【文明礼仪】胸怀壮阔 不负此生——VBS“规则与审美”主题教育活动成功举行_学生活动_万科双语学校
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【文明礼仪】胸怀壮阔 不负此生——VBS“规则与审美”主题教育活动成功举行

发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2019-10-14




万双网讯  “有的人20岁已经死了,有的人70岁还在探索生命的可能,我希望VBS的少年用你们的严谨自律,青春之美、自信之美、才华之美点亮我们的校园,影响他人点亮他人感染他人,成为中国崛起的参与者、建设者,承担大国青年该有的责任与担当!”10月10日下午,发展中心魏言如副主任为全体初中学生做了“规则与审美”主题报告。


VBS News Net: Ms Wei Yanru, Vice-head of Development Centre delivered a lecture on aesthetics and following in the afternoon of 10th October, 'some may have terminated their spirits at 20s, but others are still exploring possibilities in their lives at 70s, I hope all of you could, as VBS students, to exercise self-discipline, to demonstrate the beauty of teenagers, confidence and talents to the school and to positively influence others. Moreover, to bear the responsibility and commitment of the youth from a great nation and play a key role towards the rise of China.'




Ms Wei went through the Regulations of primary and secondary school students, sections on discipline in Rules and Regulations for VBS students and the meaning of following them. She pointed out that rules were always found in every corner of the society - classes, schools, families, and nations. Upholding the rules and regulations was the only way to protect the freedom and interest of our own, and was the corner stone to build our society with much more harmony.




With videos of 'the most beautiful figures' were played, Ms Wei taught students to form the correct asethetical perception. When behaving in a manner sticking to social norms and dressing promptly, students aligned themselves with the characteristics of 'the most beautiful figures'. The difference of world's view and values would result in variations in asethetics. One's beauty was not just about external attractiveness, inner beauty mattered as well.


通过才华横溢的武亦姝勇夺中国诗词大会冠军、美国 14岁华裔张丹枫勇夺青少年奥林匹克运动会击剑比赛冠军、诸康妮荣获21世纪全国中学生英语演讲比赛总决赛冠军的视频,魏主任告诉同学们学生时代的美是那种干净朴素的不加任何外在修饰的青春洋溢的单纯之美,心灵之美;是那种充满自信,课堂上清澈的眼中总闪烁着智慧之光的美;是那种为着自己的学业,为着自己的梦想而积极奋斗拼搏的美。真正的美不在于外表华丽的装扮,而在于由内而外的气质美,而气质是由我们的自信、努力、学力卓越、感恩、奉献、爱国、合作等优秀品质汇聚而成。


Looking at the biographic videos on various talents - Wu Yishu, champion of Chinese poems contest, Daniel Zhang, 14-year-old fencing champion in Youth Olympic Games and Zhu Kangni, champion of 21st Century national secondary school students English speaking competition, Ms Wei told the students that the beauty found on students was simple, without any exterior decorations. It was reflected through confidence, fighting for oneself's dreams, desire to consume knowledge, hardwork, academic excellence, gratefulness, patriotism, decication and teamwork. 




Students were deeply moved by all the protagonists in the videos and applauded.  



Character development started from imbuing with asethetics and following the rules. This lecture on moral education effectively instilled the correct outlook on life, values, asethetics, awareness of rules, self-discipline into students and enhanced their conceivability of the bigger picture.


文/图  燕子




Author/Photographer    Linda


Translated by DC Lai

【文明礼仪】胸怀壮阔 不负此生——VBS“规则与审美”主题教育活动成功举行

发布:万科双语学校 发布时间:2019-10-14




万双网讯  “有的人20岁已经死了,有的人70岁还在探索生命的可能,我希望VBS的少年用你们的严谨自律,青春之美、自信之美、才华之美点亮我们的校园,影响他人点亮他人感染他人,成为中国崛起的参与者、建设者,承担大国青年该有的责任与担当!”10月10日下午,发展中心魏言如副主任为全体初中学生做了“规则与审美”主题报告。


VBS News Net: Ms Wei Yanru, Vice-head of Development Centre delivered a lecture on aesthetics and following in the afternoon of 10th October, 'some may have terminated their spirits at 20s, but others are still exploring possibilities in their lives at 70s, I hope all of you could, as VBS students, to exercise self-discipline, to demonstrate the beauty of teenagers, confidence and talents to the school and to positively influence others. Moreover, to bear the responsibility and commitment of the youth from a great nation and play a key role towards the rise of China.'




Ms Wei went through the Regulations of primary and secondary school students, sections on discipline in Rules and Regulations for VBS students and the meaning of following them. She pointed out that rules were always found in every corner of the society - classes, schools, families, and nations. Upholding the rules and regulations was the only way to protect the freedom and interest of our own, and was the corner stone to build our society with much more harmony.




With videos of 'the most beautiful figures' were played, Ms Wei taught students to form the correct asethetical perception. When behaving in a manner sticking to social norms and dressing promptly, students aligned themselves with the characteristics of 'the most beautiful figures'. The difference of world's view and values would result in variations in asethetics. One's beauty was not just about external attractiveness, inner beauty mattered as well.


通过才华横溢的武亦姝勇夺中国诗词大会冠军、美国 14岁华裔张丹枫勇夺青少年奥林匹克运动会击剑比赛冠军、诸康妮荣获21世纪全国中学生英语演讲比赛总决赛冠军的视频,魏主任告诉同学们学生时代的美是那种干净朴素的不加任何外在修饰的青春洋溢的单纯之美,心灵之美;是那种充满自信,课堂上清澈的眼中总闪烁着智慧之光的美;是那种为着自己的学业,为着自己的梦想而积极奋斗拼搏的美。真正的美不在于外表华丽的装扮,而在于由内而外的气质美,而气质是由我们的自信、努力、学力卓越、感恩、奉献、爱国、合作等优秀品质汇聚而成。


Looking at the biographic videos on various talents - Wu Yishu, champion of Chinese poems contest, Daniel Zhang, 14-year-old fencing champion in Youth Olympic Games and Zhu Kangni, champion of 21st Century national secondary school students English speaking competition, Ms Wei told the students that the beauty found on students was simple, without any exterior decorations. It was reflected through confidence, fighting for oneself's dreams, desire to consume knowledge, hardwork, academic excellence, gratefulness, patriotism, decication and teamwork. 




Students were deeply moved by all the protagonists in the videos and applauded.  



Character development started from imbuing with asethetics and following the rules. This lecture on moral education effectively instilled the correct outlook on life, values, asethetics, awareness of rules, self-discipline into students and enhanced their conceivability of the bigger picture.


文/图  燕子




Author/Photographer    Linda


Translated by DC Lai



培养(成长)目标:培养(成为)身体健康、人格健全、学力卓越,具有家国情怀和国际视野, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民。




Vanke Bilingual School, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Educational Idea: Let our children experience the future.

Training objectives: our students will become citizen of China with good physical health, sound personality, excellent academic abilities, patriotism, international vision and the courage to create a better future.

Address: No.80 Huanan Road, Minzhi Sub-district, Longhua District, Shenzhen

Contact: 0755-66866333


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