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发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2019-10-18

万双网讯    “为着理想勇敢前进,我们是共产主义接班人。”10月16日下午,嘹亮的少年先锋队队歌在万科双语学校操场响起,2019-2020学年第一学期少先队员入队仪式在这里隆重举行。


VBS News Net: VBS new members enlistment of Young Pioneers was held in the afternoon of 16th October as the anthem of Young Pioneers were sung by students.




Principal Ms Cara Yang annouced the decision to set up new 12 companies for classes in both Primary One and Secondary One and to appoint 12 teachers as their respective counsellors. Principal Yang presented certificates of appointment to each teacher, for them to educate members of Young Pioneers on values education such as socialist core values and personal growth.




Head of Development Centre, Ms Zheng Shiying presented the company flag to each company.

大队辅导员孙晓萌老师宣布了新队员名单。1949年10 月13日是中国少年先锋队建队日。她说:“在这阳光灿烂的十月,我们迎来了中国少年先锋队建队70周年纪念日。今天,在这个隆重的仪式上,我校又有208名同学光荣地加入了中国少年先锋队,为我们的组织增添了新鲜的血液。在这里,我代表所有辅导员老师向你们表示衷心祝贺!愿你们胸前的红领巾能时刻激励你们取得一个又一个进步。希望老队员继续发扬互帮互助、共同进步的作风,帮助新队员不断迈向新的进步。”


Ms Monna Sun announced the names of new members. 'Young Pioneers of China was established on 13th October 1949,' she said, 'this year also marks the 70th anniversary of Young Pioneers. Today we have 208 students who will be new blood for our Young Pioneers group at VBS. I congratulate all of you and sincerely hope the red scarf in front of your chest give you motivations to make progress. Current members please keep up the good work and help your new peers for their progress.



Ms Sun represented the VBS battalion to send proposals on members' behaviour for everyone to follow:










a) stand to attention, sing the national anthem and salute the flag when it is raised or lowered.

b) be mannered in both actions and words.

c) learn to care and help others.

d) study hard independently and care for the class.

e) maintain the hygenie and cleanness, do not litter.

f) respect teachers and parents, listen to their wise words.

g) take care of public facilities, stop any vandalism that occurs.

h) respect the elderly and care for other children, be proactive in participating public welfare activities.






Current members put on the red scarves for new members. All members took the oath solemnly. 







Qi Runge from 4D delivered a speech on behalf of current members.



Dear teachers and fellow students,



Good afternoon, I am Qi Runge from 4D. It is truly an honour to speak on behalf of the current members.




Primary Ones, today is the day when you join Young Pioneers, that you are all anticipating, I believe.




It was my turn three years ago, same as you guys, that my senior put on the red scarf for me personally in the afternoon during autumn. I felt really proud at that moment as red scarf is in front of my chest and I was officially a member of Young Pioneers. I told myself, I ought to deserve what it takes to wear the red scarf.




I realise that wearing the red scarf is more than an honour, but also a sense of responsibility. I must set myself to the higher standard. I have to make consistent progress and actively participate in all activities at school. I am patriotic, well-mannered and willing to help others. I have taken part in the municipal martyrs memorial organised by our school in light of celebrating 70th anniversary of our motherland, which makes me love our motherland more and commemorate the martyrs.




After becoming a member of Young Pioneers, I have gradually overcome our weaknesses and been more courageous. I still remember my experience in Sports Day in Primary Three when I've signed up for 100 metres race, despite being not very good at sports. My class teacher encouraged me to challenge myself and be a all rounder. I have been training for two weeks before the race and I use all my strengths as soon as I hear the fire of starting gun. This has been a memorable breakthrough as a member of Young Pioneers.




Both parents and teachers have told me to be well-mannered once you join Young Pioneers. Every little detail reflects my manner. I greet Principal and teachers sincerely. I queue up in public and follow the rules, offer helping hands to others whenever necessary. Respecting rules and learning to care for others are the qualities which I remind myself of ever since I have joined the Young Pioneers.




Having said that, I still have rooms for improvement in terms of. But I know, once I put on the red scarf, I need to behave like a role model as Young Pioneers.



Least but not least, I must thank teachers who have done so much in helping us to grow. New members, I hope you can improve yourselves and be role models as well.  




This has been a serious values education on patriotism and taught students a sense of responsibility and duty. VBS students will remember this memory by heart.





图:燕子  小记者:叶嘉良(8D班)



Author: Monna

Editor: Linda

Photographer: Linda

Student Journalist: Ye Jialiang, 8D

Formatting: Judy

Translated by DC Lai


发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2019-10-18

万双网讯    “为着理想勇敢前进,我们是共产主义接班人。”10月16日下午,嘹亮的少年先锋队队歌在万科双语学校操场响起,2019-2020学年第一学期少先队员入队仪式在这里隆重举行。


VBS News Net: VBS new members enlistment of Young Pioneers was held in the afternoon of 16th October as the anthem of Young Pioneers were sung by students.




Principal Ms Cara Yang annouced the decision to set up new 12 companies for classes in both Primary One and Secondary One and to appoint 12 teachers as their respective counsellors. Principal Yang presented certificates of appointment to each teacher, for them to educate members of Young Pioneers on values education such as socialist core values and personal growth.




Head of Development Centre, Ms Zheng Shiying presented the company flag to each company.

大队辅导员孙晓萌老师宣布了新队员名单。1949年10 月13日是中国少年先锋队建队日。她说:“在这阳光灿烂的十月,我们迎来了中国少年先锋队建队70周年纪念日。今天,在这个隆重的仪式上,我校又有208名同学光荣地加入了中国少年先锋队,为我们的组织增添了新鲜的血液。在这里,我代表所有辅导员老师向你们表示衷心祝贺!愿你们胸前的红领巾能时刻激励你们取得一个又一个进步。希望老队员继续发扬互帮互助、共同进步的作风,帮助新队员不断迈向新的进步。”


Ms Monna Sun announced the names of new members. 'Young Pioneers of China was established on 13th October 1949,' she said, 'this year also marks the 70th anniversary of Young Pioneers. Today we have 208 students who will be new blood for our Young Pioneers group at VBS. I congratulate all of you and sincerely hope the red scarf in front of your chest give you motivations to make progress. Current members please keep up the good work and help your new peers for their progress.



Ms Sun represented the VBS battalion to send proposals on members' behaviour for everyone to follow:










a) stand to attention, sing the national anthem and salute the flag when it is raised or lowered.

b) be mannered in both actions and words.

c) learn to care and help others.

d) study hard independently and care for the class.

e) maintain the hygenie and cleanness, do not litter.

f) respect teachers and parents, listen to their wise words.

g) take care of public facilities, stop any vandalism that occurs.

h) respect the elderly and care for other children, be proactive in participating public welfare activities.






Current members put on the red scarves for new members. All members took the oath solemnly. 







Qi Runge from 4D delivered a speech on behalf of current members.



Dear teachers and fellow students,



Good afternoon, I am Qi Runge from 4D. It is truly an honour to speak on behalf of the current members.




Primary Ones, today is the day when you join Young Pioneers, that you are all anticipating, I believe.




It was my turn three years ago, same as you guys, that my senior put on the red scarf for me personally in the afternoon during autumn. I felt really proud at that moment as red scarf is in front of my chest and I was officially a member of Young Pioneers. I told myself, I ought to deserve what it takes to wear the red scarf.




I realise that wearing the red scarf is more than an honour, but also a sense of responsibility. I must set myself to the higher standard. I have to make consistent progress and actively participate in all activities at school. I am patriotic, well-mannered and willing to help others. I have taken part in the municipal martyrs memorial organised by our school in light of celebrating 70th anniversary of our motherland, which makes me love our motherland more and commemorate the martyrs.




After becoming a member of Young Pioneers, I have gradually overcome our weaknesses and been more courageous. I still remember my experience in Sports Day in Primary Three when I've signed up for 100 metres race, despite being not very good at sports. My class teacher encouraged me to challenge myself and be a all rounder. I have been training for two weeks before the race and I use all my strengths as soon as I hear the fire of starting gun. This has been a memorable breakthrough as a member of Young Pioneers.




Both parents and teachers have told me to be well-mannered once you join Young Pioneers. Every little detail reflects my manner. I greet Principal and teachers sincerely. I queue up in public and follow the rules, offer helping hands to others whenever necessary. Respecting rules and learning to care for others are the qualities which I remind myself of ever since I have joined the Young Pioneers.




Having said that, I still have rooms for improvement in terms of. But I know, once I put on the red scarf, I need to behave like a role model as Young Pioneers.



Least but not least, I must thank teachers who have done so much in helping us to grow. New members, I hope you can improve yourselves and be role models as well.  




This has been a serious values education on patriotism and taught students a sense of responsibility and duty. VBS students will remember this memory by heart.





图:燕子  小记者:叶嘉良(8D班)



Author: Monna

Editor: Linda

Photographer: Linda

Student Journalist: Ye Jialiang, 8D

Formatting: Judy

Translated by DC Lai



培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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