates. This was the best children's Day gift they gave to themselves.
四五年级分别开展了Spelling Bee、VBS TED TALK、英语故事绳创作活动。Spelling Bee作为全球历史最悠久的赛事,历史记载于1852年。VBS老师师创新了这一比赛形式,举办了四五年级全员参与的团体赛和个人赛,赛事受到所有学生的喜爱,进一步促进了他们第二语言的学习与应用能力。
Year 4 and Year 5 students took part in the Spelling Bee, VBS TED TALK, and English story rope activity. As the world's oldest event, the Spelling Bee was recorded in 1852. VBS held group and individual competitions for all the students in Years 4 and Year 5. The competition was popular with all the students and improved their second language learning and application ability.
万双的孩子是面向未来的孩子,跨文化交流能力和对社会热点问题的关注是他们必须具备的素养之一。在四五年级的VBS TED TALK英语演讲比赛中,小演说家曾廷轩和彭淦沨同学在自己撰写的Covid 19以及My first special memory演讲中讲述了他们对世界疫情的关注和他们对祖国的热爱,令观众感动。
VBS students are facing the future. The ability of intercultural communication and attention to hot issues are essential for them. In Year 4 and Year 5 VBS Ted talk, young speakers Zeng Tingxuan and Peng Ganfeng talked about their concern for the world and their love for their motherland in their speeches, which moved the audience.
五年级的孩子们在“英语故事绳”创作大赛中完美展示了他们的创造力、想象力、动手能力和语言书写及应用能力,这些能力是使他们形成“Gratitude、Confidence、Responsibility、Creativity, Grit”等世界精英人才所应具备的品格的重要手段之一。
In the English story rope contest, the Year 5 students showed their creativity, imagination, hands-on skills, English writing, and application ability. These abilities are essential for them to possess gratitude, confidence, responsibility, creativity, and grit.
随着本届English Gala的落幕,孩子们意犹未尽,“老师,下一次的English Gala是什么时候呀?”......
After the end of the English Gala, the children still have a lot to say, 'Teacher, when is the next English gala?'
This activity aimed to improve children's English thinking and using abilities, cultivate their team spirit and creativity, stimulate their internal drive to learn English, and make them become Chinese citizens who possess sound personality, academic excellence, international horizons, patriotism, and the courage to create a better future.
资料提供/小学英语组 孙雪珍、胡宇闻、焦阳、李宏宇、陈丹蕾
编辑/图片 燕子 侯亮
摄像/剪辑 侯亮
The documents provided by Primary School English Department, Ms. Sun Xuezhen, Ms. Hu Yuwen, Ms. Jiao Yang, Ms. Li Hongyu, and Ms. Chen Danlei
Editor and Photographer: Linda Leon
Filmed and edited by Leon
Translated by Reny
万双网讯 炎炎夏日,不如来一场酣畅淋漓的嘉年华活动吧!5月26日下午,VBS未来少年们迎来了多姿多彩的“English Gala 2021”英语嘉年华活动。本次活动由小学英语组策划,全体小学生参与。各年级分别开展,形式多样。VBS学子在小组活动中勇敢闯关,组员之间团结友爱,互动协作,体会共赢和英语学习的乐趣。
VBS English Department held an English Gala for all the primary school students on May 26. VBS students worked in groups and had a lot of fun in the activities, which inspired their interest in English learning.
一年级以“乐享英语 活力缤Fun”为主题,以英语游园活动为载体,为全体学生提供展示自己的平台。内容包括“我是小小歌唱家”“我是拼词王”“我做你猜”“购物小能手”“计算小能手”“我是小小翻译家”等十多种英语游戏。其中有单人游戏,也有双人合作的游戏。在各种形式的游戏中,小朋友们自由组合,灵活应变,逐个通关,乐此不疲,简直玩high了。本次游园活动融合知识性、科学性、趣味性于一体,一年级小豆包们在闯关中锻炼了英语思维,在探究中创新了学习方法,在表演中提升了英语表达能力,在合作中领悟了互助的真谛,深切感受到了英语的别样魅力。
Year 1 students took part in various English games such as little singers, the king of spelling, little shopping expert, little calculation expert, and little translator. There were single-player games and two-player games. Students have practiced their English thinking in the games, improved their English speaking ability in the performance, and understood the true meaning of cooperation.
二年级英语嘉年华共设有八个主题活动,包括Riddles、Spell words with letters、Dennis says、Make sentences、 Tell the time、 Count numbers、Whisper game和Octopus game。这些活动不仅趣味性十足,而且与英语课程的内容紧密结合,全部以小组合作的形式进行,所有组员必须齐心协力,共同完成任务。值得一提的是,孩子们在每一项活动中可以得到一个或两个印章,但是很多小组不满足第一次挑战只得到一个印章,他们迎难而上,多次挑战,追求卓越,充分展示VBS未来少年们的勇气与智慧。活动中,孩子们不仅充分运用了英语课中学习的知识,锻炼了思维,提升了表达能力,还享受到了英语学习的乐趣。每个孩子都说,他们十分期待下一次的嘉年华。
There were eight theme activities in the Year 2 English Gala, including Riddles, Spell words with letters, Dennis says, Make sentences, Tell the time, Count numbers, Whisper game, and Octopus game. Students must work together to complete the tasks. They could get one or two seals in each activity, but many groups tried several times for more seals, which showed the courage and wisdom of VBS's future teenagers. In the activities, the children used the knowledge learned in English class, improved their English speaking ability, and enjoyed the fun of English learning. All of them were looking forward to the next English Gala.
以活动促学习,让孩子们爱学习、会学习、有创意,三年级采用跨学科学习法,融汇贯通,鼓励孩子们一起来挑战。Science课上科学的笔记内容可没有白记,因为其中一个任务“English quiz”中就会用到哦。学生们需要针对Science课里学到的知识点进行知识竞猜,又刺激又好玩;Music课上学的歌曲没白学,孩子们争先恐后挑战K歌之王;在Fun recording活动中,孩子们使用Drama课上学习到的发音、发声、配音、戏剧表演的技巧,变成了一个个可爱的小演员。此外,临近父亲节,送给爸爸的卡片怎么能少?在Card design workshop任务中,孩子们设计自己的儿童节、父亲节卡片,并写上英文祝福语,Art老师陪着VBS少年们天马行空尽情设计……如此种种涵盖英语学习方方面面的词汇分类、词汇挑战、故事编排活动,VBS少年们可谓是应接不暇。大家还一起欣赏了自己3年来的英文版成长小故事,孩子们自己制作成长档案,记录成长的美好瞬间,并与同学们分享快乐。这是他们送给自己最好的六一儿童节礼物!在各个游戏环节,中外教老师都积极参与,助力孩子英语学习进步。
Year 3 adopted the interdisciplinary learning method. The notes made in Science class could be used in the English quiz. The songs learned in the Music class were shown in the king of karaoke game. In the Fun recording part, children became little actors and used the skills they learned in Drama class. What's more, children designed their own children's day and father's Day cards in the Card design workshop. They also read their growth stories in English, made their growth files, and shared happiness with their classmates. This was the best children's Day gift they gave to themselves.
四五年级分别开展了Spelling Bee、VBS TED TALK、英语故事绳创作活动。Spelling Bee作为全球历史最悠久的赛事,历史记载于1852年。VBS老师师创新了这一比赛形式,举办了四五年级全员参与的团体赛和个人赛,赛事受到所有学生的喜爱,进一步促进了他们第二语言的学习与应用能力。
Year 4 and Year 5 students took part in the Spelling Bee, VBS TED TALK, and English story rope activity. As the world's oldest event, the Spelling Bee was recorded in 1852. VBS held group and individual competitions for all the students in Years 4 and Year 5. The competition was popular with all the students and improved their second language learning and application ability.
万双的孩子是面向未来的孩子,跨文化交流能力和对社会热点问题的关注是他们必须具备的素养之一。在四五年级的VBS TED TALK英语演讲比赛中,小演说家曾廷轩和彭淦沨同学在自己撰写的Covid 19以及My first special memory演讲中讲述了他们对世界疫情的关注和他们对祖国的热爱,令观众感动。
VBS students are facing the future. The ability of intercultural communication and attention to hot issues are essential for them. In Year 4 and Year 5 VBS Ted talk, young speakers Zeng Tingxuan and Peng Ganfeng talked about their concern for the world and their love for their motherland in their speeches, which moved the audience.
五年级的孩子们在“英语故事绳”创作大赛中完美展示了他们的创造力、想象力、动手能力和语言书写及应用能力,这些能力是使他们形成“Gratitude、Confidence、Responsibility、Creativity, Grit”等世界精英人才所应具备的品格的重要手段之一。
In the English story rope contest, the Year 5 students showed their creativity, imagination, hands-on skills, English writing, and application ability. These abilities are essential for them to possess gratitude, confidence, responsibility, creativity, and grit.
随着本届English Gala的落幕,孩子们意犹未尽,“老师,下一次的English Gala是什么时候呀?”......
After the end of the English Gala, the children still have a lot to say, 'Teacher, when is the next English gala?'
This activity aimed to improve children's English thinking and using abilities, cultivate their team spirit and creativity, stimulate their internal drive to learn English, and make them become Chinese citizens who possess sound personality, academic excellence, international horizons, patriotism, and the courage to create a better future.
资料提供/小学英语组 孙雪珍、胡宇闻、焦阳、李宏宇、陈丹蕾
编辑/图片 燕子 侯亮
摄像/剪辑 侯亮
The documents provided by Primary School English Department, Ms. Sun Xuezhen, Ms. Hu Yuwen, Ms. Jiao Yang, Ms. Li Hongyu, and Ms. Chen Danlei
Editor and Photographer: Linda Leon
Filmed and edited by Leon
Translated by Reny
培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。
Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen
Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.
Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.
Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen
Contact: 0755-66866333
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