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发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2020-10-15

万双网讯  “看,我的荷兰风车转起来啦!”10月12日上午,VBS历时4个课时的建筑课与人工智能课实现了跨学科融合,学生们顺利完成了首个跨学科融合作品《荷兰风车》的制作。五颜六色的纸风车,是孩子们心血的结晶。


VBS News Net: 'See, my Dutch windmill starts to rotate!' students completed the production of Dutch windmill after 4 periods of Architecture and AI on 12th October as the VBS achieved inter-disciplinary joint studies. The windmill by paper was students' hard work.




This inter-disciplinary trial class was co-taught by Architecture teacher Ms. Sun and AI teacher Mr. Peng. Tutored by teachers, more than 20 students from 4C began their exploration.



Before the classes began, teachers from Architecture and AI discussed on providing guidance on practice, improving experience and theme of the class, emphasising the fun, creativity, manual skills and teamwork. They also used Bloom Taxonomy to classify all questions and analyse guiding questions for students to think and learn so that their higher order thinking abilities (analyse, synthesise, evaluate and create) would be built up. Finally, students would self-evaluation and peer evaluation to synthesise information to reach their conclusions.




The first two periods was taught by Ms. Sun to research on the design and characteristics of Dutch windmills and to analyse their principles and effects so that paper models could be made. After the design and production, Mr. Peng explained the working principles of motors using graphical programmes such that students were able to understand how windmills rotate by themselves and install motors on their windmills.




Students from 4C showed their intense focus and passion during the process. They researched on working principles and decorations of windmills, ways to install motors to maintain stability of windmills. They used their artistic imagination and creativity to learn from mistakes before enjoying from their final work. As they completed the windmill, the joy of success and application of knowledge were all over their faces. They would like to take the windmills back home for their parents to observe.




Students improved their thinking, learned new knowledge across different domains - Art, AI, Architecture and presented a wonderful piece of work. This inter-disciplinary class has inspired their creativity, imagination and curiosity.





文/孙晓萌 彭平 燕子





发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2020-10-15

万双网讯  “看,我的荷兰风车转起来啦!”10月12日上午,VBS历时4个课时的建筑课与人工智能课实现了跨学科融合,学生们顺利完成了首个跨学科融合作品《荷兰风车》的制作。五颜六色的纸风车,是孩子们心血的结晶。


VBS News Net: 'See, my Dutch windmill starts to rotate!' students completed the production of Dutch windmill after 4 periods of Architecture and AI on 12th October as the VBS achieved inter-disciplinary joint studies. The windmill by paper was students' hard work.




This inter-disciplinary trial class was co-taught by Architecture teacher Ms. Sun and AI teacher Mr. Peng. Tutored by teachers, more than 20 students from 4C began their exploration.



Before the classes began, teachers from Architecture and AI discussed on providing guidance on practice, improving experience and theme of the class, emphasising the fun, creativity, manual skills and teamwork. They also used Bloom Taxonomy to classify all questions and analyse guiding questions for students to think and learn so that their higher order thinking abilities (analyse, synthesise, evaluate and create) would be built up. Finally, students would self-evaluation and peer evaluation to synthesise information to reach their conclusions.




The first two periods was taught by Ms. Sun to research on the design and characteristics of Dutch windmills and to analyse their principles and effects so that paper models could be made. After the design and production, Mr. Peng explained the working principles of motors using graphical programmes such that students were able to understand how windmills rotate by themselves and install motors on their windmills.




Students from 4C showed their intense focus and passion during the process. They researched on working principles and decorations of windmills, ways to install motors to maintain stability of windmills. They used their artistic imagination and creativity to learn from mistakes before enjoying from their final work. As they completed the windmill, the joy of success and application of knowledge were all over their faces. They would like to take the windmills back home for their parents to observe.




Students improved their thinking, learned new knowledge across different domains - Art, AI, Architecture and presented a wonderful piece of work. This inter-disciplinary class has inspired their creativity, imagination and curiosity.





文/孙晓萌 彭平 燕子






培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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