万双网讯 为迎接牛年的到来,增进学生的全局性理解,同时为学生全方位提供具有生活价值的研究式学习,1月8日至22日,万科双语学校小学部开展了以“牛”为主题的多学科融合PBL学习系列活动。
VBS News Net: VBS Primary School Department organised PBL study session on oxes from 8th January to 22nd January to welcome the year of ox and offer life-enriching research studies.
This mini PBL research was about the year of ox to absorb knowledge from other subjects to spot the cultural difference on oxes and spirits of oxes so that students could see things from a critical point of view. Oxes would be examined in every angle - Chinese, Mathematics, Science, English and History via interesting activities.
Subject teachers categorised the research into four main sections - science, culture, cuisine and arts. The science topic brought in English and science to allow students to appreciate the bilingual terms depicting oxes and how oxes influenced humans.
In AI classes, students produced featured programming items on fireworks and bullfight.
外籍教师带领孩子们观看Chinese Zodiac 英文短视频,了解英语里不同动物属相的英语表述,将英语、Math、Art、历史与人文通过探究学习进行跨学科融合。低年段孩子们会为不同的形状涂色、并进行组合、搭配,最终形成牛头面具图示。高年段学生会通过自行查阅资料,解决传统中国生肖故事中的赛跑计时的数学(Math)问题。同时,探究生肖背后的故事以及了解各个国家关于“牛”文化的背景知识,最后进行小组分享。
International teachers showed English videos on Chinese Zodiac to teach students how to say each zodiac in English. English Language, Maths, Art, History and culture were discussed in this inter-disciplinary studies. Lower primary school students colored their ox masks whereas upper primary school students researched on the mathematical problem on racing by all zodiac animals. They also studied the stories behind zodiac and knowledge about beef in different cultures before sharing with other peers.
Culture section focused on Chinese Language and History to study the spirits of oxes and their idioms.
Cuisine section focused on Mathematics and English to research on beef consumption and different forms of steaks.
The art section focused on Mathematics and Architecture to allow students to analyse oxes in different forms and apply axial symmetry to make an ox in posters before sharing their own inspirations.
VBS also prepared customised folders at the end of semester for collecting and sorting documents, to do lists, productions during their research to allow students to understand the spirits of different oxes. The front and back cover patterns were selected from students' design after being voted by teachers and students. In the end top seven submissions were chosen as the covers.
万科双语学校本着“为未知而教,为未来而学”的办学理念,通过PBL项目式学习, 培养学生自主探究的学习力, 从而增进学生的全局性理解。本次“牛”主题探究活动,在多学科融合的学习过程中,充分激发了学生的学习兴趣。为生活而学习的方式,将成为孩子们美好的回忆,从而让他们更加乐观勇敢地迎接牛年的到来。
Based on 'Teaching for the unknown, study for the future' philosophy, VBS cultivates students' ability to do independent studies via PBL and thus improving their ability to understand the bigger picture. This inter-disciplinary research activity on oxes arouse students' interests to study. They will remember this period as they experience the pattern to study for their lives to embrace the year of ox.
Document Provider: Ms. Pamela, Ms. Lynn, Ms. Hu, Ms. Victoria, Mr. Zhao and Ms. Monna
Photographer: Linda
Translated by DC Lai
万双网讯 为迎接牛年的到来,增进学生的全局性理解,同时为学生全方位提供具有生活价值的研究式学习,1月8日至22日,万科双语学校小学部开展了以“牛”为主题的多学科融合PBL学习系列活动。
VBS News Net: VBS Primary School Department organised PBL study session on oxes from 8th January to 22nd January to welcome the year of ox and offer life-enriching research studies.
This mini PBL research was about the year of ox to absorb knowledge from other subjects to spot the cultural difference on oxes and spirits of oxes so that students could see things from a critical point of view. Oxes would be examined in every angle - Chinese, Mathematics, Science, English and History via interesting activities.
Subject teachers categorised the research into four main sections - science, culture, cuisine and arts. The science topic brought in English and science to allow students to appreciate the bilingual terms depicting oxes and how oxes influenced humans.
In AI classes, students produced featured programming items on fireworks and bullfight.
外籍教师带领孩子们观看Chinese Zodiac 英文短视频,了解英语里不同动物属相的英语表述,将英语、Math、Art、历史与人文通过探究学习进行跨学科融合。低年段孩子们会为不同的形状涂色、并进行组合、搭配,最终形成牛头面具图示。高年段学生会通过自行查阅资料,解决传统中国生肖故事中的赛跑计时的数学(Math)问题。同时,探究生肖背后的故事以及了解各个国家关于“牛”文化的背景知识,最后进行小组分享。
International teachers showed English videos on Chinese Zodiac to teach students how to say each zodiac in English. English Language, Maths, Art, History and culture were discussed in this inter-disciplinary studies. Lower primary school students colored their ox masks whereas upper primary school students researched on the mathematical problem on racing by all zodiac animals. They also studied the stories behind zodiac and knowledge about beef in different cultures before sharing with other peers.
Culture section focused on Chinese Language and History to study the spirits of oxes and their idioms.
Cuisine section focused on Mathematics and English to research on beef consumption and different forms of steaks.
The art section focused on Mathematics and Architecture to allow students to analyse oxes in different forms and apply axial symmetry to make an ox in posters before sharing their own inspirations.
VBS also prepared customised folders at the end of semester for collecting and sorting documents, to do lists, productions during their research to allow students to understand the spirits of different oxes. The front and back cover patterns were selected from students' design after being voted by teachers and students. In the end top seven submissions were chosen as the covers.
万科双语学校本着“为未知而教,为未来而学”的办学理念,通过PBL项目式学习, 培养学生自主探究的学习力, 从而增进学生的全局性理解。本次“牛”主题探究活动,在多学科融合的学习过程中,充分激发了学生的学习兴趣。为生活而学习的方式,将成为孩子们美好的回忆,从而让他们更加乐观勇敢地迎接牛年的到来。
Based on 'Teaching for the unknown, study for the future' philosophy, VBS cultivates students' ability to do independent studies via PBL and thus improving their ability to understand the bigger picture. This inter-disciplinary research activity on oxes arouse students' interests to study. They will remember this period as they experience the pattern to study for their lives to embrace the year of ox.
Document Provider: Ms. Pamela, Ms. Lynn, Ms. Hu, Ms. Victoria, Mr. Zhao and Ms. Monna
Photographer: Linda
Translated by DC Lai
培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。
Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen
Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.
Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.
Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen
Contact: 0755-66866333
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