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发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2020-07-04

万双网讯  为践行“让孩子站在未来中央”的办学理念,用线上线下结合的课程和基于互联网的学习方式努力为学生营造面向未来的学习环境,培养学生自主学习终身学习的意识,6月24日晚,万科双语学校在剧场召开由学生、家长、教师共同参与的圆桌会议。会议主题为《万科双语学校学生使用电子产品公约》研讨。

VBS News Net: VBS organised Round Table with parents, students and teachers on discussing the regulations of using electronic gadgets for VBS students on 24th June at theatre. This was to implement school philosophy 'Let our students experience the future' and to create a future-oriented atmosphere for students to learn online and offline lessons based on Internet setting as well as to develop their lifelong learning and independent studies skills.





During the implementation of online and offline study mode, students were confused about how to use electronic gadgets properly for their studies. Three grade 8 students approached Principal Yang about their confusions. Principal Yang decided to host a debate on this issue between parents and students based on equality and respect. Both parents and students made their claims - parents expected students to manage themselves in terms of using electronic gadgets whereas students expected more understanding and trust to perform independent studies and exploration. VBS decided to make regulations to resolve this dilemma after the debate.



At the theatre


Teachers, parents and students representative from 27 classes and other teachers came to the theatre to discuss the regulations. This Round Table was moderated by Ms. Wu Ping, and was available online via streaming.


会议现场,家长、学生、教师踊跃发言,分组讨论,气氛热烈。孩子们说:“家长也要遵守使用规则,超出规定时间要禁用。” 家长说:“希望不单单是简单的约束,更要让孩子知道如何合理使用电子产品。”老师说:“如果学生作业不认真,错误多,可以禁用。”……

During the meeting, students, teachers and parents discussed in groups. Students would like parents to follow the regulations too and put down their phones when reaching the time limit. Parents hoped the regulations enabled students to know proper use of electronic gadgets instead of simply restricting them. Teachers would suggest the ban of usage if students did not pay attention to their homework and make too many mistakes.



Principal Yang made the closing speech, 'In future, society is AI-centric. Electronic gadgets will be available in the work, study and our lives. Self-discipline is the pre-requisite of using them,' Principal Yang mentioned the story of Bill Gates' mother who purchased computers for her son using the money collected from garage sales to enable him to learn computers. Principal Yang told parents the advantages of broadening horizons and acknowledged for their contributions to students. She continued, 'We hope our students can experience the future and learn self-discipline, teachers can reflect how to improve students' studies through using electronic gadgets. We will develop students to follow what they have agreed on to use with restraint and improve their studies. VBS will respect the opinions of parents and students to make regulations for students' growth.'



Led by Principal Yang, class teachers and other teachers will complete and revise the regulations of using electronic gadgets for VBS students. Currently the regulations are modified to specify the instructions parents and school had to do when students were using gadgets at home. The final version would be made after another round of inquiries.





This Round Table has reflected the VBS atmosphere - democracy, equality and respect. Self-discipline and integrity is the stepping stone to success. The discussion process and release of regulations is significant in forming a culture of education and nurturing students' self-discipline, integrity and academic excellence. This is also another move done by VBS in its exploration towards a new style international education.




文/图 燕子



Author/Photographer: Linda

Formatting: Judy

Translated by DC Lai


发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2020-07-04

万双网讯  为践行“让孩子站在未来中央”的办学理念,用线上线下结合的课程和基于互联网的学习方式努力为学生营造面向未来的学习环境,培养学生自主学习终身学习的意识,6月24日晚,万科双语学校在剧场召开由学生、家长、教师共同参与的圆桌会议。会议主题为《万科双语学校学生使用电子产品公约》研讨。

VBS News Net: VBS organised Round Table with parents, students and teachers on discussing the regulations of using electronic gadgets for VBS students on 24th June at theatre. This was to implement school philosophy 'Let our students experience the future' and to create a future-oriented atmosphere for students to learn online and offline lessons based on Internet setting as well as to develop their lifelong learning and independent studies skills.





During the implementation of online and offline study mode, students were confused about how to use electronic gadgets properly for their studies. Three grade 8 students approached Principal Yang about their confusions. Principal Yang decided to host a debate on this issue between parents and students based on equality and respect. Both parents and students made their claims - parents expected students to manage themselves in terms of using electronic gadgets whereas students expected more understanding and trust to perform independent studies and exploration. VBS decided to make regulations to resolve this dilemma after the debate.



At the theatre


Teachers, parents and students representative from 27 classes and other teachers came to the theatre to discuss the regulations. This Round Table was moderated by Ms. Wu Ping, and was available online via streaming.


会议现场,家长、学生、教师踊跃发言,分组讨论,气氛热烈。孩子们说:“家长也要遵守使用规则,超出规定时间要禁用。” 家长说:“希望不单单是简单的约束,更要让孩子知道如何合理使用电子产品。”老师说:“如果学生作业不认真,错误多,可以禁用。”……

During the meeting, students, teachers and parents discussed in groups. Students would like parents to follow the regulations too and put down their phones when reaching the time limit. Parents hoped the regulations enabled students to know proper use of electronic gadgets instead of simply restricting them. Teachers would suggest the ban of usage if students did not pay attention to their homework and make too many mistakes.



Principal Yang made the closing speech, 'In future, society is AI-centric. Electronic gadgets will be available in the work, study and our lives. Self-discipline is the pre-requisite of using them,' Principal Yang mentioned the story of Bill Gates' mother who purchased computers for her son using the money collected from garage sales to enable him to learn computers. Principal Yang told parents the advantages of broadening horizons and acknowledged for their contributions to students. She continued, 'We hope our students can experience the future and learn self-discipline, teachers can reflect how to improve students' studies through using electronic gadgets. We will develop students to follow what they have agreed on to use with restraint and improve their studies. VBS will respect the opinions of parents and students to make regulations for students' growth.'



Led by Principal Yang, class teachers and other teachers will complete and revise the regulations of using electronic gadgets for VBS students. Currently the regulations are modified to specify the instructions parents and school had to do when students were using gadgets at home. The final version would be made after another round of inquiries.





This Round Table has reflected the VBS atmosphere - democracy, equality and respect. Self-discipline and integrity is the stepping stone to success. The discussion process and release of regulations is significant in forming a culture of education and nurturing students' self-discipline, integrity and academic excellence. This is also another move done by VBS in its exploration towards a new style international education.




文/图 燕子



Author/Photographer: Linda

Formatting: Judy

Translated by DC Lai



培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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