With the time flying, in here, we smile brightly, because we can achieve our original dream.
In here, we make efforts to chase our dream.
In here, we get ready for any new challenges at any moment.
万双网讯 “歌声,掌声,欢笑声,声声入耳;乐事,剧事,歌舞事,事事欢欣。” 流光四溢的舞台,精彩纷呈的演出,浓妆艳抹的演员,喜笑颜开的观众……2019年岁末的最后一天(12月31日下午2点),一场展示VBS文化和精神风貌的饕餮大餐惊艳亮相,2020年万科双语学校“预见未来”新年晚会在学校千人篮球馆隆重上演。1000余名学生、家长、教师共同参与了本次盛会。
VBS News Net: The 2020 VBS New Year Gala - Foresee the future was held on indoor basketball stadium on 31st December, the last day of the year. Over a thousand students, parents and teachers took part in this gala with great shows.
杨帆校长在新年贺词中说道 :“每种色彩都应该盛开,每个梦想都值得灌溉,每个孩子都应该被宠爱,他们是我们最好的未来。新的一年,让我们永葆家国情怀,用爱,铸造完美未来,让梦想在2020年开出最美的花!祝愿所有的朋友新年快乐!阖家幸福!好梦成真!”
Principal Yang gave an address for the new year, 'Students are the future in the best form possible. In the new year, let us build the impeccable future when remain patriotic. Wish everyone happy new year with their families. May your dreams come true! '
The gala had 29 performances which last nearly three hours with every student came on stage to deliver a variety show - Chinese orchestra, singing and dancing, Xiaopin, recital, ancient Chinese drama. Themed 'Foresee the future', the gala had three chapters - Foresee the initial dreams, Create on the way to dreams and Practise for the future.
The gala started with the Chinese orchestra 'Fenghuang Ancient Town' by 4D. Established just a year, students performed a traditional music using instruments Erhu, Yangqin, Guzheng, Pipa, Ruan, Bangdi, Qudi, Bawu and Cello.
The gala was co-hosted by Qi Ziyan, Zeng Tingxuan, Han Sutong, Zhou Kaiyuan, Huang Ziyuan and Peng Shilan.
第一篇章 遇见· 最初梦想
Chapter One - Foresee the initial dreams
2O gave a dance performance 春到福来.
1C presented a stage play 'First Grade'.
1I students became adorable and brave little soldiers with their dancing 小红星.
2V班的少儿街舞《Can't stop the feeling》重磅来袭!小天使们热情澎湃,动感十足,耀“舞”扬威(V),惊艳全场,尽情释放活力与激情。
2V were here to present their breakdance performance Can’t stop the feeling
1V performed a musical 仙梦童缘 to find out what a fairy who can help Xiaoxue satisfy her three wishes.
2D班表演的歌舞串烧《Christmas Gala》带来热烈的气氛,欢乐的圣诞歌曲节奏明快,热情洋溢,“圣诞老人们”动作幽默,憨态可掬,萌化人心,超级治愈。
2D were here to celebrate Christmas with us by decorating Christmas trees and singing songs in December with their programme 'Christmas Gala'.
7C turned themselves into dancers to bring us an extraordinary visual feast and their light show ‘the best stage’.
1D’s dance performance 花木兰 to remind us a great lady who joined the army for her dad.
7D brought to us a dance performance 我是一颗跳跳糖.
第二篇章 创造· 追梦路上
Chapter two - Create on the way to realise dreams
4C班的同学们以干净清澈的嗓音、饱满真挚的感情,深情合唱《A Million Dreams》,庄重深沉,震撼心灵,令人感动,荡气回肠。成长路上的VBS少年都是追梦人,追梦不易,要坚持到底!
4C gave us a chorus “A million dreams” to inspire us to go through darkness to find our dreams.
1E gave a “Chinese style” to show us what Chinese looked like.
1G performed “three character classic” stage show.
2G took us to review ancient silk road by their show.
2C presented the dance “the shining red stars” to bring up spirits.
"Young Chinese speaks" performed by 1F for the Chinese spirits and patriotism.
2E upheld our national flag and gave the dance “Great China”.
Talented dad and moms also joined the gala with singing and dancing “野狼disco” and “flying with dreams”.
第三篇章 践行·未来之约
Chapter Three - Practise for the future
2I provided a performance 'our future teenagers' to remind our development in the new era rely on our ambitious teenagers.be ready for the future.
3C班带来舞蹈《Try everything》,曲风动感活泼,舞蹈活力四射,VBS 少年勇于try everything,不怕失败,积极面对挑战,坚持不懈的努力,最终会实现自己的梦想。
3C’s song: try everything motivated us to work hard and realise our dreams.
2F班的同学们带来少儿模特走秀《It's me》,从容的步伐,精致的妆容,颇具大牌明星范儿。小模特们在舞台上大放异彩,透露着专业和自信,完美诠释着各自的特殊气质,尽情释放自己的魅力。
2F gave the catwalk show “it’s me” to demonstrate their confidence.
Class 7E and 7F were energic and friendly to perform the dancing battle 'Elegant and Fantasy'.
8D’s dance 'gathering at Southern Station' to shine at the stage.
3D班的孩子们阳光活泼,朝气蓬勃,伴随着魔幻的音乐节奏,表演现代舞《Dancing Party》,动感劲爆,活力无限,气势奔放。绚丽闪烁的灯光美轮美奂,酷炫耀眼的服饰色彩斑斓,给观众带来一场视觉盛宴。
The Dancing Party from Class 3D to show us the wonderful visual feast.
8C班的少男少女们爵士舞《Waiting for love》极具感染力,深情合唱+活力爵士,带来活泼欢快愉悦的气氛。在这激情飞扬的时刻,让我们一起舞蹈。生命的魅力在这里挥洒,青春的风采在这里绽放。
8C took the stage to perform Jazz dance in electronic music 'Waiting for love'.
文“舞”双全的家委们带来舞蹈《小城芒种时》,翩若惊鸿,婉若游龙,轻盈曼妙、飘逸柔美。“长鬓如云衣似雾,锦茵罗荐承轻步。” 娇俏的身段,婀娜的舞姿,惊艳全场,掌声和欢呼声经久不息。 多日的辛苦付出,只为这一刻的华彩绽放。家委们积极热情参与学校活动,与孩子们共度欢乐时光,也用才艺点亮了自己的生活。观众席中有人感叹:“没点才艺,都不好意思当VBS家长了!”
A wonderful performance was given by our parents' committee to celebrate the new year with students. it
Principal Yang led international teachers from VBS to sing the popular song '童年' to remind everyone the wonderful memories during their childhood.
VBS教师,才华横溢,文韬舞略,各有所长。教师组带来的舞蹈《Dear future love》由一组又飒又美的老师表演,青春焕发,风采动人,朝气蓬勃,燃爆舞台。
VBS teachers were all-rounders with different talents. They brought a dance 'Dear future love'.
The New Year Gala ended with a chrous 'I love you China'. Students again demonstrated tir patroitism.
Look back, VBS had many touching moments in 2019 which were worth taken into our memories.
Education in Arts is the core for aesthetics and the fundamental part of quality education. The aim is to develop students' characters holistically. It triggers their perception, understanding, imagination, creativity and emotional development. VBS offers students a chance to perform and be the star on the stage based on Arts Education to allow them to grow with fitness, confidence and elegance. The gala ended with poem recital 'I love you China' to build the firm foundation of patriotism on students.
Behind the scene
Teachers, students and parents put in enormous effort to make this gala possible. It proved that VBS had become the shelter for parents, teachers and students grow together.
Principal Yang to parents' committee, 'I had tears in my eyes when looking at students' performance. Their genuine smiles, confidence touches me the most. This is the result of hard work given by all of us. In this fast changing and anxiety-driven era, it is great for the students to have a school that offers them freedom to learn and grow. Thank you parents again for your understanding and support, thank you class teachers for your hard work, thank you members of Parent-Teacher Association for your dedications!'
Message from parents
A granny said, 'My grandson has never been on stage. I am expecting him right here as he is performing in the next show.'
Mother of Jiang Shangxi (2C):
这是我们和万双一起携手迎来的第二个新年,感恩遇见 感恩有我们的万双,我们每个家庭和万双一起慢慢成长,每一年都有满满的收获,每个孩子都因此快乐自信!
This is the second year we spend at VBS. We are grateful for having VBS and growing with the school. Every student is joyful and confident as they learn a lot every year.
Mother of Hu Qijun (1F):
Choosing to send my child to VBS is a key step for his life. As it turns out he is having fun in the school and learning, we as parents are also learning here. Thank you Principal Yang to educate students well, thank you teachers who are responsible and energetic, thank you VBS for your advanced school philosophy, and wish the school well in the new year!
Mother of Cai Zijian (2F):
Our performance did not pass in the first evaluation. Students were anxious about the second evaluation result after getting off the stage. They were excited about the pass and learned the honour as a group and the teamwork through this performance. Thank VBS and teachers for their work in working hard to nurture our students.
Mother of Xiong Molin (3C):
I am grateful for sending my child to professional educators like VBS. May we grow together in 2020
May every student
Eye on their future
Be patriotic
Have a bright life
Realise their dreams
and waste no precious times
The news on this gala would be broadcast on Star TV.
文: 燕子 李景萍
Author / Photographer: Linda and Catherine
Formatting: Judy
Translated by DC Lai
With the time flying, in here, we smile brightly, because we can achieve our original dream.
In here, we make efforts to chase our dream.
In here, we get ready for any new challenges at any moment.
万双网讯 “歌声,掌声,欢笑声,声声入耳;乐事,剧事,歌舞事,事事欢欣。” 流光四溢的舞台,精彩纷呈的演出,浓妆艳抹的演员,喜笑颜开的观众……2019年岁末的最后一天(12月31日下午2点),一场展示VBS文化和精神风貌的饕餮大餐惊艳亮相,2020年万科双语学校“预见未来”新年晚会在学校千人篮球馆隆重上演。1000余名学生、家长、教师共同参与了本次盛会。
VBS News Net: The 2020 VBS New Year Gala - Foresee the future was held on indoor basketball stadium on 31st December, the last day of the year. Over a thousand students, parents and teachers took part in this gala with great shows.
杨帆校长在新年贺词中说道 :“每种色彩都应该盛开,每个梦想都值得灌溉,每个孩子都应该被宠爱,他们是我们最好的未来。新的一年,让我们永葆家国情怀,用爱,铸造完美未来,让梦想在2020年开出最美的花!祝愿所有的朋友新年快乐!阖家幸福!好梦成真!”
Principal Yang gave an address for the new year, 'Students are the future in the best form possible. In the new year, let us build the impeccable future when remain patriotic. Wish everyone happy new year with their families. May your dreams come true! '
The gala had 29 performances which last nearly three hours with every student came on stage to deliver a variety show - Chinese orchestra, singing and dancing, Xiaopin, recital, ancient Chinese drama. Themed 'Foresee the future', the gala had three chapters - Foresee the initial dreams, Create on the way to dreams and Practise for the future.
The gala started with the Chinese orchestra 'Fenghuang Ancient Town' by 4D. Established just a year, students performed a traditional music using instruments Erhu, Yangqin, Guzheng, Pipa, Ruan, Bangdi, Qudi, Bawu and Cello.
The gala was co-hosted by Qi Ziyan, Zeng Tingxuan, Han Sutong, Zhou Kaiyuan, Huang Ziyuan and Peng Shilan.
第一篇章 遇见· 最初梦想
Chapter One - Foresee the initial dreams
2O gave a dance performance 春到福来.
1C presented a stage play 'First Grade'.
1I students became adorable and brave little soldiers with their dancing 小红星.
2V班的少儿街舞《Can't stop the feeling》重磅来袭!小天使们热情澎湃,动感十足,耀“舞”扬威(V),惊艳全场,尽情释放活力与激情。
2V were here to present their breakdance performance Can’t stop the feeling
1V performed a musical 仙梦童缘 to find out what a fairy who can help Xiaoxue satisfy her three wishes.
2D班表演的歌舞串烧《Christmas Gala》带来热烈的气氛,欢乐的圣诞歌曲节奏明快,热情洋溢,“圣诞老人们”动作幽默,憨态可掬,萌化人心,超级治愈。
2D were here to celebrate Christmas with us by decorating Christmas trees and singing songs in December with their programme 'Christmas Gala'.
7C turned themselves into dancers to bring us an extraordinary visual feast and their light show ‘the best stage’.
1D’s dance performance 花木兰 to remind us a great lady who joined the army for her dad.
7D brought to us a dance performance 我是一颗跳跳糖.
第二篇章 创造· 追梦路上
Chapter two - Create on the way to realise dreams
4C班的同学们以干净清澈的嗓音、饱满真挚的感情,深情合唱《A Million Dreams》,庄重深沉,震撼心灵,令人感动,荡气回肠。成长路上的VBS少年都是追梦人,追梦不易,要坚持到底!
4C gave us a chorus “A million dreams” to inspire us to go through darkness to find our dreams.
1E gave a “Chinese style” to show us what Chinese looked like.
1G performed “three character classic” stage show.
2G took us to review ancient silk road by their show.
2C presented the dance “the shining red stars” to bring up spirits.
"Young Chinese speaks" performed by 1F for the Chinese spirits and patriotism.
2E upheld our national flag and gave the dance “Great China”.
Talented dad and moms also joined the gala with singing and dancing “野狼disco” and “flying with dreams”.
第三篇章 践行·未来之约
Chapter Three - Practise for the future
2I provided a performance 'our future teenagers' to remind our development in the new era rely on our ambitious teenagers.be ready for the future.
3C班带来舞蹈《Try everything》,曲风动感活泼,舞蹈活力四射,VBS 少年勇于try everything,不怕失败,积极面对挑战,坚持不懈的努力,最终会实现自己的梦想。
3C’s song: try everything motivated us to work hard and realise our dreams.
2F班的同学们带来少儿模特走秀《It's me》,从容的步伐,精致的妆容,颇具大牌明星范儿。小模特们在舞台上大放异彩,透露着专业和自信,完美诠释着各自的特殊气质,尽情释放自己的魅力。
2F gave the catwalk show “it’s me” to demonstrate their confidence.
Class 7E and 7F were energic and friendly to perform the dancing battle 'Elegant and Fantasy'.
8D’s dance 'gathering at Southern Station' to shine at the stage.
3D班的孩子们阳光活泼,朝气蓬勃,伴随着魔幻的音乐节奏,表演现代舞《Dancing Party》,动感劲爆,活力无限,气势奔放。绚丽闪烁的灯光美轮美奂,酷炫耀眼的服饰色彩斑斓,给观众带来一场视觉盛宴。
The Dancing Party from Class 3D to show us the wonderful visual feast.
8C班的少男少女们爵士舞《Waiting for love》极具感染力,深情合唱+活力爵士,带来活泼欢快愉悦的气氛。在这激情飞扬的时刻,让我们一起舞蹈。生命的魅力在这里挥洒,青春的风采在这里绽放。
8C took the stage to perform Jazz dance in electronic music 'Waiting for love'.
文“舞”双全的家委们带来舞蹈《小城芒种时》,翩若惊鸿,婉若游龙,轻盈曼妙、飘逸柔美。“长鬓如云衣似雾,锦茵罗荐承轻步。” 娇俏的身段,婀娜的舞姿,惊艳全场,掌声和欢呼声经久不息。 多日的辛苦付出,只为这一刻的华彩绽放。家委们积极热情参与学校活动,与孩子们共度欢乐时光,也用才艺点亮了自己的生活。观众席中有人感叹:“没点才艺,都不好意思当VBS家长了!”
A wonderful performance was given by our parents' committee to celebrate the new year with students. it
Principal Yang led international teachers from VBS to sing the popular song '童年' to remind everyone the wonderful memories during their childhood.
VBS教师,才华横溢,文韬舞略,各有所长。教师组带来的舞蹈《Dear future love》由一组又飒又美的老师表演,青春焕发,风采动人,朝气蓬勃,燃爆舞台。
VBS teachers were all-rounders with different talents. They brought a dance 'Dear future love'.
The New Year Gala ended with a chrous 'I love you China'. Students again demonstrated tir patroitism.
Look back, VBS had many touching moments in 2019 which were worth taken into our memories.
Education in Arts is the core for aesthetics and the fundamental part of quality education. The aim is to develop students' characters holistically. It triggers their perception, understanding, imagination, creativity and emotional development. VBS offers students a chance to perform and be the star on the stage based on Arts Education to allow them to grow with fitness, confidence and elegance. The gala ended with poem recital 'I love you China' to build the firm foundation of patriotism on students.
Behind the scene
Teachers, students and parents put in enormous effort to make this gala possible. It proved that VBS had become the shelter for parents, teachers and students grow together.
Principal Yang to parents' committee, 'I had tears in my eyes when looking at students' performance. Their genuine smiles, confidence touches me the most. This is the result of hard work given by all of us. In this fast changing and anxiety-driven era, it is great for the students to have a school that offers them freedom to learn and grow. Thank you parents again for your understanding and support, thank you class teachers for your hard work, thank you members of Parent-Teacher Association for your dedications!'
Message from parents
A granny said, 'My grandson has never been on stage. I am expecting him right here as he is performing in the next show.'
Mother of Jiang Shangxi (2C):
这是我们和万双一起携手迎来的第二个新年,感恩遇见 感恩有我们的万双,我们每个家庭和万双一起慢慢成长,每一年都有满满的收获,每个孩子都因此快乐自信!
This is the second year we spend at VBS. We are grateful for having VBS and growing with the school. Every student is joyful and confident as they learn a lot every year.
Mother of Hu Qijun (1F):
Choosing to send my child to VBS is a key step for his life. As it turns out he is having fun in the school and learning, we as parents are also learning here. Thank you Principal Yang to educate students well, thank you teachers who are responsible and energetic, thank you VBS for your advanced school philosophy, and wish the school well in the new year!
Mother of Cai Zijian (2F):
Our performance did not pass in the first evaluation. Students were anxious about the second evaluation result after getting off the stage. They were excited about the pass and learned the honour as a group and the teamwork through this performance. Thank VBS and teachers for their work in working hard to nurture our students.
Mother of Xiong Molin (3C):
I am grateful for sending my child to professional educators like VBS. May we grow together in 2020
May every student
Eye on their future
Be patriotic
Have a bright life
Realise their dreams
and waste no precious times
The news on this gala would be broadcast on Star TV.
文: 燕子 李景萍
Author / Photographer: Linda and Catherine
Formatting: Judy
Translated by DC Lai
培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。
Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen
Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.
Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.
Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen
Contact: 0755-66866333
QR code of school website
QR code of school official account