【喜报】 VBS “诺亚方舟计划”喜获全国“2019年度最佳项目”二等奖_学生活动_万科双语学校
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【喜报】 VBS “诺亚方舟计划”喜获全国“2019年度最佳项目”二等奖

发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2019-12-20

万双网讯  12月12日至14日,在“第四届中国教育信息化STEM教育与项目式学习国际学术峰会暨2019 年度全国项目式学习最佳项目展评活动”中,万科双语学校13名学生在暑期参与设计的《2050诺亚方舟计划——海上漂浮日记》PBL项目获评“2019年度最佳项目”二等奖。


VBS News Net: 《2050诺亚方舟计划——海上漂浮日记》 designed by 13 VBS students were awarded the Project of the Year in the 4th China STEM Education and PBL International Academic Summit in collaboration with 2019 Annual PBL Exhibition from 12th to 14th December.



This summit was organised by 'China Education Info', Editing Department from 'Basic Education Review', China Education Info Maker Education Research Centre, Shenzhen Yantian Education Science Research Institute and Inter-disciplinary study pattern research from National Education Science '13th 5-year plan'. Over 400 experts and teachers all over the world took part in the summit.




As global warming caused the rise of sea level, the issue of environmental refugees aggravated. By 2050, there would be an estimated of 140 million such refugees were forced to abandon their home. This project was initiated to explore the possibilities of building a floating city to satisfy the needs of refugees to make a living. 




The following students participated in this project - Sun Keer, Ye Jialiang, Jiang Kaiwen, Xiao Runlin, Wang Peisen, Pu Zixi, Shen Yaozheng, Shang Ziyang, Zuo Lingfeng, Li Yuxuan, Li Siqi, Wei Yayi, Zhang Yue. The project was supervised by Ms Mary Zheng, Ms Li, Mr Zhang, Mr Wang and Ms Monna Sun.




VBS started Architecture class from Primary 1 and invited professional architects to present a lecture to students. The Architecture class realised integration among subjects and taught students to conduct research on real world problems and solve them. Students also improved their creativity, communication skills and teamwork. The success in this project was the result of their learning. 



During the academic summit, experts summed up the development of STEM education and PBL and explained in details on the latest ideas. VBS Teachers were enlightened by the summit and had a clearer understanding on STEM education and PBL.



Ms He said




I learned that PBL projects refered to the combination of sub-topics which reflected the subject integration based on real world issues. The project on fish lamp dancing was fantastic as it utilised mathematical measuring, editing pictures and painting to produce final lamp models. The story on the dancing was performed by shadow to describe different species trying to survive in the sea which was very inspiring.



Ms Hu said


早上的主旨报告分别来自巴克学院的Micki Evans和上海教科院的夏雪梅博士。两位从很宏观的角度探讨什么是PBL,以及如何设计PBL项目。我主要有下面三点思考。第一,驱动性问题是关键,教师通过各种方式引导学生自己产生问题,激发学生研究的兴趣;第二,最后的成果最好要与真实生活产生联结,学校、社区、城市真实的“买主”的关注更能激励学生;第三,反思不可缺少,而且要贯穿整个项目学习的过程中。


The report presented by Micki Evans from Bark College and Dr Xia from Shanghai Education Science Research Institute explained what PBL was and how to design projects from a broad perspective. I think the interest arousal is the key - teachers have to let students generate questions by themselves, such that they have the motivation to explore. The result must be related to the real world as the school, community and city can attract students’ attention to deliver the final project. Finally reflection is necessary throughout the process.



Mr Cao said




I had 12 sharings from all over the country to see how they spotted the true issues, made plans, analysed issues and solved the problem using solutions which integrated different subjects. Applying the project into real life was the key to understand PBL. All projects presenting today was taken by students who were able to make progress by their own should we allow them to.



Ms Li




Students were the subject in PBL, teachers set the scope for them to raise questions, provide means to solve them and evaluate in time when setting up opportunities for them present. PBL was about posing questions to motivate students to develop their skills in collecting information, communication, teamwork and problem-solving. 





组稿:郑世英  李思琪

Editor: Linda

Formatting: Judy

Translated by DC Lai

Written by Ms Mary Zheng and Ms Suki Li

【喜报】 VBS “诺亚方舟计划”喜获全国“2019年度最佳项目”二等奖

发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2019-12-20

万双网讯  12月12日至14日,在“第四届中国教育信息化STEM教育与项目式学习国际学术峰会暨2019 年度全国项目式学习最佳项目展评活动”中,万科双语学校13名学生在暑期参与设计的《2050诺亚方舟计划——海上漂浮日记》PBL项目获评“2019年度最佳项目”二等奖。


VBS News Net: 《2050诺亚方舟计划——海上漂浮日记》 designed by 13 VBS students were awarded the Project of the Year in the 4th China STEM Education and PBL International Academic Summit in collaboration with 2019 Annual PBL Exhibition from 12th to 14th December.



This summit was organised by 'China Education Info', Editing Department from 'Basic Education Review', China Education Info Maker Education Research Centre, Shenzhen Yantian Education Science Research Institute and Inter-disciplinary study pattern research from National Education Science '13th 5-year plan'. Over 400 experts and teachers all over the world took part in the summit.




As global warming caused the rise of sea level, the issue of environmental refugees aggravated. By 2050, there would be an estimated of 140 million such refugees were forced to abandon their home. This project was initiated to explore the possibilities of building a floating city to satisfy the needs of refugees to make a living. 




The following students participated in this project - Sun Keer, Ye Jialiang, Jiang Kaiwen, Xiao Runlin, Wang Peisen, Pu Zixi, Shen Yaozheng, Shang Ziyang, Zuo Lingfeng, Li Yuxuan, Li Siqi, Wei Yayi, Zhang Yue. The project was supervised by Ms Mary Zheng, Ms Li, Mr Zhang, Mr Wang and Ms Monna Sun.




VBS started Architecture class from Primary 1 and invited professional architects to present a lecture to students. The Architecture class realised integration among subjects and taught students to conduct research on real world problems and solve them. Students also improved their creativity, communication skills and teamwork. The success in this project was the result of their learning. 



During the academic summit, experts summed up the development of STEM education and PBL and explained in details on the latest ideas. VBS Teachers were enlightened by the summit and had a clearer understanding on STEM education and PBL.



Ms He said




I learned that PBL projects refered to the combination of sub-topics which reflected the subject integration based on real world issues. The project on fish lamp dancing was fantastic as it utilised mathematical measuring, editing pictures and painting to produce final lamp models. The story on the dancing was performed by shadow to describe different species trying to survive in the sea which was very inspiring.



Ms Hu said


早上的主旨报告分别来自巴克学院的Micki Evans和上海教科院的夏雪梅博士。两位从很宏观的角度探讨什么是PBL,以及如何设计PBL项目。我主要有下面三点思考。第一,驱动性问题是关键,教师通过各种方式引导学生自己产生问题,激发学生研究的兴趣;第二,最后的成果最好要与真实生活产生联结,学校、社区、城市真实的“买主”的关注更能激励学生;第三,反思不可缺少,而且要贯穿整个项目学习的过程中。


The report presented by Micki Evans from Bark College and Dr Xia from Shanghai Education Science Research Institute explained what PBL was and how to design projects from a broad perspective. I think the interest arousal is the key - teachers have to let students generate questions by themselves, such that they have the motivation to explore. The result must be related to the real world as the school, community and city can attract students’ attention to deliver the final project. Finally reflection is necessary throughout the process.



Mr Cao said




I had 12 sharings from all over the country to see how they spotted the true issues, made plans, analysed issues and solved the problem using solutions which integrated different subjects. Applying the project into real life was the key to understand PBL. All projects presenting today was taken by students who were able to make progress by their own should we allow them to.



Ms Li




Students were the subject in PBL, teachers set the scope for them to raise questions, provide means to solve them and evaluate in time when setting up opportunities for them present. PBL was about posing questions to motivate students to develop their skills in collecting information, communication, teamwork and problem-solving. 





组稿:郑世英  李思琪

Editor: Linda

Formatting: Judy

Translated by DC Lai

Written by Ms Mary Zheng and Ms Suki Li



培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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