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发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2019-12-04



万双网讯  教育不仅仅在学校和家庭,也要走出去,去广阔的天地,实地体验学长学姐们的生活,在活动中感受与成长。2019年11月24日,万科双语学校7F班集体前往“盛产全球顶级亿万富豪”的深圳大学参观学习,见识“大学校友总财富位居第一”大学的真实风貌。


VBS News Net: Education is not just learning in school and in families, it is also about having excursions to get first-hand experience on the lives of seniors. 7F visited Shenzhen University where its alumnus had topped in the asset ranking among universities on 24th November.




Students arrived at the main gate of SZU at 10am to take a group photo before visiting sculptures and main buildings to know the university better - including the western library, Chinese teaching complex and the unique stone sculptures.



After the short visit, they arrived at the canteen before exploring at the archives house. 




The unique archives house had a huge QR code at the back as the landmark of the university. Inside the house, it had the sculpture of an engineer expert Professor Zhang Wei whom caught students' attention. Students took photos with it as they shared their thoughts on this building and expected some day in the future they could design a gorgeous building similar to this one.



Han Sutong became the host at this session as he explained the stories behind this 11-tonne stone which was situated at the field between staff zone and Wenshan Lake. It contained the memories of development of the city and the university by witnessing students' love to the university.




According to the written history, in 1st April 1986 by lunar calendar, staff and students moved the stone from the beach and put it at the piazza before the Yuehai Gate guest house (the current canteen at Wenshan Lake). After being sculptured by five organisations including SZU Arts Centre, it became a scenery with inscription by calligrapher Guo Xiuyuan.




'Soundlessness' was inscribed at the back of the stone, suggested by artist Mr Li Ruisheng. It witnessed the history and different bunches of students came and went, only the memories stayed. It was the same for people.




The introduction on various architecture enticed students whom consulted with teachers often. They divided into groups to discuss with notebooks, some of them might argue to reach a consensus. Communication and cooperation had been a habit for VBS students whom had done independent studies and learning.



In the playground of SZU, students played the puzzle game and learned something new about teamwork.




On the way back, students were excited to exchange ideas and feelings. Parents Committee and staff took care of the students well.


在深圳大学这样纯粹简单的环境里,同学们更加领会到学习与成长的内涵,创造性思维在活动中得到提升,每位孩子身上都闪耀着梦想的光芒。他们的好奇与期待让平凡的生活熠熠生辉。 成长过程中不仅是笑容,也有深刻的思考,VBS同学和家长正日益清晰地感受着对方的改变.....


Students got to know what was behind learning and growth at SZU, they also improved their creative thinking as they had their own dreams to realise. The curiosity and anticipation lit up their lives. In the process of growing up, students also had deep contemplation along with smiles as they experienced each other's changes with parents day by day.


文/图  7F班  颜琨霖爸爸颜瑜





Author / Photographer: Mr Yan Yu, parent of Yan Kunlin 7F

Teacher in charge: Jin

Editor: Linda

Formatting: Judy

Translated by DC Lai


发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2019-12-04



万双网讯  教育不仅仅在学校和家庭,也要走出去,去广阔的天地,实地体验学长学姐们的生活,在活动中感受与成长。2019年11月24日,万科双语学校7F班集体前往“盛产全球顶级亿万富豪”的深圳大学参观学习,见识“大学校友总财富位居第一”大学的真实风貌。


VBS News Net: Education is not just learning in school and in families, it is also about having excursions to get first-hand experience on the lives of seniors. 7F visited Shenzhen University where its alumnus had topped in the asset ranking among universities on 24th November.




Students arrived at the main gate of SZU at 10am to take a group photo before visiting sculptures and main buildings to know the university better - including the western library, Chinese teaching complex and the unique stone sculptures.



After the short visit, they arrived at the canteen before exploring at the archives house. 




The unique archives house had a huge QR code at the back as the landmark of the university. Inside the house, it had the sculpture of an engineer expert Professor Zhang Wei whom caught students' attention. Students took photos with it as they shared their thoughts on this building and expected some day in the future they could design a gorgeous building similar to this one.



Han Sutong became the host at this session as he explained the stories behind this 11-tonne stone which was situated at the field between staff zone and Wenshan Lake. It contained the memories of development of the city and the university by witnessing students' love to the university.




According to the written history, in 1st April 1986 by lunar calendar, staff and students moved the stone from the beach and put it at the piazza before the Yuehai Gate guest house (the current canteen at Wenshan Lake). After being sculptured by five organisations including SZU Arts Centre, it became a scenery with inscription by calligrapher Guo Xiuyuan.




'Soundlessness' was inscribed at the back of the stone, suggested by artist Mr Li Ruisheng. It witnessed the history and different bunches of students came and went, only the memories stayed. It was the same for people.




The introduction on various architecture enticed students whom consulted with teachers often. They divided into groups to discuss with notebooks, some of them might argue to reach a consensus. Communication and cooperation had been a habit for VBS students whom had done independent studies and learning.



In the playground of SZU, students played the puzzle game and learned something new about teamwork.




On the way back, students were excited to exchange ideas and feelings. Parents Committee and staff took care of the students well.


在深圳大学这样纯粹简单的环境里,同学们更加领会到学习与成长的内涵,创造性思维在活动中得到提升,每位孩子身上都闪耀着梦想的光芒。他们的好奇与期待让平凡的生活熠熠生辉。 成长过程中不仅是笑容,也有深刻的思考,VBS同学和家长正日益清晰地感受着对方的改变.....


Students got to know what was behind learning and growth at SZU, they also improved their creative thinking as they had their own dreams to realise. The curiosity and anticipation lit up their lives. In the process of growing up, students also had deep contemplation along with smiles as they experienced each other's changes with parents day by day.


文/图  7F班  颜琨霖爸爸颜瑜





Author / Photographer: Mr Yan Yu, parent of Yan Kunlin 7F

Teacher in charge: Jin

Editor: Linda

Formatting: Judy

Translated by DC Lai



培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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QR code of school official account

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