万双网讯 9月13日上午,由深圳市龙华区民政局主办,龙华区零废弃促进会承办的“可持续社区营造计划”公益活动在龙华春华四季园社区举办。万科双语学校郑世英校长助理、黄雅娟副主任、蒋雪莹老师、刘贺老师、谢冬梅老师、习俊老师等带领39名1-4年级的小学生参加了本次义卖献爱心活动。
VBS News Net: Hosted by Longhua Civil Affairs Bureau and organised by Longhua District Zero Waste Promotion Association, sustainable community plan was held at Season Garden on 13th September. Assistant Principal Ms. Zheng, Deputy Head of Development Centre Ms. Huang, Ms. Jiang, Ms. Liu, Ms. Xie and Ms. Xi led 39 Primary 1 to 4 students for this garage sale.
这天阳光明媚,VBS学子早早来到了摊位点开始布置 “义卖小商店”。现场摆满了形形色色的学习用品、小玩具、图书以及亲手创作的小工艺品和书画作品……孩子们热情高涨,有的忙着布置摊位,有的大声“吆喝”叫卖,有坐着安静拉手风琴的,有靠制作精美的招牌吸引客户的,有帮“顾客”扫码付款的……
VBS students arrived early to arrange their stores. Toys, stationeries, books, handicrafts and paintings were displayed on the booth. They were passionate to arrange the booth and promote their items by playing music, making flyers, assisting in payments and hawking.
Items were popular among residents - they all came over and selected a few items while sending their love.
Students overall received 728 RMB at the end of the sale. All the money would be donated to Shenzhen Association for families with persons with intellectual disabilities. Items were sold for a few RMB but it was the effort that students put mattered. The association drafted a letter of acknowledgement for the donation.
Students felt the importance of being grateful and caring and learned to communicate in such activities. VBS would strive to bring studies into real life by offering studies with significant values in life and nurturing their courage, confidence, inclusiveness, optimism and kindness in service learning activities.
“慈悲不是出于勉强,它是像甘露一样从天上降下尘世;它不但给幸福于受施的人,也同样给幸福于施与的人——莎士比亚” 。本次活动万双学子们用自身的言行去践行了何为奉献、如何感恩,也在帮助别人的同时体验到了幸福感。
The quality of mercy is not strained;
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest;
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes:
Students learned to be grateful and dedicated by their own actions while having the joy of helping others.
万小双们说 :
VBS students said:
I am a little bit shy so I want to gain courage
I want to express myself better by going out
I would like to donate all the money to other pupils who need this. I think they need my assistance.
刘贺老师说:“这次义卖活动你会得到帮助别人的那种快乐,你会成为积极向上, 乐观快乐,充满正能量的人!发现爱,点燃爱,传递爱!”
Ms. Liu said,' You will gain positive energy, optimism and the joy of helping someone from this event by sending the love you have in your heart.'
Parents said,' By organising such charity sales, the school will teach students how to care for others and their abilities. This is very meaningful.'
Dear students, it is brilliant to see you learning to care for others.
文/图 凯会
Author/Photographer: Judy
Editor: Linda
Translated by DC Lai
万双网讯 9月13日上午,由深圳市龙华区民政局主办,龙华区零废弃促进会承办的“可持续社区营造计划”公益活动在龙华春华四季园社区举办。万科双语学校郑世英校长助理、黄雅娟副主任、蒋雪莹老师、刘贺老师、谢冬梅老师、习俊老师等带领39名1-4年级的小学生参加了本次义卖献爱心活动。
VBS News Net: Hosted by Longhua Civil Affairs Bureau and organised by Longhua District Zero Waste Promotion Association, sustainable community plan was held at Season Garden on 13th September. Assistant Principal Ms. Zheng, Deputy Head of Development Centre Ms. Huang, Ms. Jiang, Ms. Liu, Ms. Xie and Ms. Xi led 39 Primary 1 to 4 students for this garage sale.
这天阳光明媚,VBS学子早早来到了摊位点开始布置 “义卖小商店”。现场摆满了形形色色的学习用品、小玩具、图书以及亲手创作的小工艺品和书画作品……孩子们热情高涨,有的忙着布置摊位,有的大声“吆喝”叫卖,有坐着安静拉手风琴的,有靠制作精美的招牌吸引客户的,有帮“顾客”扫码付款的……
VBS students arrived early to arrange their stores. Toys, stationeries, books, handicrafts and paintings were displayed on the booth. They were passionate to arrange the booth and promote their items by playing music, making flyers, assisting in payments and hawking.
Items were popular among residents - they all came over and selected a few items while sending their love.
Students overall received 728 RMB at the end of the sale. All the money would be donated to Shenzhen Association for families with persons with intellectual disabilities. Items were sold for a few RMB but it was the effort that students put mattered. The association drafted a letter of acknowledgement for the donation.
Students felt the importance of being grateful and caring and learned to communicate in such activities. VBS would strive to bring studies into real life by offering studies with significant values in life and nurturing their courage, confidence, inclusiveness, optimism and kindness in service learning activities.
“慈悲不是出于勉强,它是像甘露一样从天上降下尘世;它不但给幸福于受施的人,也同样给幸福于施与的人——莎士比亚” 。本次活动万双学子们用自身的言行去践行了何为奉献、如何感恩,也在帮助别人的同时体验到了幸福感。
The quality of mercy is not strained;
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest;
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes:
Students learned to be grateful and dedicated by their own actions while having the joy of helping others.
万小双们说 :
VBS students said:
I am a little bit shy so I want to gain courage
I want to express myself better by going out
I would like to donate all the money to other pupils who need this. I think they need my assistance.
刘贺老师说:“这次义卖活动你会得到帮助别人的那种快乐,你会成为积极向上, 乐观快乐,充满正能量的人!发现爱,点燃爱,传递爱!”
Ms. Liu said,' You will gain positive energy, optimism and the joy of helping someone from this event by sending the love you have in your heart.'
Parents said,' By organising such charity sales, the school will teach students how to care for others and their abilities. This is very meaningful.'
Dear students, it is brilliant to see you learning to care for others.
文/图 凯会
Author/Photographer: Judy
Editor: Linda
Translated by DC Lai
培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。
Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen
Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.
Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.
Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen
Contact: 0755-66866333
QR code of school website
QR code of school official account