万双网讯 “在这个春暖花开的季节,我们相聚在美丽的万双,我们与万双朝夕相处,感觉时间总是在不经意间悄然流逝,唯有热爱可抵岁月漫长。我们在这个美丽的校园里学习生活,作为住宿生,宿舍就像我们的家一样,是我们生活休息的重要场所,也是提高我们自理能力和加强自律的重要阵地。我们的老师严而有度,严中有爱,为我们的生活提供最优质的服务,为我们的学习提供最稳定的保障。现在我提议让我们用最热烈的掌声向每天从早到晚辛苦陪伴着我们的生活老师致敬………”2月25日晚7点,伴随着向生活老师致敬的掌声,“我爱我家”万科双语学校初中部住宿生大会在学校剧场拉开了帷幕。林红英校长助理、黄雅娟副主任、初中部全体住宿生参加了会议。
VBS News Net: 'We stay with VBS day and night, feeling that time is always inadvertently passing by. Only love can last for long years. We study and live on this beautiful campus as boarding students, so the dormitory is like our home. It is an important place for us to live, rest, and improve our self-care ability and self-discipline. Our teachers are strict and loving, providing us with the best service and supporting for our learning. Now I propose that we use the warmest applause to pay tribute to the life teachers who accompanied us every day from morning to night...'On February 25th, VBS Junior High School Boarding Student Conference was held in the school theater with applause to salute the life teachers. Assistant Principal Ms. Lin, Deputy Director Ms. Huang Yajuan, and all boarding students in the junior high school attended the conference.
At the beginning of the conference, Assistant Principal Ms. Lin and Deputy Director Huang Yajuan presented awards to dormitories and boarding students who performed well last semester.
Assistant Principal Ms. Lin urged students to learn to be tolerant, considerate, cherish friendship, learn self-discipline, do more exercise, grow up healthily, and grow into better selves during their boarding life!
Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards. To improve the dormitory's environment and make the dormitory become a warm and loving home, the life department has refined the commitment letter of boarding students. Deputy Director Huang Yajuan interpreted the commitment letter, hoping that everyone could look up to the best, abide by the school rules and regulations, be tolerant and humble, live in harmony, and be grateful. She also hoped that the students could become self-disciplined and self-conscious.
Mr. Yan Fulong mobilized all boarding students to participate in the physical exercise at 6:30 every morning. He and Ms. Zhang Xue will provide professional sports guidance for the students.
The school also prepared birthday cakes for students whose birthdays are in January, February, and March. The conference came to a successful end in the birthday song.
This boarding student conference allowed students to clarify the accommodation rules and regulations, which helped them create harmonious, warm, and rule-based boarding lives.
Document Provider: Ms. Huang Yajuan
Author: Linda
Translated by Reny Huang
万双网讯 “在这个春暖花开的季节,我们相聚在美丽的万双,我们与万双朝夕相处,感觉时间总是在不经意间悄然流逝,唯有热爱可抵岁月漫长。我们在这个美丽的校园里学习生活,作为住宿生,宿舍就像我们的家一样,是我们生活休息的重要场所,也是提高我们自理能力和加强自律的重要阵地。我们的老师严而有度,严中有爱,为我们的生活提供最优质的服务,为我们的学习提供最稳定的保障。现在我提议让我们用最热烈的掌声向每天从早到晚辛苦陪伴着我们的生活老师致敬………”2月25日晚7点,伴随着向生活老师致敬的掌声,“我爱我家”万科双语学校初中部住宿生大会在学校剧场拉开了帷幕。林红英校长助理、黄雅娟副主任、初中部全体住宿生参加了会议。
VBS News Net: 'We stay with VBS day and night, feeling that time is always inadvertently passing by. Only love can last for long years. We study and live on this beautiful campus as boarding students, so the dormitory is like our home. It is an important place for us to live, rest, and improve our self-care ability and self-discipline. Our teachers are strict and loving, providing us with the best service and supporting for our learning. Now I propose that we use the warmest applause to pay tribute to the life teachers who accompanied us every day from morning to night...'On February 25th, VBS Junior High School Boarding Student Conference was held in the school theater with applause to salute the life teachers. Assistant Principal Ms. Lin, Deputy Director Ms. Huang Yajuan, and all boarding students in the junior high school attended the conference.
At the beginning of the conference, Assistant Principal Ms. Lin and Deputy Director Huang Yajuan presented awards to dormitories and boarding students who performed well last semester.
Assistant Principal Ms. Lin urged students to learn to be tolerant, considerate, cherish friendship, learn self-discipline, do more exercise, grow up healthily, and grow into better selves during their boarding life!
Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards. To improve the dormitory's environment and make the dormitory become a warm and loving home, the life department has refined the commitment letter of boarding students. Deputy Director Huang Yajuan interpreted the commitment letter, hoping that everyone could look up to the best, abide by the school rules and regulations, be tolerant and humble, live in harmony, and be grateful. She also hoped that the students could become self-disciplined and self-conscious.
Mr. Yan Fulong mobilized all boarding students to participate in the physical exercise at 6:30 every morning. He and Ms. Zhang Xue will provide professional sports guidance for the students.
The school also prepared birthday cakes for students whose birthdays are in January, February, and March. The conference came to a successful end in the birthday song.
This boarding student conference allowed students to clarify the accommodation rules and regulations, which helped them create harmonious, warm, and rule-based boarding lives.
Document Provider: Ms. Huang Yajuan
Author: Linda
Translated by Reny Huang
培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。
Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen
Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.
Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.
Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen
Contact: 0755-66866333
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