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发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2021-01-20

万双网讯   在“蝴蝶拍”中寻找心灵的宁静,用成长型思维,乐观面对挫折。1月15日至21日,万科双语学校开展了2021年寒假“树立成长型思维,应对挫折”专题讲座。全体小学生分六批在学校剧场聆听杨帆校长和郑佳佳老师的演讲,初中生在教室与郑佳佳老师进行了深入交流。

VBS News Net: VBS held 2021 winter holiday special lectures 'face setbacks with growth mindset' from 15th January to 21st January to all primary school students to find their inner peace and remain optimistic when setbacks come with butterfly pat. Students were divided into six batches to arrive at theatre for the speeches given by Principal Yang and Ms. Zheng. Junior secondary school students discussed the topic with Ms. Zheng at their classrooms.



At the beginning of the lecture, Ms. Zheng asked students to put their hands in front of their chests to do the butterfly pat. This allowed students to feel calmed.



Students also wrote down their stress scores to share their sources of stree. Some said they had no pressure but others worried about their test scores, too much holiday assignments or tuiton, or even scolding from their parents.


Ms. Zheng taught them how to relieve stress and seek assistance by introducing mental health assistance hotlines.




Principal Yang told students about the brain structure with vivid pictures - research had shown that neurons in the neural network of our brains would connect with one another once we learned something new. Repetitive practice would make neuron connections stronger. Hence everyone could be wise and get good results if we believe in ourselves and practise a lot. This would be the growth mindset. Hence students could tell parents that they could score better next time when being asked about test scores.



After this lecture, students knew what to do to cope with stress and felt better. Some would solve the problems and face the pressure themselves and others said would seek help from teachers and counsellors.


VBS strives to build a learning-oriented school based on the growth mindset and core values of lifelong learning. Students will have life planning as compulsory lessons with other activities, teachers will learn at 'VBS Academy for Teachers' Professional Development' and parents will learn at 'VBS Parents Academy' to realise their growth. This lecture on mental health is significant in nurturing sound personality, academic excellence, optimism and growth mindset against stress and setbacks. 


文/图 燕子


Author/Photographer: Linda

Translated by DC Lai


发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2021-01-20

万双网讯   在“蝴蝶拍”中寻找心灵的宁静,用成长型思维,乐观面对挫折。1月15日至21日,万科双语学校开展了2021年寒假“树立成长型思维,应对挫折”专题讲座。全体小学生分六批在学校剧场聆听杨帆校长和郑佳佳老师的演讲,初中生在教室与郑佳佳老师进行了深入交流。

VBS News Net: VBS held 2021 winter holiday special lectures 'face setbacks with growth mindset' from 15th January to 21st January to all primary school students to find their inner peace and remain optimistic when setbacks come with butterfly pat. Students were divided into six batches to arrive at theatre for the speeches given by Principal Yang and Ms. Zheng. Junior secondary school students discussed the topic with Ms. Zheng at their classrooms.



At the beginning of the lecture, Ms. Zheng asked students to put their hands in front of their chests to do the butterfly pat. This allowed students to feel calmed.



Students also wrote down their stress scores to share their sources of stree. Some said they had no pressure but others worried about their test scores, too much holiday assignments or tuiton, or even scolding from their parents.


Ms. Zheng taught them how to relieve stress and seek assistance by introducing mental health assistance hotlines.




Principal Yang told students about the brain structure with vivid pictures - research had shown that neurons in the neural network of our brains would connect with one another once we learned something new. Repetitive practice would make neuron connections stronger. Hence everyone could be wise and get good results if we believe in ourselves and practise a lot. This would be the growth mindset. Hence students could tell parents that they could score better next time when being asked about test scores.



After this lecture, students knew what to do to cope with stress and felt better. Some would solve the problems and face the pressure themselves and others said would seek help from teachers and counsellors.


VBS strives to build a learning-oriented school based on the growth mindset and core values of lifelong learning. Students will have life planning as compulsory lessons with other activities, teachers will learn at 'VBS Academy for Teachers' Professional Development' and parents will learn at 'VBS Parents Academy' to realise their growth. This lecture on mental health is significant in nurturing sound personality, academic excellence, optimism and growth mindset against stress and setbacks. 


文/图 燕子


Author/Photographer: Linda

Translated by DC Lai



培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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