【科技节】科技点亮生活 绿色创行未来——VBS科技节为孩子们打开了一扇扇科技之窗_学生活动_万科双语学校
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【科技节】科技点亮生活 绿色创行未来——VBS科技节为孩子们打开了一扇扇科技之窗

发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2020-10-20





万双网讯  10月12日,600多件奇思妙想的科技小制作、异彩纷呈的废弃物时装以及一场声势浩大的科技制作大游行,拉开了万科双语学校第三届科技节的帷幕。本届科技节以“科技点亮生活,绿色创行未来”为主题,历时一周,活动包括:科技作品展、中广核大亚湾核电站模型展、科普讲座、E-talk 演讲、网红小实验、空气压力差测试、纸的受力测试、纸牌搭建、高阶数独团体赛……丰富多彩的节日活动为孩子们打开了一扇扇科技之窗,点燃了VBS学子科技创造的火花。

VBS News Net: The third VBS Science Fiesta began on 12th October with more than 600 scientific productions, fashion show using recycled items and the scientific production parade. This year the week-long Science Fiesta was titled 'Science & Technology enlightens our life and going green for the future' to include activities such as exhibitions on nuclear power plant, students' productions, lectures, E-talk, experiments and sudoku team tournaments. These activities gave students opportunities to launch their research and creation on science and technology. 


First Session - Opening Ceremony on fashion show and parade


The opening ceremony was held on 12th October on playground to host all students and teachers. Students made their own fashion show clothes by plastic bags, recycled papers, bottles. 



41 classes took turns to present their work on science and technology - samples, productions, posters to school leaders with their confidence and optimism. 



Second Session - Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant Exhibition to broaden horizons  



Staff from CGN Daya Bay Nuclear Plant came to VBS for a lecture with models of key components and VR experience for students to understand their mission - provide safe, clean and economic power as well as promoting patriotism, love for the nuclear power plant sector and the company.  


More than 600 students' productions were displayed at basketball courts for students to observe closely to improve their science literacy - manual skills, thinking, creativity and love for science.

活动三:万双E-talk ——每一个故事都是传奇

Third Session - VBS E-Talk, every story is a legend


VBS first E-talk session was held on 14th October at theatre. Everyone at school was eligible for signing up to become speakers. 11 people came on stage to share their thinking and exploration towards life, studies, technology and society - Mr. Cao Chenkang, Hu Xumo and Wu Yanhui from 5C, Ren Yibai and Luo Manting from 5D, Liu Ziyuan from 4C, Xie Feiyan from 4D, Luo Junxi from 3C, Guan Zirui from 3O, Wei Zeming from 2C and Yang Xiaoyu from 2O. They shared their life stories on their interests, passion and success on Chess, Rock Climbing, Drawing, Programming, TrailWalker and instruments. Their grit and optimism was inspiring. VBS E-Talk would be held regularly for everyone to speak. 



Fourth Session - Experiments 


Primary school classes were passionate about the activity of experiments on 15th October. Everyone took part in the experiments - flying candles, unwetted tissue papers, candles in the cups. Teachers carefully guided students to think on the science behind experiments as they completed each task. This session motivated students to explore science. 


Fifth Session - Team Tournament, teamwork wins


Team tournament was held on 16th October at playground and indoor basketball hall. Measurement of air pressure difference, measurement of force contest, research on structure and balance by poker cards, sudoku were played by Primary 1,2,3 and 4 、5 students respectively. They learned to work with peers to learn teamwork and science. 


The closing ceremony was held on 19th October. Principal Yang, Assistant Principal Ms. Zheng, Ms. Carmen Chen gave out certificates to classes. Principal Yang wished students to practise 'Science & Technology enlightens our life and going green for the future'  and work hard to be their personal best.


Innovation is the key to the unpredictable future. VBS students have demonstrated their innovative ability during the Science Fiesta. They gain knowledge, improve their science literacy and innovative spirits when getting to know going green more to support the establishment of 'Zero waste school' at VBS based on scientific innovation. 

文/图  燕子


Author/Photographer: Linda

Translated by DC Lai

【科技节】科技点亮生活 绿色创行未来——VBS科技节为孩子们打开了一扇扇科技之窗

发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2020-10-20





万双网讯  10月12日,600多件奇思妙想的科技小制作、异彩纷呈的废弃物时装以及一场声势浩大的科技制作大游行,拉开了万科双语学校第三届科技节的帷幕。本届科技节以“科技点亮生活,绿色创行未来”为主题,历时一周,活动包括:科技作品展、中广核大亚湾核电站模型展、科普讲座、E-talk 演讲、网红小实验、空气压力差测试、纸的受力测试、纸牌搭建、高阶数独团体赛……丰富多彩的节日活动为孩子们打开了一扇扇科技之窗,点燃了VBS学子科技创造的火花。

VBS News Net: The third VBS Science Fiesta began on 12th October with more than 600 scientific productions, fashion show using recycled items and the scientific production parade. This year the week-long Science Fiesta was titled 'Science & Technology enlightens our life and going green for the future' to include activities such as exhibitions on nuclear power plant, students' productions, lectures, E-talk, experiments and sudoku team tournaments. These activities gave students opportunities to launch their research and creation on science and technology. 


First Session - Opening Ceremony on fashion show and parade


The opening ceremony was held on 12th October on playground to host all students and teachers. Students made their own fashion show clothes by plastic bags, recycled papers, bottles. 



41 classes took turns to present their work on science and technology - samples, productions, posters to school leaders with their confidence and optimism. 



Second Session - Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant Exhibition to broaden horizons  



Staff from CGN Daya Bay Nuclear Plant came to VBS for a lecture with models of key components and VR experience for students to understand their mission - provide safe, clean and economic power as well as promoting patriotism, love for the nuclear power plant sector and the company.  


More than 600 students' productions were displayed at basketball courts for students to observe closely to improve their science literacy - manual skills, thinking, creativity and love for science.

活动三:万双E-talk ——每一个故事都是传奇

Third Session - VBS E-Talk, every story is a legend


VBS first E-talk session was held on 14th October at theatre. Everyone at school was eligible for signing up to become speakers. 11 people came on stage to share their thinking and exploration towards life, studies, technology and society - Mr. Cao Chenkang, Hu Xumo and Wu Yanhui from 5C, Ren Yibai and Luo Manting from 5D, Liu Ziyuan from 4C, Xie Feiyan from 4D, Luo Junxi from 3C, Guan Zirui from 3O, Wei Zeming from 2C and Yang Xiaoyu from 2O. They shared their life stories on their interests, passion and success on Chess, Rock Climbing, Drawing, Programming, TrailWalker and instruments. Their grit and optimism was inspiring. VBS E-Talk would be held regularly for everyone to speak. 



Fourth Session - Experiments 


Primary school classes were passionate about the activity of experiments on 15th October. Everyone took part in the experiments - flying candles, unwetted tissue papers, candles in the cups. Teachers carefully guided students to think on the science behind experiments as they completed each task. This session motivated students to explore science. 


Fifth Session - Team Tournament, teamwork wins


Team tournament was held on 16th October at playground and indoor basketball hall. Measurement of air pressure difference, measurement of force contest, research on structure and balance by poker cards, sudoku were played by Primary 1,2,3 and 4 、5 students respectively. They learned to work with peers to learn teamwork and science. 


The closing ceremony was held on 19th October. Principal Yang, Assistant Principal Ms. Zheng, Ms. Carmen Chen gave out certificates to classes. Principal Yang wished students to practise 'Science & Technology enlightens our life and going green for the future'  and work hard to be their personal best.


Innovation is the key to the unpredictable future. VBS students have demonstrated their innovative ability during the Science Fiesta. They gain knowledge, improve their science literacy and innovative spirits when getting to know going green more to support the establishment of 'Zero waste school' at VBS based on scientific innovation. 

文/图  燕子


Author/Photographer: Linda

Translated by DC Lai



培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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