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发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2020-12-17

万双网讯  2020年是抗美援朝70周年。为引导学生了解抗美援朝历史,学习中国人民志愿军英雄事迹和抗美援朝精神,传承抗美援朝红色基因,增强爱国情怀,争做新时代好少年,在万科双语学校大队部、团委组织下,12月14日下午,全校41个班举行了“纪念抗美援朝七十周年”大型主题班会。其中,一二年级及初中部全体学生在教室学习,三四五年级全体学生在剧场聆听革命后代的演讲。

VBS News Net: This year marks the 70th anniversary of PLA's support to North Korea. Organised by VBS Youth Party Committee and Young Pioneers Platoon, all 41 classes held the national education themed 'the 70th anniversary of PLA's support to North Korea' on 14th December to learn the spirits and virtues of Red Army and nurture patriotism. Primary 3, 4 and 5 students listened to the speech given by descendant of PLA soldier at the theatre while other students stay at classrooms for relevant activities.



The speech was given by Yang Xiaoyu's father whose grandpa took part in the Anti-Japanese War, Liberation War and the Korean War with many medals. There were three parts in this speech, he spoke about one war, two heroes and recommendation of three movies.



He put up detailed photos on the war scenes to introduce Battle of Triangle Hill and allow students to understand the severity of the war and the unadvanced weapons held by PLA, 'During the entire war, we have no air fighters of ours in the sky, no tank appearance recorded, our ammunition is only a quarter of our enemies. The US army launched more than 1.9 million shells and five thousand bombs. Under this circumstances, PLA fought hard in this 43-day war with exchange of battle field 59 times and fending off more than 900 charges. We finally defended the battle field to win.'


Tears welled up students' eyes when the story of sacrificing himself to block the loopholes by Huang Jiguang and sacrificing himself in the bushes under the burning fire by Qiu Shaoyun.



He also showed many medals obtained by his grandpa to impress the students.



Finally he recommended three movies - Shanggan Ridge, Heroic Breed and the Sacrifice to understand the war better.


Other students had their sessions in class. They reviewed the history and understood the war better - the background, time, venue and repercussions. They saluted war heroes' sacrifice and characters. The session ended with singing our national anthem. Students would remember the patroitism demonstrated by heroes and work hard for the rejuvenation of Chinese nation.




VBS students have increased their knowledge on history and love for their motherland, know that the peace today does not come easy and they should study hard not to waste their youth to honour martyrs. This is also another measure on nurturing patroitism that VBS has implemented. 






Document provider: Ms. Monna Sun

Photographer: Linda

Translated by DC Lai


发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2020-12-17

万双网讯  2020年是抗美援朝70周年。为引导学生了解抗美援朝历史,学习中国人民志愿军英雄事迹和抗美援朝精神,传承抗美援朝红色基因,增强爱国情怀,争做新时代好少年,在万科双语学校大队部、团委组织下,12月14日下午,全校41个班举行了“纪念抗美援朝七十周年”大型主题班会。其中,一二年级及初中部全体学生在教室学习,三四五年级全体学生在剧场聆听革命后代的演讲。

VBS News Net: This year marks the 70th anniversary of PLA's support to North Korea. Organised by VBS Youth Party Committee and Young Pioneers Platoon, all 41 classes held the national education themed 'the 70th anniversary of PLA's support to North Korea' on 14th December to learn the spirits and virtues of Red Army and nurture patriotism. Primary 3, 4 and 5 students listened to the speech given by descendant of PLA soldier at the theatre while other students stay at classrooms for relevant activities.



The speech was given by Yang Xiaoyu's father whose grandpa took part in the Anti-Japanese War, Liberation War and the Korean War with many medals. There were three parts in this speech, he spoke about one war, two heroes and recommendation of three movies.



He put up detailed photos on the war scenes to introduce Battle of Triangle Hill and allow students to understand the severity of the war and the unadvanced weapons held by PLA, 'During the entire war, we have no air fighters of ours in the sky, no tank appearance recorded, our ammunition is only a quarter of our enemies. The US army launched more than 1.9 million shells and five thousand bombs. Under this circumstances, PLA fought hard in this 43-day war with exchange of battle field 59 times and fending off more than 900 charges. We finally defended the battle field to win.'


Tears welled up students' eyes when the story of sacrificing himself to block the loopholes by Huang Jiguang and sacrificing himself in the bushes under the burning fire by Qiu Shaoyun.



He also showed many medals obtained by his grandpa to impress the students.



Finally he recommended three movies - Shanggan Ridge, Heroic Breed and the Sacrifice to understand the war better.


Other students had their sessions in class. They reviewed the history and understood the war better - the background, time, venue and repercussions. They saluted war heroes' sacrifice and characters. The session ended with singing our national anthem. Students would remember the patroitism demonstrated by heroes and work hard for the rejuvenation of Chinese nation.




VBS students have increased their knowledge on history and love for their motherland, know that the peace today does not come easy and they should study hard not to waste their youth to honour martyrs. This is also another measure on nurturing patroitism that VBS has implemented. 






Document provider: Ms. Monna Sun

Photographer: Linda

Translated by DC Lai



培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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