【国旗下的讲话】勿以善小而不为 勿以恶小而为之——VBS举办2020-2021第一学期第十周升旗仪式_学生活动_万科双语学校
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【国旗下的讲话】勿以善小而不为 勿以恶小而为之——VBS举办2020-2021第一学期第十周升旗仪式

发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2020-11-04

万双网讯  2020年11月2日,2020-2021第一学期第十周升旗仪式在学校操场举行。本周升旗仪式由7F班承担。7F班是一个团结向上的集体。

VBS News Net: The tenth week flag-raising assembly was held on 2nd November. It was undertaken by 7F, a bonded class.

升旗仪式由7F 班吕佳蔚、周子乔主持。

 Lyu Jiawei and Zhou Ziqiao co-hosted the assembly. 



Tang Zonglin and Li Yuanrui made the speech titled 'Do good deeds and do no evil deeds no matter how trivial they both are.





The speech was as follows:


Be good-hearted



In the Han dynasty, a great emperor , Liu Bei told his son : "Don't do any bad things no matter how insignificant it is, do every good thing though maybe there is not a great benefit to you”.  that is to say, we should try our best to do something good that we can even though it is not benefit to us. Do remember that many a little makes a muckle. The virtue of goodness is accumulated by many small good things. Big evil is also piled up by some bad things.

古人常云 “ 君子以厚德载物”,但厚德的培养也并非一蹴而就,他累积在我们平时的生活里,沉淀于我们日常的行为中,一个人的素质就是通过这一件件小事反映出来的。而身为学生的我们,更要从点滴的小事做起,规范言行,怀善德之心,积口德之善,树行德之美。

Our ancestors said 'Honorable men should treat the world with virtue,' this is not done in just one shot. As students, we should start from behaving ourselves, be mindful of our own words and deeds.


 Be virtuous in your words


Confucius once said, ''A man without manners won't have his place in society,'  China is a great country with a long history, which is regarded as comity. But in reality, we often hear people, even the friends around us blurt out some dirty words easily. What’s worse, they attack others and even hurt others’ feelings with these words. They didn’t notice their bad behaviours. An old saying goes: “A kind word is remembered for a long time, but an abusive word hurts the feelings at once. Dear classmates, Do remember not to do so. 



Establish the virtue of doing good things



A drop of water can refract the glory of the Sun, a good thing can be seen that a man of noble and pure heart. In fact, we can do everything that we can to make us be a polite, kind and brilliant person. For example, we can pick up garbage on the ground. Give the seat to the people who are in need. Help others in deed when they are in trouble. When someone is sad and upset, you can give them a piece of tissue to show that there are many good and kind people in the world. A small act makes a difference.


Dear classmates, Let’s start from small things, start from our own behaviour. Behave ourselves, be mindful of our words and deeds.





【国旗下的讲话】勿以善小而不为 勿以恶小而为之——VBS举办2020-2021第一学期第十周升旗仪式

发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2020-11-04

万双网讯  2020年11月2日,2020-2021第一学期第十周升旗仪式在学校操场举行。本周升旗仪式由7F班承担。7F班是一个团结向上的集体。

VBS News Net: The tenth week flag-raising assembly was held on 2nd November. It was undertaken by 7F, a bonded class.

升旗仪式由7F 班吕佳蔚、周子乔主持。

 Lyu Jiawei and Zhou Ziqiao co-hosted the assembly. 



Tang Zonglin and Li Yuanrui made the speech titled 'Do good deeds and do no evil deeds no matter how trivial they both are.





The speech was as follows:


Be good-hearted



In the Han dynasty, a great emperor , Liu Bei told his son : "Don't do any bad things no matter how insignificant it is, do every good thing though maybe there is not a great benefit to you”.  that is to say, we should try our best to do something good that we can even though it is not benefit to us. Do remember that many a little makes a muckle. The virtue of goodness is accumulated by many small good things. Big evil is also piled up by some bad things.

古人常云 “ 君子以厚德载物”,但厚德的培养也并非一蹴而就,他累积在我们平时的生活里,沉淀于我们日常的行为中,一个人的素质就是通过这一件件小事反映出来的。而身为学生的我们,更要从点滴的小事做起,规范言行,怀善德之心,积口德之善,树行德之美。

Our ancestors said 'Honorable men should treat the world with virtue,' this is not done in just one shot. As students, we should start from behaving ourselves, be mindful of our own words and deeds.


 Be virtuous in your words


Confucius once said, ''A man without manners won't have his place in society,'  China is a great country with a long history, which is regarded as comity. But in reality, we often hear people, even the friends around us blurt out some dirty words easily. What’s worse, they attack others and even hurt others’ feelings with these words. They didn’t notice their bad behaviours. An old saying goes: “A kind word is remembered for a long time, but an abusive word hurts the feelings at once. Dear classmates, Do remember not to do so. 



Establish the virtue of doing good things



A drop of water can refract the glory of the Sun, a good thing can be seen that a man of noble and pure heart. In fact, we can do everything that we can to make us be a polite, kind and brilliant person. For example, we can pick up garbage on the ground. Give the seat to the people who are in need. Help others in deed when they are in trouble. When someone is sad and upset, you can give them a piece of tissue to show that there are many good and kind people in the world. A small act makes a difference.


Dear classmates, Let’s start from small things, start from our own behaviour. Behave ourselves, be mindful of our words and deeds.







培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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