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发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2020-12-16

万双网讯  为弘扬中华优秀勤廉文化,培养学生懂廉、学廉、敬廉的意识,让廉洁精神在孩子们心中生根发芽,12月11日下午,由深圳市龙华区纪委监委、深圳市龙华区教育局主办,深圳新闻网承办的深圳市龙华区“童声颂廉”故事大赛决赛暨颁奖典礼圆满落幕。万科双语学校5D班祁润格同学荣获大赛二等奖4D班刘梓渊同学荣获大赛三等奖王月、彭婷老师荣获“优秀指导老师” 称号,万科双语学校荣获 “优秀组织奖”。   

VBS News Net: VBS students Qi Runge from 5D won Second Prize and Liu Ziyuan from 4D won Third Prize in the finals of Longhua District Story Telling Contest by Students hosted by Longhua District Education Bureau and Longhua District Discipline Inspection Commission and organised by Shenzhen News Net on 11th December. This contest was created to promote good traditional Chinese virtues - honesty, clean hands and develop students' awareness to study, understand and respect such virtues. Ms. Wang Yue and Ms. Peng Ting received Excellent Mentor Award and VBS received Excellent Organisation Award.




Launched in September, this contest had students from 47 schools with more than 100 students taking part. After voting and judging, 24 finalists were selected. Primary 4 and 5 students underwent preliminary rounds within their classes and one student from each level - Qi Runge and Liu Ziyuan was selected for the contest. Both of them qualified for the finals.


Qi Runge articulated clearly with her voice and emotions at the finals to tell Yang Zhen's honesty, clean hands.



Liu Ziyuan was disadvantaged to be the first finalist speaker on stage, but he did not show stage fright to speak eloquently on Lin Zexu's story and his insistance in four NOs. Their story telling performance with confidence, natural poise and emotions got them Second Prize and Third Prize respectively.



After the finals, Qi Runge said,'I learn honesty, clean hands from this contest - what other qualities honesty, clean hands people could have. I also improve my skills to give a speech to compete with so many skilled speakers. I would like to thank my school, teachers and students for their support and help so that I am not afraid to present myself on stage,' Liu Ziyuan said, 'I am honoured to take part in this contest as I learn a lot about honesty, clean hands. I hope more people can listen us about the stories we tell and learn from the protagonists in their lives. I also demand myself to do so.'



Focusing on developing students' good virtues, VBS will strive to cultivate global citizens who possess sound personality, academic excellence, international horizons, patriotism and the courage to create a better future by offering a variety of events to develop their ability to give speeches and good ethics.






The speeches were as follows


“四知”美名留青史  应与乾坤共久长

Yang Zhen with his Four Knows


Hi everyone, I am Qi Runge from Class 5D of VBS.


Today I will share with you Yang Zhen's 'Four knows' story on honesty and clean hands.


Why four knows? Let's find out by this story.


In East Han period, Yang Zhen was famous official for his justice and clean hands.


As he stationed at Jingzhou, he recommended Wang Mi to station in Changyi County as he found out Wang had talents. A few years later, Yang Zhen passed by Changyi during his transfer. Wang fetched him personally outside the county and took care of his stay.



Wang Mi visited Yang Zhen that night. He offered Yang Zhen some gold as he saw nobody in the room to show his gratitude.



Yang Zhen turned down his offer, 'I chose you because I knew you had talents. You know nothing about me by doing so.'


Wang Mi insisted to offer gold as there was no one here. Yang was angry,' The Heaven knows, the Earth knows. You know and I know that you offer me this gold. It is not wise to go easy on yourself if no one else knows,' Wang Mi took back the gold and left.


This is the story passed on by generations. Thus Yang Zhen has a nickname on four knows.

清正廉明、正直无私一直是中华民族的传统美德,是中国传统道德对从政者的基本要求, 也是我们社会主义核心价值观的重要内容。在杨震的家乡,陕西潼关,人们为了纪念这位“四知”清官,建立了杨震廉政教育基地,为的是让他清廉为官的精神在新时代里得到继承和发扬。“四知拒金”的故事也时刻告诫我们,做人要诚实自律,做事要廉洁奉公,不能因为别人没有看见就做对不起良心、违背法律法规的事情。

Honesty and clean hands are traditional Chinese virtues and the basic requirements for politicians as well as our core socialist values. At Yang Zhen's hometown, Tongguan, people set up education base under his name to pass on his virtues in this new era. This story also tells us about integrity and self-discipline at work as you cannot do things against your conscience or the law.



Lin Zexu with his Four NOs


What is honesty and clean hands? They could be seen as early as the period of Warring States. The great poet Qu Yuan mentioned it in his poem. It means we have to be righteous and honest by not taking the wealth that does not belong to us.



The story I am about to share is about Lin Zexu and his four NOs. As a famous politician at late Qing Dynasty who was in charge of burning opium at Humen, he left Beijing in November 1838. Officials like him would receive bribes during their travel to the destinations. 


But Lin Zexu resented such things. He released a statement before leaving Beijing to all officials to have four NOs - no giving presents, no disturbing people, no hosting gathering dinner or no giving bribery. As he travelled, he found out that local officials welcomed him by renovating the house he would stay with many resources. Thus he added up one more NO - no living in luxurious houses so that the places he passed by had no wastage or bribery.



Our ancestors passed down good virtues which have become our national spirits. They last forever no matter how history evolves or develops and serve as the calling from people. As primary school students we must have the correct values and work hard to realise the peaceful and grandeur society.





Document provider: Ms. Wang Yue

Editor: Linda

Translated by DC Lai


发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2020-12-16

万双网讯  为弘扬中华优秀勤廉文化,培养学生懂廉、学廉、敬廉的意识,让廉洁精神在孩子们心中生根发芽,12月11日下午,由深圳市龙华区纪委监委、深圳市龙华区教育局主办,深圳新闻网承办的深圳市龙华区“童声颂廉”故事大赛决赛暨颁奖典礼圆满落幕。万科双语学校5D班祁润格同学荣获大赛二等奖4D班刘梓渊同学荣获大赛三等奖王月、彭婷老师荣获“优秀指导老师” 称号,万科双语学校荣获 “优秀组织奖”。   

VBS News Net: VBS students Qi Runge from 5D won Second Prize and Liu Ziyuan from 4D won Third Prize in the finals of Longhua District Story Telling Contest by Students hosted by Longhua District Education Bureau and Longhua District Discipline Inspection Commission and organised by Shenzhen News Net on 11th December. This contest was created to promote good traditional Chinese virtues - honesty, clean hands and develop students' awareness to study, understand and respect such virtues. Ms. Wang Yue and Ms. Peng Ting received Excellent Mentor Award and VBS received Excellent Organisation Award.




Launched in September, this contest had students from 47 schools with more than 100 students taking part. After voting and judging, 24 finalists were selected. Primary 4 and 5 students underwent preliminary rounds within their classes and one student from each level - Qi Runge and Liu Ziyuan was selected for the contest. Both of them qualified for the finals.


Qi Runge articulated clearly with her voice and emotions at the finals to tell Yang Zhen's honesty, clean hands.



Liu Ziyuan was disadvantaged to be the first finalist speaker on stage, but he did not show stage fright to speak eloquently on Lin Zexu's story and his insistance in four NOs. Their story telling performance with confidence, natural poise and emotions got them Second Prize and Third Prize respectively.



After the finals, Qi Runge said,'I learn honesty, clean hands from this contest - what other qualities honesty, clean hands people could have. I also improve my skills to give a speech to compete with so many skilled speakers. I would like to thank my school, teachers and students for their support and help so that I am not afraid to present myself on stage,' Liu Ziyuan said, 'I am honoured to take part in this contest as I learn a lot about honesty, clean hands. I hope more people can listen us about the stories we tell and learn from the protagonists in their lives. I also demand myself to do so.'



Focusing on developing students' good virtues, VBS will strive to cultivate global citizens who possess sound personality, academic excellence, international horizons, patriotism and the courage to create a better future by offering a variety of events to develop their ability to give speeches and good ethics.






The speeches were as follows


“四知”美名留青史  应与乾坤共久长

Yang Zhen with his Four Knows


Hi everyone, I am Qi Runge from Class 5D of VBS.


Today I will share with you Yang Zhen's 'Four knows' story on honesty and clean hands.


Why four knows? Let's find out by this story.


In East Han period, Yang Zhen was famous official for his justice and clean hands.


As he stationed at Jingzhou, he recommended Wang Mi to station in Changyi County as he found out Wang had talents. A few years later, Yang Zhen passed by Changyi during his transfer. Wang fetched him personally outside the county and took care of his stay.



Wang Mi visited Yang Zhen that night. He offered Yang Zhen some gold as he saw nobody in the room to show his gratitude.



Yang Zhen turned down his offer, 'I chose you because I knew you had talents. You know nothing about me by doing so.'


Wang Mi insisted to offer gold as there was no one here. Yang was angry,' The Heaven knows, the Earth knows. You know and I know that you offer me this gold. It is not wise to go easy on yourself if no one else knows,' Wang Mi took back the gold and left.


This is the story passed on by generations. Thus Yang Zhen has a nickname on four knows.

清正廉明、正直无私一直是中华民族的传统美德,是中国传统道德对从政者的基本要求, 也是我们社会主义核心价值观的重要内容。在杨震的家乡,陕西潼关,人们为了纪念这位“四知”清官,建立了杨震廉政教育基地,为的是让他清廉为官的精神在新时代里得到继承和发扬。“四知拒金”的故事也时刻告诫我们,做人要诚实自律,做事要廉洁奉公,不能因为别人没有看见就做对不起良心、违背法律法规的事情。

Honesty and clean hands are traditional Chinese virtues and the basic requirements for politicians as well as our core socialist values. At Yang Zhen's hometown, Tongguan, people set up education base under his name to pass on his virtues in this new era. This story also tells us about integrity and self-discipline at work as you cannot do things against your conscience or the law.



Lin Zexu with his Four NOs


What is honesty and clean hands? They could be seen as early as the period of Warring States. The great poet Qu Yuan mentioned it in his poem. It means we have to be righteous and honest by not taking the wealth that does not belong to us.



The story I am about to share is about Lin Zexu and his four NOs. As a famous politician at late Qing Dynasty who was in charge of burning opium at Humen, he left Beijing in November 1838. Officials like him would receive bribes during their travel to the destinations. 


But Lin Zexu resented such things. He released a statement before leaving Beijing to all officials to have four NOs - no giving presents, no disturbing people, no hosting gathering dinner or no giving bribery. As he travelled, he found out that local officials welcomed him by renovating the house he would stay with many resources. Thus he added up one more NO - no living in luxurious houses so that the places he passed by had no wastage or bribery.



Our ancestors passed down good virtues which have become our national spirits. They last forever no matter how history evolves or develops and serve as the calling from people. As primary school students we must have the correct values and work hard to realise the peaceful and grandeur society.





Document provider: Ms. Wang Yue

Editor: Linda

Translated by DC Lai



培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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