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发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2020-12-30

万双网讯  “且听风吟,在茂密森林,用春的节拍宣告它来临;指尖,轻轻触碰到微风,严寒就缓缓消散在其中......"在万科双语学校小学合唱团天籁般的歌声中,12月25日中午,”VBS·卷里”启用仪式拉开帷幕。学校领导、家长代表、全体九年级学生及各班图书管理员、阅读之星参与了本次活动。

VBS News Net: VBS Library 'In-scroll' launch ceremony was held on 25th December with the singing of VBS Primary School Choir. Senior members of the school, parents representatives, all graduating students, book managers of all classes and reading stars attended this event.



Principal Yang gave her address with tears, 'If you love your children, then give them a library,' many workers put in effort to build this library since the establishment of VBS. She hoped students to use their time well to love reading and become the people they wanted to be.


万科双语学校图书馆名通过面向全校师生、家长征集,并在网上进行投票,最终选定最高票数获得者1X班周安爸爸的命名——“VBS·卷里”。名称源于唐代杜甫《奉赠⻙左丞丈二十二韵》中有诗句:“读书破万卷,下笔如有神。”寓意读书之人要学以致用,知行合一。读万卷书,行万里路。“万卷”与“万里”,两“万”为“双”,取馆名意为:万双·卷里。 寓意治学理念“知行合一,学贯中⻄”,万双学子以开放包容,兼收并蓄之心态,博览群书,学以致用。万卷书里有真知,万里路上有真实万双·卷里,求知求实

The naming event of VBS Library was open to teachers, parents and students with online voting. The highest vote went to father of Zhou An from 1Y - In-Scroll which came from the ancient poem written by Du Fu, 'Reading thousands of scrolls and travel thousands of miles,' combining the Chinese characters from the poem to form the name in-scroll. It also reflected the school's philosophy on students - read books to study the wisdom and truth of Chinese culture and Western culture and apply them in future.


Mr. Li Yuelin, Ms. Judy Zeng, Xia Jiuyue from 4D, parents of Zhang Yaen from 1Y, Zhang Yunzhe and Xia Wen from 3E, Lyu Jinyuan from 2V took part in the naming event.


Principal Yang and Mr. Zhou, the inventor of VBS library's name together reveal the plate. Principal Yang also presented acknowledgement card to Mr. Zhou and the compulsory reading 'Mindset' as she hoped everyone could have the mentality to grow when facing things in life and have the habit of lifelong learning.


即将毕业的九年级未来少年们迎来了一份特别的礼物——VBS图书馆VIP卡。杨帆校长深 情地对同学们说道:“同学们毕业后,随时欢迎回到万双,VBS图书馆的大门将向同学们永远开放。”每位九年级同学的眼里,充满着喜悦、感恩与对未来无限的憧憬。VBS永远是他们温暖的家。

Graduating students received a special gift - VBS Library VIP Cards. Principal Yang told students with lots of love, 'After your graduation, feel free to come back as the library is always open for you,' every student was grateful, thrilled for their future. VBS would be a home for them, always.



After the ceremony, school leaders, parents and students visited the library. They were inquisitive about the brand new library to take photos and start reading. There were five sections - E-reading section, international books section, projectors section, teens reading section, junior secondary reading section to provide self-service reading. The high class design was impressive and became the popular site to attract everyone to take photos here. From this day onwards, the library would be open to all teachers and students.


Reading is the greatest gift that you give it to yourself. VBS plans to offer the quality reading atmosphere to all students so that they have sound personality, courage and wisdom for their future.


资料提供/曾凯会 陈君瑶



Document providers: Judy Amaris

Editor: Linda

Translated by DC Lai


发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2020-12-30

万双网讯  “且听风吟,在茂密森林,用春的节拍宣告它来临;指尖,轻轻触碰到微风,严寒就缓缓消散在其中......"在万科双语学校小学合唱团天籁般的歌声中,12月25日中午,”VBS·卷里”启用仪式拉开帷幕。学校领导、家长代表、全体九年级学生及各班图书管理员、阅读之星参与了本次活动。

VBS News Net: VBS Library 'In-scroll' launch ceremony was held on 25th December with the singing of VBS Primary School Choir. Senior members of the school, parents representatives, all graduating students, book managers of all classes and reading stars attended this event.



Principal Yang gave her address with tears, 'If you love your children, then give them a library,' many workers put in effort to build this library since the establishment of VBS. She hoped students to use their time well to love reading and become the people they wanted to be.


万科双语学校图书馆名通过面向全校师生、家长征集,并在网上进行投票,最终选定最高票数获得者1X班周安爸爸的命名——“VBS·卷里”。名称源于唐代杜甫《奉赠⻙左丞丈二十二韵》中有诗句:“读书破万卷,下笔如有神。”寓意读书之人要学以致用,知行合一。读万卷书,行万里路。“万卷”与“万里”,两“万”为“双”,取馆名意为:万双·卷里。 寓意治学理念“知行合一,学贯中⻄”,万双学子以开放包容,兼收并蓄之心态,博览群书,学以致用。万卷书里有真知,万里路上有真实万双·卷里,求知求实

The naming event of VBS Library was open to teachers, parents and students with online voting. The highest vote went to father of Zhou An from 1Y - In-Scroll which came from the ancient poem written by Du Fu, 'Reading thousands of scrolls and travel thousands of miles,' combining the Chinese characters from the poem to form the name in-scroll. It also reflected the school's philosophy on students - read books to study the wisdom and truth of Chinese culture and Western culture and apply them in future.


Mr. Li Yuelin, Ms. Judy Zeng, Xia Jiuyue from 4D, parents of Zhang Yaen from 1Y, Zhang Yunzhe and Xia Wen from 3E, Lyu Jinyuan from 2V took part in the naming event.


Principal Yang and Mr. Zhou, the inventor of VBS library's name together reveal the plate. Principal Yang also presented acknowledgement card to Mr. Zhou and the compulsory reading 'Mindset' as she hoped everyone could have the mentality to grow when facing things in life and have the habit of lifelong learning.


即将毕业的九年级未来少年们迎来了一份特别的礼物——VBS图书馆VIP卡。杨帆校长深 情地对同学们说道:“同学们毕业后,随时欢迎回到万双,VBS图书馆的大门将向同学们永远开放。”每位九年级同学的眼里,充满着喜悦、感恩与对未来无限的憧憬。VBS永远是他们温暖的家。

Graduating students received a special gift - VBS Library VIP Cards. Principal Yang told students with lots of love, 'After your graduation, feel free to come back as the library is always open for you,' every student was grateful, thrilled for their future. VBS would be a home for them, always.



After the ceremony, school leaders, parents and students visited the library. They were inquisitive about the brand new library to take photos and start reading. There were five sections - E-reading section, international books section, projectors section, teens reading section, junior secondary reading section to provide self-service reading. The high class design was impressive and became the popular site to attract everyone to take photos here. From this day onwards, the library would be open to all teachers and students.


Reading is the greatest gift that you give it to yourself. VBS plans to offer the quality reading atmosphere to all students so that they have sound personality, courage and wisdom for their future.


资料提供/曾凯会 陈君瑶



Document providers: Judy Amaris

Editor: Linda

Translated by DC Lai



培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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