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发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2019-11-22

万双网讯  “为什么直升机可以飞?”“直升机里面是什么样子的?” 11月9日、16日,阳光明媚,万科双语学校小学部的同学带着对蓝天的好奇和向往,来到了南头直升机场,与带领人类翱翔于天际的直升机来了一次亲密接触,开启了VBS本学期首次大型校外社会实践活动。


VBS News Net: ‘Why can a helicopter fly?’, ‘what does helicopter look like inside?’ VBS Primary School students visited Nantou Heliport to have a closer look on the helicopters during the sunny weekends. This initiated their first practical activities outside the school this semester.




This activity was solely for all Primary school students and they visited the heliport in different batches during the weekends. Each student received a task card to write down doubt about helicopters. With curiosity, students had many thoughts about helicopters in their eyes on their way to the heliport.


到达目的地后,孩子们先观看了关于直升机原理介绍的科普短片,了解了一些理论知识后就迫不及待地去欣赏真实可感的直升机。这种零距离的触摸对孩子们来说还是第一次, “我好喜欢呀”、“太壮观了”……各种赞叹声不绝于耳。机长叔叔一边讲解一边回答孩子们心中的小疑问,更精彩的是孩子们观看到了直升飞机起飞和降落的过程,场面令人震撼!在问题得到解答后,孩子们拿出“VBS社会实践活动任务卡”,记录下自己的收获,画下今日结识的大朋友——直升机的模样。机场的工作人员对孩子们的观察力和想象力点赞,这就是VBS社会实践活动最好的打开方式。


After they had arrived, students watched the video clip on the introduction on the working principles of helicopters and were fascinated by actual helicopters as they moved on to the field. Since it was the first time for students to observe helicopters onsite, they were in awe, 'This is huge...I love it!', the captain answered all the questions raised by students while explaining the helicopter. The take off and landing of helicopters were astounding and students all took out their task cards to record down what they saw and how they felt after getting answers for their questions. They also drew the helicopter on the card. Staff at heliport were impressed by the observation and imagination of students, as this was the best way to start the VBS practical activities.



After their visit, students communicated with one another to share their views today.




VBS actively provided many opportunities for students to learn by experience which had life values. This broadened students' horizons and expanded their interest to explore the unknowns. Humans utilised science and technology to reach the sky, VBS students would exploit them too to realise their own hopes and dreams.


文:左阳子  刘贺




Author:zuo yangzi   liu he 

Editor: Linda

Formatting: Judy

Translated by DC Lai


发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2019-11-22

万双网讯  “为什么直升机可以飞?”“直升机里面是什么样子的?” 11月9日、16日,阳光明媚,万科双语学校小学部的同学带着对蓝天的好奇和向往,来到了南头直升机场,与带领人类翱翔于天际的直升机来了一次亲密接触,开启了VBS本学期首次大型校外社会实践活动。


VBS News Net: ‘Why can a helicopter fly?’, ‘what does helicopter look like inside?’ VBS Primary School students visited Nantou Heliport to have a closer look on the helicopters during the sunny weekends. This initiated their first practical activities outside the school this semester.




This activity was solely for all Primary school students and they visited the heliport in different batches during the weekends. Each student received a task card to write down doubt about helicopters. With curiosity, students had many thoughts about helicopters in their eyes on their way to the heliport.


到达目的地后,孩子们先观看了关于直升机原理介绍的科普短片,了解了一些理论知识后就迫不及待地去欣赏真实可感的直升机。这种零距离的触摸对孩子们来说还是第一次, “我好喜欢呀”、“太壮观了”……各种赞叹声不绝于耳。机长叔叔一边讲解一边回答孩子们心中的小疑问,更精彩的是孩子们观看到了直升飞机起飞和降落的过程,场面令人震撼!在问题得到解答后,孩子们拿出“VBS社会实践活动任务卡”,记录下自己的收获,画下今日结识的大朋友——直升机的模样。机场的工作人员对孩子们的观察力和想象力点赞,这就是VBS社会实践活动最好的打开方式。


After they had arrived, students watched the video clip on the introduction on the working principles of helicopters and were fascinated by actual helicopters as they moved on to the field. Since it was the first time for students to observe helicopters onsite, they were in awe, 'This is huge...I love it!', the captain answered all the questions raised by students while explaining the helicopter. The take off and landing of helicopters were astounding and students all took out their task cards to record down what they saw and how they felt after getting answers for their questions. They also drew the helicopter on the card. Staff at heliport were impressed by the observation and imagination of students, as this was the best way to start the VBS practical activities.



After their visit, students communicated with one another to share their views today.




VBS actively provided many opportunities for students to learn by experience which had life values. This broadened students' horizons and expanded their interest to explore the unknowns. Humans utilised science and technology to reach the sky, VBS students would exploit them too to realise their own hopes and dreams.


文:左阳子  刘贺




Author:zuo yangzi   liu he 

Editor: Linda

Formatting: Judy

Translated by DC Lai



培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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