万双网讯 2020年10月19日,2020-2021第一学期第八周升旗仪式在学校操场举行。本周升旗仪式由2C班承担。
The eighth week flag-raising assembly was held on 19th October. It was undertaken by Class 2C.
Zhang Yuanzheng and ZHang Mengyao co-hosted the assembly with Yan Xi and Xiang Zheng made the speech titled 'cultivate reading culture in school to enjoy life'.
The speech was as follows:
Good morning!Dear teachers and students.
Books pass down knowledge across the world. There is nothing like books to be our sunshine in life.
Books can broaden your horizon, make you happy, enrich your knowledge and improve your thinking.
Some classmates say: “I have too much homework, and no time for reading.” Really? If you take a closer look, you will find that some students are reading, but you are chasing, some students are reading but you are playing, some students are reading but you are watching TV.
Do you really have no time for reading? Everyone has the same amount of time, but the difference lies on ways to spend them: if you make time for something, you will have more time.
读书,需要时间。时间在哪里?它就在我们每一个人的双手里。你一松手,它就从指间溜走了。 因此,读书需要只争朝夕。一早到校,可以读书;午间休息,可以读书;睡觉之前,可以读书。只争朝夕,就是在你茫然的时候,可以选择读书;只争朝夕,就是在你沮丧的时候,可以选择读书;只争朝夕,就是在你懒散的时候,可以选择读书;只争朝夕,在你还拥有梦想的时候,赶紧读书......
Reading takes time. Where has the time gone? It all comes to our decisions. Once you let it go, it slips through your fingers.
Dear classmates, let’s take more time to read. Do not mind how much you can read every day but keep on reading. It is a good habit - you will enjoy it.
VBS has founded the Academy of Teacher Professional Development and made the reading plan. Teachers also read books every day and accompany with our growth.
太阳每天都是新的,生活永远充满希望,现在就开始吧,把握每个瞬间,不要再犹豫!让我们和书籍交朋友吧,让书籍成为我们成长的基石,让书香溢满我们的童年! 谢谢大家!
The Sun is new each day. Life is always full of hope. Start now to make friends with books; allow them to support our growth; let’s have a wonderful reading childhood! Thank you!
万双网讯 2020年10月19日,2020-2021第一学期第八周升旗仪式在学校操场举行。本周升旗仪式由2C班承担。
The eighth week flag-raising assembly was held on 19th October. It was undertaken by Class 2C.
Zhang Yuanzheng and ZHang Mengyao co-hosted the assembly with Yan Xi and Xiang Zheng made the speech titled 'cultivate reading culture in school to enjoy life'.
The speech was as follows:
Good morning!Dear teachers and students.
Books pass down knowledge across the world. There is nothing like books to be our sunshine in life.
Books can broaden your horizon, make you happy, enrich your knowledge and improve your thinking.
Some classmates say: “I have too much homework, and no time for reading.” Really? If you take a closer look, you will find that some students are reading, but you are chasing, some students are reading but you are playing, some students are reading but you are watching TV.
Do you really have no time for reading? Everyone has the same amount of time, but the difference lies on ways to spend them: if you make time for something, you will have more time.
读书,需要时间。时间在哪里?它就在我们每一个人的双手里。你一松手,它就从指间溜走了。 因此,读书需要只争朝夕。一早到校,可以读书;午间休息,可以读书;睡觉之前,可以读书。只争朝夕,就是在你茫然的时候,可以选择读书;只争朝夕,就是在你沮丧的时候,可以选择读书;只争朝夕,就是在你懒散的时候,可以选择读书;只争朝夕,在你还拥有梦想的时候,赶紧读书......
Reading takes time. Where has the time gone? It all comes to our decisions. Once you let it go, it slips through your fingers.
Dear classmates, let’s take more time to read. Do not mind how much you can read every day but keep on reading. It is a good habit - you will enjoy it.
VBS has founded the Academy of Teacher Professional Development and made the reading plan. Teachers also read books every day and accompany with our growth.
太阳每天都是新的,生活永远充满希望,现在就开始吧,把握每个瞬间,不要再犹豫!让我们和书籍交朋友吧,让书籍成为我们成长的基石,让书香溢满我们的童年! 谢谢大家!
The Sun is new each day. Life is always full of hope. Start now to make friends with books; allow them to support our growth; let’s have a wonderful reading childhood! Thank you!
培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。
Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen
Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.
Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.
Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen
Contact: 0755-66866333
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