万双网讯 2021年5月6日,2020-2021第二学期第十一周升旗仪式在学校操场举行。本周升旗仪式由2F班承担。2F班是一个积极进取、团结友爱、敢于挑战的集体。
VBS News Net: On May 6th, the 11th-week flag-raising assembly was held on the school playground, undertaken by 2F. 2F is proactive, united, friendly, and daring to challenge.
升旗仪式由2F班洪传哲、周卉宁主持。 谭凯琳、杨欣做了演讲。他们演讲的题目是《感恩母亲》。
Hong Chuanzhe and Zhou Huining from 2F co-hosted the assembly. Tan Kailin and Yang Xin gave a speech. Their topic was 'Be thankful to our mothers.'
There is a person who always supports us. There is a love that always brings us tears. That person is the mother. That love is maternal love.
We are always moved by selflessness and dedication, but there is no selflessness and dedication that can be compared with maternal love.
Who makes delicious breakfast when we get up in the morning? Who watches us leave when we carry our schoolbags and go out? Who quietly puts a glass of milk on the table when we study late at night? Who can do so much without asking for a little return? Our mothers.
Since we were born, our mothers have always been the most intimate person to us. When we couldn’t express ourselves clearly, our mothers kept teaching us how to speak; when we couldn’t protect ourselves, our mothers kept us safe with endless love.
When we have grown up and lived on our own, our mother still worries about our safety; when we are happy, our mothers are happy; when we are sad, our mothers are sad as well. Although she has done a lot for us, she never asked for any return. How extensive and selfless love is this!
I learn to care, to love, and to understand love from my mother. We learn to love our mothers, love classmates, love teachers, love everyone around us, love the world and love ourselves.
In VBS, teachers often told us that we should be grateful.
很难想象,一个对含辛茹苦抚养自己长大的父母没有孝心、不知报答的人,对老师、同学没有爱心、不知敬重的人,将来能对他的家人、对他的国家负起什么样的责任呢? 一个不爱国、不爱家、不爱他人的人又怎么能够尽心尽力去建设祖国的明天呢?
How can a man who has no gratitude for his parents or a man who has no love and no respect for his family take any responsibility to his country in the future? How can a man who does not love his country, his family, and other people do his best to build the motherland's tomorrow?
Let us start from today, be filial to our mothers, be grateful to them! Let us tell our mothers, “I love you! Mom!”.
让我们时刻怀着一颗感恩的心, 让我们一起成为懂得感恩的人,感谢我们的父母,感谢所有爱我们的人。谢谢大家!
Always be grateful. Say thank you to mom and dad, say thank you to all the people who love us. Thank you!
翻译/胡宇闻 晓冬
Written by Ms. Liu He
Translated by Ms. Hu Yuwen, Reny
The documents provided by Ms.Sun Xiaomeng
Photographer: Linda
Camerawoman: Reny
万双网讯 2021年5月6日,2020-2021第二学期第十一周升旗仪式在学校操场举行。本周升旗仪式由2F班承担。2F班是一个积极进取、团结友爱、敢于挑战的集体。
VBS News Net: On May 6th, the 11th-week flag-raising assembly was held on the school playground, undertaken by 2F. 2F is proactive, united, friendly, and daring to challenge.
升旗仪式由2F班洪传哲、周卉宁主持。 谭凯琳、杨欣做了演讲。他们演讲的题目是《感恩母亲》。
Hong Chuanzhe and Zhou Huining from 2F co-hosted the assembly. Tan Kailin and Yang Xin gave a speech. Their topic was 'Be thankful to our mothers.'
There is a person who always supports us. There is a love that always brings us tears. That person is the mother. That love is maternal love.
We are always moved by selflessness and dedication, but there is no selflessness and dedication that can be compared with maternal love.
Who makes delicious breakfast when we get up in the morning? Who watches us leave when we carry our schoolbags and go out? Who quietly puts a glass of milk on the table when we study late at night? Who can do so much without asking for a little return? Our mothers.
Since we were born, our mothers have always been the most intimate person to us. When we couldn’t express ourselves clearly, our mothers kept teaching us how to speak; when we couldn’t protect ourselves, our mothers kept us safe with endless love.
When we have grown up and lived on our own, our mother still worries about our safety; when we are happy, our mothers are happy; when we are sad, our mothers are sad as well. Although she has done a lot for us, she never asked for any return. How extensive and selfless love is this!
I learn to care, to love, and to understand love from my mother. We learn to love our mothers, love classmates, love teachers, love everyone around us, love the world and love ourselves.
In VBS, teachers often told us that we should be grateful.
很难想象,一个对含辛茹苦抚养自己长大的父母没有孝心、不知报答的人,对老师、同学没有爱心、不知敬重的人,将来能对他的家人、对他的国家负起什么样的责任呢? 一个不爱国、不爱家、不爱他人的人又怎么能够尽心尽力去建设祖国的明天呢?
How can a man who has no gratitude for his parents or a man who has no love and no respect for his family take any responsibility to his country in the future? How can a man who does not love his country, his family, and other people do his best to build the motherland's tomorrow?
Let us start from today, be filial to our mothers, be grateful to them! Let us tell our mothers, “I love you! Mom!”.
让我们时刻怀着一颗感恩的心, 让我们一起成为懂得感恩的人,感谢我们的父母,感谢所有爱我们的人。谢谢大家!
Always be grateful. Say thank you to mom and dad, say thank you to all the people who love us. Thank you!
翻译/胡宇闻 晓冬
Written by Ms. Liu He
Translated by Ms. Hu Yuwen, Reny
The documents provided by Ms.Sun Xiaomeng
Photographer: Linda
Camerawoman: Reny
培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。
Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen
Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.
Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.
Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen
Contact: 0755-66866333
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