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发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2020-11-23












万双网讯  “驭风少年,未来无极限。” 为贯彻落实全民健身计划、积极实施阳光体育运动,增强师生身体素质,在这个温暖如春的冬季,11 月 16 日至20日,万科双语学校奥林匹克周暨第二届田径运动会盛大启幕。VBS校园变身“运动+欢乐的海洋”,活力、阳光、奋勇争先的VBS运动健儿成为赛场上最美的风景,每位师生的脸上绽放着最灿烂的笑容。

VBS News Net: 'Harness the wind, we like to challenge our limits' VBS 2nd Sports Day in collaboration with Olympic Week was held from 16th November to 20th November to improve students' fitness, implement national exercise plan and sunny sports exercise plan. VBS campus turned into a place filled with joy and exercise as student athletes were energetic, positive and competitive. Everyone put on their smily faces during the whole week.


本次活动持续一周,项目多,趣味性强,全校师生及部分家长参与。内容包括:启动仪式、开幕式、校园 NO.1 挑战赛、第二届 VBS 田径运动会、趣味项目体验、初中篮球赛与集体项目、一年级亲子趣味项目体验、闭幕式等。

The week-long event had various events with fun novelty races which attracted some parents to participate - Launch Ceremony, Opening Ceremony, Campus No1 Challenge, 2nd Sports Day, Novelty Race, Basketball Friendly and team contests for Junior Secondary School, Family events for Primary 1 students and Closing Ceremony.

A 启动仪式——点燃VBS奥林匹克周圣火

Launch Ceremony - light up the fire for VBS Olympic Week

11月16日上午,万科双语学校奥林匹克周启动仪式在学校操场举行。此次奥林匹克周的主题是“驭风少年,未来无极限”。 在庄重的升旗仪式后,王思墨同学做了国旗下的讲话。紧接着,6名火炬手依次点燃奥运火炬。他们分别是在2020广东省青少年国际象棋锦标赛中获得12岁组男子快棋冠军的任益百,2019年广东省“中国体育彩票”青少年攀岩项目U系列比赛(深圳站) U10女子组速度赛冠军吴妍慧, 2019年龙华区中小学生田径运动会男子初中组1500米跑步第六名张新雨, 2019年龙华区中小学生田径运动会 3000米跑步第八名周楷媛,第三届“观湖杯”网球公开赛中获得第四名宗唯诚,2019港澳深珠帆船友谊赛OP队赛第一名杨璨宁

VBS Olympic Week Launch Ceremony 'Harness the wind, we like to challenge our limits' was held on 16th November. After the flag-raising assembly, Wang Simo made the speech before six torch bearers lit up the fire in their torches one by one. They were - Ren Yibai, Ren Yibai, boy's champion for 2020 Guangdong Youth Chess Tournament; Wu Yanhui, girl's champion at Shenzhen Meeting for 2019 China Sports Lottery Youth Rock Climbing Competition U Series; Zhang Xinyu, the 6th place in 1500-metre run for 2019 Longhua District Track and Field Tournament for secondary and primary school students; Zhou Kaiyuan, the 8th place in 3000-metre run for 2019 Longhua District Track and Field Tournament for secondary and primary school students; Zong Weicheng, 3rd runner-up for the 3rd Guanhu Cup Tennis Open and Yang Canning, 1st place for 2019 Hong Kong-Macau-Shenzhen-Zhuhai Optimist Sailing Friendly.


Principal Yang, Assistant Principal Ms. Zheng and Ms. Lin, Swimming World Champion Mr. Zhang, Ukrainian Basketball coach Mr. Slava and six torch bearers lit up the fire together.


B 开幕式——华丽的视听盛宴

Opening Ceremony - a parade full of surprises


Opening Ceremony was held on 17th November with national flag team, school flag team, emblem team and referee team taking part.



The emblem was open to public design submissions and Yang Yanru from 4D's work was selected. It represented VBS diverse and all-rounding development with the running figure at the middle to embody the spirits of not fearing hardship but to fight on.


41 classes lined up in order to dress up in unique costumes to deliver fantastic performances - dancing, singing, wushu, Harry Potter magic to receive applauses from the audience.





Principal Yang commended students' confidence, optimism, vibrance and great performances. She told students that life was about doing physical exercise as it guarantees our health and fitness which also guarantees our studies and work. Sports Day would be a full test for fitness, sports skills, spirits to make progress, grit, teamwork, also the platform to demonstrate personal charisma and class culture. There would be winning or losing but also the good chance to learn the mentality to grow. While applauding winners, we ought to cheer for those who made it to finish line despite being left behind. VBS became one of the four pilot schools on myopia prevention in Shenzhen, the school hoped to mitigate myopia rate by active exercise. Students would achieve character development through sports.






C  校园NO.1 挑战赛——挑战极限

Campus No1 - Challenge limits

11月17日上午,校园NO.1 挑战赛在操场火热展开。在全校复赛中获胜的选手参与了吹气球、平板支撑、俯卧撑、双手拍篮球、跳绳等多个项目的角逐。

Campus No1 was held on 17th November at playground. Students who passed preliminary rounds would take part in the next round of contest on planking, balloon, push-ups, double hand dribbling and skipping.

D 田径动动会——向更快、更高、更远奋斗

Sports Day - Higher, faster, stronger

11月17日至19日,小学初中分别开展了田径比赛。项目包括:小学组30 米、60 米、100 米、200 米、50 米×12 、400 米,800 米,4×100 米接力、迎面接力跑、跳绳、立定跳远、投掷毽球、投掷实心球等。初中组100 米、200 米、400 米、800 米、1500 米、4×100 米接力、50 米×12 迎面接力、跳绳、跳远、跳高、投掷实心球等,初中集体项目包括8字跳绳、足球绕杆接力、篮球半场运球接力等。

Track and field events were held from 17th November to 19th November - 30 metres, 60 metres, 100 metres, 200 metres, 12*50 metres relay, 400 metres, 800 metres, 4*100 metres relay, face to face relay, skipping, standing long jump, shuttlecock throw, sphere throw, 1500 metres, high jump, football dribbling relay, basketball dribbling relay and long-skipping.




At the end of the events, students received medals and certificates at the podium.

E 初中篮球赛——爱拼才会赢

Basketball Friendly - fight on to win


Grade 7, 8 and 9 had two competitive basketball friendly matches on 17th November and 19th November to win honours.




Novelty Race - Happy moments


All teachers and students with parents from Primary 1 students took part in novelty races - Moving Wheels Transport, Caterpillar Transport, Juggling with mat, Sandbag Throw, Running with sticks, Shuttlecock Throw and collision balls for parents to enjoy.


G 闭幕式——付出总会有收获

Closing Ceremony - Effort would pay off


VBS 2nd Sports Day in collaboration with Olympic Week ended on 20th November. School leaders gave out certificates for best elegance, best design, best originality, best presenatation and best vitality classes as well as awards for emblem design, score-leading classes, organisation and sportsmanship.


VBS 2nd Sports Day in collaboration with Olympic Week has created a conducive sports atmosphere for students to gain interests in sports and improve their fitness while nurturing their ability to overcome difficulty and learning Olympic spirits - higher, faster and stronger. These activities prepare students well for their future as they are vibrant, gritty, optimistic and positive.




文/ 燕子


视频/石磊  刘亦然 

翻译   赖丁慈


发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2020-11-23












万双网讯  “驭风少年,未来无极限。” 为贯彻落实全民健身计划、积极实施阳光体育运动,增强师生身体素质,在这个温暖如春的冬季,11 月 16 日至20日,万科双语学校奥林匹克周暨第二届田径运动会盛大启幕。VBS校园变身“运动+欢乐的海洋”,活力、阳光、奋勇争先的VBS运动健儿成为赛场上最美的风景,每位师生的脸上绽放着最灿烂的笑容。

VBS News Net: 'Harness the wind, we like to challenge our limits' VBS 2nd Sports Day in collaboration with Olympic Week was held from 16th November to 20th November to improve students' fitness, implement national exercise plan and sunny sports exercise plan. VBS campus turned into a place filled with joy and exercise as student athletes were energetic, positive and competitive. Everyone put on their smily faces during the whole week.


本次活动持续一周,项目多,趣味性强,全校师生及部分家长参与。内容包括:启动仪式、开幕式、校园 NO.1 挑战赛、第二届 VBS 田径运动会、趣味项目体验、初中篮球赛与集体项目、一年级亲子趣味项目体验、闭幕式等。

The week-long event had various events with fun novelty races which attracted some parents to participate - Launch Ceremony, Opening Ceremony, Campus No1 Challenge, 2nd Sports Day, Novelty Race, Basketball Friendly and team contests for Junior Secondary School, Family events for Primary 1 students and Closing Ceremony.

A 启动仪式——点燃VBS奥林匹克周圣火

Launch Ceremony - light up the fire for VBS Olympic Week

11月16日上午,万科双语学校奥林匹克周启动仪式在学校操场举行。此次奥林匹克周的主题是“驭风少年,未来无极限”。 在庄重的升旗仪式后,王思墨同学做了国旗下的讲话。紧接着,6名火炬手依次点燃奥运火炬。他们分别是在2020广东省青少年国际象棋锦标赛中获得12岁组男子快棋冠军的任益百,2019年广东省“中国体育彩票”青少年攀岩项目U系列比赛(深圳站) U10女子组速度赛冠军吴妍慧, 2019年龙华区中小学生田径运动会男子初中组1500米跑步第六名张新雨, 2019年龙华区中小学生田径运动会 3000米跑步第八名周楷媛,第三届“观湖杯”网球公开赛中获得第四名宗唯诚,2019港澳深珠帆船友谊赛OP队赛第一名杨璨宁

VBS Olympic Week Launch Ceremony 'Harness the wind, we like to challenge our limits' was held on 16th November. After the flag-raising assembly, Wang Simo made the speech before six torch bearers lit up the fire in their torches one by one. They were - Ren Yibai, Ren Yibai, boy's champion for 2020 Guangdong Youth Chess Tournament; Wu Yanhui, girl's champion at Shenzhen Meeting for 2019 China Sports Lottery Youth Rock Climbing Competition U Series; Zhang Xinyu, the 6th place in 1500-metre run for 2019 Longhua District Track and Field Tournament for secondary and primary school students; Zhou Kaiyuan, the 8th place in 3000-metre run for 2019 Longhua District Track and Field Tournament for secondary and primary school students; Zong Weicheng, 3rd runner-up for the 3rd Guanhu Cup Tennis Open and Yang Canning, 1st place for 2019 Hong Kong-Macau-Shenzhen-Zhuhai Optimist Sailing Friendly.


Principal Yang, Assistant Principal Ms. Zheng and Ms. Lin, Swimming World Champion Mr. Zhang, Ukrainian Basketball coach Mr. Slava and six torch bearers lit up the fire together.


B 开幕式——华丽的视听盛宴

Opening Ceremony - a parade full of surprises


Opening Ceremony was held on 17th November with national flag team, school flag team, emblem team and referee team taking part.



The emblem was open to public design submissions and Yang Yanru from 4D's work was selected. It represented VBS diverse and all-rounding development with the running figure at the middle to embody the spirits of not fearing hardship but to fight on.


41 classes lined up in order to dress up in unique costumes to deliver fantastic performances - dancing, singing, wushu, Harry Potter magic to receive applauses from the audience.





Principal Yang commended students' confidence, optimism, vibrance and great performances. She told students that life was about doing physical exercise as it guarantees our health and fitness which also guarantees our studies and work. Sports Day would be a full test for fitness, sports skills, spirits to make progress, grit, teamwork, also the platform to demonstrate personal charisma and class culture. There would be winning or losing but also the good chance to learn the mentality to grow. While applauding winners, we ought to cheer for those who made it to finish line despite being left behind. VBS became one of the four pilot schools on myopia prevention in Shenzhen, the school hoped to mitigate myopia rate by active exercise. Students would achieve character development through sports.






C  校园NO.1 挑战赛——挑战极限

Campus No1 - Challenge limits

11月17日上午,校园NO.1 挑战赛在操场火热展开。在全校复赛中获胜的选手参与了吹气球、平板支撑、俯卧撑、双手拍篮球、跳绳等多个项目的角逐。

Campus No1 was held on 17th November at playground. Students who passed preliminary rounds would take part in the next round of contest on planking, balloon, push-ups, double hand dribbling and skipping.

D 田径动动会——向更快、更高、更远奋斗

Sports Day - Higher, faster, stronger

11月17日至19日,小学初中分别开展了田径比赛。项目包括:小学组30 米、60 米、100 米、200 米、50 米×12 、400 米,800 米,4×100 米接力、迎面接力跑、跳绳、立定跳远、投掷毽球、投掷实心球等。初中组100 米、200 米、400 米、800 米、1500 米、4×100 米接力、50 米×12 迎面接力、跳绳、跳远、跳高、投掷实心球等,初中集体项目包括8字跳绳、足球绕杆接力、篮球半场运球接力等。

Track and field events were held from 17th November to 19th November - 30 metres, 60 metres, 100 metres, 200 metres, 12*50 metres relay, 400 metres, 800 metres, 4*100 metres relay, face to face relay, skipping, standing long jump, shuttlecock throw, sphere throw, 1500 metres, high jump, football dribbling relay, basketball dribbling relay and long-skipping.




At the end of the events, students received medals and certificates at the podium.

E 初中篮球赛——爱拼才会赢

Basketball Friendly - fight on to win


Grade 7, 8 and 9 had two competitive basketball friendly matches on 17th November and 19th November to win honours.




Novelty Race - Happy moments


All teachers and students with parents from Primary 1 students took part in novelty races - Moving Wheels Transport, Caterpillar Transport, Juggling with mat, Sandbag Throw, Running with sticks, Shuttlecock Throw and collision balls for parents to enjoy.


G 闭幕式——付出总会有收获

Closing Ceremony - Effort would pay off


VBS 2nd Sports Day in collaboration with Olympic Week ended on 20th November. School leaders gave out certificates for best elegance, best design, best originality, best presenatation and best vitality classes as well as awards for emblem design, score-leading classes, organisation and sportsmanship.


VBS 2nd Sports Day in collaboration with Olympic Week has created a conducive sports atmosphere for students to gain interests in sports and improve their fitness while nurturing their ability to overcome difficulty and learning Olympic spirits - higher, faster and stronger. These activities prepare students well for their future as they are vibrant, gritty, optimistic and positive.




文/ 燕子


视频/石磊  刘亦然 

翻译   赖丁慈



培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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